Denis O’Brien’s £55,339 1999/2000 donations to Fine Gael

From the archives. This is a statutory declaration by businessman Denis O’Brien outlining his donations to Fine Gael in 1999 and 2000. It shows individual donations to Cllr Louise Cosgrove, Richard Bruton and Jimmy Deenihan. There was also a £50,000 donation to Fine Gael via then leader John Bruton.

The total over both years was £4,499 and £50,840 respectively.

Of course we assert no claim of malfeasance on the part of the donor or the recipients.

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Michael Noonan’s 2013 appointments

Part of an ongoing process. This the appointments diary for Finance Minister Michael Noonan for 2013.

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David Murphy’s second affidavit in O’Brien v RTE

This is the second affidavit of RTE Business Editor David Murphy in the case of Denis O’Brien vs RTE.

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David Murphy’s first affidavit in O’Brien/RTE case

This is the first of two sworn affidavits of RTE Business Editor David Murphy in the O’Brien V RTE case. It has been redacted following a court order prohibiting the reporting of certain details of Mr Murphy’s news report. These details were also argued on in court, but Judge Binchy also prohibited reporting of those details.

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The David Murphy RTE script on O’Brien/IBRC

Yes, it’s entirely redacted. And while the details of what is in the report were discussed at length in the High Court, I am prohibited from writing about it.

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NAMA board minutes 2014

Following the passing of the FOI Act 2014, NAMA became subject to the Act (to a more limited degree than most public bodies) six months after enactment. That was mid April 2015. We sent our first FOI to NAMA on the date NAMA became subject to it. Records were released to us last week.

Our readers will be aware that we have been involved in a long battle with NAMA via the Information Commissioner and the courts to make NAMA subject to the Access to Information on the Environment (AIE) Regulations 2007/2011 (similar to FOI). That process started in February 2010 when we emailed them asking for certain information, and NAMA denied it on the basis they they were not a public body under those Regulations. We disagreed with them, and it escalated from there. AIE was the only legal mechanism available to us, as the Finance Minister at the time, Brian Lenihan, had not made NAMA subject to the FOI Act.

The issue of NAMA’s status or not as a public authority under AIE wound its way through the system over the past 5 years and ultimately to the Supreme Court in 2014. We await judgment in the matter, hopefully imminently.

NAMA is now subject to FOI, but not currently subject to AIE – an unusual situation in itself as AIE has a generally more expansive definition of public body than the FOI Act.

This is the first element of what was released to us, the minutes of NAMA board meetings for 2014 (all 332 pages). Approximately 70% of the pages are redacted.

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John Moran’s appointments diary 2012

This is the appointments diary for former Department of Finance Secretary General John Moran for March – December 2012. It is an amalgamated version of what’s published on the Finance website.

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Millington Limited

For the record, here are some company documents for Millington Limited, via the Isle of Man company registry.

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Michael Noonan’s appointments diary 2012

Part of an ongoing process. This is the appointments diary of Finance Minister Michael Noonan for 2012.



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Phil Hogan’s appointments diary 2013

As part of an ongoing process. This is the appointments diary of then Environment Minister Phil Hogan for 2013.

Previously: His 2012 diary.
Previously: His 2011 diary.

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