Wingnut Week In Review: Out Of Business

Governor Pat McCrory’s sleight of hand won’t fix North Carolina’s anti-LGBT law, save his political career, or keep his state from hemorrhaging jobs and money. If it isn't repealed, the state might find itself literally "out of business."
Terrance Heath
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The Big Apple Debate

Last night's debate in New York was as contentious as the city, and as clarifying as debates can be. Sanders and Clinton clearly have had more than enough of each other, but this campaign will continue through the convention
Robert Borosage
  • 378

The Big Fight Over Chinese Steel

Current global overcapacity is estimated at 700 million tons — more than seven times what U.S. steelmakers can produce. This is expected to get worse. How should the U.S. respond?

Burning Issues: The Money Hidden In Shell Companies

Porter McConnell, the director of the Financial Transparency Coalition, discusses the amount of money hidden in shell companies and how the next president of the United States could address the issue in this Burning Issues video.
Burning Issues Video
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Maybe Ivanka Trump Will Help Us Fight Real Voter Suppression

The daughter of Donald Trump complained of New York's "onerous rules" that will keep her from voting in the Republican primary. But New York isn't even on the list of states that have recently added onerous voting restrictions.
Isaiah J. Poole
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Burning Issues: Lawrence Wilkerson on U.S. Empire-Building

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell's chief of staff offers a sharp critique of U.S. "imperial power" and offers praise for Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders in this Burning Issues video.
Burning Issues Video
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Wall Street’s Fraud of the Week Club

$5.1 billion with Goldman Sachs, $1.2 billion with Wells Fargo – how many settlements will it take to convince some fact-resistant pundits and politicians that there is an epidemic of fraud on Wall Street?
Richard Eskow
  • 64

Taking On Predatory Payday Lenders In Florida

In spite of Florida's problems with payday lenders, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a Florida Democrat and chair of the Democratic National Committee, is fighting, not helping, efforts to to rein them in. Here's how she's being exposed.

On Equal Pay Day, We Could Use Some Sunshine

The Paycheck Fairness Act would bring wage inequities out of the shadows into the light of day, and empower its victims and the federal government to hold employers accountable.
Isaiah J. Poole
  • 212

Pensions: For CEOs Only

Corporations virtually eliminated secure pensions, forced workers into risky, self-pay plans and handed hundreds of millions in tax-free retirement benefits to the top dogs. Pensions aren’t dead; they’re just exclusive now.
Leo Gerard
  • 127

Million Student March To Demand Answers On Debt Reduction

A new round of student protests on Wednesday will command the attention of the 2016 presidential election debate. The demands will include tuition-free public college and cancellation of all student debt.
Mary Green Swig | Steven L. Swig | Roger Hickey
  • 334

Can Democrats Take Back The Senate?

The unhinged Republican presidential primary may give an impression of a nation gone mad, but the way vulnerable Republican Senate incumbents are trying to hold on to their seats reminds us that the nation is not in a right-wing mood.
Bill Scher
  • 327

Sanders Wins Wyoming, Surge Continues

Bernie Sanders won the Wyoming caucuses on Saturday by double digits. That is seven contests in a row and eight of nine. The race is a long way from over, but the challenges keep getting bigger as the campaign heads into New York.
Robert Borosage
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Burning Issues: Is Climate Change A U.S. Security Threat?

Climate change has become a national security issue, according to Jason Kowalski of in this Burning Issues video segment. That means what a presidential candidate believes about climate change has serious ramifications.
Burning Issues Video
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Wingnut Week In Review: Southern In-hospitality

This week the South rose again and tried to go back in time more than 50 years, as former confederate states legislated a queer new twist on Jim Crow; so much for southern hospitality.
Terrance Heath
  • 14

Burning Issues: Are We Ready For A Global Economic Slowdown?

With other large countries perilously close to recession, the next president's beliefs about using government to stimulate economic growth are important, Josh Bivens of the Economic Policy Institute explains in this Burning Issues video.
Burning Issues Video
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Protect America’s Consumers From Astroturf and #SaveCFPB

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is the only federal agency out to protect the financial interests of American consumers. Naturally, big money interests want to shut it down. A new campaign says, “Not without a fight.”
Terrance Heath
  • 316

Why The Panama Papers Scandal Is About Cheating School Children

The Panama Papers show how wealthy people avoid paying taxes. But tax avoidance at a much smaller scale is actually quite commonplace right where you live, and the effects are most consequential on the least powerful in our society.
Jeff Bryant
  • 131

Burning Issues: Keep The Terror Threat In Context

Paul Pillar, a former U.S. intelligence official and author who now writes at The National Interest, discusses the importance of not overreacting to ISIS and other terror threats in this Burning Issues video segment.
Burning Issues Video
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Paul Ryan Is Not The One To Save The GOP From Donald Trump

House Speaker Paul Ryan won’t save the Republican Party from what having Donald Trump as its nominee would do to the party. Beneath his cool, less orange exterior, Ryan isn’t all that different from Trump.
Terrance Heath
  • 70
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