Monday, June 8 2015 Stand with Susiya – No to Demolition 1939719_774484202563808_1183977242_o SAVE SUSYA: DEMAND PALESTINIANS THEIR RIGHT TO PLAN THEIR OWN COMMUNITIES! SUSYA UNDER IMMEDIATE DEMOLITION THREAT The entire village of Susya may soon be demolished due to the refusal of High Court Justice Noam Solberg to grant a temporary restraining order preventing the razing of the village. A highly unusual move, this comes despite the fact that Susya is currently waiting for the High Court to hear its petition on August 3rd challenging the Civil Administration’s rejection of its master plan, which, if accepted, would authorize the village. WATCH: Short […]

Saturday, July 12 2014 Umm al-Ara’is, Susya, Bi’r al-‘Id, Ma’asara by David Shulman   Business as usual in the South Hebron hills. There’s a war on in Gaza, but that too is business as usual, the meaningless biannual ritual in which both sides gleefully smash one another before reverting to the status quo ante. The Israeli media are drowning us in words, a vast and raucous flood, and the government is putting out its familiar, mendacious statements; perhaps in recent days only Abu Mazen has spoken the truth. The only solution, he said, is a political one, and Netanyahu is no partner. Meanwhile, […]

Saturday, November 23 2013 An Organized Attack in Umm el Ara’is, and More A sunny Saturday in South Hebron hills, and for some reason, not many activists have registered. Some of us headed from Jerusalem, in Ezra’s car, to the lands of Umm el ‘Amad. One shepherd took his sheep to graze, and another plowed his land accompanied by us, fortunately without being disturbed by settlers or ‘”Security Forces”. The farmers have finished their work pretty early, and the one who had been plowing reminded us that his access to his lands has been denied for many years, until we started coming along with him. The rest of us headed in a van from Jerusalem to […]

Saturday, November 16 2013 Umm el ‘Amad, Umm al-Ara’is and Susya by David Shulman By a miracle of sorts, we had a mostly peaceful day in South Hebron today; such an event is so rare that I thought it might be worth mentioning to you. In lieu of a more substantial report, let me just say that Abu Sharif and Fadil plowed three fields, with an iron plow and a donkey, on one end of the wadi at Umm al-’Amad, just under the settlement of Otniel– lands they were denied access to for some 15 years– and there was a slightly higher-tech plowing, with […]

Saturday, November 2 2013 An article in “Le Monde” about Ta’ayush TAAYOUSH Written in French by Luc Beaudoin In the Paths of Occupied Palestine—Part 1 of 2 Photo Captions (clink the link, above, to see photos in the original article): Bedouins from Um al-Hayyari having difficulty watering their flocks: the settlement in Carmel (right) expanding their military defense. Bottom: Ta’ayush’s Tamar confronts soldiers defending the settlement consuming Palestinian lands. The Oslo Accords (1993) between Israel and the Palestinians predicted that a five-year interim period would lead up to enacting the permanent agreement in which the West Bank (and Gaza) would be […]

Saturday, October 19 2013 Umm al-Ara’is and Susya by David Shulman Autumn in the South Hebron hills. Thick sun, in and out of cloud. Wind: a taste of winter. Blue hills trimmed with green. Crstyal light, unearthly clarity. Mauve ridges rushing in waves down into the desert. Scattered rocks that look like sheep, and sheep that could be rocks. The smell of wood ovens in Twaneh; someone is baking pitta. It’s good to be back. I’m here, among other reasons, as a way of remembering, a quiet, intimate gesture for my mother, Deana, who died last month at 96, lucid, witty, […]

Sunday, September 22 2013 On the Road to the Protest Vigil in Susya Watch how the Israeli police and army forces try to prevent activists from reaching a protest vigil in Susya. The vigil was held in front of a music festival that took place in the stolen village of Susya, from which the Palestinian residents were expelled. Watch the video made by Taayush activists  

Friday, September 20 2013 Vigil at Susya September 22nd in the afternoon‎ This coming Sunday, A musical concert will be held in the stolen village of Susya, in South Hebron hills. The expelled residents of Susya are planning a protest vigil in front of the concert. They call upon each and every person who supports their struggle to join them. Read the article on 972+ Blog concerning the issue  Please make the effort and join them  this coming Sunday,September 22nd,  for a vigil in support of their struggle. Transportation will depart from Jerusalem. Warm clothing recommended For details, please call Sara 0546543955 (not by SMS)