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16th July 2010 - No more Subdomain IPs from

I've been using the free dynamic DNS service for some time now. However they're obviously trying hard to force free users to use the paid service and I don't really blame them - times are hard. I don't make any money from this server despite hosting a few sites for other people so there's no way I'll be paying for it. The regular bi-monthy domain updates recently moved to captchas and as I was an early user I had a domain with wildcard redirects enabling me to run virtual hosting on a single IP address. Whilst it's great to have a DynDNS solution it got to be a PITA having to perform regular updates. It's less of a PITA manually updating a static domain name.

Sadly, the grandfather rights to wildcards have been pulled. The last renewal update killed the wildcards from my domain and I can't revert the settings either and the configuration form is now locked. This means all of my subdomain sites are now dead as far as the most widely publicised domain name goes ( now links only to this redundant blog page). Since this was a DNS-based service I can't use mod_rewrite on my server to fix the problems. Any requests to subdomains are now captured and redirected by and sent into an internet black-hole. This is going to be a long job as the previous domain name was hard coded into many pages on various subdomains. It also means the website URL embedded in hundreds of small programs I wrote is now completely wrong. Sigh!

This is pretty much a total catastrophe for all of the projects I host here as the Google-ranking are now nuked and several years work getting a page ranking for these subdomains now is lost forever There's no choice but to start all over from scratch with the new domain names and gradually replace every instance of the domain name with the new one. At least I will be in total control afterwards - something I now recommend to everyone who runs a website!

The following subdomains are now hosted at subdomains of

Old Domain New Domain (click here...) Description
More popular sites... MicroApache website MicroApache 2.x Floppyweb demo site MicroApache 2.2.x Floppyweb demo site General IT support and help archive Free online "C" compiler (and other compilers) Free software listing for this site A free RTF editor with encryption A free toolbox DLL for Visual BASIC A free LocoScript 1,2 and PC Pro converter Convert COM files to EXE files Tail for Windows Command-line Tail for Windows Win32 CGI version of Tail
Less popular sites... My BartPE page My QEMU page Bitmap converter/encoding page Win32 CGI-based guestbook Win32 CGI-based console command (CCCP) Win32 CGI-based emulation of FTP via HTTP Win32 CGI-based dynamic code-highlighter for C/PHP/VB Win32 CGI-based POP3 mail program for web browsers (beta) Win32 CGI-based test program for Apache/MicroApache etc. Win32 Apache/MicroApache log file rotator tool Win32 CGI-based graphic date countdown counter A rudimentary "dead code" detector for Visual BASIC Win32 console task-delayer/scheduler for sysadmins A rudimentary Win32 console disk space scrubber A page of legacy freeware 16-bit DOS utilities A "dummy" VB5 install program which installs most VB5 controls A basic text encryption program with MAPI interface (preceded EditPad) A monitoring system for ArcServe 6/7 (now defunct) Convert *any* file to to a "C" program source code to recreate that file so you can email the entire binary file as a text file bypassing any email restrictions A "honeypot" system for Win32 webservers Retrieve the Process ID (PID) within batch files Convert HTML to batch file format A static HTML indexer Dynamic 16-bit INI file updater still useful in Win32 NEW archive page relating to the Amstrad PCW Keybase program A dynamic CGI-based HTML content-merger for blogs etc. Apache log filter tool (project suspended) Win32 batch file tool to set useful date-based environment variables Software museum Some free legacy Netware utilities of mine A free Win32 ping monitor (project suspended) A Railsim fan page My page for a Railway32 screensaver add-on My ReactOS page A freeware Win32 directory-renaming tool A freeware Win32 command-line emailer A HTTP and IP diagnostic tool (also links to a local WhatsMyIP service) A "What's my IP" service A Win32 directory "splaying" (reorganising) utility. Converts flat directories into trees. Useful where massive flat directory structures are slowing down Windows. Prevent programs adding themselves to your Windows startup A local mirror for the useful, freeware "Startup manager" tool A freeware Win32 timesync app A page of Visual BASIC tips and tricks A Win32 graphical ATTRIB to flag files *and* directories A replacement for NET USE which stores encrypted passwords
3rd Party Sites Hosted for Other People New Domain Description Holistic health site mirror for H J Holistics R A Services page The Nottingham Bike Medic Scheme (2006 archive page) The Nottingham Toy Run - Charity motorcycle event - archive site (2006) The Trail Riders' Lobby Page
Other sites -- Other sites are now defunct

3rd August 2008 - Snake Oil Revisited

I recently came across an old copy of Clifford Stoll's book, "Silicon Snake Oil". Published in 1995 and possibly penned in late 1994 it made interesting reading since it was written at the time, as a polemic against a society which was increasingly net-centric and which placed an over-reliance on the internet as a primary source of information. "A year is a long time in politics" so they say, but for computing anything much over 10 years is an epoch so it is fascinating to cast one's mind back and re-read Stoll's arguments remembering just how things were back in my undergraduate days.

For starters it was a surprise to be reminded that this was a book penned before the advent of Google and most other primary search engines we now take for granted - with Yahoo being very much a newcomer called Jerry's Guide to the World Wide Web. There is much discussion in the book of Gopher and Veronica as a means of locating information on the net, along with many timely and quite relevant warnings against using the internet as a primary source of information. I was quite surprised to find out just how relevant the 12+ year-old critique really was for our net-hyped era where school and library budgets are decimated by an clueless obsession with IT "investment". I must confess, though, that I'm increasingly a luddite and become more disheartened with the bogus promise of an IT "paradise" as each and every year passes.

If you feel inclined to revisit this work and check out it's new-millennial-relevance, then I'd especially recommend that you read around Gresham's Law since it appears to apply in ever-increasing degrees to the world around us from money and commerce to crooked-mendacious politicians and their bogus "war on[of] terror".

I recently had something of an illumination regarding the human condition; one which is possibly a corollary of Gresham's Law. It is quite simply that humans are utterly incapable of valuing "perfect organisation" or "perfect conditions".  Take a common example of an IT department where by some outstanding chance the staff are incredibly conscientious, work efficiently and make efforts to stay fully-informed and abreast of technology. This is a mythical department where problems are anticipated long in advance and (since this is a fantasy-world example where "blockers" don't put the "kybosh" on it) remedial actions are taken before problems arise. In this world nothing ever goes wrong with the IT infrastructure other than deliberate destructive acts by end-users or due to outside forces such as flood or fire. Day after day, month after month the equipment just works, doing what it is supposed to. All is silent in the IT room as staff effortlessly do whatever they feel needs to be done and there is a complete absence of "fire-fighting" so often found in organisations.

On the rare occasions when outside forces intervene the staff are lambasted by all and sundry who want to know "what they're playing at", "why isn't the system back online yet" and "how many more minutes till the three feet of floodwater is pumped out of the server room". Such instances are soon forgotten again and months may pass with nothing much else going wrong. The IT staff have advised management against chasing the upgrade treadmill; and since this is a perfect fantasy-world they have listened. So the staff continue to spend their time on rolling maintenance, education or other activities deemed to be "time wasting" by the management. Pretty soon the bean-counters and upper management start to ask why the hell they're employing IT staff ... quote - "heck, when things hardly ever go wrong nowadays anyway".

Consequently staff are sacked, demoted or put on menial and demeaning "box-shifting"or "shit-shovelling" jobs. Highly-qualified IT techs naturally become disgruntled and leave en-masse for pastures new. Those IT Contractors out there may recognise the next step, this is the familiar one where they are brought onsite to fill the boots of staff who, for some peculiar reason, have all decided to leave at once. How unfair, what horrid people they were! (sound familiar?). A succession of temporary staff now follows. Skilled contractors don't stay for long - far too expensive, and far too argumentative when it comes to doing things properly. The permanent IT team is now replaced with a few spotty kids from the labour-exchange who are cheap but also willing to clean out the toilets, post letters and make tea now-and-then. After all, IT isn't a very important job nowadays is it - things just work all by themselves don't they?. The bean-counter settle back to sip their tea and peruse this month's issue of Creative Accounting Magazine before meeting the directors at golf to announce how much money has been saved and how much better off the business will be now.

Variations on this basic theme are played out daily in millions of small businesses throughout the Western hemisphere and I'd guess more often in the UK. Those who work in IT only know too well what follows next and how a variant of Gresham's Law quickly comes in to play. Within a few months reliable system backups are a thing of the past, kit and manuals are lost, constant tweaking of the IT infrastructure is a mere memory. No one performs system audits or continually monitors for problems any more. The few IT staff who are present have arrogant hubris as a substitute for genuine experience, confident that they know best and that they can't go far wrong in toadying up to the boss. The management succumb to the conveyor-belt of mendacious salesmen and every 4 weeks there's an office reorganisation where men in brown coats play musical-chairs with the PCs and network cables. If you care to wander over and look in what used to be a quiet IT suite you'll see it now resembles the disposal skip out-back at PC World or Comet electricals with the floor covered to a depth of about two-feet with empty cardboard boxes, assorted cables and other computer equipment which is terminally orphaned from it's siblings.  Who needs to find that widget in a hurry? Just how much can it cost the company when it can't find that transformer for the backup router?. System failures, data-loss and downtime increase until it becomes the norm. Peculiarly, what happens now is that staff simply get used to the failures. "hey... we did well today... the network only went offline four times, ... pretty good, huh?"

Since no one wants to admit to the "original sin" of undervaluing staff it's easy to let the toothy salesmen rationalise the problems away - just upgrade to yet another expensive version of Microsoft Windows + Office version whatever, replace all the PCs and cabling infrastructure - install a whizzbang new server and your computer-novice tea-ladies can oversee the lot. Heck, it could even be worse, the director might be sold on Linux since "hey.. its free!!" only to be "flogged a pup" in terms of the support contract which, ironically in the case of Linux, ought to mandate the very quality staff permanently onsite which was never valued in the first place. More realistically this will probably be the same puzzled dizzy-blonde being talked over the phone into typing in commands like sudo, kill or ps at a shell-prompt. Of course the company will send staff out onsite to handle those extra-contractual cases where staff have kicked out a network lead - minimum callout charge of course! (eeek!, how much money do they want??)

Somehow it never quite pans out like the toothy salesmen promise does it? How many IT consultants have walked onsite at organisations where one or maybe two individuals heroically covered the entire IT needs whilst spinning several other plates including their own full-time jobs (in all probability getting little or no thanks for it). How many times is this complex animal known as an office LAN handed over to some dizzy-blonde postal-clerk to do in her lunchtime on no greater merit than the boss decided she could do it "because... hey, Angela... you have a PC at home don't you?".

Does omnipresent organised chaos and almost wilful-stupidity on the part of upper-management ring any bells with you IT techs out there?. Well it should, since it seems that Gresham's Law applies directly to this particular scenario where the "currency" here is the quality and value of IT staff as perceived by a Management - people who are simply not intellectually-equipped to make such a value judgement. This variant to the rule says that conscientious, skilled and experienced IT staff will always be devalued and ousted by those of a lower quality since there is no equivalent to "legal tender" laws to regulate the appointment of such staff and in an open market good staff will always leave or be deemed "poor value" and ousted. The reason being that those higher-up the management chain lack the intimate understanding of the true nature and value of the work performed on behalf of the business, and will naturally seek to cut costs by removing or downgrading staff. Doing so until the cut-off point is reached where system failures increase and start to cost the business significant sums of money. Of course, at this point, since (by our definition here) since they don't have the wit to either fix the problems themselves or hire suitably experienced staff, then the inevitable "quick-fix" will be to throw money at infrastructure, failing to understand that this merely perpetuates the problem and in all probability will make it far worse. Surprise, surprise.

Our example is the microcosm but the macrocosm is the wider-belief that IT systems and IT support in particular can be "contracted out" overseas. Indeed it was a pet project of the British New Labour Government not long after they came to office - the spiteful need to nix all of those "nasty and highly-paid capitalists" out there by exporting their jobs to Offshore Development Corps. I guess the Labour Party got a nice tickle out of that one from the corporations and contracting agencies who profited in the short term by short-changing the national IT infrastructure. No surprise it was only a matter of months before this concept went belly-up but what surprises me still is that we still have British banks contracting in India where there are certain... umm... how shall I say... "cultural differences" in keeping data confidential and slightly more lax less concerns about selling customer records on the black-market are the order of the day. There may be more to all of this than meets the eye though. Looking at the unbelievable levels of loss of data within the UK and US government sectors I'm convinced that this is contrived incompetence which is geared towards using a PRS strategy (Hegelian Marketing or Odo Ab Chao) to mandate global centralisation of data processing and yet more tiresome data-"protection" laws which ultimately gives the state free licence and total ownership of all data private and public.

Not only does the small case above illustrate a variant of Gresham's Law but you may be able to see that the same basic scenario can be applied to many other areas of life as a basic explanation for omnipresent brain-dead incompetence spreading over the British Isles like a cancer since New Labour came to office. The most tempting area I'd apply this to would be to Local UK Councils with Road Traffic Planning departments in particular as the paragon of moronic, wilfully-engineered stupidity. I think the case of British and US politicians is covered by another common British working-class phrase which goes as follows - "the shit always floats to the top".

But I have digressed enough... Stoll concludes his book with a tantalising cryptographic substitution puzzle and, as if to highlight Stoll's comments, I couldn't find a page which had decrypted the cipher anywhere within Google, so I spent 30 minutes fiddling about decoding it manually. For those who have shorter coffee-breaks or less patience, below is both the plaintext and ciphertext and, no, I didn't use a decoding program, just clues in the ciphertext itself, it's not that hard and I'm by no means a cryptography guru. Use your mouse to reveal the code.

As a concluding comment I'm sure that many out here will find that the signal-to-noise aspect of the net is as depressing a phenomena as for cable TV. The internet, as is the case for cable TV, seems to have bring us ever-larger volumes of lower-quality garbage. As Stoll pointed out way back in 1994/5, the internet even in those days was no longer the exclusive domain of academia. Today poor-quality material abounds, as far even as weak critiques of Stoll's perceptive work. It's a shame that some of those proffering slack arguments such as Joseph T Evans couldn't find the time to read and digest all of the book, or, perhaps at least make an effort to comprehend the arguments being put forward. Would it would be too much to expect that critics put the work into an accurate historical context and marvel at just how observant it really was?. How quickly we have forgotten that it came from those ancient days when 386s were "hot stuff", DOS 6.0 and Windows 3.0 ruled the desktops, global search engines were largely an ambitious pipe dream and Google was probably not even a distant gleam in Page and Brin's eye. Hence the chapters (9 and 11) discussing the shortcomings Veronica and Gopher versus library indexing cards rather than Yahoo! and Google.

"People who live in the real world understand the need for computers and the Internet. Clifford Stoll is either on something and spaced out, dumb or just trying to sell a book. He mentioned that a ghost writer helped write his first book. He either needs to quit writing books or find another ghost writer to write for him. (J T Evans 's Critique, 2008)

Accusations of ghost-writing having been nailed firmly on the head in chapter 12 1/2 such reckless and ill-read comments really do little more than embarrass their authors. Still, they're worth reading if only as an illustration of just how wrong netizens can get and precisely underline Stoll's very point. Yep, this is just one of the few books I can find true pleasure in reading over and over.

Silicon Snake Oil - Ciphertext

"How do different tools affect writing style?I tried an experiment: to compose this book, I used a pen and paper, a Sears typewriter, and a wordprocessor. The following substitution cryptogram tells which sections I wrote with
which tools." Clifford Stoll - Silicon Snake Oil

(Clues: Nanjing (China), railroad Cart, a cave adventure. A north American bird.)

1: 5    40 9 62 7 2    7 19 2    56 7 62 9    
2: 5 2 56    3 63 62 33 7    7 19 2    17 3 
3: 118 2 , 9 3 5 24 9 62 3 14    17 3 9 7 ,
4: 3 4 14    4 3 4 61 5 4 30    5 4    24 
5: 62 4 30 19 3 4 14 . 7 19 2    24 5 63 
6: 9 3 9 21    3 4 14    63 62 30 62 1 2 7 
7: 2 9    56 2 17 7 5 62 4 56    17 3 1 2 
8: 32 9 62 1    1 21    7 21 67 2 40 9 5 7 
9: 2 9    7 19 2    9 2 56 7    40 3 56 
10: 40 62 9 14    67 9 62 17 2 56 56 2 14 

11: 7 62 14 3 21    5 56    19 3 24 24 62 40 
12: 2 2 4    3 4 14    7 19 2    30 9 3 17 
13: 208 24 2    56 1 5 24 2 56    3 7    7 
14: 19 2    24 62 62 4 

The plaintext below is hidden for the benefit of those who want to work out the puzzle themselves. Select text below with the mouse and paste into a notepad or editor to view it...

Snip ==============
1: i wrote the stor
2: ies about the ca
3: ve, railroad cart,
4: and nanjing in l
5: onghand. the lib
6: rary and bogomet
7: er sections came
8: from my typewrit
9: er the rest was
10: word processed

11: today is hallow
12: een and the grac
13: kle smiles at t
14: he loon
Snip ==============

(Unused: x q z)

1 m
2 e
3 a
4 n
5 i
7 t
9 r
14 d
17 c
19 h
21 y
24 l
30 g
32 f
33 u
40 w
56 s
61 j
62 o
63 b
67 p
118 v
208 k

2008080301 - Not archived yet

25th January 2008 - Fat Man's Warning - Channel 4 - Thursday 11:05pm

Channel 4 continues it's propaganda war on modern "The Era of Plenty" - I wonder who's ultimately footing the bill for this campaign? ...

