AccueilPhenomena of Regional Integration: The cases of the European Union and MERCOSUL

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Publié le mercredi 30 mars 2016 par Céline Guilleux


The number 16 of Debater a Europa is now being prepared, to be released in the second semester of 2016, and its theme will be “ Phenomena of Regional Integration: The cases of the European Union and MERCOSUL”. It would therefore be relevant that the thematic dossier of this issue, coordinated by Isabel Maria Freitas Valente (CEIS20-UC) and Alessander Kerber (UFRGS, Brasil) would stimulate a set of reflections on the Phenomena of regional integration particularly in Europe and Latin America.



This is a journal ( linked to the Europe Direct Information Centre of Aveiro, to Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the Twentieth Century, University of Coimbra - CEIS20, in partnership with the Office of the European Parliament in Portugal and with the Representation of European Commission in Portugal.

Its number 16 is now being prepared, to be released in the second semester of 2016, and its theme will be " Phenomena of Regional Integration: The cases of the European Union and MERCOSUL ". It would therefore be relevant that the thematic dossier of this issue, coordinated by Isabel Maria Freitas Valente (CEIS20-UC) and Alessander Kerber (UFRGS, Brasil) would stimulate a set of reflections on the Phenomena of regional integration particularly in Europe and Latin America, focusing on aspects such as:

  1. Theory of Integration: Economic vs Policy
  2. Integration: speeches and power
  3. Integration in the cultural sphere
  4. Region and Regionalisms
  5. Forms. The Case of the European Union
  6. Forms. The Case of MERCOSUL
  7. Nationalism and integration

The journal Debating Europe therefore calls on the submission of papers, in the form of articles or book bibliography reviews that satisfy any of these topics.

Submission guidelines

Those interested in contributing should send by e-mail to 

until the 30th April 2016,

the indication of provisional work, an abstract of up to 500 words and a biographical note (including name, academic degree and institution where it was obtained, institutional affiliation and full address, telephone / fax, e-mail, and up to 5 recent publications). For articles, interested parties should also specify the respective topic line. The paper must be submitted by 25th May, 2016.

Contributions must be original and unpublished, and must not have been submitted for consideration for publication in other journals. The texts may be presented in Spanish, Portuguese, French and English, and processed in Microsoft Word format, Times New Roman, size 12, one space and half (with the exception of long quotations and footnotes, which should be in size 10, single space).

The papers should not exceed 35 pages (including spaces, footnotes and bibliography) and be accompanied by an abstract of up to 100 words and five key words in Portuguese and English.

The bibliography of references and quotations must obey the Portuguese Standard 405-1 (1994) and respective updates. Articles that do not meet the requirements will not be accepted.


Reference to a book: Winock, Michel - The Century of Intellectuals. 1st ed. Lisbon: Terramar, 2000. 747 p. ISBN 972-710-280-8.

Reference to a book by many authors: MERRILLS, J. G.; ROBERTSON, A. H. - Human Rights in Europe: a study of the European Convention on Human Rights. Lisbon: Instituto Piaget, 2003. 381 p. ISBN 972-771-679-2.

Citation of a work cited earlier: Winock, Michel - The Century ..., p.72-74. Or Idem, ibid. 72-74.

Reference to an article / chapter in a collective work: FERNANDEZ SUAREZ, Luis - Portugal y Castilla-León: the destinies together. In GÓMEZ TOWER, Hipolito de la - España y Portugal. Siglos IX-XX: Historical Experiences. Madrid: Editorial Sintesis, 1998. ISBN 84-7738-616-1. p. 23-46.

Reference to a journal article / paper:

DOWTY, Alan - The Past and Future of Israel. Studies of the Twentieth Century. Coimbra: IUC. ISSN 1645-3530. No. 8 (2008) p. 27-40.

Quote of the electronic document:

Journal article: Torgal, Luís Reis - The University between Tradition and Modernity. Intellectus Magazine [online]. Vol I. (2008). [Consult. August 27, 2010]. Available at WWW: <URL:>. ISSN 1676-7640.

Book: Machiavelli, Niccolò - The Prince. [Online]. Trad. W. K. Marriott, ed. Randy Dillon. Texas: Veroglyphic Publishing, 2009. [Consult. August 27, 2010]. Available at WWW: <URL:>. ISBN 1442131195.


  • 30 April 2016 – deadline for expressions of interest in collaborating

  • 8 May 2016 – communication of acceptance of papers;
  • 25 May 2016 – deadline for delivery of papers;
  • December 2016 – online edition of the journal.

Scientific Committee

  • Alexis Vahlas – Sciences Po de Strasbourg
  • Ana Cláudia Campina – Universidad de Salamanca / Universidade Portucalense / EPA
  • Adriano Moreira – Academia das Ciências / Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
  • Alexandra Aragão – Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra
  • António Costa Pinto – Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa
  • Ariane Landuyt – Università degli studi di Siena
  • Carlos Eduardo Pacheco do Amaral – Universidade dos Açores
  • Catarina Frade – Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra
  • Danielle Perrot – Université des Antilles François Taulelle – Université de Toulouse
  • Gemma Rubi – Universidade Autónoma de Barcelona
  • Georges Contogeorgis – Panteion University, Athens Guilliana Laschi – Università di Bologna
  • Isabel Maria Freitas Valente – Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares do Século XX da Universidade de Coimbra – CEIS20 / Team Europe da Comissão Europeia
  • Ioan Horga – Universitatea din Oradea
  • João Rui Pita – Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Coimbra
  • Jorge de Almeida Castro – AEVA / Universidade Lusíada
  • Luís Lobo-Fernandes – Universidade do Minho
  • Manuel Lopes Porto – Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra
  • Maria Manuela Tavares Ribeiro – Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra
  • Matthieu Trouvé – Science Po Bordeaux Maurice Vaisse – Univeristé Science Po, Paris
  • Paul Alliès – Université Montpellier 1 Raphaela Averkorn – Universidade de Siegen, Alemanha
  • Stefan Bielinski – Uniwersytetu Pedagogiczny, Krakowie, Polónia
  • Thibault Courcelle – Université de Toulouse Yuriy Pochta – Universidade russa de amizade dos povos



  • samedi 30 avril 2016


  • regional integration, European union, Mercosul


  • Isabel Valente
    courriel : debatereuropa [at] gmail [dot] com

Source de l'information

  • Isabel Valente
    courriel : debatereuropa [at] gmail [dot] com

Pour citer cette annonce

« Phenomena of Regional Integration: The cases of the European Union and MERCOSUL », Appel à contribution, Calenda, Publié le mercredi 30 mars 2016,