Act For Freedom Now!


April 5, 2016
by actforfreedom

Athens: Responsibility claim for the arson attack of a diplomatic vehicle In the early hours of Tuesday March 29th.

Athens: Responsibility claim for the arson of a diplomatic vehicle
In the early hours of Tuesday March 29th, in the neighbourhood of
Pagrati on Nikosthenous road we torched a diplomatic car with license
plate DS 66-8.  The vehicle was completely destroyed and out act was
completely hidden by the cops media.

This act is a minimal respond to the convictions of our comrades, Nikos
Maziotis, Adonis Staboulos and Giorgos Petrakakos, from the special
court of Koridallos. The exterminating sentences imposed on them have a
double purpose, on one side breaking the fighting morale of our comrades
and on the other to terrorize parts of the movement who act or think of
acting outside the framework of bourgeois legality.

In the current juncture where parts of the movement defend their
structures with all means against the “legal” and “illegal” capital, the
initial intentions of the regime have already fallen on deaf ears. We
continue and organize in unions, solidarity structures, collectives,
direct action groups for the defending of the interests of our class.




Indomitable Marxists

p.s. Concerning the material damage caused to the two cars which were
parked in front and behind the diplomatic vehicle, we clarify that
something like this was never our intention.

Translated by Act for freedom now!

April 5, 2016
by actforfreedom

Disciplinary punishment and isolation for refusing the transfer of Panagiotis Aspiotis – Greece

Urgent. Update from Koridallos prisons.
Disciplinary punishment and isolation for refusing the transfer of
On March 31st, eight correctional employees accompanied by the sergeant
of Koridallos prisons, with particular violence and carrying handcuffs,
raided the cell where anarchists A.Staboulos, T.Theofilou and P.Aspiotis
are held, in order to force P.Aspiotis to transfer to Navplio prisons.
After Aspiotis resisted making clear that he will not obey this vengeful
order for his transfer, because he must remain in Koridallos so he can
get visits with his family and specifically with his 3 month old
daughter, the correctional employees left.
Today, March 4th , the supervisor prosecutor of Koridallos prisons
mrs.Victoria E.Marsioni summoned all three of them to answer to the
charges of disobedience, threatening and violence against the members of
the prison staff and swearing against prison staff, of which two were
acquitted and P.Aspiotis was sent to five days of isolation for the
charges of disobedience and threatening against members of the prison
According to the order of prosecutor Victoria E. Marsioni the punishment
will be enforced in Navplio prisons obviously so there is not a new
scandal concerning the disgusting situation of the disciplinary cells of
Koridallos and which had been revealed two years ago and nothing has
Panagiotis remains in Koridallos so far and states he has decided to not
accept his transfer.
Translated by Act for freedom now!

April 4, 2016
by actforfreedom

Milan, Italy –Poste Italiane ATMs under attack for the role played by Mistral Air in the deportation of migrants

We receive from anonymous mail and spread:
‘MILAN – We put 4 poste italiane ATMS out of use with hammers, paint and liquid steel in order to highlight the responsibility of their subsidiary in the disgusting business of deportation of migrantsthe . War, colonialism, plundering of resources and the mixing up of the climate caused by the west, are forcing ever growing masses of people to escape from their countries for rich Europe, while the latter is securing its borders with increasing militarization so as to defend its privileges from the misery it has itself created, and even found a way to make more profits on those who, after exhausting journeys and risking their lives, manage to reach their destination, and find themselves without legitimation to exist.
Solidarity with anyone who brings down borders and attacks those responsible for exploitation – We also left some graffiti on the walls of post offices:
Translated by act for freedom now!

