21 March 2016

New study says entire regions of US will remain in slump until the 2020s

By Jerry White, 21 March 2016

The figures on persistently high unemployment in large sections of the country coincide with new layoffs in the oil, coal, steel and other manufacturing industries in the US.

US Steel layoffs hit another 770 workers

By Samuel Davidson, 21 March 2016

Minnesota’s Iron Range hammered by steel industry layoffs

Paris terror attack suspect Salah Abdeslam arrested in Brussels

By Alex Lantier, 21 March 2016

Astonishingly, Europe’s most wanted man, on the run from police for four months, was hiding near his parents’ apartment in the heavily-watched Molenbeek district.

French Socialist Party whips up law-and-order hysteria after Abdeslam arrest

By Kumaran Ira, 21 March 2016

More on the Paris terror attacks »

Sri Lankan parliament to draft new constitution to shore up capitalist rule

By Rohantha De Silva, 21 March 2016

Under the guise of “democracy,” the government is seeking to strengthen its hand to impose austerity and deepen its integration into the US “pivot to Asia” against China.

Castro government welcomes Obama, US corporate heads to Cuba

By Alexander Fangmann, 21 March 2016

Leading a delegation of over 1,000 US politicians and business executives, Obama’s visit represents a substantial move to bring Cuba under the direct sway of US imperialism.

More attacks on anti-Trump protesters at Tucson, Arizona campaign rally

By Tom Hall, 21 March 2016

One of the confrontations in Tucson was perpetrated by a plainclothes member of Donald Trump’s hired security team.

Trump threatens violence at Republican National Convention

More on the 2016 US elections »

Chief proponent of Flint water supply switch hosts public meeting

By James Brookfield, 21 March 2016

The CEO of the Karegondi Water Authority, Jeffery Wright, an individual centrally connected to the lead poisoning crisis in Flint, sought to place a rosy aura around his pet project.

The crimes behind the US lead water crisis

More on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan »

UAW seeks to ram through contract at Volvo

By Shelly Connor, 21 March 2016

The UAW reportedly reached a last-minute agreement with Volvo, but refused to provide workers with the full contract, following a pattern it has employed many times before.

UAW discussing lower pay rate at Lear in Detroit

UAW pushes local deals past opposition at GM Lordstown plant

More on autoworkers struggles »

Berlin senate speeds up deportations of refugees

By Carola Kleinert, 21 March 2016

The new refugee passport system serves above all to sort asylum seekers according to their national origin, religion and usefulness and to make faster deportations possible.

European Union and Turkey reach deal to seal borders and expel refugees

Hungarian government declares “state of crisis” over refugees

More on the refugee crisis »

Spanish youth protest education reforms

By James Lerner, 21 March 2016

The protests targeted the “3+2 Decree,” which increases the amount of unpaid, in-company internship time required in university courses of study.

Argentina: President Macri’s first 100 days

By Rafael Azul, 19 March 2016

The antidemocratic and austerity measures enacted by the Macri administration are in continuity with those of the Videla junta 40 years ago.

Australian nickel refinery workers sacked without entitlements

By Terry Cook, 21 March 2016

Mining magnate Clive Palmer is making the Queensland refinery workers pay for the collapse of the mining boom.

Australian youth and workers denounce media and government racist hysteria

By our reporters, 21 March 2016

The continuing campaign against African youth by the media and political establishment has prompted a reaction amongst young people in working-class areas of Melbourne.

New in Spanish

La Campaña de Donald Trump: Una Nueva Etapa en la Crisis de la Democracia en Estados Unidos

Por El Comité de Redacción del WSWS, 21 marzo 2016

Que detone la violencia en las movilizaciones políticas de Trump es señal de una etapa de desintegración política en Estados Unidos.

New in Turkish

Suriye savaşı ciddi tehlikelerle birlikte altıncı yılına giriyor

Bill Van Auken, 21 Mart 2016

Irak’ın, Libya’nın ve Afganistan’ın büyük ölçüde yok edilmesinin yanı sıra, Suriye’ye yönelik tecavüz, emperyalizmin 21. yüzyıldaki en büyük suçlarından birini oluşturmaktadır.

Almanya İçin Alternatif’in seçim başarısının arkasında ne yatıyor?

Peter Schwarz, 21 Mart 2016

AfD’nin yükselişi, gerçek bir tehlikeyi temsil etmektedir. Onun Saksonya-Anhalt’taki oyu, Nazi rejiminin 71 yıl önce çökmesinden beri aşırı sağcı bir partinin elde ettiği en iyi sonuçtur.

Çin: Binlerce kömür madencisi ücret alacaklarını protesto ediyor

Peter Symonds, 21 Mart 2016

Çin’de binlerce kömür madencisi kuzeydoğudaki Heilongjiang eyaletinde protestolar gerçekleştirdi.

Batılı güçler Libya’da askeri operasyonlara hazırlanıyor

Niles Williamson, 21 Mart 2016

ABD Savunma Bakanı Ashton Carter’ın Libya genelinde geniş çaplı askeri operasyonlar için Beyaz Saray’a detaylı bir plan sunduğunu bildirildi.

New in French

L'UE et la Turquie concluent un accord de fermeture des frontières et d’expulsion des réfugiés

Par Jordan Shilton, 21 mars 2016

Les réfugiés qui arrivent dans les îles grecques depuis la Turquie y seront renvoyés après un simulacre de procédure d'asile en Grèce.

Québec solidaire prêt à gouverner avec le Parti québécois pro-austérité

Par Laurent Lafrance, 21 mars 2016

Québec solidaire «serait peut-être au pouvoir ensemble» avec le PQ s'il avait instauré un mode de scrutin proportionnel, a fait savoir Françoise David.

