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Note: Articles classified as "non anarchist press" are published in this section of the site. They do not usually reflect the opinions of nor of the organizations who run this site and are included by reason of their possible interest to readers. The opinions expressed in any such articles are exclusively those of the articles' authors.
américa central / caribe / imperialismo / guerra / non-anarchist press Saturday March 12, 2016 - 14:36 by David Brooks
Recuerdan su papel central para minar el retorno de Zelaya al poder en Honduras

Tras el golpe se desató una ofensiva contra movimientos populares en el país centroamericano
... read full story / add a comment
france / belgium / luxemburg / repression / prisoners / non-anarchist press Saturday March 12, 2016 - 14:31 by Ali Abuminah
France has ratcheted up its draconian repression of free speech about Palestine with the arrest of a woman for wearing a T-shirt supporting the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement. ... read full story / add a comment
international / history of anarchism / other libertarian press Tuesday March 01, 2016 - 03:23 by KSL
KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library No. 85, March 2016 has just been posted on our site. ... read full story / add a comment
internazionale / lotte indigene / altra stampa libertaria Saturday February 27, 2016 - 04:32 by Gianni Sartori   text 2 comments (last - sunday february 28, 2016 - 06:31)
Tra l'incudine dell'Isis e il martello di Ankara, la resistenza celebra il capodanno curdo di Newroz. per l'Umanità ... read full story / add a comment
internazionale / cultura / stampa non anarchica Thursday February 25, 2016 - 21:53 by Lucio Garofalo
Marx e l'omofobia

È da poco trascorso (sotto silenzio) un anniversario storico estremamente importante: il 21 febbraio 1848 venne pubblicata a Londra la prima edizione del "Manifesto del Partito Comunista" di Karl Marx e Friedrich Engels.

