House Republicans: Anti-Government and Ungovernable

Unable to govern and unwilling to be governed, the deepest dysfunctions of the House Republican conference are rising to the surface, as the party struggles to choose a new speaker.
Terrance Heath
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More Free Stuff for Corporations

Some rich guys and GOPers actually contend that government should take the taxes paid by workers and give that money to corporations to improve worker wages and working conditions.
Leo Gerard
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Wingnut Week In Review: Men Behaving Badly

This week, a bunch of Republican Congressmen made fools of themselves during their own hearing to bring down Planned Parenthood. It was farcical from beginning to end.
Terrance Heath
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GOP House Leadership Line-up: Extreme as They Wanna Be

As John Boehner eyes the exit, and House Republicans prepare to vote for new leadership next week, the line-up for the post-Boehner House GOP leadership is all white, all male, and as extreme as they wanna be.
Terrance Heath
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Wingnut Week In Review: Papa Don’t Preach

Pope Francis came to town in Washington, DC, this week, calling for a “revolution of tenderness,” and bringing his powerful messages on climate change and poverty to Congress. Naturally, wingnuts don't want to hear it.
Terrance Heath
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Jeb! Sticks Foot In It — Again

Jeb Bush says Pope Francis should keep his climate views to himself because he's not a scientist. But the Pope actually is a scientist. He is a chemical engineer.

The GOP’s Can’t-Do Attitude

The second Republican presidential debate shed light on why the GOP doesn’t want to do anything about climate change. Sen. Marco Rubio led the charge against shifting to green energy. That can't-do attitude could drown Rubio's home state.

First They Came For The Ex-Im Bank…

Republicans don’t believe that the American government should do things that make the American people’s lives better, so now they are threatening to shut down the whole government. Again.

GOP: No Bootstraps for You, Baby!

Scott Walker should be a cautionary tale to the GOP. His ratings plummeted after he released his anti-union screed last week. Americans oppose union busting because they know unions are a path to achieve the American Dream.
Leo Gerard

Wingnut Week In Review: Clockmaker

A 14-year-old high school freshman and budding scientist build his own clock, and brought it to school to show his teacher. Instead, he got arrested, and wingnuts lost their minds. Because he was Muslim, of course.
Terrance Heath

The GOP Agenda (Or Lack Thereof)

To hear Republican presidential candidates tell it, the most important issue facing the nation is Hillary Clinton’s old emails. Not climate change, not growing inequality, or our tattered justice system — just Clinton's emails.
Donald Kaul

Why Conservatives Want the Kim Davis Saga To Be Over

Anti-gay Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis has gone back to work, and back to square one. Although she shows no signs of going away, conservatives want Davis' saga to be over — and soon.
Terrance Heath

Wingnut Week In Review: The Truth Hurts

Things got ugly this week, when Fox News anchor Shep Smith told the truth about Kentucky county clerk, and anti-gay theocrat, Kim Davis. The truth hurts, and wingnuts didn’t like it one bit.
Terrance Heath

Why Kim Davis Isn’t Quite The Martyr She Intended To Be

Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, seemed set to become a full fledged right-wing martyr/saint. Then a funny thing happened on the way to her canonization.
Terrance Heath

Wingnut Week In Review: Mountain Out of a Molehill

This week, President Obama gave a national landmark its name back. Wingnuts tried to make a mountain out of that molehill. Meanwhile, a Kentucky county clerk goes from standing in the chapel door to sitting in jail.
Terrance Heath

Wingnut Week In Review: Have They No Decency?

