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Can you find love with a first kiss? Kiss Bang Love features love-seeking singles silently and passionately kissing complete strangers – blindfolded.

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Kiss Bang Love is yet another reality dating show, a genre that seems to have spread across our screens lately like a dose of herpes at a 1970s key party. And surprisingly, it is rather sweet.

Based on a Danish format, this show is to romance as speed dating is to … well, to romance. Only more so.

Seven's <i>Kiss Bang Love</i> held some promise but a guarantee of ever lasting love? Probably not.

Seven's Kiss Bang Love held some promise but a guarantee of ever lasting love? Probably not. Photo: Courtesy of Seven Network

Framed as yet another "social experiment", and spruiked as Seven's latest "controversial" foray into the realm of social anthropology, it pits one person against 12 in a battle to see who will become Australia's Next Top Pasher. Or something like that.

It goes like this. One person braves halitosis and lip chafing to kiss 12 strangers while both kisser and kissee are blindfolded. The kisser then whittles the pool of potential mono carriers down to five. He or she then meets those five with blindfolds off, they kiss again, and the kisser picks their top two.

These two kissees then go on an all-day/all-night date with the kisser (separately, not together – this show isn't tacky, you know). Later, they each rock up to the airport with a carry-on bag and high hopes of being the one chosen to join old Loose Lips on a five-day holiday on Seven's dime. The poor bunny who isn't chosen gets the most public kiss-off in history.

Lisa Fewster (middle) getting spruiked - Ehem, spruced - for her kissing debut.

Lisa Fewster (middle) getting spruiked - Ehem, spruced - for her kissing debut. Photo: Seven

The star of Tuesday night's season premiere was 28-year-old hospitality worker Lisa Fewster, and she summed all this up rather beautifully. "It's an emotional rollercoaster – kissing someone, meeting them, kissing them again, then sending them on their merry way."

In fact, Lisa was a big part of the reason Kiss Bang Love was a lot less tacky than the premise suggested (a premise that had my wife, and a lot of other people I know, reeling in disgust long before it went to air). She came across as good-natured, open to experience, neither overly savvy nor ridiculously naive. So what if she was cramming a year's worth of nightclub pashes into a single afternoon? You might call that loose, but I prefer efficient.

And so what if she had an audience – not just of the million or so who tuned in, but of her sister and best friend, a peanut gallery of two who watched the snogathon via monitor from a neighbouring room (perhaps they were getting a vicarious thrill from all this; for married people, isn't kissing reserved for special occasions like birthdays and Christmas?).

Is a blindfold the new cupid?

Is a blindfold the new cupid? Photo: Seven

In the chambre du baiser*, a team of production assistants hustled and fussed. Lipstick and mascara was touched up (why? They can't see each other), blindfolds were tightened, Lisa positioned on a weird red oblong of carpet to await the next kissee.

"Kiss when ready," came the order, and kisser and kissee blindly groped their way towards each other until they clumsily made contact, bumping and readjusting their reciprocal orbits like a shuttle docking with the International Space Station.

Occasionally, a hand strayed to a breast then beat a hasty retreat. As they connected, the lights dimmed – again I say why? They are blindfolded, they cannot see – and they slurped and slopped their way through a kiss that occasionally seemed oddly pornographic. The all-night dates, by contrast, seemed positively tame.

It was either a cosmic coupling of chemistry or a clumsy collision of lips on <i>Kiss Bang Love.</i>

It was either a cosmic coupling of chemistry or a clumsy collision of lips on Kiss Bang Love. Photo: Seven

You can blame Tinder for the reduction of the rituals of courtship to a televisual swipe-right. You can blame online dating with its data-led mixing and matching. And for the preponderance of dating shows in general, you can probably blame the apparently widespread belief that if you're under 35, reasonably good looking, and don't have a criminal record, you have every right to be on television. No, damn it, you are OBLIGED to be on television.

At any rate, Lisa worked her way through a bunch of good-looking tradies – including dumped-at-the-airport sparkie-muso-magician Jaxon, who seemed a sweetie – before settling on Ryan. He was tall, blonde, square-jawed, strong-armed – and a tradie. He had a smile to die for and he'd never heard of Noosa.

But he had heard of Lisa. They already knew each other from the real world. He'd been slipped into the 12 by Lisa's sister and best mate. They knew Lisa and Ryan secretly fancied each other; this was their chance to make it happen.

Of course, that sleight of lip rather undermines the entire concept, and any vague (if spurious) claim the show might have to being some sort of "scientific experiment" to determine whether or not a first kiss can be the foundation stone of a lasting romantic relationship.

Then again, I'm not sure that's what anyone is really seeking from a show like this. A chance to be on television, maybe. A chance to hook up with someone photogenic, probably. A lark, a good story to share with the blokes at the pub or the girls at book group.

But a relationship? I don't think so. Anyone who thinks that is what Kiss Bang Love or any other dating show is really about is, I suspect, looking for love in all the wrong places.

*The Room of the Kissing

Kiss Bang Love is on Seven, Tuesdays at 8.45pm

Karl Quinn is on Facebook and on Twitter @karlkwin