The Peach Truck

Success Story

Mouth-watering campaign bears fruit

The traveling Georgia peach purveyor uses color-drenched Facebook link ads and boosted posts to reach more peach lovers, doubling both in-person and online sales year over year across the US.
  • 2.3X growth in sales year over year
  • over 50% of tour customers were acquired via Facebook
  • 40X return on ad spend

Their Story

A taste of Georgia

With a mission to bring its tree-fresh produce to as many people as possible, The Peach Truck sells Georgia peaches at summer pop-up events across the Southern states, and offers gift boxes online to deliver juicy-sweet goodness to customers’ doorsteps.

Their Goal

Reaching fresh faces

The Peach Truck wanted to promote its 2015 Freestone Tour to create on-site momentum in new US communities and increase in-person and online sales of its Georgia peach gift boxes.
To see 300 people standing in line in a parking lot waiting for our peaches in a town we had never been to before was unbelievable. Facebook was the reason those people came out. They learned about us from this incredible platform, and we can’t imagine a better way to interact with current and potential customers.
Stephen Rose, CEO, The Peach Truck Freestone Tour

Their Solution

Peachy keen creative

To get the word out about the 2015 Peach Truck Freestone Tour, CEO Stephen Rose and his team created a series of boosted posts and link ads for Facebook.

Good enough to eat

To capture the fresh appeal of its product, the company developed color-saturated creative featuring lifestyle photos of people enjoying peaches. Accompanying text touted the peaches’ juiciness, and included pricing information plus a link to the full tour schedule.

Georgia on my mind

To create interest and build audience rapport in new tour destinations, Rose targeted the ads to women age 18+ living within a 25-mile radius of each of the 108 tour stops, whose interests include local produce, cooking and gardening, and who shop at Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s. Beginning a week before arrival, the ads ran 24 hours a day in people’s desktop and mobile News Feeds to reach the largest audience possible.

Growing its audience

For its growing online gift box service, the Peach Truck developed a lookalike audience based on an email list of existing customers. This created a precise focus audience for a series of link ads inviting people to buy “hand picked, farm to table Georgia Peaches,” with a Shop Now button that linked to the brand’s retail landing page.

Their Success

A rosy future

The Peach Truck team is tickled pink with the runaway success of its Freestone Tour Facebook campaign, which attracted fully half of its summer 2015 customers and doubled the brand’s sales over the previous year.
Compared to the previous year, the June–July 2015 Freestone Tour campaign achieved:
  • 2.3X growth in online/in-store sales year over year
  • Over 50% of tour customers were acquired via Facebook
  • 40X return on ad spend

Keys to Success

Use attractive, high-resolution photos

Bring customers through the door with irresistible product photos that show a behind-the-scenes peek at your products/services.

Experiment with targeting

Try different targeting features, such as location, demographics and interests targeting to reach the people you want. You can also upload a customer list using Custom Audiences or build a lookalike audience to reach the customers who matter most to your business.

Boost engaging content from your Page

Boosting posts is an effective and inexpensive way to get more exposure for your content. Promote special events, offers and news. You can even share your posts with new audiences through targeting.
We see Facebook as the number one advertising platform in the world. It’s vital to our future success. To be able to directly reach potential customers and current customers on their phones and computers...we can’t imagine a more powerful way to communicate with people.
Stephen Rose, CEO, The Peach Truck Freestone Tour