"Fat Man's Warning - Channel 4 - Britain's status as the fattest nation in Europe prompts larger-than-life US comedian Steve Daly to spend time in the UK highlighting the dangers of obesity. The 30st funnyman, who hasn't been able to wear shoes for two years and needs a machine to keep him breathing while he sleeps, recently had a heart attack in front of a packed audience. His mission now is to give people a wake-up call before it's too late"  (

Following hot on the heels of the noxious Jamie Oliver yet another hit-piece on our hard-won modern Era of Plenty. How reassuring the entirely unexpected message of the program it's all down to "McDonalds" and other "junk food" outlets. More worrying though was that we are, and I quote - "all" -   facing a quote - "inevitable" trend toward obesity imported as a lifestyle from the USA. A threat which will be here in quote - *precisely * 4 years (according to lardass Steve Daly). More worrying that - quote "all of us" - will be as large as this guy if we don't change our ways. However, there was not one piece of evidence, scientific or otherwise to balance up what was presented in this pseudo-documentary. Instead we had another tiresome, loud-mouthed, yet another self-righteous obese American clown on Ch4 busy walking round with a placard and blaming anyone but himself for being overweight. I was reminded of a parody of the wartime phrase "over-paid, over-fed and over-here". It couldn't be more relevant. As Bill Hicks once said talking about another group of over-confident Americans - "how scientific - I didn't realise you had gone to so much trouble".

If you did watch the program you may have seen his breakfast meal - about a 1/2 gallon of slop of what looked like chocolate cake mix, ice cream, syrup and unknown chocolate add-ons. It was simply disgusting. This guy was just a fat, greedy bastard and no victim of some imagined "food war". Psychologists, if they've not already sold their souls to this agenda would almost certainly tell you what he is doing is projecting his own guilt, inadequacy and self-hatred out at the British People. A useful tool perhaps for those with the agenda to use food as a weapon of political control. Even more so for those who want to push the GM agenda and raise even more taxes.

"Look at that fat!" - he poked, disgusted at his breakfast bowl - no mate, that's ice cream and chocolate-flavoured slop. More to the point it is almost completely carbs and within minutes that crap will have spiked your insulin and your body will be busy cramming the digested glucose either into your overloaded and bloated liver as fat or as even more adipose fat. It will also be antagonising lipase so "fat chance" you're going to metabolise any of that lard away. Note the two-way storage/release cycle...

"The major function of adipose tissue is the storage and release of chemical energy in the form of NEFA.The direction of this energy flow is determined by the coordinated regulation of the enzymes - hormone-sensitive lipase and lipoprotein lipase, insulin inhibits and the counterregulatory hormones stimulate hormone-sensitive lipase which catalyses the hydrolysis of stored triglycerides to release NEFA and glycerol. Since half-maximal suppression of hormone-sensitive lipase by insulin occurs at a concentration of only about 120pM, the release of NEFA is substantially suppressed within 30 min and essentially zero 60-90 mins after a mixed meal" (ACSM's Advanced Exercise Physiology - Google Books)

The school visit was arranged with special "treats" for the kids - and cameras closed up on pictures of them greedily snatching chocolate bars and sweets from tubs - just to ram the subliminal home to those who will be watching this tripe with the sound turned off. When encountering inconvenient observations such as Britons he kept encountering weren't actually fat let alone obese he put us straight by pointing out that it would be the kids of today who would be the fatty adults of tomorrow. In four years?. That would be some miracle of nutrition to turn 10 year olds into adults in only 4 years. Still, what do I know about such things?. If its on TV then it must be right and who will bother to quibble about the maths not quite stacking up? Aren't developmental adults roughly over 21? Guess that depends on who's politics you follow.

Of course the remainder of the program focused on genuinely fat people as if this hadn't been a problem for millennia and didn't have a number of other contributory causes such as heredity, somatotype (somatype), disease, birth control pills, antidepressants or lifestyle. I am sure that pointing these things out would be mere churlishness, and even the concept of Somatotype has come under attack except for those who need to deal with science and real dietary results (such as bodybuilders). Just to rub it in they visited Boston as the "fattest town" in Britain (town with the largest number of fat people, surely?) but forgot to mention the large immigrant population due to it's status as a port. Of course they also forgot to visit Rotherham where tattooed "muffin-tops" are the norm.

If it weren't for the long and tragic history of poverty within the British working class, and how recent it was in our history that millions are estimated to have died from inadequate nutrition or the consequences thereof, then this polemic might be even slightly forgivable. Given years of a truly crap education under New Labour it is no surprise that we have a generation who probably thought previous British monarchs ate also at McDonalds all the way back to 1066.. This idiot is drumming up a mandate which will enable a "guilt free" return to the days of insufficiency. How soon humans forget a long struggle out of misery and how easily and how quickly they can be duped into asking for it's return!.

In all this was just another propaganda piece, almost completely devoid of meaningful science and heavy on political scares. Any semblance of objectivity or balanced argument was conspicuous by it's absence. God help us with what the reaction will be when Labour MPs and other "green bandwagonists" jump on this particular horror.

No surprise that "helpful" kids being interviewed in the program after, no doubt, some encouragement offered suggestions such as - quote "Why can't they ban foods" adding - quote - "McDonalds - why can't they shut them down" - the reply from Mr Daly being (of course) - :"I can't believe how bright you kids are". God help us all if these gullible nitwits ever get into politics.

What was entirely forgotten was that any food (including "healthy" food) eaten to excess and without self-discipline is going to make you fat!. There was, quite simply, no mention anywhere about the need for self-discipline or self-accountability for one's own life. No surprise since that is the essence of leftism and an hysterical and unscientific approach to every problem has become practically the hallmark of the Labour Party in government.

"In the midst of this 'headless chicken' panic about growing girths — and especially the girths of children — government agencies appear to have given in to the food-correctness lobbyists who have sought to pin the blame for the disaster squarely on those greedy multinational purveyors of lard, sugar and salt — the culpable 'fat cats' who have, apparently, single-handedly created our fat nation. The Food Standards Agency, for example, has announced a plan to 'overhaul food promotion to children' despite the fact that in its own evidence just 2 months ago to the Commons Select Health Committee regarding advertising of food to children it conceded that: "

"The conclusions that the researchers drew was that the evidence is not there to draw any conclusions on the magnitude of the effect."

"In what we take to be proper science-based approaches, if the magnitude of an effect cannot be measured then it cannot be said to exist at all. Rational and evidence-based thinking clearly no longer stands in the way of appeasing the growing clamour for action on obesity, even when there is no evidence that the proposed measures will have the slightest impact." (Peter Marsh - Poverty and Obesity - Social Issues Research Centre - SIRC)

Critics will be reassured to know that, of course there has never been any problem with weight until now of course - except for the lucky few of the 1700s and 1800s who held smallholdings or were sufficiently well-paid to be able to stuff their faces and hopefully not worked into an early death in the fields, mills or mines.

"Daniel Lambert (March 13, 1770 - June 21, 1809) was a man from Leicester in England, who became famous for his obesity.

Lambert was the son of the keeper of Leicester's Bridewell (a "house of correction", similar to the later workhouses). Between the ages of 14 and 21 he was apprenticed to an engraver in Birmingham, before returning to Leicester to take over his father's job. His dramatic weight gain seems to have started at this time - although a sturdy and athletic youth and a keen sportsman who claimed to eat in moderation and avoided alcohol, by 1793 he weighed 448lb, and in 1804 his weight had reached 686lb. In that year, the Bridewell was merged with the city prison, and Lambert was made redundant and granted a pension. He seems to have been well-liked by the prisoners, and had a reputation as a wit, and a breeder of fighting cocks and greyhounds. When he reached the weight of 700 lb (318 kg) in 1806, he commissioned a special carriage to take him to London, and charged one shilling (£0.05) a head to look at him (a very large sum at that time). " (Wikipedia - Daniel Lambert)

This modern era of adequate nutrition for all rather than a select few was too hard won and at the cost of too many millions of lives in too many wars for it to be given up willingly just because a few fat, idle bastards have no self control. Anyone who is thinking along the lines of "ban and tax" needs to get an education and realise that taxes and bans,  once imposed, are only ever relinquished at the expense of the spilled blood of ordinary people like me and you!

I'll leave the last bit of advice for Steve Daly to Blur - "You should cat down on yer pork-rinds mate, get sam bleedin' exercise!"

2008012501 - Not archived yet

21st January 2008 - Ben Lydon for US President!

Hmmm... a US election with a Bilderberg Clinton versus an obscure black man called Osama (sorry, Obama). Someone is surely trying to send a subliminal "Vote Clinton" message here on a par with selecting an "opposition" candidate with the name Haig Dontvoteforme. No wonder the other runner-up Ron Paul has come under such constant attack from the orchestrated left and cointel pros such as the Digg Bury Brigade. Still, there's always room for a genuine act of God I guess. Barring that, as I've been telling everyone I know, once you know how to read the media "tea leaves" it has been clear for at least 2 years that Hillary Clinton has already been selected as the next president of the United States. Plane crash anyone?

2008012101 - Not archived yet

20th January 2008 - Channel 4 - Eat To Save Your Life? - A Load of Shit

Apart from the fact that I utterly detest that slimy, nauseating and generally insufferable Mockney chum of Tony Blair - Jamie Oliver; the Channel 4 "Eat to Save Your Life" was the most unadulterated pile of unscientific codswallop I've seen on TV since Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth. Given his fanatical mission to force his dubious personal views about   diet onto the rest of us it should come as no surprise that Jamie Oliver ranked at No. 28 in a poll of the 100 worst Britons. He would certainly get my vote for the No. 2 spot. Channel 4 reaches a new nadir with a novel entertainment format of cooking show+autopsy+game show. Even Roger Mellie could not have thought this gem up during a drunken lunch-time "bender". Surely this tripe introduces a new era where insignificant TV cooks are now higher sources of authority on human health than researchers and doctors. This is a new phenomena of British dietary Lysenkoism. Combining cooking demonstrations with the dissection of human beings also has to be in the poorest of taste and demonstrates minimal respect for the dead. Jamie Oliver's own website advertises this Channel 4 show as follows..

"I have done another show for Channel 4's Food Season and it's airing tonight at 10pm. I'm not usually on TV as much as I am at the moment, but I just really believed in these shows. This next show is called Eat To Save Your Life and basically it's another studio-based show with 18 members of the great British public, all of whom have bad diets. With the help of a doctor and my good mate Jane Clarke, they each learn what is wrong with their diet, what's likely to happen to them if they don't take action and, most importantly, what action they can take to improve their diets. Essentially, it's a massive wake-up call to everyone and offers some practical solutions on how we can all eat better and maybe even prolong our lives."

"One of the most amazing parts of the show is when the famous German doctor, Gunther von Hagens, performs an autopsy on a 25-stone man who literally ate himself to death. It's not pretty but I urge you not to turn away because the fascinating insight into what our diets are doing to our insides could inspire you to change your eating habits in a positive way."
(Jamie Oliver's Diary - Wed 16, Jan 2008)

Clearly trying to build on the success of the far more talented Gordon Ramsay with his famous "F-word" - the show was launched with a barrage of Anglo-Saxon expletives particularly when discussing bowel functions. I lost count of the number of times the word "shit" uttered by Oliver in a contrived manner, sounding almost as though he were announcing tennis scores. Obviously this was off to a bad start and more structured for shock value so it was clear that there wasn't going to be much intelligent science to follow. I was right. This is also a typical example of the Blairism which we are all surely still familiar with - you are asked to lend credibility to the show you are being offered - not merely because it has been shown to be correct by objective and balanced analysis - but because Oliver believes in it. Belief being the most abused word of the Blair tenure in office. Yes, he really did believe in those WMDs which is as good a reason to invade another country as any Hitler had. I'm sure Mr Schickelgruber really did believe those Polish prisoners dressed up as soldiers had invaded Germany. Faith and unrestrained leftism is an extremely heady and dangerous combination. Beware when this extends to your health!.

"Eat to save your life - Jamie Oliver, Gunther von Hagens
Dramatic demonstrations, including an autopsy on a 25-stone man, are used as the celebrity chef is joined by fitness expert Dr Catherine Spencer-Smith and anatomist Dr Gunther von Hagens to illustrate the dangers of unhealthy eating to 18 volunteers with unbalanced diets. Experts reveal today's children may die younger than their parents if nothing is done, so Jamie and his team attempt to show people how they can live longer. Part of The Big Food Fight season - Category Cooking - Channel 4 10:55pm-12:30am (1 hour 35 minutes) Sun 20 Jan" (TVGuide)

The program was crafted in it's media announcements like the one above, to appear as if respected autopsy star Dr Gunther von Hagens was participating in the show and, by implication, generally supported it's medical message. It turned out that was far from the fact. Gunther didn't actually participate in the show as such; due undoubtedly to legal reasons which already preclude him from performing public autopsies in the UK.  He performed his "cook-in" game-show autopsy over a widescreen video link. However, paying careful attention to the content it seems likely that this content was pre-recorded since there was a suspicious lack of discussion between the hosts of the program. Dr Von Hagens  simply performed autopsies on severely overweight corpses describing the manifest physiology of chronic disease. Pointing out, for example that an enlarged liver and gut will reduce lung capacity. No shit, Sherlock. Whatever the case, they were not "joined" by Gunther, apparently not even in spirit; and there was nothing which could not have been pre-recorded in advance. I say this because at intervals I was absolute aghast at the profoundly unscientific views on diet which were expressed and thought that surely, Gunther would either add extra information or diplomatically correct what was being said since it was quite misleading on the true causes of disease. Sadly not, the show consisted of little more than unscientific speculation and popular dietary fear-mongering rather than genuine medical facts. This was not a case of "joined-up" science.

There were a number of deceits so blatant that at one point I was convinced that whoever scripted this train-wreck of a "health program" was genuinely taking the piss out of a unquestioning compliment of rather gullible guests. The issue of liver disease was broached and the plight of French ducks who are force-fed to create a fatty (but apparently tasty) liver was discussed. How many spotted this deliberate "mistake"?

"Goose liver force fed high percentage of corn or maize... relevant to both of you, especially you Sean" - (Jamie Oliver)

"The liver is a precious organ and you don't want to mess with it" (Jamie Oliver, .... helpfully)

Relevant?, why precisely?, hel-lo?. For extra dramatic impetus a slice of liver was pan-fried and reaction of a guest to the fat which issued from it was filmed. The case that fat in diet "causes" fatty liver having already been "established" by bizarre and rather unscientific notions earlier on in the program. Eat fat=get fat=fatty liver. Simple absorption with no messy chemical conversion-cycles to consider. This is medieval medical alchemy and notions like "respiratory foods" at its simplest!. I half-expected phlostigen to be discussed at some point. Thankfully not. So, again - why would the high percentage of corn or maize be "particularly relevant" and then the risks of modern high-carb diets not be addressed. Curious eh?. Clearly a detailed investigation of the role of carbs in diet with its interaction with glycogen and insulin was not on the menu here.

"Almost like paté already - gonna cut that almost 1cm thick and put that into a dry pan - we don't even need olive oil or butter look at the fat coming out - it's pissing out!"  (The expletive added for extra dramatic effect by Jamie Oliver, shouting)

"You're young and you got too much fat in your liver" (Jamie Oliver, Still maintaining the simplistic notion that fat is the cause and not a qualified medical practitioner by the way - Jamie Oliver MD? ... Shudder!!)

"What can you do about it... if you take all of the things that you learned tonight you can fix all this" (Jamie Oliver)

Uh... yeah, Jamie, it's the fat wot dunnit. Unfortunately as Jamie hurriedly pointed out, the ducks are primarily force fed corn and maize and which, despite their omega 3/5 oil content of grains could hardly be described as anything else other than carbohydrates. Certainly not as "fats". Pointing out that grain products were the culprit here no one thought to raise a hand and ask for an explanation of the apparent discrepancy. There was no mention here of generally cutting down on carbs or making the distinction that "booze" which causes liver enlargement here is beer due to the same carbohydrate content such as the corn and maize already referred to in pate "manufacturing". The term "beer gut" ought to be more accurately renamed "carb gut" or "carbohydrate gut" but we would be flogging a dead horse here since the majority of the public would be able to think no more abstractedly than beer=alcohol, beer=big gut, big gut=fat, therefore alcohol=fat.  One would have had to pay attention to the dissection to see the mechanics of "beer guttism" with distension and displacement of internal organs similar in some ways to pregnancy. There are those out there who are getting the message though...

"There are a few reasons, but the most common is that people are finally realizing that the low-fat/high carb approach that has been promoted for decades now just doesn't work! Not only is it making us fatter, it's also responsible for dozens of diseases and illnesses." (Jesse Cannone - Low Carb - The Way to Go)

The abdominal distension is, as Gunther pointed out, due to severe enlargement of the liver and intestines and the dietary parallels between that and the unfortunate duck discussed earlier ought to have struck home. Do a Google search and you'd be hard pressed to find an approved health website which does not blame "beer gut" on anything but alcohol or fat and specifically excludes considering carb-intake. Low-carb is generally dismissed as a "fringe view" or "fad diet". There was no discussion of the increasing risks of grain allergies due to a high-carb diet mentioned by Jamie either. Consider this comment from Blackwell Syngergy.

"Background: Food allergy to wheat and maize is an increasing factor of deterioration of life quality, especially childhood and can, in rare cases, even induce anaphylaxis. Although omega-5 gliadin from wheat and maize lipid transfer protein have been characterized as major cereal allergens on the molecular level, the list of food allergens is far to be complete." (Blackwell Synergy research paper synopsis)

Since there was a strong focus on physique and the guests lined up to have their flabby guts surveyed one might have expected the cause and effect of excess weight to be discussed in some detail. Again, unfortunately not. One would be forgiven for thinking that BMI or "body fat" was a measure of gut size. It isn't. In fact BMI is measured by a simple calculation based on weight and height. One thing BMI most definitely is not and that is precise. Oliver announced that BMI would "precisely identify" health problems. Let's get one thing clear here. BMI is a very rough rule of thumb which is a  precise indicator of nothing. There are many critics of the BMI method of calculation and there are many cases where the BMI value will simply not apply. For example if you are particularly muscular or do bodybuilding. It makes no allowances for whether you are an ectomorph or endomorph (somatype) in terms of your natural physique. BMI is simply the kind of cover-all calculation which politicians like to use to make complex subjects simple enough to be manipulated to control public opinion. It may also come as a surprise to many but you can't actually calculate bodyfat from the size of your gut, calipers are used to measure skinfolds at various points on your body. Again, one would have to have paid attention to the autopsy and noted that abdominal distension is primarily due to over-stressed organ enlargement and visceral fat rather than the popular notion of "pad fat" discussed by diet faddists and weight-watchers who continually hope for "spot reduction" by various means. I am confident that even if explained several times most people would still not "get" this part.

