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Recent ZNet

All current posts, newest to older. Use the left most menu entry up above to see more and for further control over options.

Debate: A postcapitalism worth striving for

Intermittent 500 word contributions by Michael Albert and Yanis Varoufakis. A ZNet document includes all entries to date, as does a Meta document.

Most Recent

7. Albert: Post Capitalism’s Components

6. Varoufakis: Five Conditions for a Democratic Workplace

5. Albert: Your Freedom Is a Condition for My Freedom and Vice Versa

Recent Audio/Videos
Recent Selected For Activists

A Selection of articles culled for activist purposes.

Gong: We Need Mass Organization
Macleay: Taking Over Oakland School
Grossman: Banning Nuclear Weapons
Buer: Fired up rail workers 
Dąbrowiecki: Collective Housing
Herschander: Panama’s protests
Cox: Kansas Trusted Women
Helvarg: Climate Bill and Oceans
Falk: Donation Politics
Phillips: “Insulin Socialism”?
Chomsky: Fears of China’s Rise
Lawrence: Language and Its Enemies
Herschander: California farmworkers 
Brown: Auto Workers Turn a Corner
White: : Climate deal with the devil
Swanson: Hiroshima and Us
Kassa: Maasai Women Resist
Amorim: : Lula’s Comeback Campaign
Bennis:  Killing Ayman al Zawahiri 
McConnell: Roe? Demand much more
Davis: On Death, Organizing...
McDaniel: Disrupt
Milman: GenZ Activists Rise
Johnson: Indigenous-Led Blockade
Kagarlitsky: Putin’s domestic crisis
Adler: New Constitutions
Solnit: Humanity can’t equivocate 
Johnson: Handouts in Manchin Deal 
Griffith: Decriminalize abortion
Herschander:  ‘Cop City’  resistance
Hill: U.S. constitutional convention
Chomsky: Free Ourselves
Johnson: Big Oil Has Sabotage 
Molloy: Meet the union leaders 
Bradbury: Every Boss Weak Spot
Ghosh: Perfect Storm of Unrest
Conley: Mich. Students Walk Out
Bradbury: Abortion Rights Union 
Kerzinski: Domestic work contracts
Albert: Sabotage: Why, When, How 
Sanders: Existential threat
Conley: Occupy Schools Worldwide
Conley: Mich Students Walk Out 
Meehan: Cancel Culture
Bradbury: Abortion Is a Union Issue
Walicek: Organizers win for tenants
Albert: : Shoot the Looters to Kill?
Ghosh: Global Debt Crisis
Ismailov: Workers in Russia
Pilger: Assange
Wilkins: Congressional Staffers
Bilious: Ukrainian Socialist Resists
Schuhrke: Railroad National Strike
Minus: New Union Activism
Oh: At Least There’s Joni Mitchell
Kolhatkar:Trader Joe’s Workers 
Elbaum: MAGA All In. Are We?
Fleming: ‘Labour Upsurge’ 
Brown: Nonprofits Need Unions
First-Arai: Climate and Labor
Giroux: Nazification of Education
Canniff: Educators Win  Strike
Walker: Sirport workers’ fight 
Chomsky: U.S. Nonresponse 
Purkayastha: Greed and Profits 
Weisbrot: Preventing starvation
Singh: Ghana’s unions 
Hearse: Kurds betrayed
Lopez: Politics of the Commons
Clark: Students Winning
Chomsky: US-UK ‘special relationship’
Monbiot: “Morons”
Benjamin: AMLO Against US’s Grip
Al Jazeera: Protests in Panama
Hartmann: What Will You Do 
Waterson: Climate Protesters 
Shalom: Ukraine & Peace Movement
Bricmont: End War in Ukraine?
Omar: Voting Isn’t Enough
Marcetic: Richer and Whiter
McKibben: Action on Climate 
Stanvil: Collective Action or Suicide
Lawrence: Corporate Killing Planet
Wilkins: Fetterman Communicator 
Lyderson: Nurses “Moral Injury”
Albert: Clarifying the “Edges” 
Shiva: Economies of Care
Early: Democratic Primary
Nader: Students and Power
Hill: “Representation for all” 
Susskind: Post-Roe Strategy
LaForge: Paying Attention 
Parrott: Closures Are Retaliation
Nolan:  Breaking the Bargain
Funk: Tale of Two Constitutions 
Darrah: We Need Public Housing.
Chomsky: Biden’s Trip 
Wilkins: Systemic Reform’ Needed 
Harris: Pink Tide Surges
Bradbury: Direct Action 
Herschander: Indigenous protesters 
Nussbaum: Unions 
Sanders: Despair is not an option
Gurtov: Water, no longer everywhere
Monbiot: Willing the End
Chomsky: Existential Threats
Thier: Federal Reserve’s Class War
Ghoshal: Band of activists Sri Lanka
Sankey: Latin America’s Second Wave 
Gindin: Spontaneity Isn’t Enough
Feminist Manifesto: The right to resist
Johnson: This Is People Power
Kelly: No Starvation for Oil
Fassler: Build Power Regionally
Nohales: Chile’s New Constitution 
Reich: why may Democrats lose this?
Risen: Anti-Abortion Zealots 
Queally: Major Arctic Drilling 
Chakraborty: Stagflation and Hunger 
Wolff: Declare independence
Bryant: Community Schools 
Junyent: An Imprisoned Writer Speaks
McNeill: A Baltimore Neighborhood 
Corbett: Ottawa Non-Proliferation
Nolan: Radical Is Now Rational
CDS: Sri Lankan Protesters 
Aviles: Collective construction 
Kelly: Cultivate Hope, not Harm
Falk: European Call  Ukraine War
Hershander: ‘We’re here to stay’
Daria: Mexican Berry Pickers
Marquina: Workers Bypass Blockade
Hershander: Protest at justices homes
Pepper: Third Graders 
Newman: Chile’s new constitution 
Chomsky: US Militarism
Carrazana: Women taking over labor
Morrison: Rebuilding Working Base 
Jain: Care Workers of Rural India 
Hembury: Summer of ‘22: Strike!
Tapia: Resistance in Ecuador
Solnit: Feminism Hasn’t Failed
Mazza: Start over
Lindorff: Opposition Party 
Vachon: Progressive Candidates Wins
McKibben: Be the Backlash
Ross: Restore Abortion Rights
DiMaggio: A New Sense of Possibility
Marquina: Workers Take Control 
Cohn: SCOTUS EPA Ruling 
Johnson: Court Carbon Bomb 
Wolfe: Gustavo Petro’s Historic Victory
Huff: Faculty win 
Chomsky: We are an Extreme Outlier 
Klein: Judicial Coup
Herschander: Creative protests
Meyer: New York DSA 
Mayall: Non-Police Alternatives
Corn: Lessons From Right’s Crusade 
Swanson: NATO & Russia Aim to Fail
Rubia: Growing hope for humanity
Ahn: Feminist Response to RIMPAC
Brooks: Rethinking Organizing Rules
Ellner: Jailed for  Criminal Behavior?

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