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東京 六本木・銀座・新宿[Tokyo Roppongi,Ginza,Shinjuku Drive]
アン・ルイス     六本木心中(LIVE+1986)
六本木純情派 荻野目洋子
荻野目洋子 六本木純情派
荻野目洋子 六本木純情派
鼠先輩 / 「六本木~GIROPPON~」
JUJU #13 ♪六本木心中 [アン・ルイス] @ スパーアリーナ 2014 [+歌詞]【HD】
【クラブ】 六本木 - サンパニ - RED AREA - イベントサーチ
【RED AREA 2015】 @六本木クラブ
六本木に原画など150点 スヌーピーミュージアム開館へ
『六本木心中』  吉川晃司が乱入!
六本木心中 / アン・ルイス Cover by GILLE (ジル)

location on Google Map

Roppongi (六本木?, literally "six trees") is a district of Minato, Tokyo, Japan, famous as home to the rich Roppongi Hills area and an active night club scene. Many foreign embassies are located in Roppongi, and the night life is popular with locals and foreigners alike. It is in the southern portion of the Yamanote Line loop, south of Akasaka and north of Azabu.

The name "Roppongi", which appears to have been coined around 1660, literally means "six trees". Six very old and large zelkova trees used to mark the area; first three were cleared, and the last was destroyed during World War II. Another legend has it that the name comes from the fact that six daimyo lived nearby during the Edo period, each with the kanji character for "tree" or a kind of tree in their names. Roppongi was not extensively populated until after the Meiji Restoration, although the area was trafficked for centuries and served as the site of the cremation of Shogun Tokugawa Hidetada's wife in 1626.

In 1890, the Third Imperial Guard of the Imperial Japanese Army was moved to a site near Roppongi (now home to the Pacific bureau of Stars and Stripes). The influx of soldiers led to the area's rise as a nightlife district, briefly interrupted by the Great Kanto Earthquake which flattened the area in 1923. Roppongi was administratively part of Azabu Ward from 1878 to 1947.

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Radio Stations - Roppongi

FM Nirai Okinawa Contemporary Japan
Ohayo Michikami Youzou Sports Varied Japan
NHK Radio 1 News Japan
FM Shiroishi WITH-s Varied Japan
FM Uruma Oldies,Folk Japan
FREEBIRD RADIO 1 (Classic Rock) Classic Rock Japan
Retro AC GAME MUSIC Streaming Radio Electronica Japan
Soryu's Stream Varied Japan
BAN-BAN Radio Ambient,Talk Japan
Retro PC GAME MUSIC Streaming Radio Experimental,Electronica Japan
ChofuFM 83.8 Varied Japan
T-WAVE (RAKIRAKI Beach Radio) Varied Japan
Ozawa Akikazu's Ozawa Akikazu teki KOKORO Varied Japan
FM Tachikawa 84.4 Varied Japan
Jp-Stream TOSHIBO'S WEB RADIO Varied Japan
FM, Fukushima Varied Japan
Radio Shonan Varied,Talk Japan
ENDLESS DREAM 1 Varied Japan
Mumix Piano Varied Japan
Old Stories Of Japan (T-WAVE) Varied Japan
Miyazaki Sunshine FM Varied,Talk Japan
Kuwahara Shohei Sui mo Amai mo Varied Japan
FM Aizu Varied Japan
NHK FM Varied Japan
FM Takamatu 81.5 Varied Japan
NOAS FM Rock,Varied,Talk Japan
OTTAVA Classical Japan
Narumi Happo Gokigensan Varied Japan
Earth Dreaming - Save the glass Earth - Varied Japan
FM GIG 81.8 Varied Japan
NHK World Portuguese News Japan
P-tomu.Comic Jack Varied Japan
Goketsu P Varied Japan
Uwasa no GIG Maizuru Varied Japan
FM Mikky 76.1 Varied Japan
Kosakin DE Waao! Varied Japan
FM CASTLE Oldies,Pop Japan
News Tantei Kyoku Varied Japan
FM NishiTokyo 84.2 Varied Japan
FM Odawara 78.7 News Talk,News,Talk Japan
NHK news News Japan
M Channel from Maizuru Varied Japan
FM senri Varied,Talk Japan
KOCO Radio 79.1 FM Varied Japan
webradio@tokyo Public Japan
ENDLESS DREAM 7 Varied Japan
FM River, Asahikawa Varied Japan
Go J! Varied Japan
FM Hirakata, Osaka Varied Japan
Hardcore J Pop Japan
Hitsujikai Radio Religious,Christian Japan


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  • 東京 六本木・銀座・新宿[Tokyo Roppongi,Ginza,Shinjuku Drive]

    夜の六本木・銀座・新宿を等速でゆったりお届けします。ネオンがたくさんです。 イルミネーション撮った時の未使用部分なので、ちょっと季節外れかもしれません。
  • アン・ルイス 六本木心中(LIVE+1986)

  • 六本木純情派 荻野目洋子

    HLD-X9にて再生 ディア・ポップシンガー 2014年8月20日好評発売中 後悔無いので絶対買うべし!
  • 荻野目洋子 六本木純情派

  • 荻野目洋子 六本木純情派

  • 鼠先輩 / 「六本木~GIROPPON~」

    Nezumisenpai / "Roppongi-giroppon-" 2008年 鼠年、ムード歌謡のブライテストホープ鼠先輩がメジャーデビュー!! 魂を揺さぶるヴォーカル、ノスタルジーが微笑むメロディ、致死量のコーラスワーク、万人の心に染み入る魂の詩 そして日本の悪しき慣習「一気コール」をも武器にしてしまうアルティメット楽曲、21世紀にして遂に産み落とされた日本を代表するラブソングの名盤が誕生です。
  • JUJU #13 ♪六本木心中 [アン・ルイス] @ スパーアリーナ 2014 [+歌詞]【HD】

    プラス 歌詞の追加(FCPX&Motion5;) 音源を空間処理(Logic Pro X)で、5.1CHサラウンドにしてます。(AppleTV等、YAMAHA等のプロロジック等のサラウンドシステム機器等で、臨場­感­ある再生になります。ノーマル機器では普通のステレオ再生です。) ジュジュ苑ツアー2014 at アリーナ Super Live
  • 【クラブ】 六本木 - サンパニ - RED AREA - イベントサーチ

    RED AREA イベント一覧
  • 【RED AREA 2015】 @六本木クラブ

    六本木レッドエリア 2015カウントダウンパーティー! 六本木 元GASPANIC 飲んで遊ぶならココで間違いなし!! ↓ココ↓ ●RED AREA● 〒106-0032 東京都港区六本木3-14-11-KENTOS 2F KENTOS2F,3-14-11,Roppongi,Minato-ku,Toky­o,Japan 年中無休 21:00~6:00!! ★映像制作元★ CLUB、音楽映像,PARTY映像のWebマーケティングであれば,,, Akashic Recordings ltd. あなたの会社の集客をお任せ下さい!! (HP制作、LP制作、リスティング、アドワーズ、バナー広告、CM制作)動画を主軸­としたWebマーケティングを得意としております。 HP: TEL:0471-37-7774(代表) FAX:0471-96-7606 担当 小柴宛てまでお願い致します。
  • 六本木に原画など150点 スヌーピーミュージアム開館へ

    60年以上にわたって幅広い世代に愛されているアメリカ生まれのキャラクター「スヌーピー」をテーマにしたミュージアムが六本木にあさってオープンします。  スヌーピーミュージアムには、アメリカで誕生した「スヌーピー」が活躍するコミック「ピーナッツ」の原画や資料など150点が展示されています。生みの親である漫画家、チャールズ・シュルツ氏がアメリカに造った「シュルツ美術館」の世界初の分館で、入り口ではシュルツ氏の半生を写真を交えて紹介しています。また、立体的になったキャラクターたちのオブジェが来場者を出迎えてくれます。館内にはアメリカの記念館のみで公開されていたピーナッツの作品やスケッチが展示され、スヌーピーの新たな魅力に触れられます。  スヌーピーミュージアムの中山三善ディレクターは「全部オリジナル作品が展示されていて、世界でここしかサテライトがない。本物を見る楽しみ、ショップでの買い物、カフェテラスも作ったので、1回来ると3回楽しい美術館」と話しています。  館内に併設されたカフェでは、スヌーピーゆかりのメニューが提供されます。作者のシュルツ氏が毎日、足しげく通ったカフェで食べたというツナサンドに、シュルツ氏の愛称「マイ・スウィート・バブー」と名付けられたミルクシェークなどが味わえます。さらにミュージアムショップの「ブラウンズストア」には、雑貨や食品などここでしか買えない500点以上のグッズが限定販売されます。  あさってオープンするスヌーピーミュージアムは六本木の再開発エリアにあり、将来的に別の複合ビルが建てられる予定のため、2018年9月までの期間限定での開館を予定しています。  館内では作家の吉本ばななさんや谷川俊太郎さんなど、各界のファンが「ピーナッツ愛」を語る映像も上映されているということです。
  • 『六本木心中』 吉川晃司が乱入!

  • 六本木心中 / アン・ルイス Cover by GILLE (ジル)

    "I AM GILLE. 3 ~70's & 80's J-POP~" iTunes配信中! ⇒ "I AM GILLE. 3" amazon予約はコチラ : 2014.4.9 ON SALE! 1.MONKEY MAGIC feat. ミッキー吉野 from ゴダイゴ 2.ひこうき雲 3.恋におちて feat. 小林明子 4.ロックンロール・ウィドウ 5.六本木心中 6.Diamonds 7.ウォンテッド(指名手配) 8.恋人よ 9.駅 10.年下の男の子 11.愛が止まらない ~Turn It Into Love~ 12.I Love you, SAYONARA GILLE iTunes Store : GILLE Official Mobile Site : GILLE Official PC Site : GILLE blog : GILLE on twitter : @GILLEsound!/GILLEsound GILLE on facebook :
  • 六本木心中 (カラオケ) アン・ルイス

  • A-team Roppongi Night. 六本木スーパーカーNightパガーニ、ランボルギーニ、アウディetc...