"Central Obesity is correlated with viseceral fat... Central obesity is diagnosed by measuring the waist-hip ratio. When this exceeds 1.0 in men or 0.9 in women, central obesity can be diagnosed." (Wikipedia)

Even Wikipedia gets this slightly wrong (as it often does) in it's page on central obesity by failing to explain the difference between "correlation" and causal correlation. leaving the article open to misinterpretation by TV cooks. Correlation is not proof - and what is often seen as correlation or "risk factor" may be nothing more than co-symptom. Visceral fat being one aspect amongst several pointed out by Gunther on the autopsy of the unfortunate obese individual. There is a rough guide formula for estimating central obesity but this fails to include somatype, pregnancy, lifestyle, geographic or cultural variations (Inuit) into the equation. Misinterpreting "risk factors" or "correlations" with cause is almost a psychiatric or psychopolitical disease of our age and it is endemic for the British public who read or are told the former but to always hear the latter.

Moving on to the subject of salt in diet it was quite rightly pointed out that about a quarter of the population may have a predisposition to salt-sensitivity. Let's shine a torch on this statistical deception right from the start. This also means that 3/4 (75%) have no sensitivity to salt. Amongst those with a predisposition not all will suffer to a serious degree and the link between salt and chronic disease whilst present is not established de-facto as a causal association. What this means is that dietary advice specifically targeted at the majority is based in the potential risks of a minority and the actual risks of an even smaller minority. No where is it ever mentioned that this advice regarding salt-intake which is targeted at every single person is based on a non-causal associative risk-factor for a small minority. Nor at any point in the program was the fact that a deficiency in salt intake, particularly if you are engaged in manual labour or work in a hot environment, as high a causative risk factor than any speculative risk from high salt consumption. Salt is essential for life. This fact was completely lost to the program's producers and undoubtedly every unthinking and uncritical viewers.

Any discussion of the health benefits of dairy products was completely missing from the program. The benefits of milk, cheese and eggs was lost. Cholesterol was discussed but again, no mention was made that the body makes the bulk of the cholesterol in the bloodstream all by itself. The differing viewpoints regarding cholesterol and Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) were completely absent and only one viewpoint (the state view) was expressed. I would really have expected Gunther to cover this in the discussion of his dissection. At least to point out that the most significant risks to health were from stress rather than a high-fat diet but that was sadly not the case. Needless to say no in-depth investigation of the punter's background of familial CHD was made. Discussion of the role of cholesterol and the aberrations of notable studies which contradict the contemporary political view was entirely absent.

"Most of the cholesterol is synthesized by the body and some has dietary origin" (Wikipedia - Cholesterol)

The topic of fibre was touched briefly but in this section the advice was, again, contradictory. The advice was to eat high-fibre food such as bran to benefit digestion - the risks of diverticulitis, bowel obstruction, trauma and appendicitis were not mentioned. The advantage of a high-fibre diet was put forward as making "stools firmer". A moment or two before that the recommendation was to drink lots of water to make the stools sloppy since what was wanted was a nice soft (sloppy) stool. Was I the only one to think "make your mind up here?". Call me awkward but isn't a firm stool which indicates more-or-less complete digestion preferred as long as it doesn't cause constipation?. I always thought that sloppy stools with bowel fermentation and excess gas production was a clear sign that digestion was abnormal. Then again, I'm not a vegetarian so perhaps I've not gotten used to wind being a fact of life. No mention was made of fats being essential for effective stool production.

The remainder of the program consisted of little more than a rehash of most of the same tired old dietary clichés. As always the omnipresent recommendations to eat more broccoli and the usual misguided 5-fruit-and-veg-a-day. The "red wine" claim is always made by political dieticians, it has become so endemic you can spot a "political diet" by the inclusion of broccoli, garlic and red-wine. The actual research however revealed that both red and white wine could both be beneficial. Somehow the science is always lost in translation by the media and then repeated wrongly and ad infinitum.

The "show" concluded by studiously avoiding any discussion of the mechanisms of digestion, the role of insulin and sugar metabolism, and most of all the role of the Western high-carb diet as the primary cause of overweight. Any viewer who did not check facts from external sources or read critiques would certainly have gotten the impression that health would be improved and weight reduced by adopting a "balanced" diet based on a low-fat, high-carb balance. The truth is diametrically opposed

Overall this program was dangerously misleading. Inadequate in it's science and explanations. It failed to explain that mot of what it said was not objective science but opinion and it failed to highlight that there were varying opinions, particularly amongst the medical profession. The program was superficial in it's coverage of key matters of health and at no point was a balanced point of view ever expressed. The program has all the characteristics of dietary propaganda because that was precisely what it was. What baffles me is how UK Television companies such as Channel 4 can get away with it. The fact that they can get away with this garbage without anyone blinking an eyelid is surely an indictment on the general political climate and state the intelligence (or lack of) of the average Briton. Items not covered included insulin reaction to carbs, effects of the birth control pill on weight, the role of antidepressants on triggering obesity, sedentary lifestyles, and most importantly of all - no discussion of the damaging effects of the pervasive peptic ulcer drug now marketed as a sweetener - Aspartame.

Some may have perhaps worked though the content of the show and along with the omnipresent phenomena of veganism have wondered what the real deal is with carbs and why somehow the damaging effect of carbs always vanishes from any popular discussion about diet. Well the answer is this. Corporations such as Monsanto (amongst others) are vying for commercial control over the world's food supplies. The indirect benefit from this to others is political and military control. Only by eliminating all other practical forms of producing food which cannot be directly controlled can this strategy work. Still don't get it? Well you may not be aware that GM grain products are copyrighted and patented and covered by disproportionally strict legal penalties. As a farmer you don't have free licence to do what you will with seed once purchased, it always remains the absolute property of Monsanto et. al. It is a brand-new crime now known as "seed pirating" to re-use seed rather than to repurchase it. Each year you must buy your seeds anew from Monsanto and if unlicensed seed is found on your farm you will have it confiscated. It also means that, technically, all foodstuffs produced from patented seed also remains the property of Monsanto. By the way - farm confiscations due to GM-contamination are already happening.

What Jamie Oliver and fellow supporters of GM and high-carb diets are doing is helping this agenda along. Perhaps even ignorant of their role, but since when was ignorance a defence?

It was no surprise then that the first airing of this show was followed immediately by a strategically-placed advertisement for Nimble bread! (a high-carbohydrate grain food). Additionally and perhaps to ram the message home, following this on with the soap starring the archetypal "unfit" family "Shameless" may not have been entirely by accident.

If you suffered confusion following exposure to this show then counter the propaganda effects by reading Uffe Ravenskov's - "The Cholesterol Myths", particularly for an in-depth critique of Cholesterolaemia and thorough dismantling of the statistical fraud which supports the popular view. If you have genuine concerns about diet follow up some of the links below.

Alternately, if you're a political conformist who thinks Jamie did a wonderful job in this program then I'd expose some Malthusian credentials here by suggesting you totally eliminate fat from your diet increase your carb-intake to about 90% along with healthy doses of Aspartame which would be as efficient a way of eventually removing your viewpoint from the face of the planet as any.

2008012001 - Not archived yet

26th December 2007 - New Version of SpamCan Released - v1.04

I've hung on to my old email account for some years now having had it since about 1998. This being long after others would have given up due to the sheer volume of spam being sent to it and the degree to which it is being use by Sino-American crooks as a "Joe Job" email address for forging email headers. I now get about 1,000 emails a day arriving in my inbox and only 20-30 of these are genuinely addressed to me. Of these I probably need to read only 4 or 5 per day.

Looking back through the stats I can see that my main copy of SpamCan has totted up around 1/4 million spams deleted - however I have more than one instance of SpamCan running and this includes a copy running 24/7 on my webserver. A thousand emails a day adds up to 7,000 a week or  364,000 per year. The true total is probably closer to a million spam emails deleted over a four year period and thanks to SpamCan I've downloaded NONE of these into my mailbox - all of them being deleted whilst still on the server.

I originally wrote SpamCan after giving up the ghost with both freeware and commercial spamfilters for Windows. The concept of most of these being pretty flawed and relying on downloading all email before filtering it - thus guzzling disk space, bandwidth and CPU time.  Almost none of them permit efficient filtering using the "To:" or "Envelope-to:" fields whilst still on the server. Some of them die pretty horrible deaths and will "crash and burn" when checking much more than 1-200 emails per session. I had to have something which could rip through well over 10,000 emails a day without filling up the hard drive or consuming more than 1% of CPU time whilst doing it's stuff.

Thankfully for 90% of people out there the ISPs got their acts together some time in 2004 just after I started writing it. Those using NTL and other "closed" email addresses provided by ISPs don't seem to get much of a problem any more so demand for spamfilters has dropped somewhat. However, being the victim of constant "Joe-Jobs" I remain an exception. Heeding my own advice I NEVER use the email provided by my own ISP which means if I am dissatisfied with their service I can tell them to go to hell and go somewhere-else without the cost of losing my email accounts. If I had to wish for a Christmas present from my email host though, I'd ask for them to provide "on-server" filtering based on the TO and ENVELOPE-TO fields.   Since I have a wildcard address and always register the host name as the email prefix in order to track and block addresses once sold to spammers.

Written for my own use but released as freeware for non-commercial for the benefit of others out there, you can download SpamCan. I may even remove the "Lite" restrictions on unlicensed copies in 2008 and bung a licence key on the server.  If you're having problems with spam or have been the victim of Joe-Jobbing then check out the SpamCan page

2007122601 - Not archived yet

24th December 2007 - Happy CHRISTmas!

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to any and all readers of these ramblings.

Yep, even as a confirmed agnostic I did say merry CHRIST-mass and wish a firm pox on all those of the "progressive" left, and New Labour in particular, who want to re-label the winter solstice as the Politically Absurd greeting - "Happy Holiday". Regardless of the a largely forged, faked and plagiarised Judaeo-Christian mythology and regardless of this misappropriation of a far-older mythology by early Christians; -  re-labelling it in the immediate advent of the Anti-Christ isn't something even an atheist should support without considering the incidental consequences for social turmoil. Trust me, those working to wipe Christianity from the face of the Earth have nothing but ill-intent. Remember that it's not always what you believe that has importance but far more important is how the jigsaw-pieces of collective beliefs of others neatly slot together to form the reality the rest of us so-called "unbelievers" are stuck with!.

I find the bias and hypocrisy of many large organisations West who sprint, almost falling full-faced, in the breathless rush to encompass every available non-Christian holiday such as Hanukkah or Diwali to the clear exclusion of the primary Christian ones sickening. Yep, that's even acknowledging the role of the Coca-Cola (TM) Corporation in mythologising Satan Claus and giving the festival a "leg-up". Those who now go to absurd lengths to deny even the existence of the Christian faith, particularly the West's most important holiday, Christmas -  and yes GOOGLE, I'm talking about you amongst the culprits!!. Anyone notice a distinct lack of Christian message in the inevitable seasonal "Google" banner?. One would be forgiven to think that the Winter Solstice is all about beer-glasses?, red-ribbons, parties, green sticks of candy and fishing (?) rather than a modern-era Sol Invictus celebration of the rebirth of a Sun God.

When it comes to the oxymoron -  "Politically Correct" - always ask yourself WHO'S politics you're being told is "correct" - you an be certain it's someone else's political viewpoint and not yours!   Totalitarianism and fascism stinks as bad by any other name.

To conclude - witness Google's "PC" and "culturally-neutral" Christmas search banner (notice even a Happy Hanukkah or Merry Diwali in there anywhere?) ...

no-google-christmas.jpg (20290 bytes)

2007122401 - Not archived yet

13th December 2007 - Girl With a One-Track Mind?

TV Commentary: Girl with a one track mind - Tuesday 11th December Ch4 (Sex Blog Girls)

Amongst the festering piles of total crap which seem to have found it's way onto terrestrial TV at the moment I found this to be a really interesting program for a change. Having always had lots of very close female friends it didn't tell me anything radically new either, other than that guys of all varieties out there are still as "uptight" and Victorian as ever (no, I'm not gay either, very heterosexual thanks). Apart from the comments in the program, you can even see this evidenced by the necessary caveat "Abby Lee" had to post on the comments page to warn off guys wanting to post hate messages.

"...if your intent is just to say "I hate you". I'll only delete it."

There is a peculiar and paradoxical attitude to women buried in the psyche of men. Personally I like gothy sluts and "rock-chicks" and make no apologies for my preferences and I know I'm in a minority for genuinely appreciating them. Although all guys oggle at mini-skirted and high heeled ladies and certainly, given the chance, wouldn't turn down the opportunity to shag one; apart from the keen connesouer that would be about all it would be. In these circumstances the post-coital attitude of the average "macho male" would be pretty well on a par of hitchcock's Norman Bates or any average Hollywood psychopathic woman-killer. I've regularly heard guys calling women "sluts" in pubs for nothing more than wearing nice lipstick or being able to properly use eye makeup. How odd. Where does that British anally-retentive attitude originate?. These are not church-going males. Maybe it's an over-powering male ego afraid of being subsumed by attraction?.

Having had close female friends is an experience many men miss out on, thanks probably to their over-reaching desire for and impenetrable "macho" identity which they just can't afford at any cost to let slip even for a moment. If they had even the foggiest idea how women really think they'd be literally quaking in their boots, and I know for a fact that some guys who foster the idea that women are all "goodness and light" would probably be as revolted as a good Muslim confronted with some blonde, English hussy in a four-inch miniskirt. The reality of female sexual psychology is far removed from the popular media portrait, well, for at least the girls I've known anyway.

My circle of female friends happens to be different to the average guy, ranging from successful businesswomen, potential dates, life-long friends, friends of ex-girlfriends, a wide range of "biker" and "rock chicks" as well as the occasional "uptight case" along the way. Come to think of it I don't actually know any other men who have had regular or intimate conversations with women which have lasted over 2 minutes!. (Married men excepted of course and not during FA Cup season). I'm probably unique for a guy in that I can Talk for England with the longest phone conversation I've made to some girly friend being over 6 hours. Yes, your ears DO hurt after that length of time!. Maybe it's because I have such a wide range of interests, genuinely appreciate women and value their unique outlook on life?. "vive la difference!".

However the view I've acquired of the female collective-mind is clearly quite different from that of any of their past (and potential future) boyfriends'. The "in" joke amongst the girlies which I found most fascinating was the one about "trapping off" or "pulling", where "Macho Man", I just happen to know personally, brags amongst his mates how he's successfully "pulled" some girl. I also know that the whole thing was planned in the most intimate detail by the girl and her girlfriends weeks ahead of the event. On many occasions I've had the inside-information for quite some time before a guy's hard-won "coup" and listened to groups of girls gossiping about who each of them will be "going out with who" next and what scheming or provocation will be required to "trap" the bloke in question. I'm sure a lot of guys would be shocked about what women really talk about when they get together in a group.

Even worse and probably a bigger shock for the bulk of conservative guys out there was that in close-knit circles, particularly those such as the "biking communities" (if there is such a thing) where these girls are discussing and organising the swapping of boyfriends amongst each-other almost like kids swapping bubble-gum cards. I'm sure this doesn't happen in Surbiton unless the area is populated by "swingers" but I guess one never can be too sure eh?.  Knowing now that this really isn't all that out of the ordinary for female behaviour makes me wonder at what is supporting the outright puritanistic hypocrisy frequently presented by the British media, in particular by key feminist writers who've probably managed to get themselves latched into the position of "token lesbo" hack at some creepy and socially-divisive rag. The idea being that that women are nothing more than simply passive and innocent "victims of male-exploitation" when it comes to the dating game is pretty far from the truth from what I've seen although even amongst the women I've known it's a convenient and self-serving view to perpetuate.

Personally, rather than being a view which is "empowering" for women I see it as degrading and quite harmful to popularise views so far divorced from the truth. All-too-often what comes across in newspaper articles are the views of some warped and bitter feminista out to wreak some sort of personal revenge-by-proxy on the "male underclass" by publishing column-inches of vitriol against men. If there are women out there who swallow this stuff then all I can say is no wonder that some of the more gullible and insecure women out there are "fucked up" and remain so clueless as to their own sexual identity that they find Abbey Lee's confessions distressing or outrageous. Do your own DIY-survey and count how often the gutter-press abuses the word "rat" to describe some guy who's admittedly screwing around but actually has the same level of faithfulness as his partner who's also shagging six other men (euuuw!). Have you noticed the stereotype "photo-makeover" pose of the spurned partner of each particular "rat" they're careful to avoid mentioning the female indiscretions or the six-figure sum which wended it's way into the poor-woman's bank account for a double-spread page of tattle-tale. Don't get me wrong here, if you tell a partner you want faithfulness and you screw-around then you deserve all you get whether male or female. What I find nauseating is the ersatz morality of our press which is clearly "leveraging" [sic] a wider political agenda for social change. A subtext which few people bother even to examine to the level of the subliminals.

