AccueilDigital Scholarship Workshop

Digital Scholarship Workshop

Instrumentos digitais para fins académicos

Call for participation

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Publié le mercredi 11 juin 2014 par Marie Pellen


The Digital Scholarship Workshop (DSW) aims at offering to early stage researchers and tenured faculty the opportunity to learn how to use in a more effective way digital media to produce and disseminate research. The DSW will help participants in identifying an online repertoire suited for their specific needs and goals and at enabling researchers of different backgrounds to effectively integrate social media applications into their research activities and professional development strategies.


The importance of being digital – i.e. establishing a digital identity, and engaging in research dissemination and in wide, open scientific conversations on the web – has become nowadays a sort of mantra for scholars of all disciplines and at different stages of their career. If traditionally scholars' visibility was a function of academic outputs - books, book chapters, and peer-reviewed journal articles - this situation is rapidly changing with the meteoric increase of the communication and dissemination opportunities opened up by the advent of digital media which are changing the dissemination, accessibility and recognition of scholarship.

Through the Digital Scholarship Workshop (DSW), we offer early stage researchers and tenured faculty the opportunity to learn how to use in a more effective way digital media to produce and disseminate research. The DSW aims at helping participants in identifying an online repertoire suited for their specific needs and goals and at enabling researchers of different backgrounds to effectively integrate social media applications into their research activities and professional development strategies.

An expert in the field of digital scholarship will conduct the DSW: Martin Weller who is specialized in the area of online publishing, academic digital identity, writing for non-academics and engagement with social media. He is professor of Educational Technology at The Open University (UK) and author of the book “The Digital Scholar: How Technology Is Transforming Scholarly Practice” (2011).

We therefore invite participation from scholars working in Portuguese academia at different stages of their career whose motivation is either to become aware of the possibilities offered by digital technologies for academic purposes or to enhance their skills, regardless of their field of expertise and practical experience in this area.

Two editions of the same workshop will be held: on the 24th in Lisbon (at CES-Lx) and on the 25th in Coimbra (at CES).

Participation is free of charge, but we can host a limited number of participants (up to 15) in each session. 

Interested researchers can fill in the application form here

Applications can be sent until June 15th.

You will receive confirmation of your participation by June 18th.

Prof. Martin Weller from Open University (UK) - specialized in the area of open access publishing, academic digital identity, writing for non-academics and engagement with social media - will conduct the workshop.


Dr. Chiara Carrozza

+351 939420087

Dr. Andrea Gaspar

+351 239 855 570


  • Colégio de S. Jerónimo, Largo D. Dinis, Apartado 3087
    Coimbra, Portugal (3000-995)
  • Picoas Plaza; Rua do Viriato 13
    Lisbonne, Portugal (1050-227)


  • mardi 24 juin 2014
  • mercredi 25 juin 2014


  • social media, scholarship, training, digital humanities, social sciences


  • Carrozza Chiara
    courriel : chiaracarrozza [at] ces [dot] uc [dot] pt
  • Gaspar Andrea
    courriel : andrea [at] ces [dot] uc [dot] pt

Source de l'information

  • Carrozza Chiara
    courriel : chiaracarrozza [at] ces [dot] uc [dot] pt

Pour citer cette annonce

« Digital Scholarship Workshop », Informations diverses, Calenda, Publié le mercredi 11 juin 2014,