    AnijaZondaが六本木に登場。カスタムされたスーパーカー4台が華の大東京クルージングした模様です。 A-team Anija関連は よりご覧頂けます。 ☆新着情報☆ チームステッカー、Tシャツetc...沢山のグッツのオンライン販売がスタート致しました。ヤフオクより【anijabrand】で検索。 A-teamの面々が出演している視聴者参加型生TV、AnijaTVが毎週木曜日20:00-21:00放送中です。チャットでどしどし参加しちゃいましょう!
  • 内藤やす子、。・。六本木ララバイ

  • 六本木ララバイ・内藤やす子

  • サミットまで40日切り・・・六本木ヒルズでテロ訓練(16/04/18)

    伊勢志摩サミットの開催まで40日を切り、多くの人が集まる東京・六本木ヒルズでテロ対策の訓練が行われました。 訓練は六本木ヒルズで、銃や機関銃を持ったテロリストが女性を人質に取った想定で行われました。テロリストらは「サミット反対。 ・・・記事の続き、その他のニュースはコチラから! [テレ朝news]
  • 筋肉集団が六本木で大暴れ!!

    先日行われたFAT FIVEさんのレコ発イベントに呼んでいただいた時の模様をお送りするぞ!! 筋肉の価値を世に伝えたい!! 提供できるのは筋肉のみ!!我々がマッチョ29です。 サイヤマンTwitter サイヤマンブログ マッチョ29チャンネル マッチョ29公式サイト マッチョ29デビュー曲ビバ!マッチョ マッチョ29ブログ
  • デーモン閣下 今夜はANGEL~六本木心中

    DEMON'S ROCK EXPO. デーモン閣下のソロライヴ映像です。 画質ミスりましたがご容赦下さい(´・ω・`)
  • 六本木ハロウィンを生配信取材!! | Roppongi, Tokyo Halloween 2014

    石川典行がニコ生で六本木ハロウィーンに梅干し入りオニギリ(日本国旗イメージ)になって参戦!たくさんの人が仮装して、街中が大盛り上がり! 可愛い女の子もいっぱい登場!Noriyuki Ishikawa wears an Onigiri (rice-ball) costume in Roppongi, Tokyo. Japanese love Halloween and the city goes crazy. - Niconico Live Broadcast by Noriyuki Ishikawa - 10/31/2014 ◆石川典行のノリユキラジオ◆ ○放送日:2014年10月31日 ○配信サイト:ニコニコ生放送 ○放送URL: ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ■公式ホームページ ■Twitter ■ツイキャス ■ニコニコチャンネル ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ *チャンネル登録はこちら*
  • 『清原逮捕の瞬間』『六本木ホステスの話』『桑田の話』

  • 1988 とんねるず 六本木ロケ 風紀を乱す芸能人を成敗

  • ろっぽんぎ体操 EX シアター六本木 STAFF Ver. (FULL)/La PomPon[公式]

    La PomPon Double A side Single 「運命のルーレット廻して/サヨナラは始まりの言葉」 2016.3.23 Release!! 「これは、果たして体操なの?ダンスなの?」 巷でジワジワ話題のLa PomPon 4thシングル カップリング曲(初回盤のみ収録) 「ろっぽんぎ体操」。 STAFF Ver.動画にLa PomPonが、(ほぼ)毎月単独の定期公演を行っている、 『EXシアター六本木』のSTAFFさんが参戦。 メンバーと一緒にTRYしてくれました!! 「ろっぽんぎ体操 EXシアター六本木 STAFF Ver. (FULL)」をLa PomPon Official Channel!(公式YouTubeチャンネル)で公開します★ 毎月、La PomPonの定期公演を、裏でしっかり支えてくださっている、 『EXシアター六本木』のSTAFFさん。 普段、ステージの上に立つ事のない、みなさんをメンバーがここぞとばかり連れ出し、 一緒に身体を動かして、共通の場所「六本木」を盛り上げましょう!!ということで、 今回のコラボが実現しました。 国際都市・六本木に誕生したプレミアムなエンターテイメント空間『EXシアター六本木』。 テレビ朝日の地上17階建てオフィスビル「EXタワー」に隣接し、 地上2階から地下3階部分を有し、ポップスやロックを中心とした音楽ライブから、 演劇、ミュージカル、映画、ライブビューイング、ファッションショー、企業式典、スポーツイベントまで、 幅広く対応できる劇場です。 会場利用の詳細はこちらから→ 『EXシアター六本木』のSTAFFさんが踊る“ろっぽんぎ体操”を是非チェックしてみてくださいね。 公式サイト La PomPon公式ホームページ : http://lapom...
東京 六本木・銀座・新宿[Tokyo Roppongi,Ginza,Shinjuku Drive]

東京 六本木・銀座・新宿[Tokyo Roppongi,Ginza,Shinjuku Drive]

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:38
  • Updated: 23 Feb 2010
  • views: 193415
夜の六本木・銀座・新宿を等速でゆったりお届けします。ネオンがたくさんです。 イルミネーション撮った時の未使用部分なので、ちょっと季節外れかもしれません。東京 六本木・銀座・新宿 Tokyo Roppongi,Ginza,Shinjuku Drive
アン・ルイス     六本木心中(LIVE+1986)

アン・ルイス 六本木心中(LIVE+1986)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:07
  • Updated: 07 Oct 2011
  • views: 1114779アン・ルイス 六本木心中(Live 1986)
六本木純情派 荻野目洋子

六本木純情派 荻野目洋子

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:50
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2014
  • views: 551717
HLD-X9にて再生 ディア・ポップシンガー 2014年8月20日好評発売中 後悔無いので絶対買うべし!六本木純情派 荻野目洋子
荻野目洋子 六本木純情派

荻野目洋子 六本木純情派

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:13
  • Updated: 05 Apr 2012
  • views: 125327荻野目洋子 六本木純情派
荻野目洋子 六本木純情派

荻野目洋子 六本木純情派

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:27
  • Updated: 09 Jun 2014
  • views: 241210荻野目洋子 六本木純情派
鼠先輩 / 「六本木~GIROPPON~」

鼠先輩 / 「六本木~GIROPPON~」

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:39
  • Updated: 03 Jun 2008
  • views: 1518485
Nezumisenpai / "Roppongi-giroppon-" 2008年 鼠年、ムード歌謡のブライテストホープ鼠先輩がメジャーデビュー!! 魂を揺さぶるヴォーカル、ノスタルジーが微笑むメロディ、致死量のコーラスワーク、万人の心に染み入る魂の詩 そして日本の悪しき慣習「一気コール」をも武器にしてしまうアルティメット楽曲、21世紀にして遂に産み落とされた日本を代表するラブソングの名盤が誕生です。鼠先輩 「六本木~Giroppon~」
JUJU #13 ♪六本木心中 [アン・ルイス] @ スパーアリーナ 2014 [+歌詞]【HD】

JUJU #13 ♪六本木心中 [アン・ルイス] @ スパーアリーナ 2014 [+歌詞]【HD】

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:04
  • Updated: 23 Nov 2015
  • views: 19377
プラス 歌詞の追加(FCPX&Motion5;) 音源を空間処理(Logic Pro X)で、5.1CHサラウンドにしてます。(AppleTV等、YAMAHA等のプロロジック等のサラウンドシステム機器等で、臨場­感­ある再生になります。ノーマル機器では普通のステレオ再生です。) ジュジュ苑ツアー2014 at アリーナ Super Live 13 ♪六本木心中 アン・ルイス @ スパーアリーナ 2014 +歌詞 【Hd】
【クラブ】 六本木 - サンパニ - RED AREA - イベントサーチ

【クラブ】 六本木 - サンパニ - RED AREA - イベントサーチ

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:27
  • Updated: 21 Oct 2015
  • views: 2516
RED AREA イベント一覧【クラブ】 六本木 サンパニ Red Area イベントサーチ
【RED AREA 2015】 @六本木クラブ

【RED AREA 2015】 @六本木クラブ

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:49
  • Updated: 26 Jan 2015
  • views: 61374
六本木レッドエリア 2015カウントダウンパーティー! 六本木 元GASPANIC 飲んで遊ぶならココで間違いなし!! ↓ココ↓ ●RED AREA● 〒106-0032 東京都港区六本木3-14-11-KENTOS 2F KENTOS2F,3-14-11,Roppongi,Minato-ku,Toky­o,Japan 年中無休 21:00~6:00!! ★映像制作元★ CLUB、音楽映像,PARTY映像のWebマーケティングであれば,,, Akashic Recordings ltd. あなたの会社の集客をお任せ下さい!! (HP制作、LP制作、リスティング、アドワーズ、バナー広告、CM制作)動画を主軸­としたWebマーケティングを得意としております。 HP: TEL:0471-37-7774(代表) FAX:0471-96-7606 担当 小柴宛てまでお願い致します。【Red Area 2015】 @六本木クラブ
六本木に原画など150点 スヌーピーミュージアム開館へ

六本木に原画など150点 スヌーピーミュージアム開館へ

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:32
  • Updated: 21 Apr 2016
  • views: 107
60年以上にわたって幅広い世代に愛されているアメリカ生まれのキャラクター「スヌーピー」をテーマにしたミュージアムが六本木にあさってオープンします。  スヌーピーミュージアムには、アメリカで誕生した「スヌーピー」が活躍するコミック「ピーナッツ」の原画や資料など150点が展示されています。生みの親である漫画家、チャールズ・シュルツ氏がアメリカに造った「シュルツ美術館」の世界初の分館で、入り口ではシュルツ氏の半生を写真を交えて紹介しています。また、立体的になったキャラクターたちのオブジェが来場者を出迎えてくれます。館内にはアメリカの記念館のみで公開されていたピーナッツの作品やスケッチが展示され、スヌーピーの新たな魅力に触れられます。  スヌーピーミュージアムの中山三善ディレクターは「全部オリジナル作品が展示されていて、世界でここしかサテライトがない。本物を見る楽しみ、ショップでの買い物、カフェテラスも作ったので、1回来ると3回楽しい美術館」と話しています。  館内に併設されたカフェでは、スヌーピーゆかりのメニューが提供されます。作者のシュルツ氏が毎日、足しげく通ったカフェで食べたというツナサンドに、シュルツ氏の愛称「マイ・スウィート・バブー」と名付けられたミルクシェークなどが味わえます。さらにミュージアムショップの「ブラウンズストア」には、雑貨や食品などここでしか買えない500点以上のグッズが限定販売されます。  あさってオープンするスヌーピーミュージアムは六本木の再開発エリアにあり、将来的に別の複合ビルが建てられる予定のため、2018年9月までの期間限定での開館を予定しています。  館内では作家の吉本ばななさんや谷川俊太郎さんなど、各界のファンが「ピーナッツ愛」を語る映像も上映されているということです。六本木に原画など150点 スヌーピーミュージアム開館へ
『六本木心中』  吉川晃司が乱入!

