AccueilCuba and Africa

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Publié le lundi 02 mai 2016 par Céline Guilleux


The University of Cape Town and the French Institute of South Africa are convening an international conference on the links established between Cuba and several African countries in the 20th century. Military and medical engagements, training and cultural cooperation: the objective of this first meeting is to start measuring the scale of a multifaceted Cuban engagement in Africa. Gathering scholars from three continents and open to the public, the conference will take place at the Institute for Humanties in Africa (HUMA), based at the University of Cape Town, on May the 23rd and the 24th.



The University of Cape Town and the French Institute of South Africa are convening an international conference on the links established between Cuba and several African countries in the 20th century. Military and medical engagements, training and cultural cooperation: the objective of this first meeting is to start measuring the scale of a multifaceted Cuban engagement in Africa. Gathering scholars from three continents and open to the public, the conference will take place at the Institute for Humanties in Africa (HUMA), based at the University of Cape Town, on May the 23rd and the 24th.

Provisional Programme

Monday 23 May

  • 09.30 – 10.00 Welcome
  • 10.00 – 10.30 Introduction and Notes Adrien DELMAS (IFAS), Giulia BONACCI (IRD, URMIS) and Shamil JEPPIE (University of Cape Town)

10.30 – 12.00  Panel 1: Contours of a Cuban Pan-Africanism I

  • Marcos Antonio DA SILVA (Universidad Federal da Grande Dourados), La Revolución Cubana y África: del internacionalismo proletario a la diplomacia social
  • José Luis MARTÍN ROMERO (Universidad de La Habana), Health Cuban Collaboration in Africa. The experience of Health National School of Cuba and the Impact of Solidarity in the Formation of its Staff Culture of Work
  • Agustín LAÓ MONTES (University of Massachusetts), Diverse Discourses and Politics of Pan-Africanism: Comparing Cuba, Brazil, and Venezuela

12.00 – 13.30 Lunch

13.30 – 15.00 Panel 2: Imagining and Experiencing Africa I

  • Karo MORET MIRANDA (Universidad Pompeu Fabra), Ecué Yamba Ó, hermeneutical Juego by Alejo Carpentier
  • Marzia MILAZZO (Rhodes University, Vanderbilt University), Disappearing Blackness: Transculturation and Fernando Ortiz’s Por la integración cubana de blancos y negros (For a Cuban Integration of Whites and Blacks)
  • Kali ARGYRIADIS (IRD, URMIS), Cubanos en Nigeria, nigerianos en Cuba: los actores políticos, científicos y religiosos de la construcción de una filiación

15.00 – 15.15 Coffee break

15.15 – 16.45 Panel 3: Imagining and Experiencing Africa II

  • João Felipe GONÇALVES (Universidade de São Paulo) Across the Straits and the Ocean: Cuban-American Connections with Africa
  • Emma GOBIN (Université Paris VIII) Between a Renewed Cuban Africanism and a Nigerian Panafricanism: Reflections on Contemporary Religious Collaborations
  • Nahayeilli B. JUÁREZ HUET (CIESAS, México) From 'Negro Brujo' to Cultural Patrimony: Transnational Circulation of the 'Orisha Tradition' between Nigeria and Cuba

16.45 – 17.45  Itinerary

  • Pablo RODRÍGUEZ RUIZ (Instituto Cubano de Antropología) Hacer antropología en un contexto de conflicto armado. La experiencia de la investigación multidisciplinaria acerca de la cuestión nacional en Angola 

Tuesday 24 May

09.00 – 10.30 Panel 4: Contours of a Cuban Pan-Africanism II

  • Emmanuel ALCARAZ (Université Paris X) The Relations between Algiers and Cuba (1962-1965) at the Origins of Cuban Pan-Africanism
  • Bernardo J.C. ANDRE & Héloïse KIRIAKOU (Paris IV Sorbonne, Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, IMAF) “The Cuban Internationalism” to serve the “Brothers” parties
  • Adrien DELMAS (IFAS) Cuba against Apartheid

10.30 – 10.45  Coffee break

10.45 – 12.15  Panel 5: Contours of a Cuban Pan-Africanism III

  • Michel LUNTUMBUE (GRIP, Bruxelles) Congo-Kinshasa, first meeting point of Cuban influence in Africa
  • Delmas TSAFACK (University of Dschang) The Cuban Presence in Equatorial Guinea from 1969 to Today: Motivations and Legacies
  • Yonas ASHINE (Makerere University) Friendship Square and Cuba Camp in Addis Ababa. Narrating the Ethio-Cuba Relations in the Age of Two Successive Developmentalisms in Ethiopia

12.15 – 13.45  Lunch

13.45 – 14.45 Panel 6: Afro-Cuban Rhythms and Exchanges

  • Charlotte GRABLI (EHESS) Atlantic Dialogues: Sound Correspondences and the Congolese Recreation of Afro-Cuban Music
  • Elina DJEBBARI (King’s College) Cold War and Cultural Policies: Musical Exchanges between Cuba and West Africa, 1960s-1970s

14.45 – 15.00 Coffee break

15.00 – 16.30  Concluding Remarks and Open Debate

  • Giulia BONACCI,
  • Shamil JEPPIE,
  • Adrien DELMAS

Scientific Committee

  • Kali Argyriadis (URMIS, IRD) ;
  • Belete Bezuneh Yehun (Addis Ababa University) ;
  • Giulia Bonacci (URMIS, IRD) ;
  • Adrien Delmas (IFAS) ;
  • Piero Gleijeses  (John Hopkins University) ;
  • Shamil Jeppie (HUMA, University of Cape Town) ;
  • Antonio Tomás (Stellenbosh University) ;
  • Pablo Rodriguez Ruiz (Istituto Cubano de Antropologia)


  • URMIS (Unité de recherche Migrations et Société, UMR205)
  • IFAS Institut français d’Afrique du Sud (UMIFRE 25, USR 3336)


  • The Institute for Humanities in Africa (HUMA) - Université de Cape Town
    Le Cap, Afrique du Sud


  • lundi 23 mai 2016
  • mardi 24 mai 2016

Fichiers attachés


  • Cuba, Afrique, engagement


  • Camille Forite
    courriel : comm [dot] research [at] ifas [dot] org [dot] za

URLS de référence

Source de l'information

  • Camille Forite
    courriel : comm [dot] research [at] ifas [dot] org [dot] za

Pour citer cette annonce

« Cuba and Africa », Colloque, Calenda, Publié le lundi 02 mai 2016,