April 4, 2016
by actforfreedom

Paris : Targeted rampage of administrative offices of the university of Tolbiac

Translator’s note: This sabotage took place during the ongoing movement against the “loi Travail” (the work act). The university of Tolbiac is on the frontline of this struggle in Paris. This rampage was commented in the bourgeois press, and some unions already dissociated themselves as can be seen here:
University of Tolbiac, March 22, an occupation of the N lecture hall is planned to hold a general assembly, but cops, security guards and management are all here to prevent it. In a wink, all of them disappear and the door of the lecture hall opens miraculously. We now understand that opportunists of the movement negotiated behind the backs of all. Like what, there are no miracles. It is precisely for this reason that, pissed off, we decided to sabotage these power games.
While students were getting sloshed in their supposedly occupied lecture hall, we decided to have fun in a whole different way. We climbed the 7th floor to ransack administration offices, cutting cables, throwing various liquids on various electronic devices, administrative papers are destroyed and two computers are stolen to be quietly destroyed.
This is the realization of a precise will to not be limited to speaking out, to general assemblies, or demos (whether at 11 or 13:30[1]), but to counter any form of collusion with power, all powers.
Let’s prevent the law from working.
Some enraged of another 22 March[2].
Translated from Attaque:
[1] TN : Since the beginning of the movement, in Paris, the “unorganised” demos generally starts at 11, while the unions starts at 13:30.
[2] TN : Probably a reference to the Movement of 22 March 1968.

April 4, 2016
by actforfreedom

Italy – Anarchist Chiara Zenobi is free!

Italy – Chiara is free!
After Claudio, Mattia and Niccolò, Chiara is also free at last. Her release was more complicated than that of her three comrades: in fact, revocation of house arrest by the judges of the Tribunal in Turin came a few days after the judges of the Appeal Court in L’Aquila annulled the Special Surveillance order inflicted on her last September.
The judges in Abruzzo acknowledged that there was lack of territorial jurisdiction in the police chief of Teramo’s request for detention, given that most ‘improper behaviour’ justifying Chiara’s Special Surveillance order had been committed in Turin.
And on the theme of court news, here is the latest on the judicial disputes caused by the resistance to a police raid in February in 2015. First of all, the sentence against Erika, Paolo, Luigi, Marco and Toshi: Erika was acquitted whereas the four other comrades were sentenced to seven months, which they have already entirely served in jail. Another four comrades who had been banned from Turin following the same resistance are now allowed to go back to the city awaiting their trial due on 14th June.
via: macerie
Translated by act for freedom now

April 4, 2016
by actforfreedom

Besançon: Against this world of slaves and misery … Let’s plunge into the path of revolt!

imageIn the face of our passivity and our resignation, the State is concocting ever more disgusting and humiliating projects. The dream of the rich and those who aspire to a world of wealth and exploitation is to see us slave away for their profits without flinching, we who are forced to accept any job to survive. Working hand in hand with the bosses, the State wants to make this “life” ever more unbearable for us.
The various laws that power seeks to make us swallow aim to alienate us even more and force us to accept the foundation of their rotten society based on exploitation and war of all against all: between those who work and those who don’t; the poor unemployed and those without papers fleeing wars and poverty, freeing themselves from ultra-secure borders and opposing the  State guard dogs. All these divisions between exploited, a mere reflection of this competitive prison world that power works for every day, are all barriers to break down.
Faced with the daily humiliation and misery of this system, some absorb piles of drugs, legal or illegal, commit suicide to escape the conditions of submission and oppression in which the dominant hold us. Although the vast majority comply with this filthy existence licking the ass of the owners or imbibing their values ​​(snitching, money, property, racism, etc …), others rebel individually or as a few, by attacking and destroying part of what constitutes the wealth of the exploiters.
Will we continue to bow down, follow like sheep the slightest whistle of the unions, first partners (collaborators!) of the State, always negotiating what sauce we will be served up? Marching every now and again behind reformist banners and slogans, along a route completely mapped out by the cops ???
There’s no way to stay in place, from home to the grind, tram stations to supermarkets and shopping malls, all in the middle of a barrack-style urbanism under the eyes of cops paid to control us and blight our existence. Let’s stop suffering the daily tram-tram. Let’s block everything.
If we go out into the streets it won’t be just to oppose a law that consolidates the chains that link the exploited and oppressed to the bosses and masters of this world. At a time when power is filling the entire territory with its ever more heavily armed uniforms, now is the time to take to the streets to refuse to be reduced to the state of slaves.
It’s no use brooding and bitching, either in our own areas or on social networks. It’s time to act, organize ourselves, always bearing in mind that to do the most harm to the enemy, it is necessary to remain unpredictable, spontaneous and uncontrollable.
Let’s renew the old revolutionary practices that we have abandoned for too long: the wildcat strike, the blockade, sabotage, and maybe more …
No compromise with those who make war on us!
[Poster flyposted in Besançon on the sidelines of the mobilization against the “labour law” of March 9, taken by Indy Nantes.]
Translated by Act for freedom now!