Attuale più che mai. Oggi, in molti invocano il ritorno della Vecchia Talpa: "E quando la rivoluzione avrà condotto a termine questa seconda metà del suo lavoro preparatorio, l’Europa balzerà dal suo seggio e griderà: ben scavato, vecchia talpa!". Colgo l'occasione per avanzare alcune riflessioni personali... ... read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / la izquierda / other libertarian press Wednesday February 24, 2016 - 16:12 by Rafael Bautista S.
Nunca como ahora tuvo tanta pertinencia aquella desafortunada invención de nuestro vicepresidente. Pues si el supuesto empate tiene sabor a derrota, entonces la figura del “empate técnico” es sólo un amargo consuelo (pretendiendo hacer de la derrota empate, lo técnico resulta una mera alquimia que sueña convertir plomo en oro). Nunca la retórica del empate se hace tan amarga como cuando se pretende disfrazar una derrota que confirma la no correspondencia entre la realidad y su interpretación. En ese sentido, lo técnico encubre una catástrofe: el gigante de bronce se descubre con pies de barro. Marx decía que la historia se repite dos veces, una como tragedia y otra como comedia. Lo que no dijo es que la comedia no es tal para el que la sufre; la tragedia continúa y hasta con más saña (por eso la historia está para aprenderla, no sólo para citarla). ... read full story / add a comment
"Christ Pantocrator," Hagia Sophia, Istanbul (recreation).  Courtesy Sophia Institute
mashriq / arabia / iraq / religion / other libertarian press Friday February 19, 2016 - 01:20 by Javier Sethness Castro   image 1 image
Reza Aslan's Zealot (2013) presents the ways in which the life of Jesus of Nazareth was “revised” ex post facto by the Gospel-writers or evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and how it was that Rome's suppression of the Jewish Revolt of 66 C.E. catalyzed the very writing of the Gospels (70-120 C.E.) and the propagation throughout the Greco-Roman Diaspora of the revisionist views of Saul (Paul) of Tarsus, which stressed the divinity of Jesus while attempting to reconcile or downplay the prophet's political revolutionism, directed against Rome and the Jewish ruling class, as summarized in the Kingdom of God he proclaimed. Aslan provides many historical correctives both to the presentation of the Gospels and the dogma institutionalized by the various Christian churches, yet his own account of Jesus as Zealot would likely be improved by engagement with Christian anarchist thinkers such as Leo Tolstoy. ... read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / antifascismo / non-anarchist press Saturday February 06, 2016 - 14:09 by CONAIE
La CONAIE rechaza categóricamente la presencia del primer mandatario turco, Recep Tayyip Erdogan como invitado oficial del gobierno ecuatoriano, quien es responsable por el hostigamiento, represión, persecución política del pueblo kurdo y de sus expresiones político organizativas. ... read full story / add a comment
international / gender / non-anarchist press Tuesday February 02, 2016 - 15:33 by Nicola Pratt
This article is based on some of the research that I have conducted over the past two years on women’s activism in Egypt, Lebanon, and Jordan, from independence until the Arab uprisings. I collected over one hundred personal narratives from middle class women activists of different generations. This research was initially framed in terms of what is perceived to be a ‘gender paradox’: despite over a century of women’s activism, why do women in Arab countries continue to face some of the largest gender inequalities in the world? ... read full story / add a comment
international / economy / non-anarchist press Tuesday January 26, 2016 - 17:07 by John McMurtry
The just-released Oxfam Davos report An Economy For the 1% which the mass media have ignored arrestingly shows that 62 individuals (388 in 2010) now own more wealth than 50 per cent of the world's population. More shockingly, it reports from its uncontested public sources that this share of wealth by half of the world's people has collapsed by over 40 per cent in just the last five years. ... read full story / add a comment
iberia / la izquierda / other libertarian press Sunday January 17, 2016 - 14:53 by Ander Jimenez Cava   text 1 comment (last - sunday january 17, 2016 - 16:29)   image 1 image
En lugar de asestarles la estocada final, como han tenido oportunidad, han preferido mantener los castellets y que sea el pueblo catalán el que soporte sobre sus espaldas a los que están arriba, que son los mismos de siempre. ... read full story / add a comment
grecia / turquía / chipre / imperialismo / guerra / other libertarian press Sunday January 17, 2016 - 07:45 by KNK   image 2 images
En los últimos meses venimos recibiendo noticias de los ataques del estado turco contra la población kurda de Bakur [Norte de Kurdistán, perteneciente al estado turco]. Estos ataques han ido aumentando hasta estar ahora en la práctica, en guerra abierta, con barrios enteros sitiados por el ejército. Las informaciones de los medios de comunicación están siendo bastante confusas al respecto y Erdogan está aprovechando la "crisis de los refugiados" para tener una posición de fuerza ante sus aliados occidentales. Este comunicado del Congreso Nacional Kurdo hace un resumen de la situación actual y un llamamiento a exigir el cese de las masacres cometidas por el estado turco. ... read full story / add a comment
international / migration / racism / non-anarchist press Friday January 15, 2016 - 03:50 by Kevin Ovenden
But wasn’t Charlie Hebdo once something to do with the left, loosely a product of a previous upsurge of social struggle many years ago?

Yes it was. So were Sir Oswald Mosley, Benito Mussolini, Georges Sorel… ... read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / cultura / altra stampa libertaria Thursday January 14, 2016 - 23:59 by Gianni Sartori
In ricordo di un compagno cheti considerava tanto comunista quanto anarchico, coerentemente. Da Marcinelle a Serantini, da Avola al Leoncavallo...sempre presente nelle lotte proletarie ... read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / crime prison and punishment / non-anarchist press Wednesday January 13, 2016 - 22:20 by Lesley J. Wood
After the killing of Michael Brown in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri in the late summer of 2014, protests erupted, and the Black Lives Matter spread across North America to protest police violence, too often systematically directed at poor and racialized communities. The massive police presence at these protests, with weapons and armoured vehicles that looked and felt like major military deployments, made it clear to all that something fundamental had taken place in policing practices and strategies. The intensification and extension of the coercive and security branches of the state was well-known since the declaration of the ‘war on terror’ in 2001, and the subsequent leaks of official documents by Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning and others. The hardening of the state in its day-to-day operations at the most local levels could now be seen everywhere by all, in an increasing confrontation with the democratic rights of assembly and protest.

