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Coming This September: New Billboard to Rock Times Square

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Massive Times Square Billboard to Show Video of WTC 7 Destruction during 9/11 Anniversary

ReThink911 Digital Billboard NYC Times SquareStarting today through October 5, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is sponsoring a massive billboard in the heart of Times Square that will show video of 7 World Trade Center’s destruction to millions of viewers and refer them to the campaign website, Read more


 Open letter to the Firefighter community and their families:

9/11 ReKindledOn September 11, 2001 three major steel framed building collapsed due to fire killing 343 fire fighters. Building 7, which was not hit by an airplane was completely destroyed by normal office fires. Read more


Toronto Ad Campaign: Subway Riders Get to See Video of Building 7’s Collapse

Toronto-Subway-ScreenOn March 18, 2014 the ReThink911 campaign launched its newest wave of ads in the Toronto subway system. For two weeks, 1.2 million Toronto residents will see the video of Building 7’s collapse and be directed to to learn more. According to Pattison Outdoor, daily subway riders will see the ad an average of five times during the two-week period. Read more


AE911Truth to Present WTC Evidence in 17-Stop ReThink911 Canada Tour

rethink911-ottawa-bus-ad-thThe 9/11 Truth Movement has been re-inspired throughout Canada by ReThink911, the successful ad campaign from Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. From coast to coast, local organizers are getting behind the ReThink911 Canada Tour started by Winnipeg promoter, Jaime Sparkes. Read more


Ottawa Ad Campaign: Have you seen the video of Building 7’s collapse?

rethink911-ottawa-bus-ad-thFrom December 12 to January 9, the ReThink911 campaign is sponsoring ads on the backs of 40 buses in Canada’s capital city of Ottawa. The ads will reach approximately 70% of Ottawa residents, asking them if they have seen the video of World Trade Center Building 7’s collapse. This campaign is a follow up to ReThink911’s successful September 2013 campaign in Ottawa. Read more


BBC News Article on the ReThink911 Campaign in Canada


BBC News published an article about the ongoing ReThink911 ad campaign in Ottawa. Featured on the BBC’s News homepage, the article was seen by hundreds of thousands of readers. This piece marks the fifth mainstream news article about ReThink911’s Ottawa campaign since the announcement of the campaign on November 20. But unlike its Canadian counterparts, the BBC has a tendency for falseness and one-sidedness rivaled only by the likes of Fox News. Read more


Building 7 – The Story the NY Times Missed


This video exposes the New York Times’ abdication of responsibility to cover the challenges being made to the official account of Building 7’s destruction. Despite ReThink911’s billboard directly across the street from the NY Times Building, and despite receiving numerous letters, op-ed submissions, informational materials, and phone calls, the NY Times continues to ignore the evidence of Building 7’s controlled demolition. Watch and share the video.


ReThink911 Covered by Metro News and Ottawa Citizen

ReThink911 in Metro News OttawaThe Ottawa Metro News published an article about the ReThink911 December Ad Campaign in Canada. This media coverage was seen by over 50,000 Ottawa residents. The Ottawa Citizen also published an article about the campaign, which was seen by over 100,000 residents. Read more


ReThink911 Sends Powerful Message at the Ottawa Transit Commission

ottawa-transit-commission-vidthOn November 20, 2013 at a meeting of the Ottawa Transit Commission, ReThink911 announced its upcoming Ottawa-Toronto ad campaign and spoke out against efforts to change Ottawa’s advertising policy in response to the first ReThink911 ad campaign. The highlight of the meeting came when the commissioners were treated to video footage of Building 7’s collapse on the large screen above them. Read more

  Statement from Bob McIlvaine
  Statement from David Long
  Statement from AE911Truth


Open Letter to the New York Times from the ReThink911 Campaign

Open Letter to the NY TimesDear New York Times, the ReThink911 campaign has erected a billboard across the street from your headquarters to call your attention to the evidence, cited by over 2,000 architects and engineers, that proves World Trade Center Building 7 was brought down by controlled demolition on 9/11. We urge you to look at the evidence—starting with the video footage of the collapse—and publish an editorial stating your position on the challenges being made to the government’s explanation of Building 7’s destruction. Read more