When it comes to the outdated 1950s notion of the "little woman", stuck firmly in the minds of the newspaper proprietors of that era and most often popularised by our press, nothing could be further from the truth in the "noughties". Few women are victims other than in their own perception and when their sex-drive gets the upper-hand over rational character-assessment. Like a fisherman dangling a line in the wrong place, once they reel him in they realise they've pulled a watery-reptile or slippery-eel rather than something more appealing and sustainable. That sounds like a complex analogy but for men we've the more apt phrase "having one's brains in one's bollocks". Unfortunately this is a phrase which obviously doesn't transfer well as a comment to women although it might be far more appropriate.

My guess is that the bias of the media, quite like that of the prime-movers for British (champagne) Socialism arises out of the upper or upper-middle class being parachuted into influential positions within the media hierarchy but unfortunately knowing close to fuck-all about the real life of the other 99% of us out here in the real world of Giros, antidepressants and punch-ups. Any long term study of even the "hippest" of journalists also reveals a stark ignorance of life on  the "street" but a constant striving to obtain ever-elusive street "cred". Let's face it, some of them such as Janet Street-Porter are gut-wrenchingly nauseating but somehow always seem to get an include in any documentary such as this one to express their idiotic opinions.   Why is that?. Personally I'd rather listen to someone with something to say such as "Abby Lee" than have to run for the puke-bucket each time that toothy twat comes on to spout her bilge.

Perhaps there's some streak of bitterness and no small-amount of angst by female journos with leftist aspirations - the wannabe Germain Greers of Fleet Street - that pretty-well all Women have seem to have done  with the "liberation" fought for since the turn of the century is screw around a lot, have lots of kids, get pissed on their Family credit and lie in the gutter. Maybe herein lies an important "rub", since this is not just my own view, nor is it a solitary one. Do some background reading here and you will find the seeds of bitterness and poison darts directed against the promiscuous, lazy and unambitious British Woman by poison-ink female writers, supported wholesale by scheming editors and in turn by publishers with ostensibly left-leaning credentials. This is certainly the theme of constant polemics by centre-right newspapers such as the Daily Mail and Express.

There's nothing more hilarious than seeing the British Press on one if it's periodic outbursts of moral outrage and nothing more pathetic than seeing their seething passive-aggressive outrage expressed as it was with the enforced "outing" of Zoe Margolis (Abby Lee) by the truly shite British gutter press. I might add that I wonder how they would have reacted had Zoe published (or threatened to publish) the names and addresses of the next of kin of the journalists and editors responsible for the outrage?. Perhaps the names and addresses of the feature-editor's own parents or grandparents?. Feel outraged at the idea? Well ask yourself what the difference is between that and the harassment they precipitated on Zoe's family?. Pretty well none as I can see but clearly the press feel threatened by such bloggers enough to go out on the offensive and use the vague smokescreen of moral crusade. I'd bet my right nut that this would be a newspaper which gave many column inches of positive comment to the series "Sex and the City" where the heroine recounted her weekly columnist "blog" for some fictional American newspaper.

The obvious and long-standing "street ignorance" of both journalists and editors attempting to deal with issues such as the sexuality of the public at large may explain the patronising and often ignorant attitudes expressed even by the most open-minded of popular media. Here possibly lies the crux of the real problem here and perhaps where covert media resentment of the blogosphere boils to the surface. For decades they've had a pretty secure monopoly on perceived reality of just about every social issue - none more crucial than that of sexuality. They've even managed to successfully indoctrinate a few generations of gullible middle-class women along the way and condition them to believe that what is "normal" or "abnormal" in terms of their own sexuality can be found defined on page seven of the Daily Tabloid. It's a commonly held condemnation of society today that we have such a weak grasp on our own identities and such a tenuous collection of values that we seek out such a wide variety of external "experts" to check, and approve just about every aspect of our lives. Perhaps it's fortunate to say that those of the Sun or Mirror-reading classes have been  largely beyond their reach and the average council-estate mum won't need to read the Guardian Observer or Daily Mirror to tell her what is or isn't good sex. Okay, I'll correct that,  maybe they do, but only to have a laugh at the naivety and irrelevance of some of the more stupid lifestyle advice.

The nub here is that there at least two things which are vitally important to the British Press. Firstly to help the state maintain it's grip on society by influencing public morals and in turn controlling sexual behaviour; secondly, working hard to maintain it's monopoly on public opinion to ensure it is actually able to do this without competition from other areas. Don't forget just how much of a monopoly or cartel the world-media phenomena is. Far too many people swallow the view that our news is just "stuff that happens" rather than being directed political opinion which makes opportunistic use of whatever is around at any given moment. If you want to look deeper pay more attention to the stuff that gets left out!.

Unfortunately where the internet and, blogs in particular are concerned, this is where it all goes "belly-up" for the Media since the anarchistic world of blogs represents a real,  dangerous, and more importantly a wholly UNCONTROLLABLE threat to the media monopoly. Blogs of all kinds represent a genuine risk that people might actually find the truth out about what goes off "out there" and that the fictitious, fake and fashionable world crafted by the media moguls - this world which we are constantly told we need to "fit into" or face the sanction of being declared "abnormal" - that world is the one which is the fantasy. Our own lives and everyday experiences with the people around is the reality. We might find out that, after all else, and despite the vested interests of the crackpot feminists and "right-on" lefty politicos trying to herd us all where they want us to be - that we are nothing more nor less than our own selves experiencing our own lives, that in many ways we are all unique and more importantly, that in other ways, none of us are really that extraordinary after all. Most important of all, that we ought to stop looking to the media business for approval and reassurance for what happens in our own lives.

I make no apologies for concluding with this comment by character Howard Beale from the 1976 film: Network

"So, you listen to me!...Television is not the truth! Television is a goddamned amusement park! Television is a circus, a carnival, a traveling troupe of acrobats, story-tellers, dancers, singers, jugglers, side-show freaks, lion-tamers and football players. We're in the boredom-killing business! So, if you want the truth, go to God, go to your guru, go to yourselves because that's the only place you'll ever find any real truth! But, man, you're never going to get any truth from us. We'll tell you anything you want to hear. We lie like hell! We deal in illusions, man! None of it is true!...You're beginning to believe the illusions we're spinning here. You're beginning to think that the tube is reality and your own lives are unreal...This is mass madness, you maniacs! In God's name, you people are the real thing! We are the illusion! So turn off your television sets! Turn them off now, turn them off right now!" - Howard Beale (Peter Finch), Network

2007121301 - Not archived yet

7th December 2007 - Aspartame in Regular Coke?

I think I have tracked down what gives me occasional sleepless nights with unbearable itching all over. When it happens this is so bad that I have to get out of bed and cool off or take a cool(ish) shower. There is never a rash of any kind and it doesn't happen very often though so I have had a problem pinning down the causal trigger for this.

Last night I had a couple of small glasses of "regular" (supposedly additive free) CocaCola (TM) and again I couldn't sleep all night and was itching like mad. All I could do was throw the covers off and let myself get really cold which helped lessen the irritation. The warmer you are in bed worse it seems to be and cold water seems to numb the skin and stop the itching. Also there is no rash and I'm still itching a little bit this morning but it's now fading.

This irritation doesn't happen often and I don't buy Coke or any other soft-drink very often but I've just realised that the last time this happened I also had a couple of glasses of Coke in the evening, so given that I've read about itching being a symptom of aspartame I wondered if they're adding Aspartame to regular (non-Diet) CocaCola as I could find no other explanation and nothing else unusual to trigger these rare symptoms. Understanding the dangers of using a peptic-ulcer drug as a sweetener I am very careful as to which soft-drinks I now buy. As far as I was aware the only ones I could get which were drug-free are Regular Coke and Orangina. This may no longer be strictly the case.

Little is listed on the offending Coke bottle's ingredients and there's no mention of anything which could be likened to Aspartame so I am rather baffled. However, now for the curious bit. The 1500cc bottle purchased from a local UK supermarket chain looks unusual and has an ingredients sticker stuck over the barcode but the original label is labelled with some bizarre lettering which I can't fathom. This looks like Sanskrit or some science-fiction script from "another planet". There is a stick-on or "add-on" afterthought label says the origin says "Produce of Georgia" This is rather worrying I've recently seen many products recently which appear to have originated elsewhere in the EU or former Soviet Bloc which have had stick-on labels covering the original. A little bit of Googling revealed that the script is a "dead ringer" for what is listed as Georgian script on Wikipedia. Unfortunately I couldn't remove the stick-on label to uncover the barcode underneath. All I can see is that it starts with "5".

(Click the image on the right for the full label)

Georgian CokeCola Bottle Label (Dec-2007)

Another quick Google search regarding the adding of Aspartame to Coke suggests this might indeed be the case - with companies adding the drug to foodstuffs where it isn't declared. This is worth watching out for particularly as you can get sensitised to these additives to the point that small amounts can produce unhealthy side-effects with Aspartame releasing Aspartic acid, DKP (diketopeperazine), Methanol (Formaldehyde breakdown product).

I wonder if anyone else has looked into this. If it is true that Aspartame is being added to "non-Diet" products in other regions of the world then finding their way back into the UK/Oz etc its a rather worrying phenomena. As it is I can avoid the remaining 99% of drinks on the shelves which, in microscopic print say "contains a source of phenylalanine" but there were products I thought could be guaranteed not to be adulterated. Regular Coke being one of them!. I Just looked at the front label when I bought it as I "knew" regular Coke was "safe" and without my reading glasses I couldn't read the pink script on a red-background wasn't English.

I wonder if anyone can translate the Georgian script on the scanned label to see if it contains Aspartame?

2007120701 - Not archived yet

6th December 2007 - Toshiba Satellite Pro - Evaluation

Following the long running (6 month) saga of my dead HP/Compaq Presario and problems getting PC World to offer me a new one or refund after it's untimely 12 week demise I had to resort to purchasing an alternative one until I can settle the case.

Ebuyer were offering Toshiba Satellite Pro laptops for just under £300 with basic spec and the offer was too good to pass-up, particularly as my old Amilo with the self-unscrewing screws was about 4 years old and well-and-truly on it's "last legs". Around a month or more into ownership of the Toshiba I find it is an excellent laptop let down only by poor Atheros Wireless LAN drivers for XP. The case is quite robust, the screen clear and with a matt rather than "trendy" gloss finish. The keyboard layout on the whole is good but I find as a touch-typist that the keys are oriented slightly to one side and out of alignment which causes problems typing keys at the extremities such as  "%"  (shift 5) or the C-programmers staple "}". It includes the "quick page navigation" key column (Home, PgUp, PgDn, End) which is essential to a heavy computer-user but frequently left out of laptops intended for "home use".  Sound quality is good and although it is, as often the case nowadays, very quiet the stereo effects etc and tonal quality are good.

Only 3 USB connectors are supplied which may cause a problem if, like me you have lots of add-ons such as a keyboard-light and several external USB drives. I have had a few problems with the DVD-RAM drive recording to some media. Bizarrely the cheaper media has written more reliably at slow speed than more expensive media at a slightly higher speed. I know however that some drives are a bit touchy as to the brand of media they work with.

Mine was boosted to 1.5Gb of RAM for a mere £13 also from Ebuyer and the 2-year add-on warranty was a steal at about £25.

I did spend some time with the supplied Vista Home Basic trying to get it to work even partially as I didn't want to have to go through the time-consuming chore of tracking down all of the individual drivers for XP. However performance of Vista was so poor over my LAN (both cabled and wireless) that I gave up after about 48 hours of continuous fiddling, wiped the hard drive and bit the bullet to install XP Pro. Fortunately all of the drivers are available and at least one person has bundled them up. I'd caution anyone using XP and the WLAN card to track down the IBM/Lenovo Atheros WLAN driver update for XP unless you want to suffer network disconnects and regular BSODs.

With the updated WLAN drivers and using the WLAN every day I've experienced only the occasional BSOD. I had planned to cable up with infrastructure cabling as 100Mbit hard line is substantially faster than Wireless anyway. Unfortunately the roll of Cat5e cable I ordered from Amazon turned out not to be Cat5e after all. That's a whole other story.

Check out the support page for more detailed information and link

2007120601 - Not archived yet

5th July 2007 - Brown "Gives up" the Right to Wage War

In an almost seamless transition from Blairism to Brownism we see the Global agenda continue. No surprise given Gordon Brown's Globalist credentials. Brown claims to intend to "give up the right to wage war" yet in the bigger scheme of things these are rights the UK will lose as part of the solidified United States of Europe and even more so under the eventual World Government. He is extracting facsimile kudos from the pretence of relinquishing something which he no longer effectively has

"In the preparatory period for the new world order there will be a steady and regulated disarmament. It will not be optional. No nation will be permitted to produce and organize any equipment for destructive purposes or to infringe the security of any other nation." Alice Bailey - Founder of the Lucifer Trust (Lucis Trust)

As for the need to declare a new constitution or bill of rights - how much more deceptive can a person get?. The existing British constitution was shredded when traitors illegally submitted the UK into political union with an emerging European Empire. We can now declare no new constitution which is not subservient to a European one. Hence it is a pointless and empty gesture. Ultimately the EU constitution will be voluntarily ceded to a World Constitution via the UN (or it's successor) creating a World Parliament with democracy diluted to homeopathic levels. This along with a World Police Force, World Bank, and World Army.

I am convinced that it is too late to stop this. In any event the only doom of such a grandiose scheme is that it eventually achieves it's own ends and falls predictably as psychohistory suggests all empires must.

2007120501 - Not archived yet

29th June 2007 - Exploding Fear and Loathing in the UK

Here we go again. Yet another fake bombing incident  in the Nation's Capital. Although details are sketchy it follows the typical requirement for suspension of disbelief. The media immediately parroted state press releases and offered no critique or objective view of the incidents, merely hyping up the "potentials" of every aspect of the incidents.

Components which could have "potentially" triggered a device, which "potentially" could have made an effective bomb which "potentially" could have "maybe" caused a devastating explosion. Yet from the released information the actual components consisted of little more than the contents of the average petrol-fuelled builders-van - namely, propane gas cylinders, enough petrol to fill a large petrol tank and a mobile phone. Maybe they forgot to mention the Semtex?. The vagueness of the reports and exaggerated conclusions together with the convenient timing, just after Gordon Brown's take-over as PM and close to the anniversary of "7/7" all add to the need to examine this incident very closely. What has been foisted on us by the media is vague and unsubstantiated fearmongering as part of the continuing scheme of rule-by-demagoguery.

Note the timing. Following a complete cabinet reshuffle as Beliar tootles off into the sunset to take up a diplomatic position which will no doubt provide him with convenient diplomatic immunity from further police scrutiny over his past foibles, President Brown needs a few incidents to give his new government the same kind of credibility which Beliar's tenure has made the de-facto requirement - that is - faked terror attacks by our own state infrastructure, media hype, compliance and a web of useful lies to spin the whole thing together. All made possible by our state-controlled BBC media network and those who also "serve" the Globalist cause such as Fox News and CNN.

Of course let us not forget that this nicely closes off the last week of legal smoking in the UK before New Labour's clipboard-Nazis go on the march to hand out fines for smoking in public (and many private) places. I guess this means that the masses will have the message rammed home that not-smoking is somehow helping the "War of Terror". Sorry, did I say War OF Terror?. Want to argue with Neo super-hero Clipboard Man or take the piss out of his cape or the underpants he has outside his trousers - hey, that makes you a terrorist - didn't you see the news??

Has anyone noticed that the media are, almost completely in unison, announcing this event as a "National Smoking Ban" and seeding the notion, fait accomplis, that smoking itself is being made entirely illegal?. No?, well don't worry, that's to follow quite soon along with bans non smoking in cars and private homes - along with a new era of alcohol prohibition, racketeering and social deconstruction designed to usher in a new era of Global Nazism. Labour has most-certainly NOT invested huge time and effort in engineering a national drinking problem without good reason.

"On July 1st the UK wide smoking ban comes into force. Bearing what now must be all the hallmarks of the Labour government this new law is poorly planned, based on lies and will have a dramatic effect on the civil liberties of the nation" (Indymedia Censored Article)

What we see is raw Problem->Reaction-Solution in action. Keep your eye open for health warnings on alcoholic drinks - Globalist-faithful and teetotal doctors "speaking out" against the evils of drink and Labour's hired letter-writing campaign squad having prohibitionist views placed in local and regional newspapers. They've been in my local regional paper already. The problem has been created, the reaction is being stimulated by the media and Labour is ready to provide "The Cure" - all for your own good of course!. By the way I am saying this as a rabid anti-smoker who understands the role of a smoking ban in the wider context of social control.

"Our Fuhrer Adolf Hitler drinks no alcohol and does not smoke.... His performance at work is incredible." (From Auf der Wacht 1937:18)

Time after time we're asked to believe that these "terrorists" are cunning, fiendish and fearless only to simultaneously be presented with scenarios which are counterposed to any of these fundamental premises. In this case, as with so many others before it, the individuals were so cunning that they contrived a device little better than one which the a malicious sixth-former could cobble together. The perps were so fearless that they "legged-it" before making sure their handiwork was completed and their fiendishness clearly didn't extend to the use of more than one detonation device to ensure that the whole caboodle performed it's evil work. Added to that we have a constant stream of incidents which benefits absolutely no-one other than the state and where no credible organisation claims responsibility. Presenting blatantly contradictory information in front of a clueless public ready to swallow whatever garbage is issues from the BBC news has become de-rigeur in New Labour's New Utopia  I'm quite sure even the most fanatical Moslem "terrorist" (well, those not on the CIA or MI6 payroll at least) would realise that attacking the public benefits only the state and can do nothing but damage the cause of Islam. Yes, I'm sure they know that and I'm even more certain that our own government knows this. At least one TV channel is calculatingly or ignorantly mis-announcing this event as a "bomb attack" rather than the more accurate "attempted bomb attack". Truth and objectivity in British journalism has surely taken it's leave of us since 9/11.