Lesley Wood's recent book, Crisis and Control: The Militarization of Protest Policing (2014), locates these developments in a longer term perspective in relation to the spread of neoliberalism. Analyzing police agencies, strategies and practices from the mid-1990s to the present, she identifies a range of the structural and political forces that have led to the militarization of policing, particularly in North America, but also in trends that extend to Europe. This involves detailing a new matrix in the relations between the security, national police and defence apparatuses of the state with local police forces and the defence and security industries. Professional police associations and their various conferences and conventions have become important nodes for the spread of ‘best-practice policing’, in the form of kettling, barricading, infiltration and pre-emptive arrests, usage of new anti-protest weaponry, security screening, local intelligence-gathering capacities and the like. But also as sites where the case is made for an increase in police budgets, more capital intensification of policing and thus for accumulation by the ‘coercive’ industries (which define modern urbanism as much as the so-called ‘creative’ sector).

In a period of sharpening inequality, permanent neoliberal austerity, and hard right forces gaining ground, the logic for a further militarization of policing, securitizing of cities, and curtailing and limiting protests. In her book, Wood seeks not only to map these developments in North America through time, but also to expose the contradictions in the new forms of policing in capitalist states, and begin to pose how social and anti-capitalist movements will have to respond to ‘demilitarize our relations’.

Lesley Wood teaches sociology at York University, Toronto and Greg Albo teaches political science at York University. ... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialismo / guerra / non-anarchist press Tuesday January 05, 2016 - 18:23 by Gideon Levy
Así estábamos los hijos de los nacionalistas, cerrados, bastante ignorantes, simplemente no lo sabíamos y eso ocurría mucho antes de que Naftali Bennett fuera ministro de Educación. Así era en aquellos hermosos años, cuando los ministros de Educación eran de la izquierda, los años de la añoranza. ... read full story / add a comment
internazionale / cultura / stampa non anarchica Monday January 04, 2016 - 00:12 by Lucio Garofalo
La riflessione più significativa sul Capodanno la scrisse Antonio Gramsci in giovane età, nel 1916, esattamente un secolo fa. Gramsci aveva ragione quando scriveva che dovrebbe essere Capodanno ogni giorno. Ma senza le stupide convenzioni sociali, gli stereotipi ottusi, il falso perbenismo borghese, il moralismo ed il conformismo ipocrita della società dei consumi di massa, senza i buoni propositi di ogni inizio d'anno che fanno assomigliare la vita umana ad un'azienda commerciale con i suoi consuntivi finali, bilanci e preventivi. Il comunismo dovrà spazzare via anche le inutili e sciocche convenzioni, le date e le ricorrenze vuote di senso. Questi Capodanni, che rappresentano soltanto convenzioni rituali, inducono a credere sul serio in una discontinuità della vita e della storia umana. Mentre non è affatto vero. Sono altri i momenti storici che hanno sancito un salto rivoluzionario, o una discontinuità effettiva. Ad esempio, il 1789 o il 1917... ... read full story / add a comment
Cuban comrades at fundraiser--they need our support too!
central america / caribbean / anarchist movement / other libertarian press Thursday December 31, 2015 - 02:12 by M. Castillo, D. Prieto, I. Díaz   text 1 comment (last - saturday february 13, 2016 - 16:27)   image 1 image
re-posted from Fifth Estate Magazine, issue 395, Winter 2016

Cuban Anarchist Solidarity Fund (US dollar donations):

For Euro-zone contributions:

Link to Fifth Estate article ... read full story / add a comment
internazionale / economia / altra stampa libertaria Thursday December 24, 2015 - 05:41 by Lucio Garofalo
Azzardo alcune riflessioni di tipo filosofico ed esistenziale, quindi politico. La realtà, che supera puntualmente ogni più fervida immaginazione, ispira un'elaborazione critica di straordinaria attualità storica. Il sistema creato dalla borghesia capitalista ha predicato nel mondo, a decorrere dal secondo dopoguerra, quella che è la religione più diffusa e vincente di ogni tempo e luogo: la fede cieca ed incondizionata nel mercato, nel totem della finanza. Il culto idiota e mondano del denaro e del successo. Il feticismo della merce e del profitto. La morale utilitarista dell’avere e dell’apparire ad ogni costo in luogo dell’essere, sacrificando tutto e tutti. Il corollario finale è l’avvento di una sottocultura di massa improntata al consumismo esasperato, acritico ed alienante, all’edonismo ebete, egoista e conformista. Quella che nell’età contemporanea è l’ideologia più ottusa ed onnipotente, una mentalità assai pervasiva e totalitaria, più feroce e persuasiva di qualsiasi tipo di fascismo e di assolutismo che si sia mai visto nella storia millenaria dell’umanità. Negli ultimi decenni, alle popolazioni del mondo occidentale si è imposto uno stile di vita iperconsumista: hanno bombardato i cervelli per convincere la gente che bisognava lavorare e produrre al massimo per guadagnare e consumare il più possibile, con il risultato che gli individui sono nevrotici, insoddisfatti ed infelici... ... read full story / add a comment
internacional / género / non-anarchist press Tuesday December 22, 2015 - 14:58 by Fernando Buen Abad Dominguez
“En el comportamiento hacia la mujer, botín y esclava de la voluptuosidad común, se manifiesta la infinita degradación en que el hombre existe para sí mismo… Del carácter de esta relación se desprende en qué medida el hombre ha llegado a ser y se concibe como ser genérico, como ser humano: la relación entre hombre y mujer es la más natural de las relaciones entre uno y otro ser humano”. Marx ... read full story / add a comment
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robenlogo.png imageΗ αυτοδιαχείριση ε&#... 18:19 Fri 01 Apr by Κατάληψη Libertatia 0 comments

Με χαρά μάθαμε πως στις αρχές του έτους ένας ακόμη αγώνας για να πάρουμε πίσω όλα αυτά που μας ανήκουν ξεκινά. Τον Γενάρη, λοιπόν, οι εργάτες/τριες της εταιρίας “Ε. Παπαδόπουλος – Ν. Παγούρας Α.Β.Ε.Ε.”, προχωρούν στην διαδικασία επίσχεσης εργασίας. Στη συνέχεια, καταλαμβάνουν το – εγκαταλελειμμένο, από αφεντικά και επενδυτές – εργοστάσιο μεταποίησης ξύλου στην Πατρίδα Ημαθίας και γίνονται ‹‹Οι Ρομπέν του Ξύλου››.

textSi salvi l’Europa! Prima le banche e le imprese. Lavoratori, migranti, si salvi chi può! 17:22 Thu 31 Mar by Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA 0 comments

Se le condizioni di milioni di persone della classe lavoratrice europea sono agli ultimi posti delle priorità dei governi della UE, c’è almeno un altro milione di persone che si trova proprio in fondo alle preoccupazioni dei governi europei e della UE. Sono i profughi.

969785_1121020631261919_6605322529219808422_n.jpg imageΣκαντζόχοιρος #3 – ση_... 14:47 Thu 31 Mar by Ελευθεριακές Εκδόσεις Κουρσάλ 0 comments

Κυκλοφόρησε από τις Ελευθεριακές Εκδόσεις Κουρσάλ το 3ο τεύχος του περιοδικού φιλοσοφικής και πολιτικής κριτικής Σκαντζόχοιρος.

rocinante.jpg imageΚαμία άλλη θυσία ερ&... 20:47 Tue 29 Mar by Κλαδική ΟΤΑ της Α.Π. Ροσινάντε 0 comments

Άλλη μια κρατική εργοδοτική δολοφονία αφαίρεσε την ζωή από έναν εργάτη στην Ελλάδα των μνημονιακών κυβερνήσεων, της φτώχειας και της λιτότητας. Τελευταίο θύμα του πολέμου που έχει εξαπολύσει το Κράτος και το Κεφάλαιο στον κόσμο της Εργασίας, ο 42χρονος εργάτης καθαριότητας, Θανάσης Καλογέρης, πατέρας δύο παιδιών.

