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Sign the Pledge of Resistance against an attack on Iraq

Justice Not Vengeance (JNV)

Justice Not Vengeance (JNV) is an anti-war group which has developed out of ARROW (Active Resistance to the Roots of War). JNV opposes the US-UK 'war on terrorism', and campaigns for a peaceful resolution of international conflicts, based on justice and equality. JNV has adapted the core principles developed by ARROW.

As of May 2010, JNV work is carried out by Maya Evans, Emily Johns and Milan Rai. We are grateful to JNV's advisors: Chris Cole, Pat Gaffney and Bruce Kent (all acting in a personal capacity).

Please support JNV!

JNV is funded entirely by voluntary donations. We spend your donations on: researching and printing anti-war briefings and other anti-war materials; and organising effective nonviolent resistance to war and the 'war on terror'.

If you are able to make a donation towards JNV's anti-war work, however large or small, we are very grateful for your support.

Please make cheques payable to 'JNV' and send them to:

JNV, 29 Gensing Road, St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex TN38 0HE.

Alternatively, you may wish to make an electronic transfer (please email us to let us know the size and date of your donation):

Account name: Justice Not Vengeance
Account number: 78520921
Bank: Nationwide Building Society, 40 London Road, St Leonards-on-Sea,
East Sussex TN37 6AN
Sort code: 07-00-55

Whatever the size of your donation, we are grateful for your support.

Please contact JNV with any submissions, enquiries or information about forthcoming events.
For more information, please email JNV.

JNV's six core principles


ARROW (Active Resistance to the Roots of War) was a nonviolent direct action affinity group set up in September 1990 to oppose the Gulf War (called Gulf War Resisters at the time).

From July 1991 until May 2003, ARROW kept a weekly vigil going every Monday evening outside the Foreign Office opposing economic sanctions and war on Iraq. ARROW has also taken action on other issues including Hawks to Indonesia, National Missile Defence, and Northern Ireland, but its main focus has been US/UK military intervention in the Third World.

In June 2003, ARROW handed over responsibility for this website to JNV.