Had this been a genuine terrorist attack put together by anyone but a completely half-baked twit it would have been just as easy to follow the long-documented methods of the IRA using fertiliser, cheap oxygen cylinders or other oxidising ingredients. But no. One might suppose that anyone other than a complete moron would have anticipated being spotted with a car full of petrol cans in central London if what we are told by the media is correct, but, again, no. We are told in the self-same TV reports that these "evil-doers" have copious information available on the dreaded internet on how to create effective devices from ordinary household goods. Shame these "journalists" forgot to ask why the culprits didn't bother to use these resources then?. Any group which was even moderately organised might have seen the need for multiple detonation methods and the claims of molatov cocktails and petrol-soaked rags being evidence of anything other than a public performance event staged by Globalist Goons might be twigged by someone a moderate amount of common-sense and who is old enough not to have "benefited" from a Contemporary Socialist Education (CSE).

Given the lunatic numbers of cameras covering Central London, pictures of the culprits ought to have been flashed across TV screens around the UK but no. I wonder what the chance of there being an "unfortunate failure in camera equipment" in the area might be?. Funny how the right cameras never seem to work properly when these terrorist attacks happen. I was even wondering if Peter Powers and Visor Consultants would be found to be running yet another "exercise" in the vicinity?.

The BBC are even quoting their own correspondents in "boxout" features on the BBC website - presumably as objective comment - bizarre even if one ignores the unsubstantiated and unreliable content of the comments themselves given the fully-documented history of al-Queda as a direct product of CIA sponsorship and training.

"BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner said simultaneous, co-ordinated bombs have been historically a distinguishing feature of al-Qaeda attacks."

Crumbs! - I guess they really did read the CIA and MI6 terrorist manuals at their US training camps during the 1990s then eh?.  Shame the use of multiple devices was the only part of the course where they paid full attention.

Every way one might choose to look at them the credibility of these incidents evaporates under the light of a little skeptical scrutiny. However, for the dopey masses sitting half-vacant in front of BBC News 24 the damage is done by seeding these events as truths within the popular consciousness. Yes, I'd agree however, had a car full of petrol and other flammables been ignited outside a London night-club many lives could have been lost and injuries sustained. Yet this is focusing on the blatantly obvious rather than questioning whether we are being told the whole truth about such incidents. Any car with a tank full of fuel and a can of petrol in the boot fitted with an improvised detonator would have caused equal damage to pedestrians, so why the obvious Hollywood melodramatics of leaving cans of fuel on the back seat as was claimed by the UK TV news?. Surely this was one terrorist attack where the intention was that it would be discovered before it "went off". How inconvenient perhaps that Ken Livingstone's finest towed away another such vehicle before the press could gorge themselves on the gory details?.

This new event has the hallmark of "false flag" state terror rather than of disgruntled freedom fighters and I'm pretty sure there will be more to come. If the British public or any of it's engineered political or racial factions resists the beatings will continue until morale improves. Given TV, science and modern medication one might think that megalomaniacs wanting to create a paradise-on-Earth would have found some new techniques rather than rehashing the same ones for over 2,000 years. The only thing which surprises me is just how dumb the public is, how short the collective memory and how little natural resistance they have to these techniques.

Stop Press: 29th June 2007 Dopey Driver Drives Blazing Car into Glasgow Airport - "First Minister Alex Salmond has activated emergency procedures." No riots over the new smoking rule this weekend then, I guess?. How convienient to be able to lock smoking protesters up as "terrorists"?. Whoever hired these clowns should ask for their money back though. Unless all they wished to do was create a sensationalist media event - in which case - a pat on the back and well done might be awaiting the drivers once the media flurry is forgotten.

Not archived yet


14th June 2007 - GM Meddling - DNA Evidence "Stacks" Up

Around 1994-95 when I was researching my undergraduate thesis on an area of computer-applied genetics I discussed the idea of how human genes worked with fellow undergraduates. Acknowledging the concept of parsimony in evolution and life I felt that given the parallels between DNA and a computer program that the so-called "dead" DNA code represented a stack or heap which enabled backtracking during evolutionary hillclimbing and most likely evolved to make the process of applying future adaptations more efficient. (I felt a stack concept more appropriate).

This was an unconventional idea at a time when DNA mechanisms were considered like far too many things in science, to be a linear phenomenon rather than a complex non-linear system. It is unfortunate and may even be catastrophic for life on Earth that geneticists working for the likes of Monsanto have clung to the linear concept for so long and have pointedly ignored epistatic effects. What has been done to living organisms by gene-slicing is little different to splicing blocks of code from DOS 2.0 into Windows XP and some geek in a white coat claiming he's a genius because it exhibits some new behaviour. The programmers out there who may be a little more right-brained than their left-brained colleagues in the world of science are probably shuddering at the thought of this and in all probability are only too well from their innate multi-dimensional view of the world that this is a particularly bad idea. Particularly since living organisms which "crash" and go wrong can't be conveniently rebooted with CTRL+ALT+DEL and there is no method for automatically patching what is essentially a living virus released from Pandora's scientific box.

Although not trained in the finer points of genomes and medicine, I did, at least, feel I got the bigger picture here. Twelve years later the idea may have come of age and scientists are perhaps starting to acknowledge that the code is not "dead" after all and may serve some useful and perhaps critical purpose. It is often said that useful discoveries in science come not from being a genius or having the most complete knowledge in any field but from looking at a common phenomenon from a completely new angle and without preconceptions.

But here's what the article recently published by Maggie Fox at Reuters says...

"The researchers did find some DNA that appears to do nothing, and it can mutate without causing any damage."

You can also do that to a stack and get away with it potentially for a long time until you come seriously and terminally "unstuck" - and come unstuck you will, eventually.

"Collins likened these stretches of DNA to boxes in the attic."

Yep, just like a stack. The stack may or may not unwind but predicting when the stack pop or reference is needed during future backtracking hundreds or thousands of generations ahead is problematic and is certainly not linear enough for geneticists to piddle about with they way they have been doing. In fact their current meddling may be potentially catastrophic at some point in the future. A shame the Precautionary Principle never got applied somewhere where it might do some actual use.

"'It is not the sort of clutter that you get rid of without consequences because you might need it. Evolution may need it,' he said."

Indeed it might. As the gene hillclimbs in the future destroying the stack would prevent effective backtracking or side moves using accumulated code. It's mind boggling that "scientists" are even considering ideas like dispensing with code they do not understand yet the idea is not new.

"That little extra padding might be just what an animal needs to adapt to some unforeseen circumstance, the researchers said. "They may become useful in the future," Birney said."

I'd say more. That dead code is part of the key to unravel how we got where we are today. Life on Earth is only a "finished product" for creationists and religious fanatics.

Evolution has to "tread water" just to stand still in genetic terms. Life is dynamic not static. Only if one were to blindly believe in the current genetic structure of any organism as a perfect, "finished product" rather than a dynamically changing and evolving system would fiddling with "dead code" be remotely safe. If this turns out to be true then anything but slight mutations are likely to be terminal to the species at some future point in time, leaving it unable to adapt, or to move forwards or backwards in evolutionary terms. DNA is not just a program which "runs" during the life or an organism it is a literal "wet" computer program being evolved as part of a larger evolutionary system. In other words, life is a program which is busy evolving effective programs called living organisms and those living organisms then affect the program itself through the process of death, mutation and selection. If religious nuts need any concept of perfection to apply to life then the perfection is in it's perfect adaptation and adaptability to the rest of creation. Why would the creation of God need to be something static and frozen rather than something which performs a perfect dance with the rest of the universe?

What geneticists desperately need to appreciate is that altering the coding sequence of a living organism for any organism which is also permitted to escape into the "wild" either by design or accident - is about more than just about the immediate effects on that organism itself. It is about long-term knock-on systemic effects on the entire species and probably many related species as well. Splicing foreign codes into complex, dynamically evolving systems is more than likely to have fatal consequences at some point in the future.

This is why I firmly believe those who are modifying genetic code are completely insane and collectively guilty of crimes against humanity - since their crimes cannot, once unleashed, can never be undone and no amount of saying "sorry" can ever put the jack back in the box.

Notes: Genetic Algorithms to evolve programs (Genetic Programming) comprises a "world" which consists of a computer program which evolves computer programs. Life does not have the luxury of operating within a program and the programs of life (life forms) must evolve programs which write and run programs (living organisms). So there is a kind of innate double-abstraction to living organisms if viewed as programs. They must contain their own evolutionary program (and temporary dynamic stack space) as well as being able to "run" the wet program to assemble the organism itself.


8th June 2007 - Suffer the Little Children to Come Unto Blair

Few British people will have been able to ignore the relentless media drumbeat surrounding the disappearance of Madeleine McCann but what probably went unnoticed was a brief (probably 3 second) mention on UK TV news of a new bill being put before Parliament at the time of her disappearance which had to be cancelled to debate the issue of Parliamentary Freedom of Information and their proposed self-exemption. The bill is proposed to "Safeguard Runaway and Missing Children" but appears to be a blanket "enabler" bill which typical for New Labour, gives Blair permission to pass other legislation with what appears to be little more than a rubber stamp.


"2 Duty of Secretary of State in relation to runaway and missing children

(1) It shall be the duty of the Secretary of State by regulations—

(a) to promote the establishment of a national strategy and service framework to safeguard runaway and missing children; and

(b) to make such provision as the Secretary of State considers appropriate for the collection and reporting of information about runaway and missing children.

"3 Regulations

(1) The power of the Secretary of State to make regulations under section 2 is exercisable by statutory instrument.

All sounds rather reasonable doesn't it but what limits would there be on information "appropriate" in this context. Tracking all British children 24/7 would be perfectly "appropriate" to safeguard runaway and missing children. The provisions aren't limited to retroactive collection of data but appear to permit proactive accumulation of information and the making of whatever regulations are deemed necessary to fulfil the contents of the bill. For the skeptics that would clearly include fingerprinting all British schoolchildren, mandatory biometric scans in school and quite possibly mandatory RfID tagging of our kids.

Before you dismiss this as "unlikely" or an "exaggeration" bear in mind that fingerprinting is already being done on a widespread basis across all UK schools. Children are also being asked to submit to retinal scans and the fingerprinting is being carried out under the auspices of the most flimsy and absurd arguments. These would include the need to fingerprint children in order to access school libraries or to "prevent bullying". None of these proposals stands up to the slightest scrutiny and offer nothing more than a fig-leaf of credibility and a flimsy excuse to implement the wishes of the state.

In the context of the McCann abductionfrom the outset that there's something fishy about this whole event. As with the Diana killing it was the over-the-top media coverage and certain anomalies in what was begin said that just didn't "feel right". I've been surprised how many others, particularly women, have said the same thing. The reaction of the parents doesn't seem right at all but this is a gut-feeling and I'd accept that one cannot judge the anticipated reaction of parents by one's own standards. Even so I am pretty certain that if friends of mind had left such a young child alone in a building accompanied by two even younger siblings that they'd be having their collar felt quite firmly rather than being whisked off to kiss the Pope's finger. Also suspicious was the press-hype over manufactured suspects and focusing a supposed "search" on the immediate environs when any abductor who had more than two brain-cells would have surely fled the scene long before. Overall, the press coverage is bizarre to say the least.

These aren't reckless chav residents of some council sink estate, these people are said to be intelligent professional doctors who would have clearly known and understood the risks of leaving such young children alone. What baffled me even more was hearing doors were left unlocked and babysitting services were declined. Yet no one has asked the most obvious questions. Either facts have been grossly misreported by the media or under normal circumstances alarm-bells ought to be ringing VERY loudly in the ears of detectives handling the case.

I also know that if I had lost a child under such circumstances I would be totally gutted and unable to speak in public let alone consent to being followed around by a media entourage - and I can reasonably expect that a mother would be inconsolable after suffering such a trauma. I know of no people who would be able to maintain such a level of composure and I'd certainly say that parents I know would be a tad "emotional". The fishiness extends to the degree to which the police have pushed the parents into the public limelight a long-standing Police technique to apply deliberate stress and which has been used regularly by police when they suspect a party of being involved in a crime. No surprise on my part, then, to hear a German journalist interrupt the global publicity the case has received by asking some rather awkward questions. Quite frankly I don't know what took so long before the question was posed even if just to get it out of the way and it's not the parent's reactions which are incongruous here as everything surrounding the hiatus. Is this the delusional, Dickensian pathos and sickening sentimentality of the British People at work?. What I now find even more curious is that the wall-to-wall publicity surrounding the kidnap has vapourised since the accusations. A visit to "The SUN"'s website today showed the story almost completely buried and the BBC's site showed the story shunted right off the front UK and England pages.

Another notable facts is that, at the same time as this bill is being subjected to parliamentary scrutiny there a kidnapping is being featured in the UK's most popular TV soap - Coronation Street. The similarities being sufficient that the authors had to reconsider the plot. What a curious coincidence?

A cynic might suggest that someone is either capitalising on the unfortunate events to gain political capital for a useful "enabler bill" which would take away even more civil rights or, bizarre as it seems, events may even have been engineered which guarantee that MP's stay "on message" whilst the bill receives parliamentary assent. Perhaps this is simply a politically-convenient media-exploitation of one abduction out of those many which surely occur daily all over the world?.

Everyone is talking of an "abduction" but it the report that doors were left unlocked is true then following the abduction line of enquiry at the expense of other possible scenarios such as "bored child goes exploring and gets lost" is surely putting the child's life at risk. So far I've seen no clear and concrete evidence in the media whatsoever that this is an abduction.

If I were an "evil-tyrant" wanting to get such legislation though parliament I'd get MI5 or MI6 to drop me a phone call as soon as a suitable abduction involving British citizens was reported, then get on the blower to my media "brothers" and ensure it was pumped onto the front pages of every paper and TV channel in the Western Hemisphere, dragging the bewildered parents along, whilst ensuring the police wasted as much time as possible on pointless suspects and idiot psychological profiling which always describes the "culprit" as a white male, aged about 30, medium height with brown hair. However, I'm not an evil tyrant I just have a strong instinct for awkward questions others better positioned than myself should be asking.

The only thing which surprises me is that the BBC and other governmental mouthpieces haven't come right out with the expected statement -

"if ONLY she's been microchipped - this tragedy would not have happened".

Maybe there's time yet - maybe they need to drag-out the suspense a little bit more?. Join the dots!.

Aaron Russo - Freedom to Fascism

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8th June 2007 - No Smoke Without Fire

Having cohabited in my early days with a Marlboro chain-smoking feminist type who liked to chuff in bed and regularly upended an ashtray full of foul muck over the sheets I morphed rapidly from a person who was quite tolerant of smoking to a total and absolute distaste for the filthy and disgusting habit. Words cannot describe just how much I detest smoking and I'd assert that smoking, particularly in women, is a clear symptom of a self-centred individual. I'd also add that any non-smoking guy who chooses to date a smoker really needs to look very closely at the character of his intended to see if they really are one of the small number of exceptions. There are some, but not many.

However, despite my utter abhorrence for this illness (and let's be clear here, it *is* an addictive illness) I'd still support the rights of those who wish to smoke to continue to do so - and I'm even more shocked by "president" Blair's edict that smoking be banned in "public" places next month. It's a larger curiosity that those who know just how anti-smoking I am simply fail to understand my own support for smokers' rights. Particularly when everyone is well aware that selfish behaviour such as purposely blowing smoke in the direction of non-smokers is the norm amongst those who are addicted. For a non-smoker to support the rights of smokers takes an imaginative conceptual leap and an understanding of how free societies are structured and a perception of how this new puritanism is merely being used as a smokescreen (no pun intended) to accumulate ever-increasing levels of social control which can ultimately take us in only one direction.

Those in favour of the ban have only the flimsiest iota of blind faith that this power, once accumulated and established will not corrupt and will not be abused. Yet all the historical evidence is to the contrary. Already as the penultimate nail is hammered in the coffin of smoking in the UK awaiting only the outright banning of cigarettes and complete ban on smoking in one's own home, we hear the first rumblings of the Problem-Reaction-Solution trap being sprung on British drinkers. Those with their finger on the pulse of politics may be able to join-the-dots here and not produce a picture of a camel. We are heading slowly but quite surely to US-style prohibition of alcohol along with he same horrors which accompanied both the United States and Nazi Germany when their own kleptocracy forced the same agenda on their own population.

New Labour (British National Socialists being a more apropos title)  having purposely engineered the national screwup over UK drink licensing laws and having worked hard for several years to create a huge social problem with alcohol are announcing the first wave of copycat policies which mirror those applied to smoking. We have seen the UK TV news regularly covering the need for drinks manufacturers to place "health" warnings on alcoholic products in precisely the same way as was used on cigarette packs as part of a propaganda war to steer public opinion in the right direction and prime them for acceptance of new anti-smoking laws. The result in the case of smoking is that one of the gradual banning of one of the most highly addictive substances has been met by near-total apathy and meek compliance by the British public.

The slow criminalisation of smoking parallels other forms of social engineering such as the anti drink-drive campaigns, speed campaigns and more recent anti-car campaigns by the so-called "green" movement. Let us not forget the rather bizarre and contradictory anti 4x4 campaigns supported by Greenpeace in their noxious propaganda video where all semblance of common sense and objective science was thrown out for a thinly disguised attempt to further the imaginary "Class War". Time after time the same methodology is used and the public has demonstrated that it has absolutely no natural resistance to the slow, step-by-step, propaganda war which culminates with the abolition of civil rights. Indeed, one only has to look around and see just how many "useful idiots" there are who are gullibly waging the state's war for them without the slightest glimmer of understanding of any wider consequences to society.