73090_107509552751956_1046507120_n.jpg imageΛευτεριά στον Alfon Fernandez Diaz 20:43 Tue 29 Mar by ΕΣΕ Αθήνας 0 comments

Ο Αλφόν συνελήφθη την ώρα που έβγαινε από το σπίτι του στην εργατική περιοχή του Βαγιέκας στη Μαδρίτη, στις 14/11/2012. Κατευθύνονταν προς μια απεργιακή περιφρούρηση στη γειτονιά του. Η ημέρα εκείνη ήταν ημέρα γενικής πανευρωπαϊκής απεργίας. Η συμμετοχή του στην απεργία είχε να κάνει με τις διεκδικήσεις που προβάλλονταν: όχι άλλη ανεργία, όχι αντεργατικές μεταρρυθμίσεις, όχι περικοπές στα κοινωνικά αγαθά, όχι ιδιωτικοποιήσεις σε υγεία, εκπαίδευση κτλ.

textA Bruxelles si piangono i morti, mentre i governi della UE guidano la caccia alle nostre libertà! 05:56 Sat 26 Mar by Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA 0 comments

Da una parte, le guerre in Medio Oriente e in Africa, che stanno causando migliaia di morti in nome della "democrazia" e della "lotta al terrorismo". Col risultato almeno apparente di un evidente caos internazionale.
Dall'altra parte, le nostre libertà e i nostri diritti subiscono forti restrizioni, mentre il discorso sulla sicurezza non fa che alimentare il razzismo. In nome della difesa del "fronte interno", ogni giorno in più che passa si mangia un po' di "democrazia".

croppedhead0111.png imageΑυτοοργανωμένο Κυ ... 18:54 Thu 24 Mar by Dmitri (αναδημοσίευση) 0 comments

Υπάρχει λοιπόν άμεση ανάγκη ο φοιτητικός κόσμος να αποκτήσει πολιτική συνείδηση, να οργανωθεί και να διεκδικήσει καλύτερες συνθήκες όχι μόνο για τη κάλυψη των δικών του αναγκών αλλά και για να βελτιώσει το σύνολο της κοινωνίας εκ βάσεως. Ενάντια στην αδιαφορία, την ηττοπάθεια και τη λογική της ανάθεσης, προτάσσουμε την αυτοοργάνωση/αυτοδιαχείριση, δηλαδή την οργάνωση μας ως φοιτητές σε οριζόντιες αντιιεραρχικές δομές, μακριά από την λογική των κομμάτων και των παρατάξεων, και την κάλυψη των αναγκών μας χωρίς την διαμεσολάβηση καμίας ιδιωτικής επιχείρησης ή κρατικού φορέα.

santoscampesinos.jpg image“Quisieron enterrarnos, pero no sabían que éramos semilla” 09:17 Mon 21 Mar by Grupo Estudiantil Anarquista - Bogotá 0 comments

En los últimos meses se ha visto una ola de amenazas y asesinatos masivos a lo largo y ancho del país, tanto en zonas rurales como urbanas, declarando muerte a militantes de organizaciones políticas y sociales de izquierda. Tal es el caso de Marcha Patriótica, Congreso de los Pueblos, Consejo Regional Indígena del Cauca y otras organizaciones independientes pero no menos importantes.

skouries.jpg imageΑγώνας ενάντια στο&#... 18:10 Sun 20 Mar by Κρακατόα 0 comments

Να αγωνιστούμε για την ανατροπή του συστήματος που τεμαχίζει τη γη σε χώρες και οικόπεδα πλασάροντας νοοτροπίες τοπικισμού και εθνικισμού, με σκοπό η τακτική του διαίρει και βασίλευε να διαχωρίζει τους καταπιεσμένους, τη στιγμή που ο βαθύτερος σκοπός είναι η δημιουργία πιστών και καθηλωμένων υπηκόων.
Να δώσουμε μάχες στο σήμερα για την καταστροφή του συστήματος που δεν διστάζει να δηλητηριάσει ολόκληρες περιοχές και όλα τα ζώα, ανθρώπινα και μη, που κατοικούν σε αυτές, για να καλύψει τις επίπλαστες ανάγκες που το ίδιο δημιουργεί, πλουτίζοντας ταυτόχρονα στις πλάτες των από τα κάτω.