April 2, 2016
by actforfreedom

If fighting for freedom is a crime, innocence is really the worst of all April 2016 – Brussels

a-propos-du-proces-belgique-1_Page_1PDF in french
 About the forthcoming antiterrorist trial against anarchists and anti-authoritarians in Belgium
 In late 2008, a midst diffuse hostilities triggered by the revolt in Greece following the assassination of Alexis by police, the Belgian Federal Prosecutor launches an investigation of anarchists and anti-authoritarians. In 2010, on the basis of a list of actions that the police attribute to the “anarchist movement” and while the struggle against the construction of a new detention centre in Steenokkerzeel is underway, magistrate Isabelle Panou is assigned to the investigation, now under the anti-terrorism. In May, then in September 2013, a dozen searches took place within this investigation, the searches targeting different homes as well as the anarchist library Acrata in Brussels. It is on this occasion that the existence of an antiterrorist investigation first emerges. This investigation is led by the anti-terrorist branch of the Federal Judicial Police backed by the State Security and the General Intelligence and Security Agency of the army as well as various anti-terrorist branches of other European countries. The investigation is closed in 2014, culminating in the referral of twelve anarchists and anti-authoritarians to the Court Chambers.
 After a session for the legalization of the specific methods of research used in this investigation (shadowing, phone tapping, microphone placement in one house, secret searches, attempts at infiltration, placement of video surveillance devices outside homes and inside one home) in October 2015, the case is referred to the Court Chamber. The sitting of the Chamber is scheduled for May 10, 2016 and will determine whether a trial should be held, and if so, under what charges.
 In this investigation, the Federal Prosecutor has attempted to draw up no less than 29 individualized charges. Nine comrades are accused of belonging to a terrorist organization and involvement in terrorist activities for more or less extended periods. Three of them are also accused of being the “leaders”. In addition, three other people arrested in the wake of an attack on the police station of Marolles are accused of belonging to this terrorist group for a day, as well as various charges related to the attack. This is as far as concerns the general accusation.
 This is then complemented by more specific charges such as participation in a non-authorisation demonstration outside the detention centre 127bis in Steenokkerzeel (transformed into “attempted arson” and a “terrorist offence” by the prosecutors), preparation and participation in an attack on the police station in Marolles (qualified by the prosecution as a “terrorist offence”), assault and wounding of police officers on several occasions, obstruction of the public highway, damage in various forms, shoplifting, arson of prison guards’ cars in the Ittre prison car park, incitement to commit terrorist offences… It should be noted that these specific allegations are each aimed at specific comrades, that is to say not everyone has been charged with all the allegations.

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March 31, 2016
by actforfreedom

Finland – Responsibility for arson attack two cars of the private security company Securitas

Received :07c2283eabb6440f82f5413eedbc3daeWe take responsibility for the arson attack on the 29th of march. We burned two cars of the private security company Securitas. With this attack
We want to bring to light the co-operation between Securitas and Fennovoima nuclear energy company that is known for its destruction of the environment.
The 1st of April will be the first day that Securitas will be in charge of the construction site in Hanhikivenniemi, where the latest nuclear plant is meant to be built.
With this arson we welcome Securitas to Fennovoima!
We want to send our solidarity to Monica and Francisco .
And all the prisioners of the world!
Finland, Frensh, Spanish, Italian

March 31, 2016
by actforfreedom

Spain – 12 years prison sentences for anarchists Mónica and Francisco

represionmonicyfrancisco-219x280Today March 30, 2016, the sentence of the High Court was notified by the comrades’ lawyers, condemning anarchists Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar to 5 years in prison on charges of “injury”, plus 7 years for “damage with terrorist purpose”, for a total of 12 years for each of them. They were acquitted of charges of “belonging to a terrorist organization and conspiracy” against the Monastery of Montserrat.
In the face of the sentencing of our comrades we have the challenge of extending the struggle and solidarity, defending our ties and our ideas, refusing that their world be reduced to the four walls that keep them locked up.
Strength to our imprisoned comrades, always present in our struggles and our daily lives.
There is no “inside”, nor is there an “outside”, there are only enemies against the State and authority.
Death to the state and long  live anarchy!
Contra Madriz

March 29, 2016
by actforfreedom

Text by anarchist prisoners Alexandros Mitrousias and Giorgos Karagiannidis – Koridallos prisons -Greece