Steve Watson at penned an excellent article with good source references which illustrates the clear parallel between German National Socialism (Nazism being the German abbreviation) and what is happening under our own National Socialist government under Blair's tyrannical rule. No surprise that the agenda is almost a carbon copy of Hitler's implementation during the 1930s. Those who's education has not been derived from watching endless episodes of The History Channel might be aware of how closely Hitler's own Socialist agenda and obsessively "green" personality parallels that of Blair. The parallels between Hitlerism and the UK Green Movement are uncanny yet most discussion simply short-circuit inconvenient truths by painting Hitler as nothing more than a crazy madman who somehow, single-handedly took control of the German Nation. I wonder if the history books of the future will exhibit the same level of denial when writing of Britain's current events in retrospect?.

A few of you may wonder where is the benefit in prohibition?. Well, history tells us that like war, the benefits to particular groups of prohibition are huge. The question which really needs to be asked first here and seldom is, is - who benefits?. The era of US prohibition from 1920 to 1933 brokered a major power restructuring. It diverted money from the US treasury into the pockets of the mob, the Kennedy Family, Mayer Lansky and the Bronfmans amongst countless others as well as the countless small-fry racketeers and booze-smugglers who have been the focus of most media scrutiny and popular fiction. It helped engineer and consolidate significant national debt by the American People to the money-lending sharks who also engineered a takeover of it's financial system around 1933. It led to the formation of the FBI and fundamentally changed American society leaving it primed ready for a highly profitable war which was to follow at a time when those in command had deceitfully claimed that the US would remain out of. It put significant funds in the pockets of crime sydicates and criminal families to enable the likes of Prescott Bush and his associates to fund an expansion of the US criminal operation into Germany by funding Adoph Hitler's blind but doomed socialist ambition. It had a huge impact on the US approach to burgeoning Zionism and the agenda to create the new state of Israel and ultimately it put the Zionists in almost total control of the United States. The Bronfman connection then helped spawned the ADL as an offshoot of the B'nai B'rith (the Brotherhood) to ensure that defeated Americans stayed "on message" up to the presend day. Looked at as a long and complex but organised sequence of events Prohibition was a stroke of genius by planners but implemented by gullible, short-sighted and self-righteous fundamentalist twits. Useful people, who ultimately took American out of the hands of the American people and laid the foundation stones for the current US coup-d'etat facilitated and brought-about by the 9/11 false-flag attack on the American People. All of these events are connected and consequential to each other rather than, as portrayed by popular historians, a random series of coincidences amounting to little more than what would be colloquially called the "Shit Happens" theory of human history. All of it is recorded history but you have to go out and find it as it won't be on TV any time soon.

"Where others see chance, I see cost" The Merovingian on the Consqeuences and interrelatedness of Choice - The Matrix

I wonder if, given an understanding of the facts, how many British people would look on banning of smoking as a morally-correct event?. Given just how precisely history is repeating and how like Hitler, Blair is being driven and funded by US ideology, how many could deny that prohibition when it comes would result in a catastrophic restructuring of British society?. Since there is no way to stop this other than through the impossible task of educating several million people I guess it will be a case of "watch this space".

There are those who are ambitous that our slide into totalitarianism can be stopped or have faith that "they know best" or it will "all work out in the end". Unfortunately, the British Isles is a place populated by individuals so imbued with the "official" or "BBC" view of history that ew people who would be able to recognise Fascism when it comes unless they spoke with a German accent and had swastikas on their uniforms. Britain is a nation in a state of utter and complete denial. To put it more succinctly - what the fundamentalists ignore is when you give the state power to take away another's liberty on a whim then sooner or later it will be inevitable that they will take away yours.

Post-apocalypse those who live thorough it can expect to see much shoulder-shrugging in evidence along with claims that Blair, Bush or some other fanatical puritan tyrant was "to blame" and the people had simply no idea what was happening. 

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22nd May 2007 - Alley Alley Aster - Rain Ran Faster....

Who doesn't find the sound of rain pattering against the window relaxing. Unfortunately the advent of double-glazing and enviro-psychosis means the days of being able to listen to the rain from your armchair are over. Playing around with Portable Audacity and using the built-in recording features on my new laptop I managed to cobble together a soothing ambient background MP3 which can be looped in Winamp. Perfect for helping you to fall asleep whilst doing that bit of late-night coding. Download it here - rain.mp3 (approx 2Mb). Load in Winamp and click that loop button, turn up the fire and relax in your armchair with a nice steaming cup of coffee!.

Just don't look outside at the clear night skies -it kinda spoils the effect!

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21st May 2007 - Your New Linux Home?

I was recently discussing the subject of analogies and it struck me that one's desktop/OS environment is one's virtual "home" and has direct parallels with everyday functionality you might find inside your bricks-and-mortar equivalent. I found it interesting to think what life would be like if our physical homes worked the way Linux does - would Linux geeks really like to live in a Linux home 24/7? - maybe - but I'm sure most of us would find it traumatic ...

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21st May 2007 - Vista Used Car Salesmen

After playing around with Vista and recently suffering the ignominy of buying a new laptop and having Vista forced on me despite the fact I wanted XP (guess I am one of the 20 million "happy" customers who Bill Gates is claiming he's sold Vista too then eh?) - I realised that the whole business of Microsoft software had come worryingly close to the model of selling used cars...

It's like asking you to exchange a perfectly reliable Vectra for a Mondeo with a pimped candy pink paint job, furry tiger-stripe seats and fluffy dice. One which occasionally crashes or refuses to start in a morning.  A Mondeo which does only 20 mpg and is 20 mph slower as well as having the controls and pedals rearranged in an apparently random fashion. One which has had 3 out of 4 seats removed and is unable to go down certain roads in your area you drive on every day...

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8th April 2007 - UFOs - Double Rainbow with a Bonus?

Friends and I were travelling back from Warrington to Derby along the A6 last year when we were trapped in a rainstorm. Shortly after the setting Sun came out and we saw a spectacular double-rainbow over to the East (looking out of the left-hand window of the car). I prompted my friend to grab a photo of it the next time we came into a stretch of road where the embankment was low enough to get a clear shot. The picture came out just fine but what was surprising when examined more closely was that there was an unusual bonus on the image. What appears to be a UFO. (See photos...)

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3rd April 2007 - Fox Force Five - Sunshine!

"The Dark Ages are Coming, light a candle"....

"It is the year 2057 and the Mankind faces [yawn, what-a-surprise] extinction.. Earth's last hope lies with the Icarus II, a spacecraft with a crew of eight men and Women led by Captain Kaneda. Their mission: to deliver a nuclear device and re-ignite our fading Sun" (Sunshine - 21tst Century Fox)

"Hot" from the studios of Rupert Murdoch's Fox Searchlight Pictures comes a new climateophobic flick - turning a sort of 180-degrees causal backflip from The Day After Tomorrow's view of climate. Instead, telling of how our climate is dominated by the Sun, how global warming (or cooling) is really caused by the it, and how, if the "shilling" goes in the "Solar Gas Meter" we'll get a bit chilly down here on Earth. One is tempted to shout out loud "at bloody last!". But this type of "climate change", like British Rail snow acts in ways we are not conditioned by the BBC to expect so I guess most people aren't going to "get it". Surely, it's all down to CO2 rather than variations in the Sun?. Well, there may be some debate here about warming because unlike the convenient "truth" about CO2, a world where the Sun ages really would get a lot hotter before it became colder due to the Sun dying. Oh dear, that leads us back dangerously close to the myths of CO2-induced climate change and the reality of sunspot activities, sunspot cycles, millennial.cycles and the causes of interglacials ...

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2nd April 2007  Carbon Dixoide Ruled an Air-Pollutant by US Supreme Court

Despite the frequent entries I really don't want to harp-on too much about climate here as there are a lot of other things on the boil in our tumultuous world but nevertheless, needs must.

Today, madness envelopes the US legal system and reality exceeds any parody regarding hydrogen monoxide (see entry for 20070401). The problem here, is that once the penny finally drops, that water vapour is vastly more effective "greenhouse" gas than CO2 they're going to have some problems with consistency. Either they'll need to admit they screwed up and used politics and law to decide science, or they'll need to bite the bullet and make water vapour (steam) an illegal pollutant also. Still, when has the US legal system ever worried about looking stupid in the eyes of the world or concerned that it might be perceived as an almost sovietised arm of Federal government?.

"Based on respected scientific opinion that a well-documented rise in global temperatures and attendant climatological and environmental changes have resulted from a significant increase in the atmospheric concentration of “greenhouse gases,” a group of private organizations petitioned the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to begin regulating the emissions of four such gases, including carbon dioxide, under §202(a)(1) of the Clean Air Act, which requires that the EPA“shall by regulation prescribe" (US Supreme Court) ...

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1st April 2007 - Global Warming: Worse Than We Thought - New Greenhouse Gas Discovered

A recently leaked report shows that Global Warming is far worse than we have previously thought. It now appears to be due to the unexpected and unexamined presence of a newly-discovered and highly-dangerous atmospheric greenhouse gas. The report reveals some pretty shocking information.

Whilst the UN was focusing on carbon-dioxide as the major cause of climate change and has instigated thorough programs of control, right down to the level of sending out patrols to stop native Australian tribesmen causing atmospheric pollution by carelessly lighting fires; it seems that these measures may have now have been a waste of time due to the sheer scale and potential impact of the new threat.

New Danger - Hydric Acid

Liquid Hydric Acid - A Silent Killer

It turns out that scientists have made the breakthrough discovery that a gas known to scientists as gaseous dihydrogen monoxide or it's synonym, Hydric acid, is a vastly more effective "greenhouse" gas than carbon dioxide (CO2).

Popular research into this dates back to at least 1988 but no one appears to know why the gas has been overlooked until now. Focus was, instead, directed at examining the effects of the atmospheric trace gas carbon dioxide. This recent discovery has left the global scientific community in a total disarray as it reorganises in order to rethink solutions to the impending global crisis which is expected to impact on the planet around 2012 leading to the need to implement a centralised World Government.

What has been revealed is that in sheer energy-absorption terms, the absorption spectrum of the gaseous form of Hydric Acid is wider and more effective than carbon dioxide and, in part, overlaps it; thus largely nullifying any "greenhouse" effect due to CO2. It was already known that the effects of CO2 were limited with a logarithmic effect for increasing levels the gas. This means that Hydric acid vapour, or dihydrogen monoxide, is more effective at absorbing deadly solar radiation and in heating the Earth's atmosphere when compared on a per-unit  basis with CO2 as a potential greenhouse gas.

However, the picture is even worse than anyone could have suspected. Had the facts been available least year this gas would have almost certainly been covered as a key topic by US politician Al Gore in his potentially Earth Shattering science documentary "An Inconvenient Truth". There can be no doubt that it would have displaced the effect of anthropogenic climate change effects until then explained only by CO2. New measurements using methodologies more accurate than those previously used now show that the amount of hydrogen monoxide present in the atmosphere is thousands of times higher than CO2. Also, following careful surveys they reveal that 80% of the Earth's surface is covered by seas and oceans which contain incredibly high concentrations of Hydric acid in liquid form. This is also constantly being converted into the gaseous form by the effects of radiation from the Sun.

This means that the chemical has been revealed as a major component of the Earth's atmosphere and greenhouse effect, coming second by volume only to Nitrogen and reducing the presence of CO2 to little more than an  insignificant trace gas.

"This is a triple whammy and we will need to rethink our approaches to Kyoto, our sequestration and global taxation policies"

said Professor Farquar Farqarsson, a key contributor to the UN's  IPCC report. He continued...

"we have a more effective greenhouse gas here just in sheer thermal terms and what is worse,  there is a potentially unlimited supply of this toxin getting into the atmosphere"

He went on to add "we are at our wit's end, we really don't know how to tackle this using the science we have to hand", and - "...we know of no way to control it - the sheer scale of the problem is overwhelming and the effects on Global Climate by far outweigh anything else we have looked at to date". He concluded, apologetically, "I guess we took our eye off the ball whilst we were all focusing on CO2 as a climate-driver and ought to have more seriously considered other gase"

Cutting edge research - much of which has been released on the website - shows the sheer scale of the problem caused by dihydrogen monoxide and how the dangers presented by this toxin have been seriously underestimated...

Each year, dihydrogen monoxide is a known related factor in many thousands of deaths and is a major contributor to millions of dollars in damage to property and   the environment. Some of the known perils of it are:

  • Like carbon monoxide it is invisible, transparent, odourless and tasteless
  • Immediate death due to accidental inhalation of it, even in small quantities.
  • Prolonged exposure to the solid causes severe tissue damage or death
  • Excessive ingestion produces a number of unpleasant though side-effects and there have been a few documented cases in the UK where this has led to death, particularly when combined with recreational drugs such as MDMA
  • Ingesting large amounts can cause nausea and vomiting in humans
  • It is a major component of acid rain.
  • The gaseous form can cause severe burns
  • Contributes to catastrophic soil erosion
  • Is an incredibly powerful and dangerous solvent in liquid form and able to dissolve almost anything if the correct protective gear is used
  • Usually harmless to marine life but in it's pure and concentrated form will rapidly kill most marine fish
  • Contamination of electrical systems often causes short-circuits
  • Contamination decreases effectiveness of even the most sophisticated automobile braking systems
  • Found in biopsies of pre-cancerous tumours and lesions
  • Administered to vicious dogs involved in recent deadly attacks
  • Leads to severe corrosion and oxidation of many metals
  • High atmospheric concentrations can lead to catastrophic and unpredictable failure in large steel structures over time
  • Often associated with killer cyclones in the U.S. Midwest and elsewhere, and in hurricanes including deadly storms in Florida, New Orleans and other areas of the south-eastern U.S.
  • Thermal variations in atmospheric content are a now suspected to be a contributor to the El Nino weather effect.
  • It a contaminant produced as a by-product of the nuclear power industry, the dumping of which is already regulated
  • Extreme care has to be taken when handling liquid Hydric Acid as it reacts violently and occasionally explosively with certain metals
  • Has now been positively identified as the main constituent in "chemtrails"
  • Is produced in small quantities as a pollutant in Car and Motorcycle exhausts
  • The presence of very large amounts in the atmosphere can massively increase the risk of disease and death
  • In hot weather, a single teaspoon of liquid hydric acid can evaporate in a matter of minutes to completely fill an entire room

A full and thorough discussion of the pollutant with research material is available at the website

The British Labour government is now busy forming a Parliamentary Select Committee and has invited the renowned Al Gore to join them in providing scientists with a better explanation of how dihydrogen monoxide affects the climate and to help them decide the most appropriate science which can be used to tackle the problem. It is expected that the result of their findings will be incorporated in the core of the next IPCC report which is due out in May 2007 although criticisms of political revisionism have been strenuously denied by the authors.

Although usually harmless to marine life researchers have known for a long time that liquid Hydric Acid can turn into a highly toxic gas which, in very high-concentrations can kill humans. It does so in triggering asphyxiation by blocking absorption of oxygen by the alveoli in the the lungs. Paradoxically the CO2 which was the recent focus of investigation as a climate-driver is required to efficiently  absorb oxygen in humans. This is something politicians are struggling to explain and It has already been estimated that there around 700 deaths in the US directly attributable each year to dihydrogen monoxide poisoning and this ought surely to warrant new legislation.

The US government immediately announced an increase in funding by a further $20bn per year to research solutions and George Bush also said he would call on the expertise of the Carlyle group an Halliburton to assist.

"If necessary we will raise taxes and create new ones to tackle the problem", "...I can tell you now, this will not be  popular, but the American public can be confident that we will put your tax dollars to effective use"   (President George Bush)

Despite the short timespan since the announcement some 3 months ago, a team of the world's most eminent scientists have suggested an initial number of practical solutions - these include:

  • Further offsettting trade agreements between nations where dihydrogen monoxide is found in very low concentrations
  • The creation of huge solar shields in space to cut down the Sun's radiation and reduce the amount of liquid hydric acid which is released from the oceans as gaseous or atmospheric hydrogen monoxide
  • Precipitation of a new ice age by detonation of several thermonuclear devices at the Earth's polar caps; which should lower the Earth's temperature enough to halt the release of the toxin into the air and force much of that present to condense to the less-harmful solid form
  • Condensation of gaseous dihydrogen monoxide to liquid hydric acid to remove the atmospheric effect
  • Sequestration of dihydrogen monoxide with injection of both liquid and gaseous forms into oil and gas wells deep underneath the Earth

Early speculation reveals that a wide-range of measures are being considered including a global Hydric Acid offsetting proposal, a new tax on hydrogen monoxide emissions from power stations and big industry. Local authorities are also considering new local taxation to halt the problem until a wider range of taxes can be proposed at the next Kyoto summit.

Prominent German politician Angela Shmeirkell was also quoted yesterday as being very angry over the news, saying; "something must be done now rather than later to prevent a very real global catastrophe" - she emphasised that third world nations must play their part by reduction consumption and release of dihydrogen monoxide into the atmosphere.

Greenpeace spokesman John deKlokbelt said "we have been telling governments this we suspected this gas was a danger for years but governments have repeatedly failed to act" - whilst fellow environmentalist, Isobel Klingeln, a spokeswoman for Friends of the Earth said, "We are disgusted that Western governments haven't taken more immediate action to halt this problem before it is too late to save the planet". Both groups announced they will be forming the Halt Hydric Acid Coalition in order to apply political pressure for Western governments to act before it is too late. At the same time, Spanish environmental minister and EU science spokesman, Manuel Campana-Estasonando, has proposed that steps be taken towards eventual elimination of Hydric Acid from the world's oceans and US environmental campaigner Judy Bellringer.said that "action to eliminate this toxin was needed above all other considerations, even if lives needed to be sacrificed".

