
Father Posed As Teenage Boy on Instagram to Lure His Own Daughter Into Sending Nude Photos 

In a deeply hideous case out of upstate New York, a 41-year-old man pleaded guilty Monday on child pornography charges; the victim was his 14-year-old daughter. The man posed as a teenage boy to coerce and bully her into sending nude images, and he then began sexually abusing her after faking the suicide of her…

Jane Sanders Visits Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Infamous Tent City Jail, Calls It 'Inhumane' 

Jane O’Meara Sanders—social worker, academic, wife of Bernie—took a trip yesterday to see the infamous “tent city” jail where Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has somehow been allowed to house inmates since 1993. Arpaio says he gave her a tour; Sanders says the sheriff “showed up unexpectedly” while she was there…

Venture Capital Partner Quits After Lurid Lawsuit Accuses Him of 13 Years of Sexual Abuse [Updated]

A partner at a venture capital firm in Silicon Valley has resigned from his position, days after a lurid lawsuit was filed accusing him of sexually abusing a woman, then refusing to pay her a promised $40 million in compensation. Michael Lewis Goguen said the suit had nothing to do with his work at the firm, Sequoia…

Carson: There Could Be More Violence At Trump Rallies If Protesters Keep 'Escalating' 

Sleepiest badger Ben Carson roused himself early Monday morning to appear on some morning shows, where he defended his new BFF Donald Trump, claiming that violence at his rallies was the fault of protesters alone. On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, he called upon protesters at Trump rallies to engage in “civil discussion.” Just…

Breitbart Reporter Suspended After Suggesting Female Coworker Wasn't Assaulted at Trump Rally 

Donald Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski grabbed Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields at a press conference Tuesday night, forcing her away from Trump and leaving marks on her arm, multiple witnesses have attested. Fellow Breitbart reporter Patrick Howley has reportedly been suspended after suggesting the…


On MSNBC, Rick Scott Just Really Can't Quite Say Whether Muslims 'Hate America' 

Florida Governor Rick Scott’s name is being bandied around as a possible vice presidential pick for your future president/sea sponge overlord Donald Trump. That’s possibly why Scott refused to say on MSNBC Thursday morning how he feels about Trump’s comments about Muslims. Florida: continuing to gift us only its best…

This Election Season, Would You Rather Someone Pooped In Your Mouth or Your Eyes?

So, here’s the situation: you’re going to get poop on you. The reasons why aren’t important, not for the purposes of this hypothetical, just: there’s going to be shit—people shit—either in your mouth or your eyes. Someone’s going to put it there. Which do you choose? How come? Is there a self-evidently better choice…