On April 20th, in the court room of Koridallos prisons, begins the
appeal trial which will try various cases concerning the actions of the
organization Conspiracy Cells of Fire (arrests in Halandri in September
2009, the mailing of incendiary parcels in November 2010, arrests in
Volos in March 2011) as well as other cases of captive anarchists
(arrests in Nea Smirni in December 2010, the shoot-out in Pefki in May
2012, the expropriation of banks in Velvedo Kozanis in February 2013.)
We would like mention that we are convicted for the Halandri case as
well the weapons found in a storage room in Nea Smirni, a case for which
comrade S.Antoniou and comrade K.Sakkas who is evading arrest have also been
convicted. We ought to share some observations, because in the
management of judicial cases that concern the actions of the
organization as a whole as well as other joined cases, the state
authorities use a series of legal tactics. We think that it is somewhat
important to submit the experience that has been gained after 5 years of
us continuously being in a judicial process, convicted and indicted at
the same time.
Initially, the judicial authorities in cooperation with the
antiterrorist force, separated the action of the organization into
different indictments, trying them at different times. The aim was the
continuous detainment of those anarchists that had not been on trial
before the ending of the 18month period of their first detainment
(according to the law in greece, if a prisoner has been on pre-trial
detention for 18months without going on trial he/she must be released).
A characteristic example is what took place in June 2012, when the
judicial authorities sought the extension of the detainments beyond 30
months. K.Sakkas’ hunger strike raised a barrier against this attempt of
continuous judicial captivity, demonstrating the importance of resisting
state methods, at exactly the time judicial-prosecutorial employees try
to enforce unprecedented repressive methods on the cases of captive
In view of the appeals court, the opposite tactic is applied, ie all the
cases we mentioned above are bundled and sent to a regular court. Since
all of us who are accused are also convicted with prison sentences and
there is no possibility of one us being released because our detainment
period ending, the judicial authorities seek the extension of our
imprisonment, as well as other incarcerated anarchists, through one more
marathon penal process, the final decision of which will be delayed.
A particular sample of this method is the adding of the appeal for the
double expropriation of banks in Velvedo, where 6 anarchist comrades are
persecuted. The grotesque thing here is, that although the comrades
initially were not convicted for participation in the organization
Conspiracy Cells of Fire, the judicial authorities refer the case to the
super-court of appeals, as we described, with an obvious aim of
lengthening their sentence and their stay in prison.
Thus, this appeals court will function as one more episode in the
attempt of the antiterrorist force and the judicial authorities to
extend our imprisonment to an indefinite time continuum. We do not
intend to remain impassive in front of these methods and we will clash
on every level in order to refute this judicial planning.
The conjunction of the state bureaucracy, the legal tactics and the long
term penal processes, compose a grid of control that aims at our
complete submission through long term imprisonment, a practice that is
directed completely against the incarcerated anarchists. Let us also
mention, that although the appeals court for these cases approaches, the
last first instance procedure concerning the incendiary-explosive
barrages carried out by the organization Conspiracy Cells of Fire during
the period 2008-2011, has not yet been completed. For actions that were
carried out 7-8 years ago, this court has not yet finished, almost 3
years after it started, operating as a prolonged detention for us.
During the 5 years we have been imprisoned, so much has happened on a
level of state oppression, that what we are mentioning is simply a small
part of a special chapter of it, whose base is the anti-terrorist
legislation.Dozens of prisoners from the anarchist-antiauthoritarian
milieu during the 5 years between 2010 and 2015, detentions upon
detentions for many of us who are serving time, wide use of the
exclusions laws (187, 187A, hoodie-law in numerous cases), extended to
the vengeful prosecutions and arrests of relatives or close comrades,
aiming at spreading the fear and political/social isolation of
incarcerated anarchists.
Just like the arrests of Evi Statiri and Athina Tsakalou which are a
different, experimental enforcement of the antiterrorist law, where they
are not even allowed to be present in their trial since they are under
house arrest and their persecution acquires a Kafkaesque character.
Additionally, the conviction of N.Maziotis, member of the Revolutionary
Struggle, to life imprisonment clearly shows the intentions of the
oppressive policy. The conviction to life with no murderous attack,
introduces a totalitarian practice from the side of the state, aiming at
halting the violent revolutionary action policy.
The contradiction of the judicial methods of authority we partially
mentioned above, always in the frames of an overall plan of subversion,
is a part of the war that is being carried out, while every step back is
lost ground for us and an overall politically negative precedent. Thus,
the presence and support in crucial points of the judicial process
during the appeals court, is desirable and necessary.
In a global reality that is rapidly changing, with fast geopolitical
developments in the wider area that directly affect the social-political
processes, with the collapse of the illusion of a “left management” of
authority, we look forward to the intensification of the overall
hostilities against states, homelands, religions and the economic
system, for liberation and revolution.
To end we send a warm hug to Kostas, and we assure him that in the
struggle against oblivion, memory wins.
A.Mitrousias – G.Karagiannidis
Koridallos prisons, March 2016.
Translated by Act for freedom now!
In Spanish:instintosalvaje.

