Chad Neidt is creating Music Videos

You know you want a piece of this.

Give $
per Song/music video
per Song/music video
Milestone Goals
2 Milestone Goals
Patron Song Collab
$250 per Song/music video
Together, all patrons will vote on a song idea and write lyrics for it. Then I'l record and post a video of me doing it.
I will start recording my next album.
$500 per Song/music video
Did you like 'Am I Doing This Right?' Well this milestone will provide the money for me to make a MUCH IMPROVED follow-up to that album.
$750 per Song/music video


Chad Need-it, err, Net...uhh...Nee-yate? Oh NEAT, ok, now that we've cleared that up, Chad NEAT likes pin-balling between music and comedy, sometimes blending the two for a marriage of laughs and lullabies.

Many people know him as 'that one minute mashup guy' from his popular youtube series that's been featured on The Today Show, The Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, Gizmodo, Kotaku, MSN, Reddit, and College Humor. In addition to performing in comedy clubs and theaters, Chad has also performed live on ESPN, HLN, and The Tonight Show.

While Chad loves making videos, his ultimate goal is to tour the world and actually meet all his new internet friends face to face.


Denver, CO, USA

Top PatronsSee all 27

What's this? You want MONEY for your work? What do you think this is, A JOB?!

Well, yea actually, it is. But everyone needs a job, and doesn't everyone want one that they enjoy waking up to in the morning? That's what making music and videos is for me. With your help, I might actually be able to make the same music you enjoy at a higher frequency (more songs) and improved quality (more instruments, better mixing, fancy-ass cinematography).

Great, you get your dream job, but what do I get out of this racket, huh? HUH CHAD?

Great question. Obviously the videos I make will still be free to watch, but I am 100% committed to making your donation worth whatever price you choose to pay. None of these rewards involve 'virtual high fives' or 'twitter follows' because let's face it, that's just an inflated way of making you feel special. What does have value is owning the music I make, getting a behind-the-scenes look at each video, engaging one-on-one with me via live-streams and concerts, and just making the overall experience richer for you.

Ok, I'm listening...but can I trust you?

No. I mean yes! YES! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND ALL THAT IS HOLY--ok you get the point. Think of it this way - the more money I get per video, the more resources I can put back into the product you're already recieving anyways. You can either donate money for each video or set a monthly cap. I make 2-3 music videos per month, and if I'm lucky it's 4, so at the very bottom level of patronage you will pay $4 a month and get 4 songs + a virtual high five (just kidding)!

Alright! Sign me up for $4,000 per video!

I really wish you existed.

Well that's that, I wanna be as transparent as possible and will answer any question you have ASAP. Check out the rewards and see if any of that sounds like an awesome good time (cause it will be). I promise you are missing out if you don't : )
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