British scientists have been quick to spot and highlight the link with Global Terrorism, saying that a relatively simple chemical procedure which involves adding nothing more than an extra oxygen molecules from the air and a simple catalyst can create a pale-blue liquid which is then used as the main constituent in the terrorist's favourite and most deadly explosive - TATP - Triacetylene Triperoxide or Acetone Peroxide. For obvious reasons the exact details cannot be revealed here. It is also claimed that if the toxin is heated in a sealed or pressurised container then this may also produce an explosive and truly catastrophic effect which could kill.

Tony Blair was reported to have commented recently in the House of Commons saying:

We should be ready to guard ourselves against this new and potentially deadly terrorist threat", adding " combining simple chemicals with an environmental pollutant, a terrorist could multiply this catastrophic effect of global warming and create a whole new paradigm of terror. We will be taking steps to protect the British public and have a new set of measures ready to ensure that these substances will be heavily regulated and we will not hesitate to set up new legislation to combat the threat to our society. (British Broadcasting News)

Respected US scientist and politician Al Gore was reputedly quoted as saying "I suspected this all along and my next documentary will focus on the dangerous effects of this atmospheric poison, much of which is caused by man" he then added - "it would be a betrayal to future generations not to take action now to rid the oceans of the planet of as  much hydric acid as we could manage and that we should not be afraid to apply punitive taxes to help fund the solution", he then stated - "future generations will  judge us by the action we took today which will affect their lives tomorrow", and finally concluded "...ultimately, massive population reduction may be the only solution open to us".

Critics and typical "conspiracy nuts" and skeptics who have blogged this story all over the internet have, predictably, dismissed the claims saying that the main effect on the Earth's climate is solar activity. But so far, they have not been able to produce a single shred of evidence to prove their claims or disprove the catastrphic effect of this gas. These people have been dismissed as "Hydric Acid Deniers"  and a "menace to society who are barely distinguishable from holocaust deniers" by a consensus of World scientists. A very small number dissenting scientists have dismissed the notion of hydrogen dioxide gas driving climate change as, quote - "utterly ludicrous but no worse than the theory that CO2 is to blame".

Only time will tell - but is time running out for the Human Race?

Further Reading and Reference

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22nd March 2007 - The Advent of Enviro-Fascism on UK Streets

I think most men in the street would agree that Gore, Blair and Bush have a lot to answer for. Our town-centres have changed beyond recognition from the "dark" days of the Thatcher government but little of this change has been for the better.

Today, in a major UK town centre, there were no police to be seen. There is a camera on every street corner and at least 10 cameras in every shop with TV monitors in many doorways reminding you Big Brother is watching you. Yet the icing on the cake was a former night-club bouncer I saw today in what looked like a black UK police-style uniform with "Environmental Crime Officer" emblazoned on his back swaggering down the street ...

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22nd March 2007 - How British Politics Works - Contentious Issues

A brief guide for Americans and Gullible British to understanding the UK political process.

For contentious issues where the public is going to be almost unanimously opposed to legislation which the UK or EU state wishes to apply a cunning strategy appears to have been devised. This has been covered by several journalists but not, as far as I know, in detail. The common rebuttal you will encounter to all advanced proposals is "there is no such proposal" or similar wording (phase a below). This is the standard rubber-stamp method used for at least 10 years (some would say much longer).

Read the following in conjunction with, say, proposals to eliminate rights to photograph in public, ID cards, microchipping, elimination and criminalisation of holding cash over say £100, abolition of human rights, depopulation, property confiscation, enforced abortion, etc....

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21st March 2007 - More Eco-Madness: Gordon is a Moron (Again)

Despite widespread claims to the contrary the "green" Toyota Prius rather than being environmentally friendly is not quite what it is cracked up to be. Yes, it might look green if your main concern is CO2 and you're a big fan of Al Gore's style of logic; but there's a lot more to the environment than post-modernist inducted mythology. The Greens are being well and truly duped and few people are bothering to look at that man behind the curtain.

Today's budget by Gordon Brown provides a good illustration of why this new religion is based on commerce, taxation and politics rather than any real or objective concern for the environment. Indeed, some sort of weird new quantum physics seems to be emerging every time you hear a "catastrophe theorist" start talking about green mathematics. Carbon is becoming the jealous green-eyed God of Western politics and those who really are concerned about the environment need to wake up from their stupor and realise that the CO2 myth is being used to sweep all other environmental concerns under the carpet ...

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14th March 2007 - How Many Lightbulbs?

As a postscript to the entry for 1st of March - "Rabbits"

Q) How many conspiracy theorists does it take to change a light bulb
A) None, lightbulbs will be banned well before 2009

Counter-arguments to the theory that this is a good idea - in fact a pretty dumb one when given greater scrutiny and the claim of benefit to the environment is simplistic and even worse, potentially dangerous to the environment in terms of toxin when the key benefit of energy-saving is based only on the unproven notion of CO2 affecting climate: I have been an early adopter of CFL bulbs only where their use is appropriate - and have used them for around 5 years now so I can speak from practical experience ...

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13th March 2007 - Gordon is a Moron?

Well... okay... maybe not such a moron as a Global Government (Governance) fanatic? Like father George Bush and many others he's already mentioned the need for a New World Order, World Order, Novus Ordo Seclorum [sic], Novus Ordo Mundi, a New Secular World, New World View, Bahaullah, New Weltenshauung, Wide-World Perception, Global Government, Global Governance, Union of Nations, or whatever epithet is popular and sneaky-enough to avoid Joe Public twigging on to the Big Plan. Whatever the case, he's wagging his globalist credentials on the World Altar no doubt getting ready for the final day when he gets the keys to Number 10 Downing St.

Although we were all expecting Beliar to step down at the end of April the article below appears to make it clear that he's now to hang on until September but he really, really will go then, honest!. No surprise here as the upcoming US attack on Iran expected for the end of April or early May this year would have provided a convenient excuse for Bliar hanging on a little bit longer "just to see the job though". Surely the sign of a true psychopath who believes the world just cannot manage without him?. I guess he will go eventually but will he jump or will he be pushed?. I know it's not just me who expects Beliar's most likely exit only to be in a wooden box rather than an eco-friendly 4x4. Let's hope those who finally get the keys to the Presidential Mansion in the World Government are a bit more trustworthy and a whole lot less egocentric than Beliar. Fat chance!.

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12th March 2007 - CO2 Temperature Theory Hits the Buffers?

The Vostok records have been quoted many times. Most prominently in recent times by Al Gore, who, at first glance, appears like most people nowadays, to assume every relationship is a causal one. Some basic skepticism and actually bothering to look at the data in the graphs should precipitate at least one obvious conclusion. Look at the quality of the plot for CO2 versus that for temperature. What do you notice about them? Look at, say, temperature at around 100,000 BC - ask yourself if you had both graphs in front of you, not printed in different colours, could you tell them apart?. Look again at the graph - it should be easy!

The temperature scale has a finer "granularity" - it's more "spiky" or "rougher" and has frequent upward/downward trends per unit of time. Now look at the CO2 plot. You'll see a relatively smooth curve by comparison. Al Gore says because the two graphs "fit" this shows CO2 is causal on temperature. So, what's the real deal with the smooth CO2 curve? Is this due to CO2 "settling" within ice cores or "polluting" towards a common temperature?. Very unlikely - cross-layer contamination would have been an issue already considered by the researchers. This could happen by adjacent layers perhaps "polluting" each other and settling towards a common value - but if this were so then the whole scale for CO2 would be pretty useless. So, what's another explanation?. Well, I'd say what you're seeing is a classic "buffer effect", precisely as described by oceanographer Carl Wunsch in the Climate Swindle documentary where he cites the effect of the world's oceans. Rapid changes in one phenomena lead to gradual changes in another due to the "damping" or "heat soak" effect. Furthermore, it is the buffered phenomena (the one which is slower to react) which is affected by the unbuffered one - not the other way around. This is basic stuff, not rocket science.

We're basically talking about a high-frequency phenomenon inducing a lower frequency one. The only way I can see to consider the reverse effect is if there is a 3rd, unknown, long-term phenomenon with a frequency of about 100-1000 years which could combine with the "causative" effects of CO2 to produce a high-frequency differential. This is clutching at straws and Occam's razor would suggest the simpler solution that the Earth buffers CO2 either in the air or oceans as a product of temperature and not the other way around.

"entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem"

which translates to,

"entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity"

or more commonly,

"the simplest answer is usually the best one"  (Wikipedia)

If one wanted to hide this fact and deliberately commit a scientific fraud such - as that performed by Al Gore - a man who is familiar in the arts of deception and "leading" a witness or jury to a required conclusion - a man who is educated sufficiently that not every relationship is a causal one - one would need to smooth out the temperature data and make it appear that world temperature varied less. Only then could one claim that the CO2 trend was causal on the temperature one. Think about it and keep an eye open for "revised" versions of the raw Vostok data which have been "corrected" by Climate Change Deniers to help show that CO2 is causal on global temperature!

"No matter if the science is all phony, there are collateral environmental benefits...climate change provides the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world" Christine Stewart, former Canadian Environment Minister" (Friends of Science)

"Samuel Johnson tells us of an Astronomer who claims that he can control climate: "...the sun has listened to my dictates, and passed from tropic to tropic by my direction ..."  - Unfortunately, the Astronomer was mad. And so are we if we give such nonsense credence. Nobody, not even Mr Bush and Mr Blair, can fine tune climate to a degree Celsius. " (Sunday Mirror)

"Global warming: the Left's last best chance to gain a stranglehold on our political system and economy  - For decades, environmentalism has been the Left's best excuse for increasing government control over our actions in ways both large and small. It's for Mother Earth! It's for the children! It's for the whales! But until now, the doomsday-scenario environmental scares they've trumped up haven't been large enough to justify the lifestyle restrictions they want to impose. With global warming, however, greenhouse gasbags can argue that auto emissions in Ohio threaten people in Paris, and that only "global governance" (Jacques Chirac's words) can tackle such problems." (Christopher C Horner)

"Nineteenth-century historian Alexis de Tocqueville once observed, "Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word: equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude." (Patriot Post - on Useful Idiots)

"In 2005 data from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey missions revealed that the carbon dioxide "ice caps" near Mars's south pole had been diminishing for three summers in a row." (National Geographic)

"Consensus is the stuff of politics not science" - (Paul Rieter - BBC Newsnight)

vostok_26_largex250.jpg (18561 bytes) Impeach God Campaign

The history of the Earth's Climate from Vostok
Click for larger image - Courtesy of the UN

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12th March 2007 - Wunsch Wishes He Hadn't Contributed To Polemic

Wunsch Wünsche, die er nicht beigetragen hatte?

Geoffrey Lean did a nice hit piece for the Independent on the recent Great Climate Swindle. I would have surprised if at least one of those interviewed for the video had not pulled out since appearing in such a polemic would have obviously not been good for anyone's career. Lean's article is as typically inaccurate and biased as anything which is currently being featured by the Independent or Guardian at the moment. This article is being used to attack the film with the cry of "foul".

"It was the television programme that set out to show that most of the world's climate scientists are misleading us when they say humanity is heating up the Earth by emitting carbon dioxide. And The Great Global Warming Swindle, screened by Channel 4 on Thursday night, convinced many viewers that it is indeed untrue that the gas is to blame for global warming.

But now the programme - and the channel - is facing a serious challenge to its own credibility after one of the most distinguished scientists that it featured said his views had been "grossly distorted" by the film, and made it clear that he believed human pollution did warm the climate.

Professor Carl Wunsch, professor of physical oceanography at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said he had been "completely misrepresented" by the programme, and "totally misled" on its content. He added that he is considering making a formal complaint." (The Independent)

The "big guns" of the left/green press are out in force now, looking for any tittle-tattle they might be able to use to smear the remaining contributors. It would be no surprise if others didn't buckle and conform to the apocalyptic agenda. Brendan O' Neil has summed the situation up perfectly with his hilarious comments on Spiked. Curious since the site normally has a rather left-wing/Marxist bias so perhaps some of the anticipated dominant 2% who are beyond social brainwashing are finally realising that "in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth really can be a revolutionary act"?.

"In today’s Guardian, Zoe Williams seems to make a sly dig at one of the participants (Professor Tim Ball) on the basis that he is from Winnipeg. Apparently, being based on Farringdon Road in central London is a far better qualification for commenting on climate change, even if you are a ditzy la-la columnist and the weird Winnipeg man a professor of climatology (2). (Durkin points out the irony of people ‘exposing’ that he doesn’t have a background in science. If everyone who doesn’t have a background in science was forbidden from researching or talking about global warming, he says, then that would mean silencing some of the leading environmentalist thinkers and just about every newspaper columnist, who can always be relied upon to churn out an ‘I’m Scared of Global Warming and So Should You Be!’ column despite not knowing what a test tube is.)" (Brendan O' Neil on Martin Durkin)

I followed the Ofcom complaint links at the Socialist Unity Blogspot which as Brendan O'Neil pointed out, was one of several inciting visitors to complain even before the program was aired by Channel 4, in particular their target was not the objective scientific content of the documentary, indeed, if the link was up before the program was aired then that should raise obvious questions, but their attention appeared more calculated to defame Durkin and apply orchestrated pressure to prevent him working. Nice going for a "socialist" organisation built on humanist principles such as life, liberty and truth eh?...

"Not only is Durkin's point of view totally unrepresentative of any serious scientific opinion, but his previous programmes have been manipulative, and distorted the views of eminent scientists.
You can complain to Channel 4 by filling in this form, it is well worth doing so if they get a number of complaints then they will find it harder to commission future programmes from Durkin." (Socialist Unity Blogspot - News, debate and analysis by and for socialists. Hopefully respecting pluralism

I felt it necessary to get assurance that Ofcom would not be swayed by orchestrated (and therefore largely bogus) complaints. If you care about freedom of speech you can so the same by following the same link.

"I am extremely concerned that complaints against this excellent documentary are being orchestrated on a large scale and that the views of Ofcom (and Channel 4) may be unduly swayed by a collective viewpoint which is NOT representative of public opinion. Brendan O' Neil of Spiked! magazine highlighted that the following link encouraging the public to complain to Ofcom was put online even before the program was broadcast.

Whilst they have every right to do this I trust that sufficient consideration will be given to "bogus" complaints and that Ofcom will not be swayed into putting pressure on Channel 4 who have otherwise taken a brave step to balance public (pseudo) debate on the issue.

I also posted in defence of the film and criticism at sympathy for Wunsch at the Prisonplanet forum.

"I've seen the article in the Independent (part-owned by the left-wing Mirror Group Newspapers according to a web search). Prof Wunsch claims he was misquoted but having transcribed the entire program I cannot find anywhere where his is even quoted at length other than where he goes on to elaborate at length about that precise point in his own voice.

My guess he got cold feet and realised his future was zippo once he realised what kind of polemic he was to feature in given the hysteria in the UK where today it was announced that incandescent lightbulbs are to be banned by 2009. His quotes were primarily used to demonstrate the heat lag of the oceans and highlight the need for sensationalism in GW journalism in relation to the "science" rather than use of his views as a fundamental debunking of the GW mythos.

Frankly, I am surprised others haven't come forward and "Wished" the had not taken part. The sheer volume of cash being swallowed up is evidence enough of impartiality in the scientific arena.

Let's hope the others have more integrity. The beauty of the film is that it leaves the views primarily to the scientists and although a few ARE "rocket scientists" unravelling the deceits of the Climate Change Deniers like Al Gore isn't rocket science!. Its shocking that so few people can't differentiate between a unknown link (Gore's graph) and a causal link.

Bear in mind the Independent (UK) an ideological relative the The Guardian are HEAVILY pushing the climate fear agenda. I've been taking clippings for months and if anyone is guilty of bias they are."

Check out Wunsch's wishful thinking - 1 "quoting" paragraph, 1 professional reference and introduction paragraph and the remainder from Wunsch's own lips, so much for any gross misrepresentation!.

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8th March 2007 - Fear and Paranoia: The Great Climate Swindle (Channel 4-UK)

At last a reasonable, intelligent and scientifically objective discussion about the Earth's climate. A refreshing breath of "fresh air" (oops) from the BBC's relentless propaganda barrage. Or, as I just said to a friend - at last someone has joined together enough dots to finally put the picture of a jackass in plain view. Perhaps it should be naked emperor?.

An antidote to the IPCC campaign of intimidation and disinformation. It was a shame that the program didn't continue it's questioning to the ultimate conclusion thought. What was made clear was just how dishonest "scientists" were abandoning their scruples to flock to the pig-trough to the tune of a collective $2BN of US TAXPAYER's money - but what wasn't really investigated were the motives the state had for mobilising such "useful idiots" in the first place and there lies the crux of the issue. That really would open a can of worms and expose a more "Inconvenient Truth" about Globalisation, the New World Order, petrodollar hegemony, the rape of third world nations and massive depopulation. Perhaps coming on top of the demolition of the embarrassing new religion of Anthropogenic Climate Change this might have been too much for many people to bear.

Yet today the madness continues unabated - the (non) Independent newspaper still continues the propaganda and tomorrow you can be sure to tune into the BBC at some point and see the UN/IPCC agenda in full-swing. as if to act as counterpoise to this evening's anticipated broadcast, the entire front cover of The Independent is handed over to a full-colour photograph of a cute "Mrs Tiggywinkle" along with an article by Terry Kirby explaining how Climate Change meant she was "Born to Die". If ever an exemplar case of sickening sentimentality over rationalism was needed The Independent or The Guardian can usually be relied on to fit the bill. Only a few days prior to this headline and a wee bit further north in the UK the mass-murder (cull) of poor little hedge pigs will, no doubt, be swiftly brushed under the carpet despite still being featured prominently in The Scotsman.

Meanwhile, a quick straw poll of a few environmental chat forums will show any climate skeptic just how low the average level of understanding of the issues is, along with the sheer volume of inane, mindless drivel and crass idiocy which is the very engine driving this ideology. The resemblance to the central theme of the novel "The Marching Morons" by Cyril M Kornbluth is uncanny and perhaps Douglas Adams' reworking in the form of his Golgafrinchams must have surely twanged a few sympathetic neurons in all but the most inert individual.