March 29, 2016
by actforfreedom

We live to tread on kings -Lucioles n°24 – Paris – France

tumblr_n3tb6vXqoc1qbrntno1_500 ‘O gentlemen, the time of life is short;…
An if we live, we live to tread on kings;’
Bodies covered with tarpaulins, sheets, littering the terraces of various cafés… The horror of the slaughter that took place in that hall. It’s surreal.
Unable to do anything in that situation. In the name of their religion these god-crazed fanatics put a bullet indiscriminately in all the living unfortunate enough to cross their path. Super-trained suicide bombers that self-appointed religious leaders have promised will go to heaven, taking with them the greatest number of people possible in their killing spree. And the sole purpose of all this is to impose terror. To make those who live in a peaceful society, far from the battles that the army conducts against a nation they have not chosen, smell the smell of blood. To punish a population because a State has decided to conduct a war, hold people responsible who had no say in these decisions. Revenge of a State, in the most cowardly and easy way, not touching those concerned, but breaking eggs to make a show of force by making a bloody omelette.
We are concerned. Concerned about this kind of indiscriminate massacre, that sees in all individuals nothing but lives to be taken, bodies to plant bullets in just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, for having had the misfortune to cross the barrel of one of the god-crazed, who are our enemies as well as the State, regardless of the ideology of these fanatics. The god-crazed who carry out massacres in the name of their religious fanaticism in Syria, Iraq, Tunisia, Niger, Egypt, Lebanon, and Paris … But we know that, under other ideologies, others have perpetrated and continue to perpetrate actions whose only aim is to strike randomly elsewhere in the world in the name of ideas that are enemies of freedom. We are talking about complete freedom, whole and indivisible. That which blasphemes against all authority and destroys all power, be it in sacred books or the facades of States. Not that which the State shakes like a rattle as it governs us, also, through terror.

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March 29, 2016
by actforfreedom

UK – Profession and Movement – Aufheben Scandal

Libcom & Aufheben – Snitches, collaborators and enemies
Three years ago a small scandal took place when the Greek group TGTP published in an open letter that the co-founder of Aufheben, John Drury, lead workshops for the police and military and is known as a “provider of ideas” in these circles. These workshops took part within the framework of his academic career researching Crowd Control, mass panics and rescue operations. Together with his closest colleagues Stott and Reicher he has developed the Elaborated Social Identity Model (ESIM). The social psychologist Stott is renowned to be one of the globally leading experts for protests and violent uprisings. ESIM claims that a ‘mob’ acts according to certain patterns: people in a crowd have individual thoughts and emotions, so when the crowd is attacked indifferently by the police, people act in solidarity with each other and resist together. Therefore ESIM advices that the police should proceed in a multi-levelled approach and extract ‘individual perpetrators’ from the crowd. Using such kind of methods, Stott coordinated security preparations for the European football cup in Poland and Ukraine in 2012. (for more details see both open letters by TPTG)[1]
Aufheben is a group from Brighton, which publishes one of the few collectively produced magazines of the radical left in England. The magazine consists of mainly long articles tackling fundamental questions (what was the Soviet Union, decadence theory, “Green New Capitalism” etc.). They often deal with similar subjects as us (theory of the oil rent, criticism of Negri’s autonomist marxism, debate about Beverly Silver’s book). We have translated some of their articles (21st century Intifada, criticism of the commons thesis by Massimo de Angelis, Dole Autonomy) and have criticised them at certain points (e.g. in wildcat 89, “The oil rent, Ricardians amongst themselves”). We share similar positions when it comes to the issues of working-time reductions and guaranteed income. During the end of the 90s we initiated a closer collaboration with Aufheben and other collectives in Europe, which ultimately failed.

