Comment & Analysis


Labor's attack muted by super changes

Malcolm Maiden.

Malcolm Maiden 12:15 AM   Scott Morrison didn't balance the budget, but he outlined a path to it that is marketable.

Has the Reserve Bank cut interest rates too much?

Elizabeth Knight.

Elizabeth Knight 3:52 PM   Does Glenn Stevens have nightmares about Australia falling into a longer term deflationary rut like Japan?

ANZ shareholders pay the price

Elizabeth Knight.

Elizabeth Knight   ANZ shareholders will pay the price for a number of  imprudent loans that resulted in the bank's profits falling in the half year and dividends being slashed by 7 per cent.

Comments 11


RBA's big budget day hint

Michael Pascoe

Michael Pascoe   Reading between the lines, the RBA is saying the outlook has deteriorated on the Coalition's watch and there's no sign of the government making a difference with fiscal policy.

Big W, big problem

Elizabeth Knight.

Elizabeth Knight   With its lower price strategy failing to win over grocery shoppers, Woolworths is under even more pressure to sort out Big W.

Comments 13

Read Craig Wright's bitcoin pitch to Aussie investors

Australian computer entrepreneur Steven Craig Wright now claims to have founded Bitcoin.

John McDuling   The pitch deck used by the mysterious bitcoin mastermind to entice Sydney VCs into investing makes for fascinating reading.

CBA showed need for royal commission


Mark Bishop   Comment: The terrible stories from victims and echoes to other scandals leave only one course.

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Customers pay for Westpac's big bad loans

Elizabeth Knight.

Elizabeth Knight   Corporate loans are failing but they're not the ones paying the price.


Why is the technology industry so terrified of tax?

Google's official corporate motto is "Don't Be Evil".

John McDuling   The tech industry may be seen as Australia's post mining boom saviour, but that still leaves plenty to be worried about.

Elizabeth Knight

Westpac robbed of record profit

Elizabeth Knight.

Elizabeth Knight   Four major companies have robbed Westpac of the opportunity to declare a record profit.

Michael Pascoe

Subs could sink ScoMo's credibility

Michael Pascoe

Michael Pascoe   If his performances over the past few days are an omen, Scott Morrison's budget show tomorrow night promises to be a dud.

Comments 63

What not to believe in the budget

Ross Gittins

Ross Gittins   Expect plenty of crying poor and other nonsense in the budget.

Comments 105

Apple's iPhone challenge

Apple earnings are down for the first time in 13 years.

James Titcomb   With iPhone sales falling for the first time, the tech firm needs a game-changing new device

Problems aren't fixed with money alone

Adele Ferguson

Adele Ferguson   When it comes to protections for consumers, the Turnbull Government has decided to kick some pressing issues years down the road.

Comments 5

Fertile ground for mudslinging fest

Michael West

Michael West   There are no cleanskins in this showdown between ANZ and the Oswals.

Comments 2

Australia needs some scary ideas

Harold Mitchell.

Harold Mitchell   One in 10 taxpayers get the benefits of negative gearing, nine in 10 miss out. It's plainly being used by those who have plenty of cash.

Comments 30

Ross Gittins

Future bright for young workers

Ross Gittins

Ross Gittins   A lot of people are convinced it's just going to get worse and worse for workers in coming years.

Comments 63

If Carl Icahn is worried about China, should we be too?

Carl Icahn started to sell out of Apple earlier this year  on concerns that the smartphone market is becoming saturated.

Philip Wen   Billionaire activist investor Carl Icahn has sold his entire stake in Apple on the back of concerns over China's economy and the risk of the country's influence on the stock. If he's worried, should we be too?

Comments 7

The not-so-cool side of Twitter

Michael West

Michael West   Twitter, like other multinationals, is hiding its tax affairs.

US reaches Down Under to get Bonds

Elizabeth Knight.

Elizabeth Knight   The passing of Pacific Brands' iconic Aussie brands to US hands will disappoint many. It shouldn't.

Comments 20

Scene set for an RBA v ScoMo showdown

Michael Pascoe

Michael Pascoe   If the tipsters are right, Malcolm Turnbull's double dissolution ambition has set up a showdown between the Reserve Bank and Treasurer Scott Morrison.

Clacy Yeates

Too much fuss over our AAA rating

Clancy Yeates

Clancy Yeates   It suits politicians and the media to exaggerate the importance of our top-notch credit rating.

Comments 8

Don't give up on Apple yet

Apple earnings are down for the first time in 13 years.

John McDuling   The iPhone boom may be over - but never underestimate Apple and its gigantic war chest to find the next big thing.

Comments 9

Liz Knight

Goodbye to Helou as Murray Goulburn overmilks it

Out the door: Outgoing Murray Goulburn managing director Gary Helou.

Elizabeth Knight   The crisis which has beset Australia's largest dairy processing company Murray Goulburn was laid bare on Wednesday.

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Brown coal: counting the cost of burning mud

Michael Pascoe

Michael Pascoe   We're burning more coal, producing more carbon emissions, to produce gas which will produce less carbon than coal-fired generators when it reaches its foreign destinations.

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Tweaks won't cure life insurers

Adele Ferguson

Adele Ferguson   The system is so stacked with problems, sweeping change is needed.

Comments 11


Saudi Arabia weaning itself off oil

Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, meeting here with US Secretary of State John Kerry, has amassed immense ...

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard   Saudi Arabia has vowed to end its reliance on the commodity in an attempt to avoid economic doom.

Schoolboy debating fails nation

Michael Pascoe

Michael Pascoe   Negative gearing warrants some serious consideration; in fact that's already been done.

Primary must work on a Plan B

Elizabeth Knight.

Elizabeth Knight   Health company's chief executive placed squarely in frame at Senate bribery hearing.

Comments 2


Why you should care about US tech earnings this week

A big week for tech stocks has impacts for the burgeoning local tech sector.

John McDuling   The titans of the US technology industry are reporting their quarterly results again and so far they've been, well, terrible.