Greece: Armed Anarchist demonstration against drug dealers

  • Posted on: 16 March 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Massive show of strength as anarchists, antifascists and anti-authoritarians took to the streets of Exarcheia against drug dealing mafias and police. The demonstration was guarded by comrades armed with openly displayed guns (who can be seen on the video from 01:53), something that has not been seen at demonstrations in recent times but was deemed necessary due to the serious threat posed by the heavily armed drug mafias who work in collusion with the police.

Cleveland 2016 Think Outside The Convention

  • Posted on: 16 March 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

“If elections could change anything they’d be illegal.” Enough with phony partisan politics and lesser of evil elections. Join THE PEOPLE outside the convention to expose the party of xenophobia and eco suicide. Social justice activists typically target the Democratic Party for its hypocrisy pretending to be the “people’s party” but both parties represent the corporations, promote war, injustice and inequity. Let’s deprive the corporate political system of our consent to govern. They serve at our pleasure, not displeasure

Wildism: The Nasty End-Game of Primitivism

  • Posted on: 16 March 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Recently we've seen a few newcomers to anti-civilization politics, from The Unterrified to Jeriah Bowser to some oddly liberal writers who blog in various places. But one of these newcomers, the wildists, who are closely connected to Ted Kaczynski, do not only exhibit the most dangerous tendencies of primitivism, they distill the reactionary politic into its most heinous concepts. In fact, they even embrace the term "reactionary." Because of this, I actually welcome the wildists. For a long time anarchists from non-primitivist tendencies have been warning that people like Zerzan and Tucker are playing with fire, and now we can finally see what the endgame looks like.

Anarchy Radio 03-15-2016

  • Posted on: 15 March 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)


Kathan co-hosts. My Arcata gig. Time to kick Trump ass? Ads of the week. The Age of Fact is Over: postmodernism and technology have erased quest for truth. Pigs being offed, for a change. Increasing obesity, diabetes. UK is fragmenting, isolation on rise. Seas rising faster than thought, action news.

What Is Anarchism? (1-3)

  • Posted on: 15 March 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)


At the beginning of each issue of The Transmetropolitan Review we have provided a brief explanation of what anarchism is. Too long have our detractors, infiltrators, the media, the police, and rich kids have been the ones explaining what anarchism is to the public. In each issue, we have aimed to keep our definitions simple, to combine the words of anarchists throughout time and synthesize their thoughts into something short and easy to understand. This is an unending effort, and anarchist pedagogy is notoriously slow. But out goal remains to spread anarchism, and so we present you with the first three definitions of anarchism, originally released in the fall-winter of 2015-2016 in the Seattle region. Around 700 issues of each paper were printed, and each issue has received around 1000 views on this website. We encourage other anarchists to engage in similar projects in their respective regions. At this moment of electoral narcosis and confusion, we must remind people of the beautiful idea and what it can offer to this bruised and battered world.


  • Posted on: 14 March 2016
  • By: thecollective

From Black Rose Anarchist Federation

On Friday, March 11th, thousands of Chicagoans descended on the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) Pavilion to protest the rally of Donald Trump, including UIC students, different political organizations, affinity groups and autonomous individuals.

Our affinity group was composed of two WOC, four self-identifying sex-workers, and others, the majority of whom identify as queer folx, anarchists, marx/fems, progressive/radicals, all under the common goal of representing an Anti-fascist politic.

To be clear, no one was promoting Bernie Sanders, or any other presidential candidate within our affinity group.

Open letter by Pola Roupa about the attempt to break Nikos Maziotis out of Koridallos prison

  • Posted on: 14 March 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)
Below is the first part of the comrade’s long letter; originally published in Greek on Athens IMC (March 8th 2016).

Under other circumstances, this text would be written by Revolutionary Struggle. However, the outcome of the attempt to break out the comrade Nikos Maziotis of Koridallos prison obliges me to speak personally.

New anarchist novel published

  • Posted on: 14 March 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

A new book by anarchist writer Paul Cudenec has been published by Winter Oak Press.

"The Fakir of Florence: A Novel in Three Layers" explores, in fictional form, the connections between anarchism, metaphysics and artistic expression.

The three threads of narration center on characters inhabiting different, yet interwoven, levels of reality.

Perantulo is a wandering sage, spreading his mystic pagan wisdom from Khaluvia to Mesqa-Murro, from the chestnut forests of Sevennola to the rain-lashed archipelago of Prydina.

Topic of the Week: Racism

  • Posted on: 14 March 2016
  • By: thecollective

We have focused a lot of energy, as anarchists and as human beings, in the past year and a half on the history of oppression that we call racism in this country. Those conversations have looked like reflections on the impact that slavery, segregation, and jim crow laws have had on today. What we haven't done, and should, is plan for the future. What would we like to see the future of race relations look like?