textPalestine-Israel, The joint struggle continue in spite of the huge changes in the region* 03:28 Thu 17 Mar by Ilan S. 1 comments

On the twelfth year of joined struggle in Bil'in it lost its glamour. Many of the activists lost the excitement of the direct action confrontation which is not a new thing any more. The expansion of the joint struggle to other locations and the expanding of the non armed struggle in the west bank contributed to it too. Many of the activists just "moved on" to a less intensive ways of life. But, some old time activists can not "let go". The other day, I searched the for the old site of: "This appeal, the first to call on-line for a boycott against Israel, was posted in April of 2001".( and read again our 35 original signatories of this pre-BDS. The majority are still in the struggle. Looking back on my 65 years of struggle I regard, this petition, the joint struggle in Bil'in and my stories from the year 2100 - 50 years after the revolution* as the most significant ones.

more >>

imageBill Andrews and South Africa’s Revolutionary Syndicalists Apr 05 by Lucien van der Walt 0 comments

If W. H. "Bill" Andrews (1870- 1950) is remembered today, it is usually as a founder and leader of the Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA, today the SACP). In that role, he served as party chair, member of the executive of the Communist International, leading South African trade unionist, visitor to the Soviet Union, and defendant in the trial of communists that followed 1946 black miners' strike.

imageEl lulismo en descenso y la dimensión estratégica del golpe en curso Apr 05 by BrunoL 0 comments

04 de abril de 2016, Bruno Lima Rocha

Introducción: el esfuerzo de caracterización lo más realista posible; "las cosas como son".

Una vez más empiezo este breve análisis, con un esfuerzo concentrado de caracterización del estado actual. Este gobierno es de centro-derecha y está negociando todo, desde noviembre de 2014, a partir de la designación de un “Chicago Boy” - el ex ministro Joaquim Levy - para el Tesoro, a través de la ley de política anti-indígena y antiterrorista.

image"Seek Ye First the Political Kingdom"? Learning from Kwame Nkrumah's Failures in Ghana Apr 04 by Tokologo African Anarchist Collective 1 comments

Ghana, West Africa, was a British colony called "Gold Coast" until 1957. It became the first independent country in "black" Africa after reforms and struggles in the 1940s and 1950s. The new president, the brilliant Kwame Nkrumah, and his Convention People's Party (CPP), had fought for independence. Now they aimed at major changes in the society, even speaking of socialism. And Nkrumah proposed a united African government for the continent: Pan-Africanism.

But by the mid-1960s, hopes were fading. There were good reforms in education and services and self- respect for Africans that helped remove colonialism's damages. But the CPP has become a dictatorship, with a personality cult around Nkrumah. Unions and struggles were suppressed. The economy was in trouble. A new elite hijacked independence and resources. When the military seized power in 1966, people celebrated in the streets. Today Ghana is one of the poorest African countries.

What went wrong and what can we, anarchists in Africa, learn from this experience?

textTo Cure Africa's Heart-Rending Misery, we Need Working Class/Peasant Counter-Power, Anarchism Apr 04 by Tokologo African Anarchist Collective 1 comments

"Africa today lies prostrate, bleeding, and embattled on all fronts, a victim of capitalist and, to a great extent, state socialist ambitions. The heart-rending misery of its peoples, the conditions of abject poverty, squalor and disease in which they live, exist side by side with the wanton luxury, rapacity, and corruption of its leaders."Sam Mbah and I.E. Igariwey, 1997, African Anarchism: The History of a Movement,Sharp Press: Tucson, Arizona. Our vast continent, Africa, is the poorest in the world, host to dozens of wars and conflicts, and marked by instability and inequality. The root causes of the instability lie in political corruption and the profiteering system run by local and international elites.The local ruling classes are interested in making profits and getting wealthy, by any means necessary. The elites are not promoting the development of the working class and peasants (small farmers), but only worsening our conditions. If the choice is between building a road in a poor area or pocketing the money, they will pocket the money.