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March 29, 2016
by actforfreedom

House arrest and all restrictions were revoked yesterday for Pippo, Tommi and Andre- Italy

 Update on Pippo, Tommi and Andre
House arrest and all restrictions were revoked yesterday for Pippo, Tommi and Andre.
Today they’re free up to a point.
They have to reside in their towns, be at home from 8pm to 7am and report daily to the police station.
Just a little step forward for our comrades, especially as we’ll finally get the chance to hug them.
To close down fascist dens is not only a slogan.
Translated by act for freedom now!

March 29, 2016
by actforfreedom

Liege, Belgium – “Keep your iPhone” and broken windows, an Accent Jobs agency vandalized

Belgium, February 18, 20160-79
An agency of the temporary employment agency Accent Jobs was vandalized in Liege, reported De Tijd on Thursday. The information was confirmed by a spokesman for Accent Jobs.
 A window was smashed and the words “Keep your iPhone” were tagged on the front.
“We deeply regret this incident. The safety of our employees and customers is our main priority. We will do everything to ensure this and will rehabilitate the agency as soon as possible,” Accent Jobs responded. Accent Jobs has been under fire from critics this week after promising its workers an extra day’s leave and a smartphone if no candidate presents themselves for the social elections next May.
Translated by Act for freedom now!

March 27, 2016
by actforfreedom

Capergnanica (Cremona), Italy – Mink breeding farm under attack

visoni1visoni2visoni3In the night of 31st December we broke into the breeding farm run by farming company Master in Capergnanica (Cremona).
Our intention was very clear: to free the minks locked up in there and destroy cages and instruments. After we opened a gap in the fence we cut the high voltage cables meant to prevent access and cause harm, and we also cut the alarm wire. We then got to a pylon in order to destroy the alarm siren placed on it.
We entered the only two closed structures and destroyed IT equipment and everything that was linked to the alarm system, and this provoked a fire.
Just before we could turn our attention to the animals our revenged was hindered by the arrival of a car, the owner’s, who was patrolling the area, got suspicious because all lights were off and stopped for a check.
Then the police arrived and we were forced to run off, alone, without the animals, this time left in the torturer’s hands.
We won’t be resigned in the face of the proliferation of places of torture and death. The breeding man must have realized that the reputation of his concentration camp as being super-protected was compromised.
Where there’s exploitation there’s also a crack to be opened for escape.
Even if it went wrong this time, we won’t give up until the end of animal slavery…
Translated by act for freedom now

March 27, 2016
by actforfreedom

Italy – Days of agitation against war logistics: again the war in Libya let’s jam the war machine

banner campagna antimilitarista



War is no longer declared: it is simply there. Since 1991 the Italian State has been at war with its troops deployed in over 20 countries and its participation in all the most prominent ‘international missions’.
Renzi’s government is now getting ready to attack Libya with the purpose of lining up the army in defence of ENI oilfields and gas pipes.
As this wasn’t enough, the Italian State will soon go back to Iraq with a contingent of about 500 soldiers, who will oversee work on the Mosul dam to be undertaken by the construction company Trevi from Cesena.
War has always been used by the States and the ruling classes in order to affirm their own interests. From resources grabbing to the availability of low cost workforce, war is the oxygen of any business.
Not only: war is a business itself, as it secures huge profits to the bosses of the arms industry – first of all the State’s giant Finmeccanica – and to speculators who distribute ‘reconstruction’ contracts between themselves, not to mention the bosses of the logistics necessary to military manoeuvres.
While the bosses feast at the expense of the whole world, we also see war here close to us, under the form of hunted humankind: millions of refugees are crowding on the external borders of the very States that have bombarded them; but they are faced with kilometres of walls, barbed wire, iron, internment camps and troops watching them. Borders which had apparently disappeared are becoming material again.
On this side of the border people are being made to live in the terror that war can bounce back in the form of indiscriminate attacks. Zones of dissent are being restricted, life conditions are worsening and cities are being militarized. All this is being achieved amidst the tacit consent of anyone who doesn’t oppose resistance to these choices.
But we can find the responsible of the horror also here close to us. In fact it is not only the military that make war. They need others to support them in their doings: companies that produce arms, universities that develop technology and intervention strategies, commercial carriers for the logistical transport of arms and soldiers.
An armoured vehicle that is not boarded on a ship can’t go and shoot oversea; a bomb that is not carried outside a factory can’t be dropped on a Libyan or Syrian village. For these reasons Moby Lines, Tirrenia, FS Logistica, Saima Avandero, Ter Roma and many others are complicit in the war. FS Logistica earns over 10 million euros per year from the railway transport of military vehicles. Moby Lines transports RVM bombs from Sardinia to the Continent in order for them to reach war scenarios.
Therefore it is necessary to act against war logistics, the imminent attack on Libya and all the accomplices of militarism. For this reason we call on all the enemies of the war machine for mobilization from 28th March to 2nd April, with actions of disruption and opposition against those who send instruments and supplies to the front, according to each one’s desires and possibilities.
We call for demonstrations to take place in as many cities as possible on 2nd April, in squares, outside universities, research centres and war businesses.
Because we respond to the war between the states and the peoples with social war, for the destruction of all borders and all forms of exploitation made by human beings on other human beings and nature.
Anarchists and antimilitarists


