Jeff Gauvin


Political Aficionado & Malfaisant. Art of War Wonk. Red Wine Bon Vivant. Hard Core Investor. Polls, Econometric Data, Elections, History.

Electoral College

已封鎖 @JeffersonObama

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  1. 釘選的推文

    Electoral College update from 's superb team of political scientists



  2. 已轉推

    Obama to push Supreme Court nominee next Thursday at University of Chicago

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    Actor/Director Don Cheadle Shares Details About Indiegogo Success “Miles Ahead..

  4. April 1 2016 Forecast of the : Democrats: 53.3% Republicans: 46.7%

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  6. gave birth to a unicorn today. She's naming it Twitter.

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    I heard its cuz he used Twitter! Thanks Obama.

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  9. Today Bernie Sanders cured the world of the deadly disease of Millionaires and billionaires.

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    3 protesters file lawsuit against Trump for violence at Kentucky rally

  11. After parting the Potomac river, Bernie Sanders has won over half of Clinton's Super Delegates since yesterday.

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    Worse than privileged white people accusing black voters of false consciousness?

  13. 已轉推

    Sanders being disingenuous claiming Clinton won South bc its conservative. Average liberal share of exits in was 53% there and 62% in North

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    Democrats Increasing Their Edge in U.S. Party Affiliation...

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    Clinton up 38% on Trump among white unmarried woman (Obama won by 4), 32% for suburban vote.

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    Clinton dominated in South thanks to African-Americans and while winning liberals, whether white or black

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    Exit polls show majority of Dem primary voters in south where liberal and Clinton won liberals across the south

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    .; the one who "lost faith" in Obama in his first 2 months... but celebrated his re-election anyway.

  19. 已轉推

    The looming Trump disaster, in three charts

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