Submit your FML story

  • - Concept: An anecdote always starts with Today and ends with FML. There are no taboo subjects, feel free to express yourself.
  • - CAUTION: Read your message over. Please don't use text language and avoid making too many spelling mistakes.
  • - Please note that spam and nonsensical stories will result in you being blocked from accessing FML.
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Today, like everyday, I got on the train heading back from my university campus in Preston. Usually, it takes 20 minutes. When I sat down, I realised it was a non-stop service to Glasgow and the doors had closed. It took me 7 hours by train and a lift from my best friend at 2 a.m. to get home. FML


I agree, your life sucks (52) - you deserved it (0)

On 04/07/2016 at 11:17pm - misc - by Mintilou (woman) - United Kingdom (Sandwell)

Today, my cat likes to share my pillow at night. I guess she was extra comfortable last night, because she didn't bother getting off it to hack up a hairball. I woke up because I rolled my face onto it. FML


I agree, your life sucks (710) - you deserved it (108)

On 04/07/2016 at 10:28pm - animals - by xXWhiteSheepXx (woman) - United States (Nebraska)

Today, I went to a family reunion with my brother and my mother. She spent quite a while giving a glowing introduction for my brother to one of her cousins. Then, just before walking off, she jerked a thumb in my direction and said, "Oh, yeah, and that's his sister." FML


I agree, your life sucks (2084) - you deserved it (146)

On 04/07/2016 at 9:45pm - misc - by TappedAnts (woman) - United States (Texas)

Today, nearing the end of my pregnancy, I went to a local pool. While attempting to swim on my stomach, I turned a little to the left, and buoyancy took over and I ended up belly-up and flailing, causing a very large man to then laugh so hard, he choked. FML


I agree, your life sucks (2189) - you deserved it (295)

On 04/07/2016 at 8:23pm - health - by ciammmm (woman) - United States (Arizona)

Today my family are flying to Hawaii for a longed-for holiday. Well, my husband and children are; I'm in a hospital bed awaiting surgery on kidney stones that I never knew I had. Hopefully they'll send me a postcard. FML


I agree, your life sucks (3342) - you deserved it (207)

On 04/07/2016 at 7:26pm - health - by SunBedToHospitalBed (woman) - Australia (New South Wales)

Today, $1,000 were stolen from a deposit box to which only I and a coworker have access. I was so nervous during my interrogation that the cop said he had no doubt I was the one who stole the money. I had nothing to do with it. FML


I agree, your life sucks (10914) - you deserved it (925)

On 04/07/2016 at 3:19pm - money - by cats1234 - Canada (Alberta)

geolocep's comment : You should have said, Prove it!

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Today, my dog was so happy to see me that he laid down on his back and started pissing like a fountain. He pissed on everything around him, including me. FML


I agree, your life sucks (9215) - you deserved it (824)

On 04/07/2016 at 12:07pm - animals - by Koko - Germany (Berlin)

Today, a kind cyclist rode up next to me to inform me that my bag of groceries was about to fall off. Exceedingly careful, I slowly brought my bike to a halt. Only at the very second I stood still did I hear the dreaded "twang" as my carrier broke, and my stuff smashed to the ground. FML


I agree, your life sucks (13030) - you deserved it (1137)

On 04/07/2016 at 5:48am - misc - by ThrewItOntheGrooooooound (man) - Denmark (Syddanmark)

Today, my old boss stiffed me on a large sum of money he owes me. I tried to contact him and point out that he legally owes me the money, but he won't answer his texts or his phone, and the managers say he changes the subject whenever they bring it up. FML


I agree, your life sucks (13471) - you deserved it (904)

On 04/07/2016 at 5:19am - work - by Stiffed - Australia (Victoria)

crudeandrudeguy's comment : I think you can go ahead and sue without people freaking out and saying everyone sues too much. It's justified

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Today, I was snorkeling when a stingray suddenly appeared when I thought I was just looking at sand. It startled me, so my heel made contact with a sea urchin so that then startled me, and my other foot hit another one. FML


I agree, your life sucks (11940) - you deserved it (1437)

On 04/07/2016 at 4:51am - misc - by Stingraybeemonster - Thailand

Today, as a reward for starting to eating healthy, I got the squits at work. After going to the restroom, my stall didn't have toilet paper, the other two stalls didn't have any either. My boss definitely noticed too when he walked in on me with my pants around my ankles. FML


I agree, your life sucks (11626) - you deserved it (1111)

On 04/07/2016 at 12:56am - work - by fishtities (man) - United States (Texas)

Today, while using the leg press at the gym, some guy thought he could use more weight than me since I look really young. He hurt himself. He then blamed me and tried to get me kicked out. FML


I agree, your life sucks (14206) - you deserved it (854)

On 04/06/2016 at 11:06pm - health - by Shotacon (man) - United States (New York)

pfitch32's comment : With those legs he couldn't kick anyone out too hard ?

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Today, I listened to my best friend complain, again, about the two guys she's seeing, and how she doesn't know which one to choose, because they're both perfect. Meanwhile, I'm cleaning up my dog's loose stools, haven't had a date in over three years and I'm also sharing a room with the very same best friend. FML


I agree, your life sucks (13011) - you deserved it (1280)

On 04/06/2016 at 10:45pm - love - by howtobesingle - Norway (Oslo)

Jérôme Martini's illustrated FML

The Artist's interview

All illustrated FMLs

FML's blog

  • Jérôme Martini's illustrated FML
  • Hello everyone! Here we go away for another trip through the weird world of illustrations, its highs, its lows, and strange inhabitants. Creativity is something that doesn't really know any boundaries, and this…

Friday 1 April 2016

The whole blog

FMyLife, world tour

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