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Tri-Valley CAREs in Action

This professional mini-documentary celebrates Tri-Valley CAREs' 30 years of creating peace, justice, and a healthier environment.

Tri-Valley CAREs Blog

30th Anniversary of Chernobyl Disaster, Reminds us of Ongoing Risk

Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Posted by Marylia Kelley

Amy Goodman interviewed Tri-Valley CAREs Executive Director, Marylia Kelley on her show, Democracy Now! about the pollution in Livermore. She specifically referred to the new report titled "Trillion Dollar Trainwreck: Out-of-control U.S. nuclear weapons programs accelerate spending, proliferation, health and safety risks" which Kelley co-authored.

Click here to read the transcript of the interview.

Click here to read more about US nuclear waste and cleanup at US nuclear sites in the new report "Trillion Dollar Trainwreck: Out-of-control U.S. nuclear weapons programs accelerate spending, proliferation, health and safety risks."

Tri-Valley CAREs in DC 2016!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Posted by Scott Yundt

Tri-Valley CAREs 2016 DC Days Delegation with California Senator Dianne Feinstein (R to L - Vecky Elliot, Scott Yundt, Senator Feinstein, Marylia Kelley, Julie Kantor)

Tri-Valley CAREs Executive Director Marylia Kelley giving an award to California Sentator Dianne Feinstein for her work to stop the Long Range Stand-Off nuclear weapon at the 2016 Alliance for Nuclear Accountability DC Days.

"TRILLION DOLLAR TRAINWRECK" - This new report was co-authored by Tri-Valley CAREs Executive Director, Marylia Kelley, and several other experts from the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability (ANA) in prepartion for "DC Days," ANA's annual lobbying week. We distributed the report widely to Members of Congress and administration officials.

Citizen's Watch Newsletter Spring 2016

Wednesday, April 19, 2016
Posted by Marylia Kelley

Download the PDF

The Winter 2016 edition of Tri-Valley CAREs' newsletter, Citizen's Watch, is now ready for you to enjoy. Inside you will find:

  • Citizen's Watch Newsletter Winter 2016

    • Nuclear Warheads - In the Budget & the Labs Page 1

    • Our Director - On Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman Page 2

    • Lawsuit Progress - #NuclearZero case heard in International Court Page 2

    • Save the Date - August 9th in Livermore Page 2

    • New Report - Trillion $ Trainwreck Page 3

    • Alerts for You - Upcoming Events Page 3

    • Hazardous Waste - Public Hearing in Tracy - April 27th Page 4

    • DC Days - Speaking Truth to Power in Washington Insert

    • Tri-Valley CAREs on Democracy Now!

      Wednesday, April 13, 2016
      Posted by Scott Yundt

      Amy Goodman interviewed Tri-Valley CAREs Executive Director Marylia Kelley on her show, Democracy Now!, today. Marylia shared information about the $1 trillion dollars the U.S. is planning to spend on its nuclear weapons over the next 30 years. She specifically referred to the new report titled "Trillion Dollar Trainwreck: Out-of-control U.S. nuclear weapons programs accelerate spending, proliferation, health and safety risks" which Kelley co-authored.

      Click here to read the transcript of the interview.

      Click here to read the new report "Trillion Dollar Trainwreck: Out-of-control U.S. nuclear weapons programs accelerate spending, proliferation, health and safety risks."

    New Report: Trillion $ Trainwreck

    Wednesday, April 13, 2016
    Posted by Marylia Kelley

    The nuclear weapons "TRILLION DOLLAR TRAINWRECK" is here. This new report was co-authored by Tri-Valley CAREs Executive Director, Marylia Kelley, and several other experts from the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability (ANA) in prepartion for "DC Days," ANA's annual lobbying week. We will be distributing the report widely to Members of Congress and administration officials.

    Click here for the report; Click here to help your Tri-Valley CAREs team take the report's recommendations to Capitol Hill; work with us throughout the year to prevent these destabilizing new weapons programs and shift the money to cleaning up the mess from past nuclear weapons activities.

    Click here for more...

    Updated Chart of Nuclear Spending vs. Arsenal Size

    Tuesday, April 12, 2016
    Posted by Robert Civiak

    Click here to download the chart showing the massive increase in U.S. spending for nuclear warheads, despite a shrinking arsenal. We will be using it in meetings in Washington, DC next week...

    Click here for additional commentary on this chart from the Ploughshares Fund.

Fiscal Year 2017 Livermore Lab Budget Request - $1 Billion on Nukes

Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Posted by Scott Yundt

The DOE NNSA released the Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Request to Congress. For Livermore Lab, Nuclear Weapons Activities still dominate the budget, increasing to over 86%. The Lab's overall budget request is up 6% to $1.239 billion, over a billion of which is for Nuclear Weapons Activities. Click on the pie chart to see more...

Click here to download the pie chart...

Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Request for Nuclear Weapons Programs - Blog #1

Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Posted by Marylia Kelley

President's Budget Drives Stake into the Heart of Plutonium Mixed Oxide (MOX) Fuel Plant; Project Terminated

The Mixed-Oxide Fuel Facility (MOX), at the DOE's Savannah River Site in South Carolina, has been a boondoggle of epic proportions. Tri-Valley CAREs and other groups have long opposed it as a dangerous and wasteful approach to surplus plutonium disposition, for which cheaper and safer alternatives exist.