『六本木心中』 吉川晃司が乱入!

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:10
  • Updated: 29 May 2015
  • views: 458875
いや~、リアルタイムで観てた人結構いるのですね~♪僕と同じ世代の方々かな?(^_^)『六本木心中』 吉川晃司が乱入!
六本木心中 / アン・ルイス Cover by GILLE (ジル)

六本木心中 / アン・ルイス Cover by GILLE (ジル)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:00
  • Updated: 13 Nov 2014
  • views: 111908
"I AM GILLE. 3 ~70's & 80's J-POP~" iTunes配信中! ⇒ "I AM GILLE. 3" amazon予約はコチラ : 2014.4.9 ON SALE! 1.MONKEY MAGIC feat. ミッキー吉野 from ゴダイゴ 2.ひこうき雲 3.恋におちて feat. 小林明子 4.ロックンロール・ウィドウ 5.六本木心中 6.Diamonds 7.ウォンテッド(指名手配) 8.恋人よ 9.駅 10.年下の男の子 11.愛が止まらない ~Turn It Into Love~ 12.I Love you, SAYONARA GILLE iTunes Store : GILLE Official Mobile Site : GILLE Official PC Site : GILLE blog : GILLE on twitter : @GILLEsound!/GILLEsound GILLE on facebook :六本木心中 アン・ルイス Cover By Gille (ジル)
六本木心中 (カラオケ) アン・ルイス

六本木心中 (カラオケ) アン・ルイス

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:08
  • Updated: 14 Oct 2015
  • views: 7010六本木心中 (カラオケ) アン・ルイス
A-team Roppongi Night. 六本木スーパーカーNightパガーニ、ランボルギーニ、アウディetc...

A-team Roppongi Night. 六本木スーパーカーNightパガーニ、ランボルギーニ、アウディetc...

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:53
  • Updated: 15 Jul 2014
  • views: 67596
AnijaZondaが六本木に登場。カスタムされたスーパーカー4台が華の大東京クルージングした模様です。 A-team Anija関連は よりご覧頂けます。 ☆新着情報☆ チームステッカー、Tシャツetc...沢山のグッツのオンライン販売がスタート致しました。ヤフオクより【anijabrand】で検索。 A-teamの面々が出演している視聴者参加型生TV、AnijaTVが毎週木曜日20:00-21:00放送中です。チャットでどしどし参加しちゃいましょう! Team Roppongi Night. 六本木スーパーカーNightパガーニ、ランボルギーニ、アウディEtc...


  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:39
  • Updated: 07 Mar 2016
  • views: 1710


  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:26
  • Updated: 25 Apr 2014
  • views: 212945


  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:45
  • Updated: 18 Apr 2016
  • views: 6443
伊勢志摩サミットの開催まで40日を切り、多くの人が集まる東京・六本木ヒルズでテロ対策の訓練が行われました。 訓練は六本木ヒルズで、銃や機関銃を持ったテロリストが女性を人質に取った想定で行われました。テロリストらは「サミット反対。 ・・・記事の続き、その他のニュースはコチラから! [テレ朝news]サミットまで40日切り・・・六本木ヒルズでテロ訓練(16 04 18)


  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:25
  • Updated: 16 Apr 2016
  • views: 8973
先日行われたFAT FIVEさんのレコ発イベントに呼んでいただいた時の模様をお送りするぞ!! 筋肉の価値を世に伝えたい!! 提供できるのは筋肉のみ!!我々がマッチョ29です。 サイヤマンTwitter サイヤマンブログ マッチョ29チャンネル マッチョ29公式サイト マッチョ29デビュー曲ビバ!マッチョ マッチョ29ブログ筋肉集団が六本木で大暴れ!!
デーモン閣下 今夜はANGEL~六本木心中

デーモン閣下 今夜はANGEL~六本木心中

  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:15
  • Updated: 01 Jun 2014
  • views: 176106
DEMON'S ROCK EXPO. デーモン閣下のソロライヴ映像です。 画質ミスりましたがご容赦下さい(´・ω・`)デーモン閣下 今夜はAngel~六本木心中
六本木ハロウィンを生配信取材!! | Roppongi, Tokyo Halloween 2014

六本木ハロウィンを生配信取材!! | Roppongi, Tokyo Halloween 2014

  • Order:
  • Duration: 14:58
  • Updated: 01 Nov 2014
  • views: 18487
石川典行がニコ生で六本木ハロウィーンに梅干し入りオニギリ(日本国旗イメージ)になって参戦!たくさんの人が仮装して、街中が大盛り上がり! 可愛い女の子もいっぱい登場!Noriyuki Ishikawa wears an Onigiri (rice-ball) costume in Roppongi, Tokyo. Japanese love Halloween and the city goes crazy. - Niconico Live Broadcast by Noriyuki Ishikawa - 10/31/2014 ◆石川典行のノリユキラジオ◆ ○放送日:2014年10月31日 ○配信サイト:ニコニコ生放送 ○放送URL: ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ■公式ホームページ ■Twitter ■ツイキャス ■ニコニコチャンネル ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ *チャンネル登録はこちら*六本木ハロウィンを生配信取材 | Roppongi, Tokyo Halloween 2014


  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:29
  • Updated: 04 Feb 2016
  • views: 1014
1988 とんねるず 六本木ロケ 風紀を乱す芸能人を成敗

1988 とんねるず 六本木ロケ 風紀を乱す芸能人を成敗

  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:17
  • Updated: 06 Nov 2015
  • views: 2856
1988/7/3 とんねるず 六本木ロケ 風紀を乱す芸能人を成敗
ろっぽんぎ体操 EX シアター六本木 STAFF Ver. (FULL)/La PomPon[公式]

ろっぽんぎ体操 EX シアター六本木 STAFF Ver. (FULL)/La PomPon[公式]

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:54
  • Updated: 09 Mar 2016
  • views: 2604
La PomPon Double A side Single 「運命のルーレット廻して/サヨナラは始まりの言葉」 2016.3.23 Release!! 「これは、果たして体操なの?ダンスなの?」 巷でジワジワ話題のLa PomPon 4thシングル カップリング曲(初回盤のみ収録) 「ろっぽんぎ体操」。 STAFF Ver.動画にLa PomPonが、(ほぼ)毎月単独の定期公演を行っている、 『EXシアター六本木』のSTAFFさんが参戦。 メンバーと一緒にTRYしてくれました!! 「ろっぽんぎ体操 EXシアター六本木 STAFF Ver. (FULL)」をLa PomPon Official Channel!(公式YouTubeチャンネル)で公開します★ 毎月、La PomPonの定期公演を、裏でしっかり支えてくださっている、 『EXシアター六本木』のSTAFFさん。 普段、ステージの上に立つ事のない、みなさんをメンバーがここぞとばかり連れ出し、 一緒に身体を動かして、共通の場所「六本木」を盛り上げましょう!!ということで、 今回のコラボが実現しました。 国際都市・六本木に誕生したプレミアムなエンターテイメント空間『EXシアター六本木』。 テレビ朝日の地上17階建てオフィスビル「EXタワー」に隣接し、 地上2階から地下3階部分を有し、ポップスやロックを中心とした音楽ライブから、 演劇、ミュージカル、映画、ライブビューイング、ファッションショー、企業式典、スポーツイベントまで、 幅広く対応できる劇場です。 会場利用の詳細はこちらから→ 『EXシアター六本木』のSTAFFさんが踊る“ろっぽんぎ体操”を是非チェックしてみてくださいね。 公式サイト La PomPon公式ホームページ : La PomPon公式Twitter : La PomPon公式BLOG: 「コチらぽんぽん情報局。」ろっぽんぎ体操 Ex シアター六本木 Staff Ver. (Full) La Pompon[公式]
  • Roppongi Hills, Tokyo - Japan Travel Guide

    A popular complex for dining, shopping, nightlife, and entertainment in Tokyo. Roppongi Hills, opened in 2003, it is a complex of offices, foreign banks, luxury shops and entertainment venues. It is also home to many famous Japanese celebrities who live in these very expensive high-rise buildings. There are lots of open spaces including an open air arena, with free performances. But for tourists and ex-pats living here, its attractions and activities will keep you amused around the clock. During the day you can visit the Mori Towers Complex. The first six floors have numerous shops and restaurants. Why are you wearing the kimono? She is celebrating Seijin Shiki, it is for girls turning 20 years old. She has come here for shopping. Known as the international gourmet center of Tokyo, it...
  • Roppongi Hills, Tokyo | One Minute Japan Travel Guide

    For more information, access, and reviews about Roppongi Hills: Roppongi Hills is now the face of Roppongi. It is a place connected directly to subway stations where you can enjoy an entire day with family and children. ------------------------------ What is Planetyze? ------------------------------ We are a free online guidebook that features high quality content, great videos featuring sights from all over Japan, and new information updated daily. Join today and ask questions about your trip on our free message board, or write your own reviews to help other travellers to plan their perfect trip to Japan. All the information you need and more is available at Follow us on: Facebook:
  • Tokyo Nightlife 2016 (Shibuya, Shinjuku, Roppongi, Tour Guide)

    Tokyo Japan - Check Out The Top Things To Do In Tokyo, Crazy And Wild Tokyo Nightlife Parties In Roppongi And Shinjuku, As I Tour Guide Tokyo Attractions And Backpack Throughout This Amazing City Of Great Culture While Meeting Awesome People Along The Way! Every Thursday A New Travel Video/Blog Video - SUBSCRIBE NOW!!
  • Japan Tokyo Travel Guide: 'Sashimi taste on a sardine budget'

