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Anarchism for Artists

I’ve written a long piece on how comic books (and all arts) would thrive in an anarchist system, out on Forbidden Planet blog (a comic book store) and featuring our Parecomic book with Michael Albert and Noam Chomsky. Michael also contributed…

Parecomic graphic novel moving on

THe PARECOMIC graphic novel about Michael Albert and Parecon ideas, with the Chomsky intro, is out and about now. Please check it out and get a copy yourself. Here are some reviews and opinions the book has got already: "As a primer on the…


Activism in Tokyo tokyospring.blogspot.jp  (jap/eng) please take a look thanks

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Its noted on Znet already, but i thought I should make notice of it here too. Our upcoming book PARECOMIC, please support it if you can:'Parecomic: Michael Albert and the Story of Participatory Economics'…

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Chiba-ken, Japan

Founded: 3rd Jun 2014


Chiba-ken, Japan

Founded: 18th Jun 2012


Tokyo-to, Japan

Founded: 15th Jun 2012


Kanagawa-ken, Japan

Founded: 15th Jun 2012

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