Translated by act for freedom now!


March 27, 2016
by actforfreedom

Turin, Italy – Sentence for the [attempted] trial against eco-anarchists Silvia, Billy and Costa

This morning 23 of March 2016  the reading of the sentence for Silvia, Billy and Costa took place at the Court of Turin. The comrades had already been convicted in Switzerland for possession, transportation and handling stolen explosives for the attempt to attack the IBM nano-technological research centre in Zurich with the signature Earth Liberation Front Switzerland. The Swiss trial ended with sentences from three years and four months to three years and eight months [which they served in full].
The Turin prosecutor, rigging an all Italian case, had requested sentences of up to 5 years and 6 months for the same offences. The court ruled on the admissibility for “Ne bis in idem”, not possible to condemn twice for the same offence, so inability to proceed due to lack of jurisdiction.
Translated by Act for freedom now

March 27, 2016
by actforfreedom

Banners and broadsheets in solidarity with anarchist Osman Evcan throughout Greece

Since the 22th of February 2016, anarchist Osman Evcan who is imprisoned in Turkey, started the 3rd hunger strike in a year with the spiking demand of the vegan alignment right in prison, as well as demands regarding the custodial conditions in the high security prisons of Silivri No:6 L Type.
In order to promote the comrade’s struggle, many broadsheets have been glued and banners were dropped in Patras, Thessaloniki and Chania, as well as a poster from the «Alogomiges»(which means horsefly) collective
1Immediate satisfaction of the demands of anarchist hunger striker since 22/2 Osman Evcan, who is incarcerated in Turkish prisons
2From Greece to Turkey, Demolition of prisons. Fire to authorityStrength to anarchist Osman Evcan
4Strength to the anarchist hunger striker Osman Evcan. Until the demolition of every cell/cage, NO ONE IS FREE
More Photos
Radiofragmata Translation Project
Source: mavroprasino

March 26, 2016
by actforfreedom

Lecce, Italy – A new sentence Against Anarchists for ‘operation ‘Nottetempo’


PDF :The Unwanted Children of Capital

In December 2010 the 11 anarchists investigated in operation Nottetempo [2005] were declared guilty of subversive association (art. 270) and other specific ‘offences’ by the Appeal Court of Assizes in Lecce.
On 14th November 2014 the Court of Cassation confirmed the sentence relating to the specific offences, which by then had expired under the statute of limitations, but quashed the part of the sentence related to subversive association and referred the case to the Appeal Court of Assizes in Taranto for a reformulation of the sentence.
On 24th February 2016, nearly eleven years since the beginning of the proceedings, the judges in Taranto pronounced a new sentence, which rejected the theory of art. 270 and convicted the 11 defendants of organized crime (art. 416); however the court also declared that the case was not to be pursued, owing to the statute of limitations.
In the repressive operation called ‘Nottetempo’ most of the charges pressed against those under investigation (subversive association; instigation to commit crime; defamation; arson to Banca Intesa ATMs, the front door of the Lecce Cathedral and priest Cesare Lodeserto’s house) were linked to the struggle taking place in Lecce against the then migrants’ detention centre ‘Regina Pacis’ in San Foca – a notorious concentration camp for undocumented migrants run by priest Cesare Lodeserto and owned by the Lecce clergy. The charge concerning damages to Esso petrol pumps, instead, referred to the struggle against the war in Iraq.