Click here for more...

Click here for the White House Office of Management and Budget FY2017 Dep't of Energy Budget Overview

Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Request for Nuclear Weapons Programs - Blog #2

Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Posted by Marylia Kelley

President’s Budget Accelerates Dismantlement of Retired Nuclear Weapons

Here, too, we a piece of good news to report. The Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 budget request accelerates the schedule for dismantlement of retired U.S. nuclear weapons by 20%.

The Department of Energy (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration Congressional Budget Request (Volume 1, page 8) highlights the “goal” of dismantling warheads retired from the U.S. stockpile before 2009 by 2021. Given the snail’s pace by which retired nuclear weapons are being disassembled, this is a modest goal for certain. Plus, on page 75 of the same document, the target date for taking apart warheads retired before 2009 is listed as “the end of 2022,” a full year later (a DOE typo?).

Click here for more...

Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Request for Nuclear Weapons Programs - Blog #3

Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Posted by Marylia Kelley

Budget Favors Provocative New Warhead Development

The DOE budget request for nuclear weapons activities reveals the policy direction that President Obama wants to hand over to his successor. And, that trajectory is not merely in conflict with Obama’s 2009 “Prague speech” pledging leadership toward a world free of nuclear weapons. It’s an outright repudiation. Instead, it increases spending to “improve” nuclear war-fighting capabilities.

Make no mistake. The FY 2017 budget request is a down payment on $1 trillion in upgrades to U.S. nuclear weapons over the next thirty years. While much of that spending will be in the Pentagon for new subs and planes its driving force is found in the DOE budget request, which contains the funding for the new U.S. nuclear bombs and bomb plants.

Click here for more...

Questions on the Dep't of Energy Upcoming FY2017 Budget Request for Nuclear Weapons and Cleanup

Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Posted by Marylia Kelley

The Obama Administration’s nuclear weapons policy is revealed much more by its spending plans than its rhetoric. On February 9, the Fiscal Year 2017 Department of Energy (DOE) budget request will illuminate the programs that President Obama wants to pass on to his successor.

Will it increase funding for additional nuclear weapons programs despite warnings that “modernization” is leading to a new arms race? Will the President keep faith with communities harmed by nuclear weapons activities and request the funds needed to stabilize nuclear materials and clean up contaminated land and waters at DOE sites across America?

The DOE Fiscal Year 2017 budget request will answer these and other questions of great importance to the American people and the world. The Alliance for Nuclear Accountability (ANA), a 29-year-old network of groups from communities downwind and downstream of U.S. nuclear sites, will be looking at the following issues. For details, contact the ANA leaders listed at the end of this Advisory.

Click here for more.

Click here to download our Media Advisory

Doomsday Clock Remains at 3 Minutes to Midnight

Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Posted by Joseph Rodgers

The Doomsday Clock is a symbolic representation of how close humanity is to global catastrophe. Since 1947, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has changed the time displayed on the clock’s face to reflect annual modifications to the continuous dangers that humanity is faced with. The clock reflects the world’s two largest existential threats: climate change and nuclear weapons.

On the 22nd of January, 2016 the Bulletin decided to leave the clock at three minutes to midnight. While the Bulletin leaders applaud the Iran Deal and the Paris Agreements, they believe that these diplomatic achievements were not enough.

Click here for more.

Keeping Perspective on North Korea's Nuclear Test

Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Posted by Joseph Rodgers

North Korea conducted its third known nuclear weapons test on January 6, 2016. The North Korean Central News Agency claims that the test was a successful small hydrogen bomb explosion. In the past, North Korea is believed to have only successfully detonated one-stage atomic weapons.

Hydrogen weapons are hundreds or even thousands of times more powerful than atomic weapons. Hydrogen bombs are two stage weapons that rely on the energy released by atomic fission to create the conditions necessary for hydrogen fusion.

Based off of initial CTBTO seismic readings, North Korea likely did not produce a successful hydrogen explosion. The January 6 test produced a magnitude 5.1 seismic event. North Korea’s 2013 atomic bomb test created a magnitude 5 seismic event.

Click here for more.

Citizen's Watch Newsletter Winter 2016

Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Posted by Marylia Kelley

Download the PDF

The Winter 2016 edition of Tri-Valley CAREs' newsletter, Citizen's Watch, is now ready for you to enjoy. Click into the PDF link, and you will find:

  • Thank You - To the Individuals and Foundations that Support Us Page 1

  • Poison Soil & Tainted Water - Site 300 Community Meeting & Acceptance Criteria Page 1 & Insert

  • Print Bites - All the News that Fits to Print Page 2

  • Youth Video Contest - Winners! Page 2

  • Irradiated - Sick Worker Problems Continue Page 2

  • We are Accomplished - Successes of 2015 Page 3

  • Alerts for You - Upcoming Events Page 3

  • Hell No LRSO - Stopping the Long-Range Stand Off Weapon Page 4

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