- published: 07 Nov 2012
- views: 53538
The church of Santa Maria dell'Ammiraglio, seat of the parish Parrocchia San Nicolò dei Greci (Klisha e Shën Kollit së Arbëreshëvet in Albanian), commonly called the Martorana, overlooking the Piazza Bellini in Palermo, Sicily, southern Italy. The church belongs to the Eparchy of Piana degli Albanesi of the Italo-Albanian Catholic Church, a diocese which includes the Albanian communities in Sicily who officiate the liturgy according to the Byzantine Rite in the ancient Greek language.
The church is characterized by the multiplicity of styles that meet, because, with the succession of centuries, it was enriched by various other tastes in art, architecture and culture. Today, it is, in fact, as a church-historical monument, the result of multiple transformations, also subject to protection.
The name Ammiraglio ("admiral") derives from the founder of the church, the Greek admiral and principal minister of King Roger II of Sicily, George of Antioch. The foundation charter of the church (which was initially Eastern Orthodox), in Greek and Arabic, is preserved and dates to 1143; construction may already have begun at this point. The church had certainly been completed by the death of George in 1151, and he and his wife were interred in the narthex. In 1184 the Arab traveller Ibn Jubayr visited the church, and later devoted a significant portion of his description of Palermo to its praise, describing it as "the most beautiful monument in the world." After the Sicilian Vespers of 1282 the island's nobility gathered in the church for a meeting that resulted in the Sicilian crown being offered to Peter III of Aragon.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cucina-con-Winston/320794318090430 Ciao ragazzi, oggi vi propongo uno dei dolci tipici siciliani di questo periodo, ovvero la Frutta di Martorana! E' un dolce a base di farina di mandorle e zucchero. La martorana solitamente si fa a forma di frutta ma anche di verdura, di pesce, di pane e chi più ne ha più ne metta! In questo video vi spiegherò come realizzare passo passo questi dolci tradizionali siciliani! Buona visione e alla prossima! Un abbraccio, Mauro ^___^ Ecco uno dei siti che vende ingredienti e attrezzi per la martorana: www.dolcefardolcipalermo.it
Direttamente dalla tradizione siciliana ecco a voi la frutta di "martorana" - ovvero di pasta di mandorle - tipico dolce che si regala il 2 novembre. http://www.amaranthinemess.blogspot.it
TUTORIAL SULLA PREPARAZIONE DI ALCUNI FRUTTI DI MARTORANA La ricetta della pasta reale o Martorana, ci viene tramandata dalle suore benedettine del convento della Martorana di Palermo, da cui prende il nome. Con questa pasta le monache confezionavano dei dolcetti a forma di frutta artisticamente colorata. Si racconta che in attesa di una personalità ecclesiastica, abbiano addobbato gli alberi del convento, spogli in quella stagione, con questa frutta simulando quella mancante. All'epoca questo dolce ebbe talmente tanto successo che superò le mura del convento fino ad arrivare alla corte del re. Da quel momento divenne la " pasta Riali" (pasta reale).
nino martorana insulta marco valentini in diretta tv a televip
http://ultramodern-home.ru Top Tourist Attractions in Palermo (island of Sicily) - Travel Guide: Cappella Palatina, Catacombe dei Cappuccini, Cathedral Palermo, La Cuba, La Martorana, La Zisa, Norman Palace, Quattro Canti, Teatro Massimo, Villa Palagonia, San Giuseppe dei Teatini
Places to see in ( Palermo - Italy ) Santa Maria dell'Ammiraglio (La Martorana) The church of Santa Maria dell'Ammiraglio, seat of the parish of San Nicolò dei Greci, commonly called the Martorana, overlooking the Piazza Bellini in Palermo, Sicily, southern Italy. The church belongs to the Eparchy of Piana degli Albanesi of the Italo-Albanian Catholic Church, a diocese which includes the Albanian communities in Sicily who officiate the liturgy according to the Byzantine Rite in the ancient Greek language. The church is characterized by the multiplicity of styles that meet, because, with the succession of centuries, it was enriched by various other tastes in art, architecture and culture. Today, it is, in fact, as a church-historical monument, the result of multiple transformations, also...
A trip to Palermo, main capital off Sicily. Cattedrale Maria Santissima Assunta Piazza Pretoria and Piazza Marina Porta Felice Quattro Canti La Martorana and San Cataldo Thank You for watching !! If you like this video give it a thumbs up and subrcibe to my channel. Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/filipfg/ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/FilipGUtah/?... Youtube Filip Utah : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPON...
Riaperta dopo restauri la chiea della Martorana. Byzantine church in Palermo, Sicily.
Immagini stupende di Palermo per il popolo di You Tube, dall'incantevole spiaggia e golfo di Mondello, Monte Pellegrino, Teatro Massimo, Castello della Zisa, Cattedrale, Palazzo Reale, Cappella Palatina, Porta Nuova, Quattro Canti, Piazza Pretoria e Palazzo del Comune, La Martorana, San G.nni degli Eremiti, Teatro Politeama, Porta Felice, Foro Italico, Castello Utveggio, Palazzina Cinese etc. etc. etc................-
best price Hotels - http://ultramodern-home.ru/hotels/ отели и авиабилеты - http://ultramodern-home.ru/aviabilety/ Top attractions. The best places to visit in Palermo - city on the island of Sicily. Villa Palagonia, Catacombs of the Capuchins, Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, Norman (Royal) Palace, Area Quattro Canti, Piazza Pretoria, Teatro Massimo, Teatro Politeama, Church of La Martorana
http://tusdestinos.net En este vídeo hacemos un recorrido por las localidades sicilianas de Palermo y Cefalù, ambas ubicadas en el norte de la isla. Palermo tiene un importante y destaco patrimonio artístico y arquitectónico que va desde restos púnicos a edificios estilo Art Nouveau, árabe o normando, iglesias barrocas y teatros neoclásicos. Son de interés las Catedral, de estilo árabe-normando, las iglesias de Martorana y San Juan de los Eremitas, la plaza de los Quattro Canti, la fuente Pretoria y los teatros Politeama y Massimo. Destacan los Museos Arqueológico y el Internacional de Marionetas. Por su parte, Cefalù cuenta con una impresionante catedral y el bello Museo Mandralisca. Con el soporte audiovisual: http://www.tomcomvideo.com http://tusdestinos.net/?p=23484
Best places to visit - Palermo (Italy) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.
Father of lies, it's burning
Another reward...
I try the grand of Satan
That will remedy every mistake
I gibe the white, that would remedy every mistake...
I follow the road of sin
The beginning of Armageddon.
My fleece of sin
My play of the role
I smash their "grace" for him
Dark fall forever...
Father of lies, it's burning
Another reward...
I try the grand of Satan
That will remedy every mistake
I gibe the white, that would remedy every mistake...
I follow the road of sin
The beginning of Armageddon.
Do not cross my way
Or I'll rape your Jesus' offspring
Defective and lame...
To pray the grateful Satan
Get off my way
Your god is cause of laughter
Defective and lame...