60 Minutes family 'doing their utmost'

Presenter Michael Usher on the situation Tara Brown and a film crew from 60 Minutes are facing in Beirut.

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The first panicked text buzzed on Colin Chapman's phone early on Thursday morning.

"Col I'm in trouble," flashed the message at 7.17am.

Sally Faulkner travelled to Lebanon to recover her two children, Lahala and Noah, from their father.

Sally Faulkner travelled to Lebanon to recover her two children, Lahala and Noah, from their father. Photo: Facebook

The cry for help was coming from Brisbane mother Sally Faulkner who was in downtown Beirut, Lebanon, where she had gone to wrest custody of her two children from her ex-husband.

Accompanying her on the trip had been an entourage of a Channel Nine 60 Minutes crew, including high profile reporter Tara Brown, who was hoping to film the recovery, which was to be undertaken by a United Kingdom-based private company Child Abduction Recovery International (CARI).

Ms Faulkner had reached out to Mr Chapman because he ran a rival child recovery operation based in Queensland that had initially quoted for the job but had not been hired.

60 Minutes reporter Tara Brown.

60 Minutes reporter Tara Brown. Photo: Nine Network

He has since declined to comment but Fairfax has obtained copies of the more than a dozen messages which zipped between his phone and Faulkner's that night as the child recovery in downtown Beirut ramped up into what is now a full blown diplomatic incident and a public relations disaster for Channel Nine.

The messages reveal the fact that Faulkner and her children had a window of at least five hours to escape via a different boat to Cyprus, which appeared to be rejected by the 60 Minutes crew, and raises questions about the competing interests facing the program, with its talent able to flee the country while its crew were detained.

In one message, Ms Faulkner told Chapman: "They are saying the plan is crazy risky. And they don't think it will work. What do you think?"

Brisbane woman Sally Faulkner with her children, Lahala and Noah.

Brisbane woman Sally Faulkner with her children, Lahala and Noah. Photo: Facebook

Mr Chapman responded: "No offence, but I don't think they are qualified to comment given how this current job has gone." He tells her his contacts "are adamant it's solid".

"Ok. Well please keep talking to them. Keep on their back. Explain why it's solid."

Who the "they" refers to is not specified, but a short time later Chapman is being asked to "please call 60 again".

In the lengthy exchange, Mr Chapman also asks at one stage: "Did 60 Minutes film it all? Do the Lebanese authorities have the footage? Need to know what evidence is against you."

Ms Faulkner responds: "Yes. And no they do not have the footage."

The 29-year-old, a former air hostess, had travelled to Beirut to try to recover her two children Lahala, 6, and Noah, 4, from their father, Ms Faulkner's ex-husband Ali Elamine, a Beirut surf business owner.

Mr Elamine was alleged to have failed to return their children to Australia as promised after a holiday in Lebanon.

On Wednesday Lebanon time, a car containing employees of CARI and Ms Faulkner had cruised to a stop near a bus stop in South Beirut where Mr Elamine's mother and a nanny were walking the two young children.

Two CARI agents got out of the the car and grabbed the children from the arms of their grandmother and another woman, while a third passenger appeared to be video recording the snatch, according to grainy security camera video captured by a CCTV camera at a nearby shop.

When one of the women appeared to fight back, she was violently pushed away from the vehicle, which then sped off.

Inside the car Ms Faulkner was reunited with her children and dropped off at another location. But when it quickly emerged that the crew and the child recovery agents had been arrested, Ms Faulkner sent her first panicked text to Chapman who immediately replied: "OK, how can I help." That was shortly followed by a second: "I heard what's happened."

Ms Faulkner then texted back: "Some of the team have been arrested."

"Are you OK?" Mr Chapman replied.

"I'm in a safe house right now."

Mr Chapman asked again if she was "sure you're safe?"

She said yes, "But we can't stay here for long. The kids want to leave for Australia now but I can't get them out."

She goes on to reveal authorities had "stopped the boat operation", a reference to a yacht that had been moored off the coast to extract her and the children.

She then asked Mr Chapman if there was a "way out through Syria", before noting "they say we took them (the children) using guns and hit her (grandmother) in the head. We didn't even touch the grandmother."

When Mr Chapman says Syria is too dangerous because of Islamic State, she asks: "Is there another way?"

Mr Chapman says he will find out and then asks who else got arrested and Ms Faulkner reveals Adam had been "pulled in for questioning" and the "60 Minutes crew are here too and they are in a bit of shit also". The 'Adam' is believed to be Adam Whittington, the head of CARI, a former Australian soldier and UK metropolitan police officer who has UK citizenship.

Mr Chapman soon texts back offering an avenue for escape to Cyprus - saying a water extraction is the safest way to go.

Ms Faulkner confirms she can get to a boat "within a day".

When Mr Chapman tells Ms Faulkner boat and extraction would cost €75,000, Ms Faulkner asks: "Is there anyway your team could do the recovery and get the money later. I know 60 will pay up if it means I don't do the rest of the story and I get out".

Mr Chapman says "they may want some sort of deposit or guarantee from 60 or yourself".

Eventually, Mr Chapman tells Ms Faulkner he has some bad news. "Sorry Sally, not getting far with them. They keep saying they will get back to me but they don't."

Mr Chapman also told her the chances of payment were nil.

"60 refusing to pay for the boat. They're relying on (Foreign Minister Julie) Bishop to get them out."

The last text from Ms Faulkner comes just before 8.42am on Thursday with her saying she is going to ring Mr Chapman.

Ms Faulkner was later arrested with her children who were returned to their father.

She and the 60 Minutes crew, who include Brown, producer Stephen Rice, sound man David Ballment and camera man Ben Williamson were expected to face the Lebanese judicial system for the first time on Monday evening, Australian time.

A Dutch woman and Mr Wittington also remain detained at the same Beirut police station.

A spokeswoman for Channel Nine said the station would not be commenting on claims Ms Faulkner could have got out on a boat with another recovery operation.