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Women,Makeup And The 21st Century

I had been reading an article at Drishti yesterday,which was all about the history and acceptance of Lipstick.This was just the spark I had been searching for over so many days.It is not that this inspired me to make this post but definitely…

Sign This Petition To Help Greece Fight Against Inhumanity!

I received an e-mail from War on Want today and just when I read 'Greece',thoughts about economy,austerity,World Bank,IMF and inhumanity sprang up at once in my mind.Greece is being subjected to an enormous amount of debt that is next to impossible…

Fundamentalism : How Does It Help? (1)

Post written as a tribute to Late Abhijit Roy and Late Washiqur Rahman,both of whom where atheist bloggers. And the list continues! If fundamentalists are to be blamed,even more intensely should they be blamed who supply them with ammunition.So,if…

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