For those of us who have access to it, the internet has become an essential part of our daily information and communication needs. However millions of people still do not have affordable, reliable or sufficient connectivity. APC believes the internet is a global public good. Founded in 1990, we are an international network and non-profit organisation that wants everyone to have access to a free and open internet to improve our lives and create a more just world.

What people say about APC / What the media says about APC

Joint statement to Brazilian congress: Drop dangerous cybercrime bills

1 April 2016 (Various)

In this statement, the undersigned gathered at RightsCon Silicon Valley 2016, express their concern with the recent attempts by Brazilian legislators to undermine the rights guaranteed by the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet and their objection to the serious and unacceptable setbacks being proposed by the parliamentary Inquiry Commission on Cybercrimes.

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APC's reflections on the 2015 Internet Governance Forum: 10 years and looking forward

31 March 2016 (APC for APCNews)

In this report, APC reviews what worked well and what didn’t at the 2015 IGF held in João Pessoa, Brazil. The overall theme of the IGF was “Evolution of Internet Governance: Empowering Sustainable Development”. After a decade of active engagement with the forum, read our critiques, and recommendations looking forward to this year’s IGF.

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APC condemns undermining of democracy in Brazil

29 March 2016 (APC for APCNews)

The Association for Progressive Communications expresses its concern at the rapidly unfolding political events in Brazil which constitute an attack on democracy and due process. We express solidarity with the people of Brazil in general and in particular with our friends and colleagues, including APC organisational member Nupef, the Brazilian Internet Steering Group ( and the many Brazilian civil society organisations we work with.

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EXLILA: What is the state of internet freedoms in Latin America?

28 March 2016 (APC for APCNews)

What is the state of internet freedoms in Latin America? That is the main question that our partners in Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico and Paraguay set out to answer, as part of the Examining Internet Freedoms in Latin America (EXLILA) project.

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Updated: APC at RightsCon 2016

MONTREAL 23 March 2016 (Mallory Knodel for APCNews)

APC staff and members will be in San Francisco next week for RightsCon Silicon Valley. The schedule is overflowing with sessions on internet rights, 17 of which are ours!

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Digital convergence: Global trends in broadband and broadcast media concentration

18 March 2016 (Mike Jensen for APCNews)

Advances in the use of ICTs have huge potential to offer better access to information and more freedom of expression, but these technology advances are also leading to growing consolidation and cross-ownership of electronic media platforms, built on the convergence of broadcast and broadband media.

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Design for a feminist internet (PDF)

MONTREAL 17 March 2016 (Mallory Knodel for APCNews)

The Feminist Principles of the Internet is a document that articulates feminist analysis around crucial tech­‐related topics such as privacy, data, anonymity, online violence, and access. We are looking for a graphic designer to inspire our ongoing campaign.

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CIPESA: "The African Declaration is key to reach a common understanding of online rights policy"

15 March 2016 (APC for APCNews)

“A fundamental challenge in the digital age is how to protect human rights and freedoms on the Internet, and the African continent is no exception.” To know more about the African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms, APC has talked to CIPESA, an organisation that works in promoting effective and inclusive ICTs in Africa.

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Balancing rights and interests: Best practices to counter online abuse and violence

11 March 2016 (Flavia Fascendini for

The IGF Best Practice Forum on Online Abuse and Gender-Based Violence Against Women took place in Joao Pessoa, Brazil in November 2015. Representatives of civil society, academia and the private sector went through some of the key highlights and recommendations from the BPF but opened it up at different junctures for inputs and responses.

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At the Internet Freedom Festival: "Political expression, minorities, human rights defenders are under threat in Pakistan"

VALENCIA 9 March 2016 (APC for APCNews)

“Political expression, minorities, human rights defenders, journalists are under threat in Pakistan.” This was the message stressed at the beginning of a session organised by Bytes for All, Pakistan, on the state of surveillance and censorship in the country, at the Internet Freedom Festival in Valencia, Spain.

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Submission in advance of the consideration of the periodic report of South Africa, Human Rights Committee

7 March 2016 (Privacy International, Right2Know, and the Association for Progressive Communications)

Privacy International, Right2Know, and the Association for Progressive Communications have on-going concerns on the practices of surveillance by South African intelligence and law enforcement agencies. In this submission, the organisations provide the Committee with additional, up to date information to that contained in the briefing submitted to the Committee in April 2015.