ReThink911’s “New York Times Billboard” Is Here

nytimes-rethink911-billboardInstalled on the afternoon of October 31, ReThink911’s 29-foot by 13-foot billboard will stand tall in the shadow of the New York Times Building throughout the month of November, intriguing 100,000 passersby each day and calling upon the Times to cover this vitally important issue. Read more


ReThink911 Raises $25,000 in Three Days to Keep Billboard in Times Square through October

ReThink911 Billboard in Times Square

The ReThink911 campaign raised over $25,000 from September 28 to September 30 to keep its 54-foot-tall billboard in Times Square through the month of October. The  fundraising drive came on the heels of a month-long, twelve-city, $225,000 international advertising campaign – spearheaded by the billboard in Times Square – that was planned to coincide with the 12th anniversary of 9/11. Read more


New Poll:  A Majority of Canadians Side with Ads Questioning 9/11

OC Transpo Ottawa

A new survey reveals that most Canadians are not opposed to the ads currently appearing in Canadian cities calling for a new investigation into the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7. After viewing video of Building 7′s collapse, 51% of Canadians suspect it was cause by a controlled demolition, and only 19% believe the Ottawa transit system’s advertising policy should be revised to place greater emphasis on community acceptability so that ads like ReThink911’s would not be allowed. Read more


ReThink911 Events in New York City


See videos and photos of ReThink911′s event in Times Square on September 11, 2013, featuring Les Jamieson (NYC Coordinator,, Richard Gage, AIA (, Tom Kiely and Lenny Charles (Co-founders INN World Report), Cynthia McKinney (Former U.S. Congresswoman),  Vance Green (FOIA Researcher, Activist), and Dr. William Pepper (International Civil Rights Attorney).


ReThink911 Ads Spark Public Debate in Canada’s Capital

ReThink911 Ads Spark Controversy in Canada's Capital

Read: ReThink911 Statement Regarding Ads on Ottawa OC Transpo Buses (PDF)

ReThink911 caused the greatest stir of its September 2013 campaign in Canada’s capital city of Ottawa, where 300 ads appeared on local buses from early September to early October asking riders, “Did you know a 3rd tower fell on 9/11?”  Read more

ReThink911 Ottawa News As it Happened:

Ottawa Citizen (Sept. 11): Ads questioning truth of 9/11 appear on OC Transpo buses
Ottawa 1310News (Sept. 12): Controversial 9/11 ads spark call for review of OC Transpo ad policies
Yahoo Canada (Sept. 12): 9/11 ‘truther’ billboards appear in Toronto, Ottawa and Vancouver
The Huffington Post Canada (Sept. 12): 9/11 Conspiracy Ad On Ottawa Buses And Toronto Billboard Sparks Outrage
ReThink911 (Sept. 12): Statement defending ads on Ottawa OC Transpo buses (PDF)
Ottawa Citizen (Sept. 12): 9/11 truther campaign responds to criticism of bus ads
CBC News (Sept. 12): Group behind 9/11 bus ad responds to criticism
Sun News (Sept. 12): Free speech protects ‘disrespectful’ 9/11 conspiracy bus ads: Ottawa mayor
Ottawa Citizen (Sept. 13): OC Transpo should err on the side of free speech (Editorial)
ReThink911 (Sept. 25): New Poll: A majority of Canadians side with ads questioning 9/11


Reality Check: More Americans are ReThinking 9/11?

ben-swann-rethink911-thWatch this video by journalist Ben Swann about the ReThink911 Campaign.

“Did you know that a 3rd building fell on 9-11? That billboard is today over Times Square. It was placed there through donations to a campaign called Rethink 9/11. In fact, that group has placed posters and signs across the world, from Australia, to Canada, from San Francisco to right here in New York City.” Watch the video


New Poll Finds Most Americans Open to Alternative 9/11 Theories

911-pollOn the 12th anniversary of 9/11, a new national survey by the polling firm YouGov reveals that one in two Americans have doubts about the government’s account of 9/11, and after viewing video footage of World Trade Center Building 7′s collapse, 46% suspect that it was caused by a controlled demolition. By a margin of nearly two to one, 41% support a new investigation of Building 7′s collapse, compared to 21% who oppose it. Read more