
Towards Pakistan’s upcoming review at the Human Rights Council


Side event on Pakistan at HRC 31st sessionSide event on Pakistan at HRC 31st session

Although the expansive mahogany-panelled rooms of the UN’s imposing buildings can seem a world away from the daily realities of human rights defenders, events like Pakistan: Towards the 3rd Cycle of the UPR

Fundación REDES: Reflections on the 10th Internet Governance Forum

Cochabamba, Bolivia

Participating in the 10th Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Joao Pessoa, Brazil, enabled me to learn about experiences in other countries in fields such as the development and installation of infrastructure and other technical aspects, diplomatic relations around the information society and internet governance, and the e

Behind the camera at IGF 2015

Asunción, Paraguay

Arturo Bregaglio and Carlos Afonso at the APC 25th anniversary celebration.Arturo Bregaglio and Carlos Afonso at the APC 25th anniversary celebration. When I learned that I would be attending the 2015 Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in João Pessoa, with the support of the APC Member Exchange and Travel Fund (METF), I offered my assistance to the APC communications team, to help with photographic

Finally, some good news about Organizational Security


When a group of us “organizational security practitioners”1 gathered in Prague this February, we were cautiously optimistic about what we could achieve.

Many security experts and practitioners have been gaining invaluable experience while working to strengthen human right defenders and civil society organisations’ awareness, ability and confidence in thwarting security threats while continuin

No longer silenced: An interview with Rosemarie Lerner, creator of a transmedia documentary about forced sterilisation in Peru

_This is a transcribed and edited interview with Rosemarie Lerner, a Peruvian filmmaker who created Quipu, a

"Strong encryption should remain legal": Some notes on the IGF by Michel Lambert from Alternatives


Michel Lambert at the 2015 IGFMichel Lambert at the 2015 IGFThe Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is a unique multistakeholder forum which allows civil society organisations to discuss with the public and private sectors on policy issues related to internet governance.

Net neutrality: Levelling the playing field

This is a reflection on the 10th annual Internet Governance Forum (IGF) which I attended in João Pessoa, Brazil from 9 to 13 November 2015 as a council member of APC representing the “Community Education Computer Society (CECS)”:

Arab IGF: Missed opportunities for multistakeholder engagement


Arab IGF 2015, Beirut, December 2015Arab IGF 2015, Beirut, December 2015

As the Arab Internet Governance Forum reaches its fourth iteration, it continues to struggle to mature into a space where multistakeholder engagement can start producing the dialogue and efforts the region needs in order to face the many challenges in the f

The best and worst of the Arab IGF 2015


Between 14 and 18 December, I joined my colleague Tarakiyee, from APC, in Beirut, along with a dozen activists and human rights defenders from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), with a focus on internet rights.

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