
Kathy Kelly: At Every Door

I come and stand at every door But none shall hear my silent tread I knock and yet remain unseen”                             -Nazim Hikmet On July 18, 2017, at a U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing focused on “The Four Famines: Root Causes and a Multilateral Action Plan,” Republican Senator Todd Young, a former Marine, asked Read more…

Kathy Kelly: What Does War Generate?

War profiteers and self-marketing politicians have no interest in helping U.S. people understand that war itself is a tyrant

Kathy Kelly: “Would you like a drink of water?”

This week, in New York City, representatives from more than100 countries will begin collaborating on an international treaty, first proposed in 2016, to ban nuclear weapons forever. It makes sense for every country in the world to seek a legally binding ban on nuclear weapons. It would make even more sense to immediately deactivate all Read more…

Kathy Kelly: Feed the Hungry, Treat the Sick: A Crucial Training

We should, individually and collectively, do all that we can to prohibit U.S. supported Saudi-led coalition onslaughts against Yemeni civilians

Kathy Kelly: In Yemen, Shocked to His Bones

Time is on no-one’s side as regards the crisis in Yemen

Kathy Kelly: The Shame of Killing Innocent People

Congress could put an end to U.S. complicity in the crimes against humanity being committed by military forces in Yemen

Kathy Kelly: Angry, Desperate, Rejected

We cannot look the other way as military and economic warfare destroys lives, communities and cultures

Kathy Kelly: Reality and the U.S.-Made Famine in Yemen

We must ground ourselves in reality and in solidarity with the greater part of the world’s people

Kathy Kelly: Replanting

Our shared future requires faith that whatever lays ahead, small gestures undertaken now – a folded message, a careful planting – are not lost

Kathy Kelly: Possibility of Escape

During my four stints in U.S. federal prisons, I’ve witnessed long-term inmates’ unconquerably humane response when a newcomer arrives

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