Wingnut reactions to the on-air shooting of two Roanoke, Virginia journalists brings to mind the famous question Joseph N. Welch asked Sen. Eugene McCarthy: “Have you no sense of decency, sir?” No, they don’t.
Terrance Heath

Wingnut Week In Review: BatTrump

This week, Donald Trump gave the 2016 presidential election its best unofficial campaign slogan yet. Meanwhile, the Duggar family is proving harder to get rid of than a coldsore.
Terrance Heath

Shielding Wall Street from the Ravages of Bigotry

Former right-wing senator Phil Gram seems to have developed a new empathy for people who are demonized. He turned up on Capitol Hill recently, wailing that overpaid corporate chieftains are actually — get this — victims of public bigotry.
Jim Hightower

Katrina and Conservative Failure, Ten Years Later

Ten years later, the Bush administration's failed response to Hurricane Katrina is a heartrending example of conservatism's most devastating failure, and its most catastrophic success.
Terrance Heath

Wingnut Week In Review: The Lion King

A beloved lion named Cecil was lured out of his sanctuary in Zimbabwe, and killed by an American hunter. The world mourned, and wingnuts roared that the lion’s death drew attention away from their scam to bring down Planned Parenthood.
Terrance Heath

Creeping Out of the Foxhole

At long last Republican presidential hopefuls crept out of their foxholes, where they’d been cowering and maintaining radio silence, to attack Donald Trump. How noble of them.
Donald Kaul

Republican Candidates On Raising The Minimum Wage

We rounded up of the opinions of the Republican presidential candidates on the minimum wage. A few see the light, but most of them oppose supporting American workers with a wage increase. A few even advocate getting rid of it altogether.
Joshua Ferrer

Wingnut Week In Review: Bully For The GOP

The barely-a-billionaire bully has taken over the GOP’s presidential primary playground. The Republican presidential debate will now take place after school, by the flagpole.
Terrance Heath

What Will America Lose If Scott Walker Wins?

Wisconsin governor Scott Walker says that he, out of all the GOP candidates, will be “a president who will fight and win for America.” His record as governor shows how much America stands to lose if Walker wins.
Terrance Heath

What You Need To Know About John Kasich

Ohio governor John Kasich, the 16th candidate for the GOP presidential nomination, is neither the moderate Republican nor the “compassionate conservative” he pretends to be, but he still won’t get the nomination.
Terrance Heath

Wingnut Week In Review: The Sting

This week, wingnuts attacked Planned Parenthood, with deceptively edited video that would make James O’Keefe proud, got "trumped" again by Donald Trump, and freaked out over the Iran anti-nuke deal.
Terrance Heath

The GOP Sugar Daddies of 2016

When Republicans finally choose their nominee for president, he or she will be already bought and paid, for by one or more of the GOP sugar daddies of the 2016 election.
Terrance Heath

Jeb! Cracks the Whip

As a result of Bush’s “work harder” scolding, Americans know what that symbol is at the end of the name Jeb! on all his presidential campaign literature. It’s a whip handle and blood splotch. As President, he’d crack Americans into shape.
Leo Gerard

Seven Things You Should Know About Scott Walker

Wisconsin governor Scott Walker has scored the biggest sugar daddies in the GOP presidential primary, but it may not be enough to get him the Republican presidential nomination, or the White House.
Terrance Heath

Scott Walker Begins His 2016 Run for the White House

Scott Walker will announce for president today. After standing for 25 primary and general elections in 25 years, Walker has now set his eyes on the White House. Here is what you need to know about Walker’s record.
Mary Bottari

Wingnut Week In Review: Lowering The Flag

The Confederate battle flag at South Carolina’s capitol was finally lowered today, after flying for more than half a century. Many American’s cheered as the symbol of hatred and bigotry finally came down. Wingnuts, not so much.
Terrance Heath

Wingnut Week In Review: Forever Hold Their Peace, Again

It’s been almost a week since the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in all 50 states. Was that enough time for wingnuts to calm down and realize the Court gave them an escape hatch from the “culture war”? Of course not.
Terrance Heath

Five Things To Know About Chris Christie

It’s official. Chris Christie is running for president. The only reason for Christie’s run appears to be either his outsized ego or deep delusion about his chances of winning.
Terrance Heath
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