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Internet rights at the Human Rights Council 31st session

NEW YORK 4 March 2016 (Deborah Brown and Shawna Finnegan for APCNews)

The 31st session of the Human Rights Council is taking place from 29 February to 25 March 2016 in Geneva. Internet rights will be discussed in the context of children’s rights and child sexual exploitation and information and communication technologies, management of peaceful assembly, preventing and countering violent extremism online, and cultural rights and digital preservation.

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Internet Freedom Festival, a civil society response to censorship and surveillance

VALENCIA 3 March 2016 (APC for APCNews)

“Joining Forces to Fight Censorship and Surveillance” is the motto of the Internet Freedom Festival taking place in Valencia on 1-6 March.

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EMPOWER Malaysia: "The best way to counter alleged misinformation is more information"

29 February 2016 (APC for APCNews)

This was the message sent by Malaysian human rights group EMPOWER, in reaction to the latest internet censorship developments in the country.

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Rights groups respond to internet shutdown in Uganda during national elections

24 February 2016 (Access Now, et al. for APCNews)

On the morning of national elections, 18 February, Ugandan internet users were blocked from using Twitter, Facebook, and other communications platforms until three days later. Kampala-based APC member CIPESA along with Access Now and other civil society groups around the world called for renewed respect for human rights in the wake of this violation.

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What people say about #APC25

"I congratulate APC on their 25th anniversary, which was celebrated in Brazil. But surely it is more than 25 years. Here is my small story. I joined Homeonet in 1987 from Manchester, and spectacularly was able to obtain a rare homeopathic medicine for my friend the late David Warkentin. I obtained it from England as he could not find it in California. We both said Hurrah and became friends, not just virtually but stayed in each others houses and worked together on software for homeopaths which is still running. BIG thanks for being there." -- Francis Treuherz

"When I was working for SANGONeT in the early 2000s, I was invited to give a presentation at an APC workshop in Johannesburg. I forget what I spoke about. All I remember was: Colour. A wash of colour. Hair, clothes, accents, perspectives. And the energy was different to what I was used to. So many people, from so many different countries - it blew me away. A few years later, I started working on APC projects as a freelancer, and then later as a staff member too. That sense of colour has never gone away. APC has connected me to different cultures in ways that are profound, and unusual. It's something that feels so ordinary now for me, but I don't think it is. Coming from such an inward-looking country, it has been a great richness to connect outwards." -- Alan Finlay, South Africa

"As an individual, APC has given me the opportunity to meet different people and share with them on different subjects. As an organisation, we have opportunities through APC to meet different organisations, build South-South and North-South project collaborations, and use face-to-face meetings to get to know each other and share our common views on how ICTs can better improve the lives of communities and citizens. Joyeux Anniversaire, APC!" -- Avis Momeni, PROTEGE QV, Cameroon

"I think that the main contribution made by APC has been to increase the visibility of the role of civil society organisations in setting the agenda for building the information society from a human rights-based perspective." -- Eduardo Rojas, Fundación REDES, Bolivia

"APC is a meeting and learning point, a point for sharing experiences, processes, results and objectives. And also a coordinating point for local, regional and global efforts." -- Mario Morales, Colombia

"As far as I am concerned, APC has given me the opportunity to take part in trainings and to increase my skills in ICTs and related aspects. Through the various events I have attended, I have been able to meet with people, share and gain experience, and gradually become a knowledgeable digital security trainer. I know many more opportunities are still to come, so Happy Anniversary and long live the opportunities and partnerships provided by APC! :) -- Olga Balbine Tsafack, PROTEGE QV, Cameroon"

"I do feel very happy and proud of the work we did with APC. For me and other technicians involved in this huge project, it became a way of life." -- Cristina Vasconi Nicarao — Nicaragua

“I believe APC played a much larger role in the evolution of the internet than most commentators and historians have mentioned" -- Ian Peters, founder of Pegasus

“After the Berlin Wall fell, NGOs were almost desperate to connect with one another within their countries, among their countries and with Western Europe, North America and others. APC node ZaMirNET in the former Yugoslavia was essential to helping women activists for peace connect during the conflict in the Balkans." -- Victoria Vrana

For the past several decades, APC and its member organisations have played a leading role establishing the first internet service in many countries, creating and promoting the first Internet Rights Charter, and helping individual activists, NGOs, and UN organisations and events harness of the power of the internet as a force for positive change in the world.” -- Peter Gabriel

"I am very proud to be part of your big family and have such great shared space to express myself as woman and as activist for marginalised culture. So, in our Tamzight language: “assegas dan mar APC” (happy new year, APC :)" -- Maha Jouini, Tunisia

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