Ari Herstand is creating Blogs

Helping musicians succeed in the music business.

Give $
per Ari's Take blog post
per Ari's Take blog post
Milestone Goals
I will record a video on tour booking
$500 per Ari's Take blog post
So, most of you know me through my written words. Some of you have met me in person or had a Skype session, but most of you have never seen my face (other than the site logo) - gasp! 

Once we reach the goal, I'll record a full video on best tour booking and promotional practices. I'll most likely tell lots of stories about the road and club managers. I'll take your questions before I make the video too!


Musician, Actor, Blogger, Curry Eater


Los Angeles, CA, USA

Ari Herstand is Supporting

Top PatronsSee all 70

Three years ago I launched a website. A blog if you will. I wanted to help independent musicians succeed in their career.

There was nothing in print or online that spoke to independent musicians. Everything I read about the music business was either written by lawyers discussing the macro industry, "talking heads" with no actual experience in today's music industry, or companies looking to gain customers. There were no musicians (actively pursuing a music career) talking about how they do it. How does a musician without a record label, booking agent, manager or publicist develop a music career? And succeed?

I have been making the majority of my income from music for 7+ years. I've made a lot of mistakes. And I've had some great little victories.

In three years, my blog Ari's Take has helped a lot of musicians. There's nothing cooler than having musicians come up to me on the street and tell me that Ari's Take has helped them tremendously.

That's why I started Ari's Take and that's why I continue to work hard to help talented, passionate and hard working musicians succeed in the music industry.

One of the reasons I work so hard to find the truths in this crazy industry is because I am a musician. I have an obsessive desire to get the facts and understand the best opportunities out there for independent musicians. 

If you're talented and hard working, there should be nothing holding you back.

I'd love to bring you along for this ride. I want to keep putting lots of time and effort into Ari's Take articles and want to continue to do this without advertising.

Join me.

If you find my articles inspirational, helpful, or any other kind of 'ful, please become a Patron and support Ari's Take.

You can pledge any amount per blog post. Ari's Take articles will always be free, but this is a way you can support me if you're digging what I'm doing. You can also set a monthly cap so you stay within your budget.



***I post about 2-4 articles a month
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