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#311141* (?/22) ⚐Flag
<slidercrank> is that true that Spanish programmers have to write ¡ along with ! in their code? such as "while (¡var!) {..}" The same with the ternary operator: a=¿b>0? b; -b;Comment: ##c++:
#311142* (?/5) ⚐Flag
<l0de> oh shit that "walked over my grave" feeling when someone's IRC nickname is your root password
#306378 (33/47) ⚐Flag
dcNate2: wow the UN says internet access is a human right?
Crispy`: dcNate2: Yep./
dcNate2: free internet for all?
Crispy`: well
Crispy`: I have a dream
Crispy`: that one day, we will break free from the chains of oppression
Crispy`: all of God's children
Crispy`: DSL users
Crispy`: cable users
Crispy`: satellite internet users
Crispy`: will be united as one under an internet that imposes no caps!
Crispy`: No restrictions! no limits! No censorship nor greedy corporate owners!
Crispy`: We are all free and equal under the tubes!
dcNate2: judge me not by my ISP, but the QoS of my connection!
#308942 (186/194) ⚐Flag
<munin_> roughly it is modeling language and the brain, or, a graph-theoretic approach to modeling how language is represented in the brain
<munin_> she is teaching a graph to speak english by having it read reddit
<munin_> the first 2 phrases it learned were 'm night shamalamadingdong' and 'cockjuggling thundercunts'
<munin_> so it seems to be working
<munin_> she is going to try and get 'cockjuggling thundercunts' into her dissertation
#308272 (47/63) ⚐Flag
<jerith> I have a friend called ed.
<jerith> We once got him a shirt for his birthday. It said "the standard text editor".
The London Vandal Store, you should check it out.
#306373 (30/42) ⚐Flag
Judith: I sleep face down because my nose gets cold.
You: So you can't breathe, but at least your nose is warm.
Judtih: NO, it's like swimming. You tilt your head when you want to breathe.
#311139* (?/13) ⚐Flag
<exio4> between Java, PHP and C#, I would go to C#
<TCH1> exio4: between Java, PHP and c# i would go for a janitor job :P
<exio4> lol
<DarkUranium> TCH1, LOL
<MinceR> lol
<TCH1> why
<TCH1> the toilets contains less shit than these
#300943 (-78/428) ⚐Flag
<Party> I have a furry magazine, one I keep just for them
<Party> .223
#28804 (1010/1154) ⚐Flag
<danamania> yay I fixed my laptops battery!
<danamania> it was so dead, nothing would charge it
<danamania> so I gave it the electronic equivalent of a kick in the head, by shorting the +/- terminals for 5 minutes
<gelfie> don't they have stickers on them that say they could explode or catch fire by doing that?
<danamania> yeah but it's ok, I took them off first.
#7215 (54/238) ⚐Flag
<geekster> mossibly
<geekster> that's most poccibly, but it went thru a horible translation from brain to fingers
<geekster> ARSE!!
#7214 (72/273) ⚐Flag
<Viper550esp> heh hell, you have no idea what hell is! Try standing inbetween two large fat women at a manson concert who decided just to wear the bare minimum to get it in concert.    Oh thats nothing, they decided that it would be fun to start a mash pit. I kid you not those two women took out 7 people with one massive shove
#7201 (116/285) ⚐Flag
<@WatchDragon> dude, i am like -- that close to having my boating licence
<@motardo> dude, you are like -- that close to having a mullet
#7194 (137/333) ⚐Flag
<nit`zZz> I was lovin that pussy while she was lovin this dick, I was shovin it in her while she was yellin dont quit
<NGN-_-> Then you realized you were dreamin that shit - in real life your a no-pussy gettin prick
#7192 (150/282) ⚐Flag
<gedamo> Some of our customers used to call their computer boxes the "brain" and it led tothem calling up saying things like "My brain isn'tworking"
#7190 (288/438) ⚐Flag
<eff> the noblest of dogs is the hot dog, it feeds the hand that bites it.
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#7187 (60/210) ⚐Flag
<solo> Think about a time in your life which you had the most fun, well....then picture work being the total opposite
#7183 (37/251) ⚐Flag
(Jeopardy) hi I need someone to help me with compiling a small program
(dgc) Jeopardy: What is gcc?
#7179 (64/253) ⚐Flag
<morientes> some fucker just played a trick on me.. i was sitting in the couch.. well all of a sudden my jocks feel like their going up my ass crack... i try to pull out the wedge.. most pain i've ever felt... someone put chewy in my jocks and my ass hairs are all stuck together.. stuck to my jocks.. i dont fucking believe this shit
#7178 (144/336) ⚐Flag
<BeLLa`> does sperm die when it hits the air, msg me if u know
<carcin0gen-> sounds like someone got a 3 pointer
#7174 (166/310) ⚐Flag
<Latino-Heat> my mum wants me to get a piercing or a tattoo to make me look meaner
#7171 (111/261) ⚐Flag
::Sathane.. I am wlasys sober
::Sathane.. excpet when I dirnk
#7165 (81/293) ⚐Flag
<^FiCtIoN^> get a tounge ring
<CheeseCookies> lol, coz there good on chicks :D
<Mousey> so is an apron
#7161 (136/334) ⚐Flag
<KINGofEXTREME> i forgot cars come in manual man
<KINGofEXTREME> my friend starts changing gears
<KINGofEXTREME> im like what are you doing
<KINGofEXTREME> didnt know what was going on
#7160 (166/311) ⚐Flag
<dEaD_fAiRy> plus the guy has to look a certian way to turn me on
<Mousey> does he have to look desperate
#61277 (2494/2916) ⚐Flag
Hekili_Manu Ok. So I called my bank's fraud dept about that hotels.com letter I got since I apparently used them twice with two different cards. I forgot completely that when I signed up you can assign your own security question online.
Hekili_Manu So when I called and spoke to the guy they use the same security question and he asked me "Ok, I just need to verify one thing. How big is your c**k?"
Hekili_Manu It took me a moment to remember that and I was like "Uh....."
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