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Urge your MP to stop Land Registry sell-off

As part of the major PCS campaign against the government’s new plans to privatise the Land Registry, we're asking our members and supporters to invite their MP to our parliamentary briefing on the issue.

Have your say: help stop civil service redundancy pay cuts

The government is proposing to cut civil service redundancy payments by up to a third through massive changes to the civil service compensation scheme.

Panama papers show tax dodging requires global action

PCS has called on the government to lead the way on tackling tax havens, abuse highlighted by a huge leak of confidential documents from a Panamanian law firm, by investing in HMRC.

More strike action for National Museums Wales

Strikes will be held throughout April and May after talks break down on weekend working

6 April pension changes: what you need to know

PCS members of all ages need to know how changes to the state pension system, coming in on Wednesday (6 April), will affect them - now and in the future.

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