Des millions de manifestants au Brésil exigent le départ du gouvernement du Parti des travailleurs

Par Bill Van Auken, 21 mars 2016

Des manifestations de masse éclatent alors que de nouvelles données publiées montrent que l'économie du pays glisse encore plus profondément dans la dépression.

Referendum du ‘Brexit’ au Royaume-Uni
La campagne nationaliste de la pseudo-gauche pour une « sortie » de l’UE

Par Chris Marsden, 21 mars 2016

Le Parti socialiste a joué un rôle central dans le fait de camoufler l'opposition nationaliste à l'immigration de la part des « Syndicalistes contre l'Union européenne » et de leurs prédécesseurs.

Other Languages


Trump and the Democratic Party

21 March 2016

The Democrats will run in the fall campaign as the party of the status quo, complacency and self-satisfaction, essentially conceding the economically discontented to Donald Trump.

Earlier Perspectives »

Socialism and the Fight Against War
Build an International Movement of the Working Class and Youth Against Imperialism!

Statement of the International Committee of the Fourth International, 18 February 2016

Arts Review

Ten years since the death of hip hop artist James “J Dilla” Yancey

By Nick Barrickman, 21 March 2016

A talented musician, Yancey is considered by many to have been among the greatest of all hip hop producers.

Terrence Malick’s Knight of Cups: It is impossible to learn anything from this

By David Walsh, 19 March 2016

Novelist Jonathan Franzen’s Purity

25 years ago: US abets Iraq’s bloody suppression of rebellions

On March 26, 1991, White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater gave a press conference in which he declared, “We don’t intend to involve ourselves in the internal conflict in Iraq.”

More »

50 years ago: Worldwide protests against Vietnam War

On March 26, 1966, protests against the war in Vietnam were held in New York and other major American cities, as well as in foreign capitals such as Rome, London and Ottawa.

More »

75 years ago: Mass anti-fascist demonstrations in Yugoslavia

On March 25, 1941 a spontaneous demonstrations broke out in Yugoslavia following the monarchy’s decision to sign Hitler’s Tripartite Pact.

More »


100 years ago: German U-boat attacks French passenger steamship

On March 24, 1916, a German U-boat torpedoed a French passenger steamship, the Sussex, while it was crossing the English Channel from Britain to France.

More »


The pseudo-left’s nationalist Leave campaign in the UK Brexit referendum
Part Two

By Chris Marsden, 19 March 2016

The pseudo-left’s nationalist “Leave” campaign in the UK Brexit referendum
Part one

For an active boycott of the Brexit referendum!
Statement of the Socialist Equality Party, British section of the International Committee of the Fourth International

Impeachment drive accelerates amid expanding political crisis in Brazil

By Bill Van Auken, 19 March 2016

India: Intensifying BJP witch-hunt, JNU to punish “anti-national” students

By Pradeep Ramanayake, 19 March 2016

Justice Department refuses to prosecute New York police killer of Ramarley Graham

By Steve Light, 19 March 2016

Two US prosecutors who covered up police killings lose primary elections

More on police violence in America »

The Crisis in Detroit and Flint

As reports point to nationwide epidemic of lead contamination
Michigan governor, EPA head testify on Flint water crisis

By Andre Damon, 18 March 2016

Video: Lead poisoning discussed at Flint water event

By James Brewer, 18 March 2016

Flint meeting examines background of city’s water crisis

More on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan »

Workers Struggles

Kaiser Permanente nurses in Los Angeles on one-week strike

By Marc Wells, 19 March 2016

Glasgow City Council workers strike against cuts and poverty wages


Recent developments in science: oceanography, neuroscience, planetary astronomy
Scientists use gravity to map Earth’s ocean floor

By our reporters, 18 March 2016

Socialist Equality Party

SEP meetings in the US: Socialism and the fight against war

16 March 2016

These meetings will review the present state of the global war drive and outline a political strategy for the building of a new mass, anti-war movement.

Sri Lankan SEP to hold Jaffna public meeting on imperialist war and Tamil nationalism

14 March 2016

Mehring Books

Public meeting at Leipzig Book Fair
The return of German militarism and the threat of World War III

14 March 2016

Mehring Books speakers will present the book Scholarship or War Propaganda at the Leipzig Book Fair, which begins this week.

ICFI statement “Socialism and the Fight Against War” now available from Mehring Books

9 March 2016

Mehring Books has just published in pamphlet format the statement calling for the building of a new anti-war movement based on the perspective of international socialism.

The 2016 US Elections

Sanders under pressure to quit from Democratic leaders, media

By Patrick Martin, 19 March 2016

After the March 15 US primaries: The political role of the Sanders campaign

The Trump campaign: A new stage in the crisis of American democracy

What political conclusions must be drawn from Trump’s Super Tuesday?

Clinton, Trump take major steps toward US presidential nominations

Sanders and Clinton posture as defenders of immigrants in Miami debate

By Andre Damon, 11 March 2016

Sanders’ upset win in the Michigan primary

War and the 2016 US elections

More on the 2016 US elections »

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

Build the International Youth and Students for Social Equality!
A socialist program to fight the Coalition-Labor-Greens assault on education in Australia

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (Australia), 16 March 2016

Education crisis in Australia and New Zealand

Australian primary teachers resign in protest at standardised, assessment-based education

By Susan Allan and Linda Tenenbaum, 14 March 2016

Australia: Labor Party, teacher unions prepare further assault on public education

More on education issues in Australia and New Zealand »

75 Years Since the Assassination Of Leon Trotsky

Security and the Fourth International, the Gelfand Case and the deposition of Mark Zborowski
An open letter from David North to Susan Weissman

10 November 2015

Seventy-five years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

Meetings in Germany mark the 75th anniversary of the death of Leon Trotsky