Topic of the Week: Security Culture

  • Posted on: 28 March 2016
  • By: thecollective

From the controversy surrounding Hillary Clinton's e-mail debacle to the blah blah of Bitcoin enthusiasts, from Anonymous to Michael Schmidt catfishing fascists (or not), debates about Privacy, the Surveillance State, cryptography, whistle-blowers, and other security culture topics can be found everywhere today. As anarchists, this has been a longtime area of interest, being no strangers to the State (and others) targeting us for surveillance and infiltration.

Targeted rampage of administrative offices of the University of Tolbiac (France)

  • Posted on: 5 April 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Translator’s note: This sabotage took place during the ongoing movement against the “loi Travail” (the work act). The university of Tolbiac is on the frontline of this struggle in Paris. This rampage was commented in the bourgeois press, and some unions already dissociated themselves as can be seen here:

Support the Convergence in Support of Eco-prisoners and Against Toxic Prisons - June 11-13

  • Posted on: 4 April 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

We are launching a crowdfunding campaign to raise $3000 to help bring former political prisoners, family members and supporters of current prisoners to the Convergence in Support of Eco-Prisoners and Against Toxic Prisons. It is essential to have these voices present in DC and we want to ensure they don't have to exhaust there own limited funds to get there.

Click here to donate:

To Spread the Revolution: Anarchist Archives and Libraries

  • Posted on: 3 April 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Kate Sharpely Library - by Jessica Moran

For anarchists—those defined in the most general terms as believing in a political and social theory of society without government and through voluntary relationships—the written and published word has been central to their movement. From early on, anarchists in the United States and Europe published and collected their ideas and written work. This published literature was one of the main sources of anarchist propaganda and a means to communicate and spread ideas. Newspapers, pamphlets, and, books were instrumental in sharing and documenting the philosophies and actions of the anarchist movement; anarchist libraries were a natural continuation and followed shortly thereafter.

Many early English language anarchist periodicals produced pamphlet series, often with some sort of anarchist library subtitle. For example, early American journals such as Liberty, Free Society, and Mother Earth had pamphlet series called the “Liberty Library,” “Free Society Library,” and the “Mother Earth Library. The long-running English anarchist paper Freedom also maintained a pamphlet series called the “Freedom Library.”

Anarchist Critique of The PKK

  • Posted on: 3 April 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Syndicalist Communizing

If you consider yourself to be on the radical left side of politics, be it Marxist, Anarchist, what have you, you have probably been bombarded for the last year with talk about things like “The PKK” and “The YPG”, or “The YPJ”. These are all part of the Syrian Kurdish movement that has come to power in a few cantons in the middle east, the canton mentioned the most easily being the region of Kobane witch has been a front for the Kurdish fighters against the forces of Islamic State. The reaction the broad left has given this movement is one of intense support. Any statements critical of the movement are immediately attacked. Afed put out an article in December 2014 heavily criticizing the movement which is now taken down.

Tomorrow (3.4.): International Live Anarchist Radio Broadcast (2-6pm CET)

  • Posted on: 2 April 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

On Sunday, the 3rd of April 2016, the 17 projects of the International Gathering of Anarchist and Anti-authoritarian Radios that is taking place in Berlin, Germany, will do a 4 hour live radio broadcast that can be listen to through an online stream (links below!).

This is a Call to Action Against Slavery in America

  • Posted on: 1 April 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From - Prisoners from across the United States have just released this call to action for a nationally coordinated prisoner workstoppage against prison slavery to take place on September 9th, 2016.

Get it as zine PDF.

This is a Call to Action Against Slavery in America

Political Prisoner Birthday Poster For April 2016 Is Now Available

  • Posted on: 31 March 2016
  • By: prisonbooks
Political Prisoner Birthday Poster April 2016

Hello Friends and Comrades,
Here is the political prisoner birthday poster for April.(11"x17" PDF, 1.8MB) Print it out and plaster your community, both in commemoration of these freedom fighters and to advertise locally for a political prisoner letter writing night.