imageΑπελευθέρωση από τ&#... Apr 04 by Πέτρος Πέτκας 0 comments

... Γι’ αυτό και πρέπει να επανασυνδεθούμε με την σκέψη εκείνων των στοχαστών του παρελθόντος που αγωνίσθηκαν για να «ανθρωπέψει ο άνθρωπος», που «ύψωσαν τις φωνές τους σαν πυρσούς από μακριά και καλώντας από ψηλά σαν από αθέατη βίγλα» μας υπενθυμίζουν διαρκώς ότι χρειάζεται μεν να πατάμε γερά στην γη, αλλά και να ατενίζουμε και τον ορίζοντα· γιατί ο κόσμος μας απογυμνωμένος από προσδοκία, γίνεται ψυχρός και γκρίζος. Κάτι του λείπει!

more >>

imageΗ αυτοδιαχείριση ε&#... Apr 01 0 comments

Με χαρά μάθαμε πως στις αρχές του έτους ένας ακόμη αγώνας για να πάρουμε πίσω όλα αυτά που μας ανήκουν ξεκινά. Τον Γενάρη, λοιπόν, οι εργάτες/τριες της εταιρίας “Ε. Παπαδόπουλος – Ν. Παγούρας Α.Β.Ε.Ε.”, προχωρούν στην διαδικασία επίσχεσης εργασίας. Στη συνέχεια, καταλαμβάνουν το – εγκαταλελειμμένο, από αφεντικά και επενδυτές – εργοστάσιο μεταποίησης ξύλου στην Πατρίδα Ημαθίας και γίνονται ‹‹Οι Ρομπέν του Ξύλου››.

textSi salvi l’Europa! Prima le banche e le imprese. Lavoratori, migranti, si salvi chi può! Mar 31 0 comments

Se le condizioni di milioni di persone della classe lavoratrice europea sono agli ultimi posti delle priorità dei governi della UE, c’è almeno un altro milione di persone che si trova proprio in fondo alle preoccupazioni dei governi europei e della UE. Sono i profughi.

imageΚαμία άλλη θυσία ερ&... Mar 29 0 comments

Άλλη μια κρατική εργοδοτική δολοφονία αφαίρεσε την ζωή από έναν εργάτη στην Ελλάδα των μνημονιακών κυβερνήσεων, της φτώχειας και της λιτότητας. Τελευταίο θύμα του πολέμου που έχει εξαπολύσει το Κράτος και το Κεφάλαιο στον κόσμο της Εργασίας, ο 42χρονος εργάτης καθαριότητας, Θανάσης Καλογέρης, πατέρας δύο παιδιών.

imageΛευτεριά στον Alfon Fernandez Diaz Mar 29 0 comments

Ο Αλφόν συνελήφθη την ώρα που έβγαινε από το σπίτι του στην εργατική περιοχή του Βαγιέκας στη Μαδρίτη, στις 14/11/2012. Κατευθύνονταν προς μια απεργιακή περιφρούρηση στη γειτονιά του. Η ημέρα εκείνη ήταν ημέρα γενικής πανευρωπαϊκής απεργίας. Η συμμετοχή του στην απεργία είχε να κάνει με τις διεκδικήσεις που προβάλλονταν: όχι άλλη ανεργία, όχι αντεργατικές μεταρρυθμίσεις, όχι περικοπές στα κοινωνικά αγαθά, όχι ιδιωτικοποιήσεις σε υγεία, εκπαίδευση κτλ.

textA Bruxelles si piangono i morti, mentre i governi della UE guidano la caccia alle nostre libertà! Mar 26 0 comments

Da una parte, le guerre in Medio Oriente e in Africa, che stanno causando migliaia di morti in nome della "democrazia" e della "lotta al terrorismo". Col risultato almeno apparente di un evidente caos internazionale.
Dall'altra parte, le nostre libertà e i nostri diritti subiscono forti restrizioni, mentre il discorso sulla sicurezza non fa che alimentare il razzismo. In nome della difesa del "fronte interno", ogni giorno in più che passa si mangia un po' di "democrazia".

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