    Japan's known for its HIGH cost of living. But, don't be deterred. A friend and I set out and aimed to smile and survive with less than $1000 AUD a week. From Asakusa, Shibuya, Harjuku, Tsukujii and infamous Roppongi... This is our trailer, subscribe now for the inside scoop and more. :)
  • Japan 6 - DAY 1+2 - Travel + Roppongi

    Follow us around Japan! About Anna Lee - I'm a hairstylist at Chaz Dean Studio in Los Angeles, California. Available by appointment only on Thursday, Friday and Saturdays. 323.467.6444. + INSTAGRAM: @annarunswithscissors + TWITTER: @_annalee_ + WEBSITE: About Jesse - I press a button. + INSTAGRAM: @jessefff + TWITTER: @jessefff + WEBSITE:
  • Roppongi Tokyo Nightlife Travel Video HD

    Roppongi Tokyo Nightlife Travel Video HD
  • 25 Things To Do in Tokyo, Japan (Watch This Before You Go)

    Get info about things to do, where to stay, and the best food to eat on your visit to Tokyo, Japan. Here's the guide: Tokyo (東京), Japan, is one of the world's greatest cities, and there's so much to do and see when you visit. From temples and shrines, to gardens and museums, you'll never run out of attractions. Out of all the things you could do, I've chosen a top 25 list for this awesome city (and just so you know food is my first choice in Tokyo)! 1. Ameya-Yokochō (アメヤ横丁) - A giant open air market that offers clothes, cosmetics, food, and restaurants and bars. 2. Meiji Shrine (明治神宮) - This Shinto shrine, surrounded by beautiful forest, is extremely significant. 3. Ryogoku Kokugikan (両国国技館) - Even if it's not fight season, you can go to the free sumo museum and ea...
  • 2015 Japan - Tokyo Travel Guide

    This summer i traveled to Tokyo as the celebration of my birthday. I went to several places including Ueno, Shinjuku, Shibuya, Harajuku, Odaiba, Asakusa, Akihabala, Roppongi, Yokohama and Kamakura. I also watched the firework show in Sumidagawa which was a really good experience.
  • Top 10 Attractions Tokyo - Japan Travel Guide

    Take a tour of Top 10 Travel Attractions of Tokyo, Japan - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to give you a tour of the top ten attractions of Tokyo. Number ten, Roppongi. An exciting entertainment area which is quite popular amongst foreigners. Number nine, Meiji Shrine. In Japanese culture, you'll find many beautiful shrine sites that are peaceful and relaxing. Meiji Shrine is among the popular ones in Tokyo. Number eight, Hama Rikyu Gardens. A splendid garden that has history dating back hundreds of years. The backdrop of skyscrapers add to to the urban feel of this park. Number seven, local culture. in Japan, even the simple day to day things are fascinating. Take notice of the distinctive local lifestyle whi...
  • Tokyo Travel Guide Zojoji Buddhist Temple

    Zojoji Buddhist Temple in Tokyo is the largest Buddhist Temple in Japan. Located right next to Tokyo Tower, about a 20 minute walk from Roppongi Tokyo Travel Guide
  • Roppongi Tokyo: Gaijin Party Central

    Roppongi has a seedy or sleazy reputation when it comes to nightlife. There are a lot of shady bars, clubs, people and practices going on in Roppongi. But if you are looking for a Japanese and Foreign Friendly party that is safe, fun and a great chance to meet locals and tourists then I highly recommend Tokyo Pub Crawl! Check out their Facebook Page if you are interested and will be in Tokyo: Japanese Girls Eat Australian Snacks: ===================================================== Visit this site to see the funniest, strangest and weirdest products Japan has to offer: If you want to help my channel grow by helping cover camera, lighting, equipment...
  • 5 Things To Do in Roppongi Hills | TOKYO JAPAN VLOGS

    A guide to attractions in Roppongi Hills of Tokyo, Japan. Trying Omurice at Denny's in Tokyo, Japan Find me at Little Art Talks: Twitter: Instagram: Song: SPORTSMANN 水星 (SPORTSMANN Chill) - トーニャハーディング (tofubeats Cover)
  • Japan Travel-Roppongi-Illuminations 2014 六本木イルミネーション

    The Christmas Illuminations in Roppongi has always been one of my favorite holiday lights display in Tokyo. I made sure to visit before it got too cold to enjoy them. Subscribe HERE for weekly videos! Press that LIKE button and SUBSCRIBE to our channel. Let me know what your thoughts in the comments below. Visit our food and travel blog at Let's connect! Twitter : Facebook : Pinterest : Instagram : Google Plus : 東京・六本木、六本木ヒルズと東京ミッドタウンのイルミネーションです。繊細な演出が際立ちます。チャンネル登録はこちらから→ 毎年競い合うように輝く六本木の二つの巨大エリア。ブルー・ホワイト・オレンジ・レッド、各色が様々な趣を見せながら輝いています。 ブログも...
  • HikoGuide: The Ultimate YouTube Travel Guide to Tokyo

    The title is in honor of Hikosaemon who started it with this vid: Check his out to know what I'm talking about at the beginning. I've been traveling around the world for over 5 months now, and I know how invaluable a bit of information from someone who knows the place well can be - even just as simple as a name of a place and a hint that it might be "my kinda spot". Not everyone matches every place...for example I hate Roppongi with a passion, but TokyoZeplin seemed to love the place. I, on the other hand, love taking a walk in Nippori, but I remember AtomicboyX saying he thought it was the most boring place ever. To each his own, right? So this might help you find the places that are right for you before going there and make your visit to Tokyo...
  • Tokyo trip HD - part 1 - japan travel (roppongi, tokyo tower, asakusa)

    japan travel: Tokyo trip, high definition, highway, the prince park tower tokyo hotel, sojoji shrine, shiba park, roppongi, roppongi hills, don quijote, yayoiken japanese restaurant, tonkatsu, night skyline, panorama, tokyo tower, asakusa, japanese streets, asahi building, tokyo sky tree music: The Field - Leave it Lemongrass - La mer Yoyoma - Kojo no Tsuki M-flo - been so long Sweet Black feat. Maki Goto - Golden Luv
  • 22 Things To Do in Tokyo, Japan (MUST SEE Attractions)

    Website: Facebook: Twitter: 22 Things To Do in Tokyo, Japan. Table of Contents: 1. Tokyo Tower - 0:45 2. Roppongi Hills - 1:17 3. Asakusa/Senso-Ji Temple - 1:45 4. Yurakucho - 2:16 Food break: Yakitori - 2:38 5. Meiji Shrine - 3:02 6. Yasakuni Shrine - 3:33 7. Yushukan War Museum - 3:49 8. Akihabara Anime District - 4:19 Food break: Avocado Bacon Cheeseburger - 4:52 9. Sumo at Ryogoku Kokugikan - 5:14 10. Diver City Tokyo Plaza - 6:20 11. Shibuya Crossing - 6:57 12. Tsukiji Fish Market - 7:27 13. Tsukiji Honganji Temple - 7:55 Food break: Seafood at Tsukiji Fish Market - 8:20 Food break: Takoyaki - 8:35 14. Imperial Palace - 8:51 15. East Gardens - included with Imperial Palace 16. Sh...
  • Tokyo Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia

    Welcome to Tokyo, the capital of Japan and the epitome of the word “megacity.” In this vast metropolis, ancient traditions blend with futuristic buildings, and your Tokyo sightseeing will take you to representations of each. Pay your respects at temples set in forested hillsides, then flex your credit card in one of the shopping districts, before sitting down to a five-star meal…all in one day. Your Tokyo tour begins with the subway and train system, which will take you all over this sprawling city. Tokyo is home to some 35 million people, many of which you’ll meet as its public transit carries you throughout its many neighborhoods. Make a stop in Asakusa, a temple district nestled in leafy trees with skyscrapers towering in the background. There you’ll visit Nakamisi Dori, a street load...
  • Japan Travel Guide 2016 (HD 1080p)

    Japan Travel Guide 2016 - Top things to do in Japan 2016 - Japan trip 2016 - Japan tourism & vacations - Tourist attractions in Japan Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide Japan, known as Nihon or Nippon (日本) in Japanese, is a nation of islands in East Asia. See in Japan =============== Castles ------------- When most Westerners think of castles, they naturally think of their own in places like England and France. However, Japan too was a nation of castle-builders. In its feudal days, you could find multiple castles in nearly every prefecture. Original Castles Because of bombings in WWII, fires, edicts to tear down castles, etc. only twelve of Japan's castles are considered to be originals, which have donjons that date bac...
  • Steven Spielberg en Roppongi Hills, sera?

    En Roppongi Hills nos encontramos a una persona que se parecía mucho a Steven Spielberg, nos acercamos y resultó ser un locutor de una estación de radio local, pero de que se parecía se parecía!!!
  • Tokyo Tourist Attractions 2016 (HD)

    Tokyo Tourist Attractions, Tourism & Vacation in Tokyo, Japan, Tokyo, Japan Trip 2016 Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide Tōkyō (東京) is the capital of Japan. At over 12 million people in the official metropolitan area alone, Tokyo is the core of the most populated urban area in the world, Greater Tokyo (which has a population of 35 million people). This huge, wealthy and fascinating metropolis brings high-tech visions of the future side by side with glimpses of old Japan, and has something for everyone. See in Tokyo, Japan ================ Tokyo has a vast array of sights, but the first items on the agenda of most visitors are the temples of Asakusa, the gardens of the Imperial Palace (in Chiyoda) and the Meiji Shrine (明治神宮,...
  • Tokyo Roppongi Hills - 六本木ヒルズ - 4K Ultra HD

    Tokyo Roppongi Hills - 六本木ヒルズ - 4K Ultra HD Alongside Tokyo Midtown (coming soon on TokyoStreetView), Roppongi Hills is a new urban center designed to give a second life to the old and dirty Roppongi area. Completed in 2003, Roppingi Hills and its 238m high Mori Tower is far from having a glamorous past due to its revolving doors causing the death of a six-year old child as well as 32 other non-lethal injuries. Roppongi Hills has also been at the center of further turmoil when Takafumi Horie, CEO of Livedoor was embroiled in fraud allegations in 2006. At this time both Takafumi Horie and part of his company were residing at Roppongi Hills. Beside its rather unpleasant history, Roppongi Hills is famous for its shopping area, large selection of nice restaurants and its large esplanade wher...
  • 9 Amazing Christmas Lights in Tokyo, Japan ♡ 東京イルミネーション

