
What If Little Red Riding Hood Had a Gun? Story Time With the NRA's Family Blog

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NRA Family, the National Rifle Association’s blog for families, recently began publishing a series of classic fairy tales, reimagined to include guns: “Red felt the reassuring weight of the rifle on her shoulder and continued down the path, scanning the trees, knowing that their shadows could provide a hiding place.”

The Humans of New York Guy Has Such a Strong Sense of Humility That He Told the New York Times All About It

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Brandon Stanton, the guy who runs the digital empathy farm “Humans of New York,” recently decided to go public with his very brave belief that Donald Trump is bad. He was reluctant to do so, however, because he doesn’t like to be political—so reluctant, in fact, that he talked to the New York Times all about it.

Listen to the Full Conversation About Sex and Love Between Alabama Governor Robert Bentley and His Alleged Mistress

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In 2014, when he was still married to his now-ex wife Dianne, Alabama governor Robert Bentley was secretly recorded talking to his alleged mistress Rebekah Caldwell-Mason, who is also one of his closest advisors. Earlier this week, after months of public speculation regarding his alleged infidelity, Bentley held a…


Robert De Niro Is Doing a Convincing Portrayal of an Anti-Vaccination Kook

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Robert De Niro’s upcoming Tribeca Film Festival is in trouble for including the movie Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe, directed by Andrew Wakefield, the disgraced physician turned anti-vaccination activist. The festival site describes the film as “[d]igging into the long-debated link between autism and vaccines,”…