Reporters Without Borders


Reformists surge despite obstacles to media freedom

A total of 54 million Iranians had the right to vote on 26 February for a new parliament and Assembly of Experts (the 88 “experts in Islamic law” (...)

Published on 2 March 2016 Read


7 questions for Hassan Rouhani if you run into him

1/ You promised a change “in favour of free speech and media freedom” and you undertook to “free all political prisoners.” Why is Iran still one of (...)

Published on 26 January 2016 Read


Iran must stop denying medical care to imprisoned journalists

RSF is very concerned about the state of health of some of these detained journalists, and already wrote to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (...)

Published on 21 January 2016 Read


Journalists harassed, jailed in run-up to Iran’s parliamentary elections

he authorities seem to be trying to intimidate the media and journalists as part of a preventive crackdown two months ahead of parliamentary (...)

Published on 8 January 2016 Read


Press freedom violations recounted in real time January -December 2015

28 .12.2015 - Two journalists freed on completing jail terms Reporters Without Borders (RSF) welcomes journalist Mostafa Abdi’s release on 17 (...)

Published on 28 December 2015 Read


New wave of arrests of journalists amid “enemy infiltration” claims

Shortly after Revolutionary Guard plainclothesmen arrested four journalists at their homes and took them to an unknown location on 2 November, (...)

Published on 4 November 2015 Read


New arbitrary sentence for Facebook user who escaped death penalty

Detained since December 2013, Soheil Arabi received the new sentence on 6 September when he was retried by a Tehran assizes court. During the (...)

Published on 2 October 2015 Read


Intelligent filtering and go-ahead for Halal Internet

At the same time, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei issued a decree on 6 September renewing the Supreme Council for Cyberspace’s mandate for four years. (...)

Published on 9 September 2015 Read

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