    Tokyo 9 holiday Lights & illuminations spots Yes, it is Holiday when Tokyo shine☆ Illuminations are fantastic and romantic against the night sky in winter. Tokyo Travel Highlights 1 "Blue Grotto Illumination" @Nakameguro 2 "Midtown Christmas" @Roppongi 3 "Marunouchi Illumination" @Marunouchi 4 "Disney Timeless Story~Frozen~ " @Marunouchi 5 "Roppongi Hills Artelligent Christmas" @Roppongi 6 "Ebisu Garden Place Baccarat Eternal Lights" @Ebisu 7 "Caretta Illumination Canyon d'Azur" @Shiodome 8 "Perrier presents Omotesando Illumination" @Omotesando 9 "Yakei" @Odaiba Please watch this, too→ ♥SUBSCRIBE and FOLLOW US HERE♥ https://twitter...
  • Travels with Dan- "Back Streets of Tokyo" Roppongi 六本木, JP '94

    In this installment of "Travels with Dan", a Navy squid from South Carolina as his own camera man parties with the boys on the USS Independence in Tokyo's entertainment district, Roppongi. This was before the Travel Channel's Bizarre Food and No Reservations programs. This clip is rated PG-13 due to language, adult themes and violence. Adult discretion is advised.
Roppongi Hills, Tokyo - Japan Travel Guide

Roppongi Hills, Tokyo - Japan Travel Guide

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:08
  • Updated: 12 May 2010
  • views: 8119
A popular complex for dining, shopping, nightlife, and entertainment in Tokyo. Roppongi Hills, opened in 2003, it is a complex of offices, foreign banks, luxury shops and entertainment venues. It is also home to many famous Japanese celebrities who live in these very expensive high-rise buildings. There are lots of open spaces including an open air arena, with free performances. But for tourists and ex-pats living here, its attractions and activities will keep you amused around the clock. During the day you can visit the Mori Towers Complex. The first six floors have numerous shops and restaurants. Why are you wearing the kimono? She is celebrating Seijin Shiki, it is for girls turning 20 years old. She has come here for shopping. Known as the international gourmet center of Tokyo, it also has as many Japanese and ethnic restaurants to choose from. The top six floors are home to the Mori Art Museum, showing a wide variety of art and designs from Japan and abroad. But it is the nightlife that makes Roppongi come alive. Most of the bars can be found along Gaien Higashi Street, and the clubs are open until the early hours. You can also take the Roppongi Hills tour if your time is short. This is Yuko showing you Tokyo. Hills, Tokyo Japan Travel Guide
Roppongi Hills, Tokyo | One Minute Japan Travel Guide

Roppongi Hills, Tokyo | One Minute Japan Travel Guide

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:02
  • Updated: 12 Mar 2016
  • views: 12
For more information, access, and reviews about Roppongi Hills: Roppongi Hills is now the face of Roppongi. It is a place connected directly to subway stations where you can enjoy an entire day with family and children. ------------------------------ What is Planetyze? ------------------------------ We are a free online guidebook that features high quality content, great videos featuring sights from all over Japan, and new information updated daily. Join today and ask questions about your trip on our free message board, or write your own reviews to help other travellers to plan their perfect trip to Japan. All the information you need and more is available at Follow us on: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Pinterest: Hills, Tokyo | One Minute Japan Travel Guide
Tokyo Nightlife 2016 (Shibuya, Shinjuku, Roppongi, Tour Guide)

Tokyo Nightlife 2016 (Shibuya, Shinjuku, Roppongi, Tour Guide)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:27
  • Updated: 14 Jan 2016
  • views: 555
Tokyo Japan - Check Out The Top Things To Do In Tokyo, Crazy And Wild Tokyo Nightlife Parties In Roppongi And Shinjuku, As I Tour Guide Tokyo Attractions And Backpack Throughout This Amazing City Of Great Culture While Meeting Awesome People Along The Way! Every Thursday A New Travel Video/Blog Video - SUBSCRIBE NOW!! Nightlife 2016 (Shibuya, Shinjuku, Roppongi, Tour Guide)
Japan Tokyo Travel Guide: 'Sashimi taste on a sardine budget'

Japan Tokyo Travel Guide: 'Sashimi taste on a sardine budget'

  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:26
  • Updated: 08 Oct 2010
  • views: 8627
Japan's known for its HIGH cost of living. But, don't be deterred. A friend and I set out and aimed to smile and survive with less than $1000 AUD a week. From Asakusa, Shibuya, Harjuku, Tsukujii and infamous Roppongi... This is our trailer, subscribe now for the inside scoop and more. :) Tokyo Travel Guide 'Sashimi Taste On A Sardine Budget'
Japan 6 - DAY 1+2 - Travel + Roppongi

Japan 6 - DAY 1+2 - Travel + Roppongi

  • Order:
  • Duration: 19:04
  • Updated: 30 May 2015
  • views: 22193
Follow us around Japan! About Anna Lee - I'm a hairstylist at Chaz Dean Studio in Los Angeles, California. Available by appointment only on Thursday, Friday and Saturdays. 323.467.6444. + INSTAGRAM: @annarunswithscissors + TWITTER: @_annalee_ + WEBSITE: About Jesse - I press a button. + INSTAGRAM: @jessefff + TWITTER: @jessefff + WEBSITE: 6 Day 1 2 Travel Roppongi
Roppongi Tokyo Nightlife Travel Video HD

Roppongi Tokyo Nightlife Travel Video HD

  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:38
  • Updated: 03 Nov 2013
  • views: 25714 Tokyo Nightlife Travel Video Hd
25 Things To Do in Tokyo, Japan (Watch This Before You Go)

25 Things To Do in Tokyo, Japan (Watch This Before You Go)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 18:20
  • Updated: 30 Mar 2014
  • views: 2134204
Get info about things to do, where to stay, and the best food to eat on your visit to Tokyo, Japan. Here's the guide: Tokyo (東京), Japan, is one of the world's greatest cities, and there's so much to do and see when you visit. From temples and shrines, to gardens and museums, you'll never run out of attractions. Out of all the things you could do, I've chosen a top 25 list for this awesome city (and just so you know food is my first choice in Tokyo)! 1. Ameya-Yokochō (アメヤ横丁) - A giant open air market that offers clothes, cosmetics, food, and restaurants and bars. 2. Meiji Shrine (明治神宮) - This Shinto shrine, surrounded by beautiful forest, is extremely significant. 3. Ryogoku Kokugikan (両国国技館) - Even if it's not fight season, you can go to the free sumo museum and eat sumo chankonabe. 4. Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden (新宿御苑) - The garden is a beautiful attraction in Tokyo, with French gardens, Japanese gardens, and a green house. 5. Ginza (銀座) / Yurakucho (有楽町) - Ginza is a great area of town for upscale shopping and dining, while Yurakucho is famous for Izakaya bars and restaurants under the railroad track. 6. Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building (東京都庁舎) - There are a lot of things to do in Tokyo where you have to pay, but here, you can go to the 45th floor for free. 7. Tsukiji Market (築地市場) - One of the most famous attractions in all of Tokyo is the Tsukiji Market (築地市場), the biggest seafood market in the world. 8. Shibuya (渋谷区) - With the busiest intersection in the world, Shibuya (渋谷区) is also home to shopping and restaurant. 9. Sumida River (隅田川) - At Tokyo's Sumida River, you can either just walk around the park and enjoy the riverside views, or you can take the Tokyo Cruise in a boat. 10. Tokyo Imperial Palace (皇居) - This is the home of the emperor of Japan. To enter the grounds, you have to make a tour booking on the official website 11. Ueno Park (上野公園), Tokyo National Museum (東京国立博物館) - Ueno Park is a huge public park in Tokyo with shrines, gardens and a number of museums. 12. Tokyo Skytree (東京スカイツリー) - They call it Tokyo's biggest attractions. It's a huge communications tower with various viewing decks and galleries. 13. Harajuku (原宿), Takeshita Street (竹下通り) - Famous for its street market and cosplay that takes place, this is a place in the city to see and be seen. 14. Senso-ji (金龍山浅草寺) - Visiting this temple is one of the top things to do in Tokyo, frequented by both tourists and religious pilgrims. It's the oldest temple in Tokyo. 15. Edo-Tokyo Museum (江戸東京博物館) - It looks a little like a UFO, but it's one of Tokyo's main museums, that aims to preserve the history of the city. 16. Fine Dining - Let's just face it, Tokyo is one of the best cities in the world for high class dining - atmosphere, presentation, food, it's all just stunning! 17. Akihabara Electric Town (秋葉原電気街) - If you love electronics and gaming, you're going to love the area of Akihabara. You'll also find those infamous maid cafes here. 18. Tokyo Stock Exchange (東京証券取引所) - Another free attraction in Tokyo is to be a guest at the stock exchange where you can see the Japanese Nikkei being traded. 19. Roppongi (六本木) - Home to the Mori Art Museum and a hotspot for nightlife in the city, Roppongi is an exciting area of town. 20. Odaiba (お台場) - This area of Tokyo is full of things to do like Legoland, and Palette Town, an indoor amusement park. It's also known as Tokyo's entertainment island. 21. Yoyogi Park (代々木公園) - Located next to Meiji Shrine, and just a short distance from Harajuku and Shinjuku, this park is popular for exercise and dance. 22. Nezu (根津), Yanaka (谷中 (台東区) - Tokyo is a truly modern city, but there are a couple places like Nezu and Yanaka that have held strong to their traditional and cultural roots. 23. Onsen (温泉) - You've got to strip down naked before you can enter a Japanese public bath. 24. Mount Takao (高尾山) - Just 50 km from central Tokyo, this mountain is popular for climbing and is a sacred religious mountains. Makes a good day trip from Tokyo. 25. Food - Finally, food is the reason I visited Japan, and I think eating is by all means one of the best things to do in Tokyo. Food is everywhere, and not only does it taste amazing, but the care that goes into Japanese cuisine is incredible. Thank you very much for watching this video that includes some of the best things to do in Tokyo. I hope it will give you inspiration to visit and eat through this amazing city. Tokyo travel guide for food lovers: Subscribe: All music in this video courtesy of Support my videos: Things To Do In Tokyo, Japan (Watch This Before You Go)
2015 Japan - Tokyo Travel Guide

2015 Japan - Tokyo Travel Guide

  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:05
  • Updated: 01 Aug 2015
  • views: 446
This summer i traveled to Tokyo as the celebration of my birthday. I went to several places including Ueno, Shinjuku, Shibuya, Harajuku, Odaiba, Asakusa, Akihabala, Roppongi, Yokohama and Kamakura. I also watched the firework show in Sumidagawa which was a really good experience. Japan Tokyo Travel Guide
Top 10  Attractions Tokyo - Japan Travel Guide

Top 10 Attractions Tokyo - Japan Travel Guide

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:01
  • Updated: 13 Aug 2010
  • views: 262104
Take a tour of Top 10 Travel Attractions of Tokyo, Japan - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to give you a tour of the top ten attractions of Tokyo. Number ten, Roppongi. An exciting entertainment area which is quite popular amongst foreigners. Number nine, Meiji Shrine. In Japanese culture, you'll find many beautiful shrine sites that are peaceful and relaxing. Meiji Shrine is among the popular ones in Tokyo. Number eight, Hama Rikyu Gardens. A splendid garden that has history dating back hundreds of years. The backdrop of skyscrapers add to to the urban feel of this park. Number seven, local culture. in Japan, even the simple day to day things are fascinating. Take notice of the distinctive local lifestyle which may be different than your own. Number six, Imperial Palace. Currently this is the home of the Emperor of Japan and you can even take a tour of the complex. Don't you wish your home was like this? Number five, Shibuya. It's a busy entertainment and business district. Popular amongst young hip locals, the fashionable neighborhood is bustling any time of day. Number four, Ueno Park. In one of the world's busiest cities, this park is a perfect escape. You can either relax and admire the landscape or engage in many activities. Number three, Mount Fuji. Visible from Tokyo, take a day trip to magnificent Mount Fuji. Japan's highest mountain is set amidst a scenic national park. Number two, Tsukiji Fish Market. At the world's largest wholesale fish market, it's quite an experience to witness the trading activity in fish being prepared for export. And number one, Sensoji Temple. A grand Buddhist temple, it is one of the city's oldest temples and among the most recognizable landmarks of Tokyo. Keep watching our travel video series. See you next time. 10 Attractions Tokyo Japan Travel Guide
Tokyo Travel Guide   Zojoji Buddhist Temple

Tokyo Travel Guide Zojoji Buddhist Temple

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:58
  • Updated: 29 Oct 2013
  • views: 109
Zojoji Buddhist Temple in Tokyo is the largest Buddhist Temple in Japan. Located right next to Tokyo Tower, about a 20 minute walk from Roppongi Tokyo Travel Guide Travel Guide Zojoji Buddhist Temple
Roppongi Tokyo: Gaijin Party Central

Roppongi Tokyo: Gaijin Party Central

  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:08
  • Updated: 10 Mar 2016
  • views: 211
Roppongi has a seedy or sleazy reputation when it comes to nightlife. There are a lot of shady bars, clubs, people and practices going on in Roppongi. But if you are looking for a Japanese and Foreign Friendly party that is safe, fun and a great chance to meet locals and tourists then I highly recommend Tokyo Pub Crawl! Check out their Facebook Page if you are interested and will be in Tokyo: Japanese Girls Eat Australian Snacks: ===================================================== Visit this site to see the funniest, strangest and weirdest products Japan has to offer: If you want to help my channel grow by helping cover camera, lighting, equipment, travel costs, please consider supporting me on Patreon: If you want to know how I'm trying to make a full time online career ====================================================== Also, follow me on twitter: Facebook page: Outro song by Jericho Knopp Royalty Free Music downloaded from YouTube music library Tokyo Gaijin Party Central
5 Things To Do in Roppongi Hills | TOKYO JAPAN VLOGS

5 Things To Do in Roppongi Hills | TOKYO JAPAN VLOGS

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:45
  • Updated: 14 Aug 2015
  • views: 2135
A guide to attractions in Roppongi Hills of Tokyo, Japan. Trying Omurice at Denny's in Tokyo, Japan Find me at Little Art Talks: Twitter: Instagram: Song: SPORTSMANN 水星 (SPORTSMANN Chill) - トーニャハーディング (tofubeats Cover) Things To Do In Roppongi Hills | Tokyo Japan Vlogs
Japan Travel-Roppongi-Illuminations 2014 六本木イルミネーション

Japan Travel-Roppongi-Illuminations 2014 六本木イルミネーション

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:53
  • Updated: 13 Dec 2014
  • views: 534
The Christmas Illuminations in Roppongi has always been one of my favorite holiday lights display in Tokyo. I made sure to visit before it got too cold to enjoy them. Subscribe HERE for weekly videos! Press that LIKE button and SUBSCRIBE to our channel. Let me know what your thoughts in the comments below. Visit our food and travel blog at Let's connect! Twitter : Facebook : Pinterest : Instagram : Google Plus : 東京・六本木、六本木ヒルズと東京ミッドタウンのイルミネーションです。繊細な演出が際立ちます。チャンネル登録はこちらから→ 毎年競い合うように輝く六本木の二つの巨大エリア。ブルー・ホワイト・オレンジ・レッド、各色が様々な趣を見せながら輝いています。 ブログも是非どうぞ!: Twitter : Facebook : Pinterest : Instagram : Google Plus : Travel Roppongi Illuminations 2014 六本木イルミネーション
HikoGuide: The Ultimate YouTube Travel Guide to Tokyo

HikoGuide: The Ultimate YouTube Travel Guide to Tokyo

  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:55
  • Updated: 07 Jan 2011
  • views: 2692
The title is in honor of Hikosaemon who started it with this vid: Check his out to know what I'm talking about at the beginning. I've been traveling around the world for over 5 months now, and I know how invaluable a bit of information from someone who knows the place well can be - even just as simple as a name of a place and a hint that it might be "my kinda spot". Not everyone matches every place...for example I hate Roppongi with a passion, but TokyoZeplin seemed to love the place. I, on the other hand, love taking a walk in Nippori, but I remember AtomicboyX saying he thought it was the most boring place ever. To each his own, right? So this might help you find the places that are right for you before going there and make your visit to Tokyo have more depth and be more fulfilling. If not...well, don't watch it. :P If you wanna join in, try to put "HikoGuide" in the title of your video 'cause that'll make YouTube automatically connect them all and it'll be easy for people even years from now to easily go through the vids. Or at least put it in the tags. ;) Where are your favorite places in Tokyo? Why? If you have been to any of the places I've mentioned and shot video, be sure to post it as a video response to this vid! I'm only in Tokyo for 10 days now, but loving every second of it! Glad I could make another vid from Tokyo...sorry about the picture/sound quality. I don't have a lot of free time, and wanted to get it out, so just shot with the webcam. Next stop, I'm going to India, and then traveling around South Asia for a while. Follow my travels at: I have some travel vids @ my TolokyoRAW channel, and I'll be making more and more Caught Doin' Good videos from here on out. Happy New Year everyone~!! And Happy YouTubing in 2011 (^__^)/ All music from the album "Instrumentals" by BetamaxDC: (including the song "I'm Sick of Credits" - gotta make sure I credit that one. :P) The Ultimate Youtube Travel Guide To Tokyo
Tokyo  trip HD - part 1 - japan travel (roppongi, tokyo tower, asakusa)

Tokyo trip HD - part 1 - japan travel (roppongi, tokyo tower, asakusa)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:31
  • Updated: 23 May 2010
  • views: 26547
japan travel: Tokyo trip, high definition, highway, the prince park tower tokyo hotel, sojoji shrine, shiba park, roppongi, roppongi hills, don quijote, yayoiken japanese restaurant, tonkatsu, night skyline, panorama, tokyo tower, asakusa, japanese streets, asahi building, tokyo sky tree music: The Field - Leave it Lemongrass - La mer Yoyoma - Kojo no Tsuki M-flo - been so long Sweet Black feat. Maki Goto - Golden Luv Trip Hd Part 1 Japan Travel (Roppongi, Tokyo Tower, Asakusa)
22 Things To Do in Tokyo, Japan (MUST SEE Attractions)

22 Things To Do in Tokyo, Japan (MUST SEE Attractions)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 13:29
  • Updated: 24 May 2015
  • views: 136784
Website: Facebook: Twitter: 22 Things To Do in Tokyo, Japan. Table of Contents: 1. Tokyo Tower - 0:45 2. Roppongi Hills - 1:17 3. Asakusa/Senso-Ji Temple - 1:45 4. Yurakucho - 2:16 Food break: Yakitori - 2:38 5. Meiji Shrine - 3:02 6. Yasakuni Shrine - 3:33 7. Yushukan War Museum - 3:49 8. Akihabara Anime District - 4:19 Food break: Avocado Bacon Cheeseburger - 4:52 9. Sumo at Ryogoku Kokugikan - 5:14 10. Diver City Tokyo Plaza - 6:20 11. Shibuya Crossing - 6:57 12. Tsukiji Fish Market - 7:27 13. Tsukiji Honganji Temple - 7:55 Food break: Seafood at Tsukiji Fish Market - 8:20 Food break: Takoyaki - 8:35 14. Imperial Palace - 8:51 15. East Gardens - included with Imperial Palace 16. Shinkjuku Golden Gai - 9:24 17. Shinjuku Chuo Park - 9:55 18. Gakuen Cocoon Tower - 10:29 Food break: Tempura Soba - 10:53 19. Tokyo Dome - 11:11 20. Tokyo Sky Tree - 11:41 21. Bunkyo Civic Center Observatory - 12:09 22. Kodokan Judo Institute - 12:33 Music by: Hikosaemon Song Title: Fuji Electro Sunset Download Link: Song Title: Hanami Tripping Download Link: Song Title: Leaving Tokyo Tonight Download Link: Song Title: Shiny Modem Download Link: Hikosaemon music is available royalty-free under Creative Commons license 3.0 ( Other music by: Song Title: Basic Industrial Run Download Link: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Video shot with: Canon 650D/Rebel T4i Davis & Sanford Provista 7518 Airlift Tripod FM18 Fluid Head RODE Videomic Pro Things To Do In Tokyo, Japan (Must See Attractions)
Tokyo Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia

Tokyo Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia

  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:46
  • Updated: 02 Oct 2014
  • views: 694155
Welcome to Tokyo, the capital of Japan and the epitome of the word “megacity.” In this vast metropolis, ancient traditions blend with futuristic buildings, and your Tokyo sightseeing will take you to representations of each. Pay your respects at temples set in forested hillsides, then flex your credit card in one of the shopping districts, before sitting down to a five-star meal…all in one day. Your Tokyo tour begins with the subway and train system, which will take you all over this sprawling city. Tokyo is home to some 35 million people, many of which you’ll meet as its public transit carries you throughout its many neighborhoods. Make a stop in Asakusa, a temple district nestled in leafy trees with skyscrapers towering in the background. There you’ll visit Nakamisi Dori, a street loaded with food vendors and religious charms. Get to know the city a little better in the Harajuku district, home to cutting-edge fashion, a thriving, youth-centered culture, and the famous Yoyogi Park. The park stands out in stern contrast to the rest of the neighborhood; this sprawling, 134-acre green space is where locals slow down after a frenzied week of work and play. As night falls, make your way to Shinjuku. Many of Tokyo’s premier restaurants and pubs span Shinjuku’s streets, and you can indulge in succulent 5-star meals or sample with fast food from local vendors. Watch a movie, do some karaoke, and linger with fellow travelers and friendly locals alike. What was your favorite part of Tokyo? Visit our Tokyo travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow us on social media: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Pinterest: Google+: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow us on our travel blog, Viewfinder: Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Japan Travel Guide 2016 (HD 1080p)

Japan Travel Guide 2016 (HD 1080p)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 26:13
  • Updated: 14 Feb 2016
  • views: 8
Japan Travel Guide 2016 - Top things to do in Japan 2016 - Japan trip 2016 - Japan tourism & vacations - Tourist attractions in Japan Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide Japan, known as Nihon or Nippon (日本) in Japanese, is a nation of islands in East Asia. See in Japan =============== Castles ------------- When most Westerners think of castles, they naturally think of their own in places like England and France. However, Japan too was a nation of castle-builders. In its feudal days, you could find multiple castles in nearly every prefecture. Original Castles Because of bombings in WWII, fires, edicts to tear down castles, etc. only twelve of Japan's castles are considered to be originals, which have donjons that date back to the days when they were still used. Four of them are located on the island of Shikoku, two just north in the Chugoku region, two in Kansai, three in the Chubu region, and one in the northern Tohoku region. There are no original castles in Kyushu, Kanto, Hokkaido, or Okinawa. The original castles are: Uwajima Castle Matsuyama Castle Kochi Castle Marugame Castle Matsue Castle Bitchu Matsuyama Castle Himeji Castle Hikone Castle Inuyama Castle Maruoka Castle Matsumoto Castle Hirosaki Castle (Nijo Castle is an original however, it was actually an Imperial residence rather than a castle, so it is not included on the list of originals) Reconstructions and Ruins ---------------------------------------------- Japan has many reconstructed castles, many of which receive more visitors than the originals. A reconstructed castle means that the donjon was rebuilt in modern times, but many of these still have other original structures within the castle grounds. For example, three of Nagoya Castle's turrets are authentic. Reconstructions still offer a glimpse into the past and many, like Osaka Castle are also museums housing important artifacts. Kumamoto Castle is considered to be among the best reconstructions, because most of the structures have been reconstructed instead of just the donjon. The only reconstructed castle in Hokkaido is Matsumae Castle. Okinawa's Shuri Castle is unique among Japan's castles, because it is not a "Japanese" castle; it is from the Ryukyuan Kingdom and was built with the Chinese architectural style, along with some original Okinawan elements. Ruins typically feature only the castle walls or parts of the original layout are visible. Although they lack the structures of reconstructed castles, ruins often feel more authentic without the concrete reconstructions that sometimes feel too commercial and touristy. Many ruins maintain historical significance, such as Tsuyama Castle, which was so large and impressive, it was considered to be the best in the nation. Today, the castle walls are all that remain but the area is filled with thousands of cherry blossoms. This is common among many ruins, as well as reconstructions. Takeda Castle is famed for the gorgeous view of the surrounding area from the ruins. Gardens ------------------- Japan is famous for its gardens, known for its unique aesthestics both in landscape gardens and Zen rock/sand gardens. The nation has designated an official "Top Three Gardens", based on their beauty, size, authenticity (gardens that have not been drastically altered), and historical significance. Those gardens are Kairakuen in Mito, Kenrokuen in Kanazawa, and Korakuen in Okayama. The largest garden, and the favorite of many travellers, is actually Ritsurin Park in Takamatsu. Rock and sand gardens can typically be found in temples, specifically those of Zen Buddhism. The most famous of these is Ryoanji Temple in Kyoto, but such temples can be found throughout Japan. Moss gardens are also popular in Japan and Koke-dera, also in Kyoto, has one of the nation's best. Reservations are required to visit just so that they can ensure the moss is always flourishing and not trampled. Spiritual Sites ------------------------ Regardless of your travel interests, it's difficult to visit Japan without at least seeing a few shrines and temples. Buddhist and Shinto sites are the most common, although there are some noteworthy spiritual sites of other religions, as well. Buddhist ----------------------------- Buddhism has had a profound impact on Japan ever since it was introduced in the 6th century. Like shrines, temples can be found in every city, and many different sects exist. Some of the holiest sites are made up of large complexes on mountaintops and include Mount Koya (Japan's most prestigious place to be buried and head temple of Shingon Buddhism), Mount Hiei (set here when Kyoto became the capital to remove Buddhism from politics, the head of the Tendai sect of Buddhism), and Mount Osore (considered to be the "Gateway to Hell", it features many monuments and graves in a volcanic wasteland). Travel Guide 2016 (Hd 1080P)
Steven Spielberg en Roppongi Hills, sera?

Steven Spielberg en Roppongi Hills, sera?

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:26
  • Updated: 28 Jul 2015
  • views: 47
En Roppongi Hills nos encontramos a una persona que se parecía mucho a Steven Spielberg, nos acercamos y resultó ser un locutor de una estación de radio local, pero de que se parecía se parecía!!! Spielberg En Roppongi Hills, Sera
Tokyo Tourist Attractions 2016 (HD)

Tokyo Tourist Attractions 2016 (HD)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:02
  • Updated: 11 Jan 2015
  • views: 10088
Tokyo Tourist Attractions, Tourism & Vacation in Tokyo, Japan, Tokyo, Japan Trip 2016 Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide Tōkyō (東京) is the capital of Japan. At over 12 million people in the official metropolitan area alone, Tokyo is the core of the most populated urban area in the world, Greater Tokyo (which has a population of 35 million people). This huge, wealthy and fascinating metropolis brings high-tech visions of the future side by side with glimpses of old Japan, and has something for everyone. See in Tokyo, Japan ================ Tokyo has a vast array of sights, but the first items on the agenda of most visitors are the temples of Asakusa, the gardens of the Imperial Palace (in Chiyoda) and the Meiji Shrine (明治神宮, in Harajuku). Tokyo has many commercial centres for shopping, eating and simply wandering around for experiencing the modern Japanese urban phenomenon. Each of these areas have unique characteristics, such as dazzling Shinjuku, youthful Shibuya and upmarket Ginza. These areas are bustling throughout the day, but they really come into life in the evenings. If you're looking for a viewing platform, the Tokyo Tower is the best known and offers an impressive view, even if it's rather overpriced. The highest spot in Tokyo is the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building (in effect, Tokyo's City Hall) in Shinjuku. Its twin towers have viewing platforms that are absolutely free, and offer a great view over Tokyo and beyond. However, the best option would probably be from the World Trade Center Building (10:00-20:00, or 21:00 in July and August, ¥620) at JR Hamamatsucho station which, although not as high, offers stunning views of Tokyo Tower and the waterfront due to its excellent location, especially at dusk. A recent addition to the viewing platforms around Tokyo is Tokyo City View in Roppongi Hills, Roppongi -- admission is a steep ¥1500, but includes admission to the Mori Art Museum. Another good option, if you don't mind traffic noise and smell, is the Rainbow Bridge at Odaiba, whose pedestrian walkways are free. The night-time view across Tokyo Bay is impressive but the walkways close at 20:00. Also, on a clear day, the Bunkyo Civic Center (next to the Tokyo Dome) offers an iconic view of Shinjuku against Mt. Fuji (especially great at sunset), also free. The city is dotted with museums, large and small, which center on every possible interest from pens to antique clocks to traditional and modern arts. Many of the largest museums are clustered around Ueno. At ¥500 to ¥1,000 or more, entrance fees can add up quickly. Riding Sky Bus Tokyo, an open-top double-decker operated by Hinomaru Limousine (every hour between 10:00 and 18:00), is a good option to take a quick tour around the city center. The 45 minutes bus ride on the "T-01 course" will take you around the Imperial Palace via Ginza and Marunouchi district, showing the highlight of Tokyo's shopping and business center. The fare is ¥1,500 for adults of 12 years old and over, and ¥700 for children between 4 and 11 years old. You can borrow a multi-language voice guide system free of charge upon purchasing a ticket, subject to stock availability. Four other bus courses are offered, including a night trip to Odaiba, but those trips are conducted in Japanese with no foreign language guidance. Tokyo Skytree, Tokyo Skytree is a broadcast, restuaurant, shopping mall, and oberservation tower in Sumida, Tokyo, Japan. The construction was started on July 2008,and finished its construction on 2012 of February. It measures 634 meeter, which is about 2,800 feet and became the tallest structure in Japan and also in the world. There are two illuminations that lights up the tower, which are called Iki(lighted blue) and Miyabi (lighted in pink). The observation deck is available from 8:00~22:00 and the admission fees are required only when entering the obervation deck. Itineraries =========== Classic Tokyo, Modern Tokyo — a one-day tour of the old and the new One day in Tokyo — a hectic whirlwind tour of the many faces of the city Tourist Attractions 2016 (Hd)
Tokyo Roppongi Hills - 六本木ヒルズ - 4K Ultra HD

Tokyo Roppongi Hills - 六本木ヒルズ - 4K Ultra HD

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:24
  • Updated: 25 Nov 2014
  • views: 10459
Tokyo Roppongi Hills - 六本木ヒルズ - 4K Ultra HD Alongside Tokyo Midtown (coming soon on TokyoStreetView), Roppongi Hills is a new urban center designed to give a second life to the old and dirty Roppongi area. Completed in 2003, Roppingi Hills and its 238m high Mori Tower is far from having a glamorous past due to its revolving doors causing the death of a six-year old child as well as 32 other non-lethal injuries. Roppongi Hills has also been at the center of further turmoil when Takafumi Horie, CEO of Livedoor was embroiled in fraud allegations in 2006. At this time both Takafumi Horie and part of his company were residing at Roppongi Hills. Beside its rather unpleasant history, Roppongi Hills is famous for its shopping area, large selection of nice restaurants and its large esplanade where companies organise events all year long. It’s by no means the most exciting place to visit in Tokyo, however Roppongi Hills does offer a stunning panoramic view of Tokyo from either its rooftop, the Sky Deck, or from the 52nd floor of the building. To Subscribe to this Channel, click here!! : For any questions, Inquiries or if you are looking to acquire some of our rush, please contact us here: Love this video? Feel free to share it among your friends or even better embed it on your website! Twitter : @TokyoStreetView Facebook : Pinterest : Blog : Instagram : Roppongi Hills 六本木ヒルズ 4K Ultra Hd
9 Amazing Christmas Lights in Tokyo, Japan ♡ 東京イルミネーション

9 Amazing Christmas Lights in Tokyo, Japan ♡ 東京イルミネーション

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:43
  • Updated: 21 Dec 2014
  • views: 3469
Tokyo 9 holiday Lights & illuminations spots Yes, it is Holiday when Tokyo shine☆ Illuminations are fantastic and romantic against the night sky in winter. Tokyo Travel Highlights 1 "Blue Grotto Illumination" @Nakameguro 2 "Midtown Christmas" @Roppongi 3 "Marunouchi Illumination" @Marunouchi 4 "Disney Timeless Story~Frozen~ " @Marunouchi 5 "Roppongi Hills Artelligent Christmas" @Roppongi 6 "Ebisu Garden Place Baccarat Eternal Lights" @Ebisu 7 "Caretta Illumination Canyon d'Azur" @Shiodome 8 "Perrier presents Omotesando Illumination" @Omotesando 9 "Yakei" @Odaiba Please watch this, too→ ♥SUBSCRIBE and FOLLOW US HERE♥ Tokyo Travel Guide of the Foreign Travelers, for the Foreign Travelers, by one Japanese who was born in Tokyo and grew up in Tokyo! Before traveling to Tokyo and while traveling Tokyo, please use this ! Amazing Christmas Lights In Tokyo, Japan ♡ 東京イルミネーション
Travels with Dan-  "Back Streets of Tokyo" Roppongi 六本木, JP  '94

Travels with Dan- "Back Streets of Tokyo" Roppongi 六本木, JP '94

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  • Duration: 4:32
  • Updated: 11 Jan 2010
  • views: 560
In this installment of "Travels with Dan", a Navy squid from South Carolina as his own camera man parties with the boys on the USS Independence in Tokyo's entertainment district, Roppongi. This was before the Travel Channel's Bizarre Food and No Reservations programs. This clip is rated PG-13 due to language, adult themes and violence. Adult discretion is advised. With Dan Back Streets Of Tokyo Roppongi 六本木, Jp '94
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    東京 六本木・銀座・新宿[Tokyo Roppongi,Ginza,Shinjuku Drive]

    夜の六本木・銀座・新宿を等速でゆったりお届けします。ネオンがたくさんです。 イルミネーション撮った時の未使用部分なので、ちょっと季節外れかもしれません。
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    夜の六本木・銀座・新宿を等速でゆったりお届けします。ネオンがたくさんです。 イルミネーション撮った時の未使用部分なので、ちょっと季節外れかもしれません。
    pub­lished: 23 Feb 2010
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    アン・ルイス 六本木心中(LIVE+1986)
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    六本木純情派 荻野目洋子
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    荻野目洋子 六本木純情派
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    荻野目洋子 六本木純情派
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    鼠先輩 / 「六本木~GIROP­PON~」
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    【RED AREA 2015】 @六本木クラブ
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    『六本木心中』 吉川晃司が乱入!
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    六本木心中 (カラオケ) アン・ルイス
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    A-team Rop­pon­gi Night. 六本木スーパーカーNightパガーニ、ランボルギーニ、アウディetc...
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    Roppongi Hills, Tokyo - Japan Travel Guide

    A popular complex for dining, shopping, nightlife, and entertainment in Tokyo. Roppongi Hills, opened in 2003, it is a complex of offices, foreign banks, luxury shops and entertainment venues. It is also home to many famous Japanese celebrities who live in these very expensive high-rise buildings. There are lots of open spaces including an open air arena, with free performances. But for tourists and ex-pats living here, its attractions and activities will keep you amused around the clock. During the day you can visit the Mori Towers Complex. The first six floors have numerous shops and restaurants. Why are you wearing the kimono? She is celebrating Seijin Shiki, it is for girls turning 20 years old. She has come here for shopping. Known as the international gourmet center of Tokyo, it also has as many Japanese and ethnic restaurants to choose from. The top six floors are home to the Mori Art Museum, showing a wide variety of art and designs from Japan and abroad. But it is the nightlife that makes Roppongi come alive. Most of the bars can be found along Gaien Higashi Street, and the clubs are open until the early hours. You can also take the Roppongi Hills tour if your time is short. This is Yuko showing you Tokyo.
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    Rop­pon­gi Hills, Tokyo - Japan Trav­el Guide
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    pub­lished: 12 May 2010
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    Rop­pon­gi Hills, Tokyo | One Minute Japan Trav­el Guide
    For more in­for­ma­tion, ac­cess, and re­views about Rop­pon­gi Hills: http://​planetyze.​com/​en/​ja...​
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    Tokyo Nightlife 2016 (Shibuya, Shin­juku, Rop­pon­gi, Tour Guide)
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    2015 Japan - Tokyo Trav­el Guide
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    Japan Trav­el-Rop­pon­gi-Il­lu­mi­na­tions 2014 六本木イルミネーション
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    pub­lished: 13 Dec 2014
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    HikoGu­ide: The Ul­ti­mate YouTube Trav­el Guide to Tokyo
    The title is in honor of Hikosae­mon who start­ed it with this vid: http://​www.​youtube.​com/​w...​
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    photo: AP / Lee Jin-man
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    photo: AP
    US President Barack Obama and Prince William while Catherine Duchess of Cambridge plays with Prince George at Kensington Palace during visit to Britain.

    'Adorable' Prince George wows Obama in pyjamas

    Edit Deccan Herald 23 Apr 2016
    Barack Obama has described Prince George as "adorable" after the 2-year-old son of Prince William and Kate Middleton was allowed to stay up past his bed-time to meet the US President. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge hosted Obama and wife Michelle for an informal dinner at Kensington Palace in London last night, after which photographs were released of the guests kneeling down to shake hands with the young prince in his pyjamas ... ....
    photo: AP / Carolyn Kaster
    President Barack Obama and Saudi Arabia's King Salman stand together for the Leaders Photo at the Diriyah Palace during the Gulf Cooperation Council Summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Thursday, April 21, 2016.

    Saudi Arabia may be in for a nasty shock when Obama steps down

    Edit The Independent 22 Apr 2016
    Foreign leaders visiting King Salman of Saudi Arabia have noticed that there is a large flower display just in front of the 80-year-old monarch ... Of course, King Salman is not the only world leader past or present whose inability to cope has been artfully concealed by aides and courtiers ... ....
    photo: AP / John Minchillo
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    3 kids survive slaying of 8 family members in Ohio

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    (CNN)Eight family members found dead in a rural southern Ohio community were shot in the head "execution style," most while they slept, authorities said Friday. Officers are searching for the killer or killers, who are probably armed and a danger to surviving family members, Pike County Sheriff Charles Reader said ... "I've given the family precautionary measures to make. They know we're available." ... Read More ... 'Doesn't happen every day' ... ......
    photo: UN / Rick Bajornas
    Dilma Rousseff, President of Brazil, addresses the opening segment of the signature ceremony.

    Brazil president vows trade bloc appeal if ousted

    Edit Taipei Times 23 Apr 2016
    Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff on Friday said she would appeal to South American trade blocs if she is removed from office, blasting the push to impeach her as a coup and a naked attempt by Brazil’s elite to snatch power back from her Worker’s Party ... She told her opponents that her impeachment would have “serious consequences for the Brazilian political process.” ... “I can’t say today what is going to happen ... ....

    Cuddle Hedgehogs In Tokyo, Turn ‘Chief Wombat Cuddler’ In Tasmania

    Edit Inquisitr 08 Apr 2016
    Two cuddle-worthy news items have hit the internet recently, one involving cafe-dwelling hedgehogs, and the other an orphaned wombat. Let’s check out the stories. Hedgehog Cafe. Hedgehogs have always gotten bad press owing to their prickly nature ... Trying to be cuddly with this pricky lil fella ???? #moshimoshisalmonbelly #japancafe #六本木 #harryhedgehog #roppongi #tokyo #japan #vscocam #igsg. A photo posted by ..난 꿈을 꾸죠 힘들 때면.....

    英・テート美術館の至宝 「ラファエル前派展」観覧券プレゼント

    Edit Asahi News 04 Feb 2014
    英国美術の殿堂、テート美術館の所蔵品を通じて芸術集団「ラファエル前派」を紹介する展覧会が東京・六本木で開催中です。「&w」読者に抽選で10組20名に観覧券をプレゼントします。. 応募はこちらから。締め切りは2月19日(水)の正午。 ... 当初は、宗教的題材の形式よりもリアルさを優先した表現が物議をかもし、酷評されました。しかし、当時の英国画壇において圧倒的な影響力を持っていた美術批評家、ジョン・ラスキン(1819−1900)の支持を得たことをきっかけに、活動の場を広げていきます。 ... ■会場:森アーツセンターギャラリー(東京・六本木)....