20070308-independent-hedgehog-must-die.jpg (14918 bytes)

Maybe the human race deserves this ideology? Want to take bets on an asteroid threat in a few years time with the promise of escape to Venus or the Moon, land of blanket trees" and "ham bushes"  for the useless 30% of society?

What is fascinating is just how the "right-on" left and guilt-ridden-greens have been duped into following not only Thatcher's agenda but also doing the dirty work of the very Globalists they all claim to oppose, while lending credence to a new religion which will not only devastate 3rd world nations but continue to line the pockets of the ultra-rich whilst actively supporting the UN agenda for global depopulation. Still, as they say up here, "there's now't so queer as folk".

Perhaps, in parenthesis, the Catholics were right, ignorance is invincible?

Postscript: 9th March 2007 - Channel 4 appeared to have had a direct hit on the Globalists and "useful idiot" left as hired hands are busy populating web forums with ad-hominem attacks on the film's author rather than discussing the facts. See "Dumb Comments" above. Things rarely change within the left, and tactics hardly ever. If they lose the argument their strategy is always one of smear, assault and hatred against the individual rather than "debate" over the facts. Indeed debate and truth are both equally dangerous too any ideology built on lies, so no surprise to see it widely announced that the "debate" about Anthropogenic Global Warming is over before any real counter-argument has begun. Indeed, how can there *be* any genuine counter argument when the likes of the BBC, sponsored by the UK taxpayers are such biased prime movers for the cause?. How can there be balanced views in education when UK MPs are planning to use taxpayer's money to distribute copies of Al Gore's propaganda DVD into every school in Britain?. How can there be a balanced view with when many "scientists" have their snouts in the trough?. How can balanced debate be possible when the US government is willing to spend billions of dollars "proving" the case?. As I've maintained before, perhaps it doesn't matter, looking at the issue from a more-detached perspective it is clear the West deserves both it's politicians and the myth of AGW

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5th March 2007 - The Virginal NTL Sucks Dept.

The recent takeover of NTL by Virgin has had pretty well no effect on NTL as far as I can see other than to bump the "no direct debit" fine yet another £1 taking it now to £5 (+VAT!). Before long, anyone who disagrees with giving companies practically unlimited access to your private bank account and committing yourself irreversibly to the UK banking monopoly will be paying almost as much for their "fines" as for the bloody service they're renting!. ...

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2nd March 2007 - OSFA Dept:  Why Widescreen Laptops Suck

If you were planning to buy a cheap laptop at the end of last year and put it off till 2007 then all I can say is "sucker!".

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1st March 2007 - Rabbits!

Just to show us "conspiracy theorists" have a sense of humour and can poke fun at ourselves now and then - here's a short list of totally crap conspiracy theory jokes...

Q) How many conspiracy theorists does it take to change a light bulb?
A) None, there never was a lightbulb and if you tell anyone there was we're gonna come and getcha!

Q) How many conspiracy theorists does it take to change a light bulb
A) The real question is, why did it go out in the first place?

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29th February 2007 - UK Taxpayers to Fund Al Gore's Climate Propaganda in Schools

The UK government is to use taxpayer's money to supply copies of Al Gore's widely-debunked propaganda video "An Inconvenient Truth" to British schools according to the Reuters news agency. Although widely debunked by internet critics the most prominent debunking was from British peer - Viscount Monkton - who produced two thoroughly researched challenges to Gore's propaganda which were released by the Daily Telegraph.

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28th February 2007 - BBC Pre-empted WTC 7 Collapse

Something of a furore has blown up over BBC news footage aired on 9/11 which announced, live, the collapse of WTC 7 - otherwise known as the "Salomon Building". So what's the problem you might ask?. Well, for one the reporter is filmed live from an office in New York with the WTC site as a backdrop viewed out of a large window - and as the reporter steps to one side WTC 7 can be seen still fully-intact in the background. Furthermore, if one time-syncs the footage with New York time then the report of the building's collapse appears premature by around 25 minutes ...

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26th February 2007 - Conspiracy Theories R Who!!

A much talked about phrase since 9/11 and particularly since the recent BBC "Conspiracy" soapumentary series. So: what exactly is a conspiracy theory? You might consider chewing on the following so as to have a reply ready the next time someone glibly accuses you of being a "conspiracy theorist" - just because you're examining the facts surrounding say 9/11 or the death of Dr David Kelly. The penny dropped for me whilst thinking about that truly awful WHY, WHEN, WHERE Kia car advertisement on UK TV and in all these events one already has the WHEN and WHERE.

People seem to have a wide range of definitions but generally it is a theoretical model of a particular conspiracy. In other words, some sort of view or idea of who was involved which may then extend to their modus operandi. A conspiracy being a plot, plan or course of action organised or committed by more than one person - usually in secret - although the requirement for conspiracy obviously requires that the information be shared with others so it cannot be an absolute secret since a non-shared conspiracy would be (by definition) no conspiracy ...

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23rd February 2007 - Meacher for PM "Hot Seat"?

Michael Meacher has put his "hand in" for the post of Prime Minister (or should that be president?). He's made some sensible comments including debunking the Bush/Blair 9/11 official conspiracy theory. He clearly deviates from the dual Labour/Tory viewpoint by a fair margin. I'm not all that convinced that any of the comments indicate there would lead to any significant change since he clearly swallows the red pill when it comes to issues such as "climate change" making him a dangerous "Climate Change Denier" and championing the popular myth of an "achievable" static Earth climate which is currently #1 on the twiddler's wish list ...

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20th February 2007 - How Many Ways to I Love Thee Planet Earth?

More appropriately billed under "mad science" than the BBC's category choice of "science", Five Ways to Save the World is another hour of climate propaganda. A reinvention of the lunatic schemes of the 1970s to cure "Global Cooling" which then included covering the polar regions with a thick layer of soot or the omnipresent plans for exploding nuclear bombs, BBC2 followed up it's recent "Climate Change" propaganda programs with some mad-science plans to save the world. We can only thank God that clowns like this weren't given the kind of credibility then which they're getting now. That only leaves the present day schemes to worry about!.

Five Ways to Save the World 9:00pm - 10:00pm - BBC2

"The five ways of the title are a series of silver-bullet solutions to the global-warming menace devised by brainstorming scientists. They are jaw-dropping in scale and amount to considerably more than just recycling your empty pinot grigio bottles. The problem is that the statistics are so mind-crushingly huge they are next to impossible to assimilate. For instance, one scientist's suggestion for a giant sunshade a million miles from Earth would involve 800,000 separate trips into space to assemble a thing that's 100,000km wide and made of 16 trillion glass discs. Other solutions include artificial trees (inspired by a school experiment by the scientist's daughter), giant plankton, a sulphur blanket and cloud cover. Who knows whether any are actually feasible. But all the experts are agreed: the global-warming nettle should be grasped now, while still manageable. Says one: "We need a panic button to stop the damage." (BBC Radio Times)

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19th February 2007 - The Wicker Men : Continued - Conspiracy Files - BBC

A dismal and disappointing production. I did have a vain hope that the BBC might, for once, produce a reasonably balanced and unbiased program since all of this is funded by British taxpayers. Instead what was offered-up was a one-sided series of "straw man" arguments with a clear mandate to mislead the average viewer. I may produce a blow-by blow deconstruction of their arguments but the PrisonPlanet has already done a fair job based on the web-content published by the BBC prior to airing on Sunday night.

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18th February 2007 - Winter Snow Blowing Left Again?

Having signed the recent petition against secondary road charging via continuous satellite tracking of vehicles I was rather appalled last week to hear Channel 4's Jon Snow airing his personal view that "this is the kind of thing that put the Nazi's in power" when referring to the road petition. The government has been clearly shaken by the sheer scale of the response with well over a million signatures so far. In response it has pulled out the big guns and, no doubt, called in a few personal favours. How else can one explain the almost unanimous tirade against this mass-objection to New Labour's taxation plans?

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16th February 2007 - The Wicker Men - 9/11 - BBC Conspiracy Files - 18th February

Be sure to watch BBC2 (UK) Sunday - 18th February 2007 and catch the latest BBC Conspiracy Files episode which, this week, covers the events of 9th September 2001 (9/11) but will almost certainly not examine the conspiracy theory put forward by the Bush Government that it was the work of Saddam Hussein in conjunction with Osama Bin Laden.

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16th February 2007 - Power to the Sheeple - Preston Aims to be Cock O' The North

If you want to see just how much UK local government thinks we are all sheep, check out Preston (UK) Council's "plastic sheep" campaign. This really is beyond parody. Especially take time to check out the PDF link.

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15th February 2007 - For Sale - The "Global" (TM) Greenhouse

Gardeners!: Are you tired of those cheap glass and plastic greenhouses that simply don't work and leave your geraniums pale and broccoli wilted?. Then try our Carbon Dioxide filled greenhouses and see the difference!. Guaranteed!...

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14th February 2007 - Global Warming - Creationism for the Masses?

I saw a truly excellent posting by Paul Watson on the PrisonPlanet website which elaborated on the Global Warming (or Global Cooling) hoax and how this is morphing through Goebbels' "big lie" into a form of fascist ideology. This is truly the biggest hoax ever pulled on the human race.

"The hoax of the doctrine of man-made global warming that is being foisted upon the world by decree, and the junk science that is manipulated to support it, represents a creeping fascism whose agenda to stifle open debate betrays the fact that climate change hysteria is a farce intended to crush freedoms and further centralise global power...

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10th February 2007 - "Monday" (The Day After Tomorrow)

Sunday - 11th February 2007 - Be sure to watch Day after Tomorrow on UK Channel 4!

A brilliant film even if just for the special effects. The science is utter bollocks but really worth watching nevertheless! Just a thought but...

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10th February 2007 - Global Warming Skeptics Linked With Holocaust Denial

Something I posted on myself in the not too distant past - that "Climate denial" would soon become a punishable crime along with dissent, criticising the state and voting for "non-approved" parties. Once you shut off examination of the facts you give credence to totalitarianism. I am absolutely sure those who supported the notion of "holocaust denial" and popularised the concept did so for the very best of personal motives. By "holocaust" of course, I mean the Jewish one of the 1940s of course, as the US genocide of Native Americans, the Soviet Gulags and Pol Pot never existed and the strategy of cleansing of Arabs from Palestine by Zionists is a figment of Western imagination...

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9th February 2007 - Linux Versus Anthropogenic Global Warming

I don't know how many of you have ever tried to sensibly debate any of the popular issues of the moment. If you've ever tried to debate any aspect of the Linux versus Windows issue from the Windows angle then I'm sure you've very quickly realised you're not really arguing with sentient human beings. Well, not sentient or human in the general term one might expect. Before I receive a flood of angry hate-mail from Linux fans let me make it clear I love the idea of Linux and I'm a keen follower and am no blind fan of Redmond, but I don't believe the cause of free software is served by sticking one's head in a bucket and ignoring inconvenient truths...

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8th February 2007 - Wire Frame Worlds

I spotted an interesting post here where someone had taken the notion of wire frame modelling from the virtual world of engineering right over into the real world of testing ideas using real steel wire!. Shame about the mindless comments posted to the blog - as the notion of a real wire frame is no more absurd than a computer one given similar restrictions on the model...

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7th February 2007 - A Letter to The Power That Be?

Few Brits can have missed the recent letter-bomb incidents which have grabbed UK news headlines. After 3-4 years looking at politics I'm so skeptical about anything I see on the news now that it's like water off a duck's back until I check out the counter-arguments from the free press. Those who have watched V for Vendetta more than a couple of times may start to notice just how close to the "propaganda episode" UK TV news now is and the Wachowski Bro's particular shots of "wet droughts" affecting futuristic TV news shows just how perceptive they are of TV propaganda already in circulation...

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2nd February 2007 - A Blogging Brit No More!

After some considerable period without checking I validated my links to the Blogging Brits webring only to find that my site profile (ID:1295) no longer exists. Since I've had no notification that this had happened I can only guess that someone over there has had a girly "hissy fit" and deleted my site from the webring. It seems odd as this site has never violated the prime directives other than the occasional bout of Anglo-Saxon, surely excusable if you're not descended from Norman invaders or claim to have Royal Germanic ancestors?. (n'est ce-pas Saxes Cobergs?)....

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29th January 2007 - Aaron Russo's Views on Rockefeller (Google)

Alex Jones interviews film director Aaron Russo, who talks about his relationship with the Rockefellers. Russo is a prominent film director and producer responsible for films such as Trading Places. The revelations of the Rockefeller's attitudes are pretty shocking but are perfectly in line with what most people with functioning brain cells had managed to work out a few years ago.

Aaron mentions Rockefeller's views on a variety of subjects relating to Globalism in particular the falsity of the socialist movement, socialism as capitalism, state funding of the feminist movement as a means of generating extra tax revenue and breaking up the family....

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28th January 2007 - Big Brother - Circles of the Sun or Wheels Within Wheels?

Skipping right over the recent "racist" controversy which was clearly designed to boost sagging Channel 4 ratings at the expense of poor old Jade Goody, how many people have noticed the symbolism surrounding the new set design on Big Brother?. I commented in August 2006 on how sun-wheel symbols and the prominent "all-seeing-eye" were main features of BB but this has gone even further into overdrive.

The five-pointed star has now been added to the "whorled-eye" symbol and the set also features a spoked sun-wheel with a reduced number of spokes set as a mosaic on a mirrored wall or wardrobe. I reduced the number of spokes for clarity to illustrate the familial similarity with the Nazi "sun wheel" known as the swastika. Now we have a five-pointed deosil or clockwise sun wheel mounted on a mirror. For the occultists out there the symbolism should be pretty clear.A mirrored symbol or symbol mounted on or reflected in a mirror is the reverse of it so to occultists this would symbolise an anti-clockwise 5 pointed sun wheel. Furthermore the current logo shown is obviously, even blatantly negative with white central pentagram - look at the inverted (realistic) image produced in blue when the black/yellow image is negativised. Reversed/inverted or mirrored symbols are very common in occult works. bb-2007-eye.jpg (3935 bytes)
Actual logo with pentagram (native negative image)bb-2007-eye-neg.jpg (3938 bytes)
Negative logo - benign/deosil (for now at least)
bb-2007-eye-rev.jpg (3712 bytes)
Beware if you see anything like this!

Of course it's quite feasible this is coincidence and the set-designer may have absolutely NO conscious perception whatsoever of the deeper meaning of these symbols - in the same way we are told the graphic artists of the Nazi era knew "nothing" of the true symbolism embedded in Nazi regalia. However that would be to deny Carl Jung's understanding of the universal perception of symbols and the universal consciousness itself. A person does not need to be conscious of the symbols to manifest them, this is precisely why Jung observed that so many people share common symbolism in dreams.
rael-symbol.jpg (5738 bytes)
Compare above with the RA-EL solar deity movement symbol which is anti-clockwise (antideist) in all forms and exposes it's modernist/humanist/Satanist agenda via it's symbols

The swastika, fylfot or "Sun Wheel" is a universal symbol, and is not, (as the ignorant or uninitiated claim), a Fascist one, with the name being Sanskrit (indo-European) yet found in older Germanic and native American cultures. It can be found in both clockwise and anti-clockwise forms but the relevance and meaning of these has to be set in the context of the culture and mythology of the peoples who used it.The relevance of all occult symbolism in the context of Fascist and Satanic cultures is the degree to which positive or solar/God-identifying symbols are reversed. The Nazi (leftist) swastika is a symbol of the God of the Intellect by virtue of it's rebellion against the natural order of the universe. In other words the rotation is widdershins (against God) rather than deosil (with God). This symbolism is in perfect alignment with the emergence of human consciousness and the rise of it's own self-identity as a God form. The German Fascists adopted the swastika as a symbol of humanism or modernism to summarise Man's goal of self-determination against the will of God. A symbol of the rule and authority of Man as his own God (in defiance of God's will). It has no innate links with nationalism whatsoever.

I need a photo of the mirror in the BB house - it is a red mosaic which looks very much like this, but in RED and with FIVE arms bb-decoded.png (1694 bytes)

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24th January 2007 - The BBC's Fear of Flying

BBC Documentary - Should I Give Up Flying (Fear of Flying) - BBC2 (UK) - 21:00-22:30
BBC Documentary - The Killer Wave of 1607 - BBC2 (UK) 23:20-00:10 (by way of contrast)

"The ice age is coming, the sun’s zooming in
Engines stop running, the wheat is growing thin
A nuclear era, but I have no fear
Cause London is drowning, and I live by the river"
The Clash - London Calling (1979)

Better named "Fear of Flying" I felt the documentary aired this evening was so biased it warranted a letter of complaint. It's not likely to change their views but you never know - they might get a lot of complaints. I don't object to the BBC stating the case for the Global Warming nuts, but the idea that being unbiased involves putting forward both sides of any argument and maintaining a reasonable balance appears to be lost on them. The BBC campaign is nothing short of a political campaign in support of the Globalist agenda. You might wish to visit the home page for this programme and see if you can find an unbiased approach. I've looked hard but I cannot find it. The content reads more like a campaign page for Greenpeace or Friends of the Earth than a taxpayer-funded and "unbiased" news reporting agency.

The average viewer would almost certainly conclude that Venice had existed eternally without flooding problems until "Global Warming" caused by air-transport in the past 50 years yet Venice's problems have been known and thoroughly understood for hundreds of years. Venice flourishing in past eras as a world trading centre and global port it was built for trade, commerce and convenience rather than with any grand design that it would last forever...

"Venice, which rests on millions of wooden piles pounded into marshy ground, has sunk by about seven centimetres a century for the past 1,000 years. But the U.S. study says that it has subsided 24 centimetres in the past 100 years. However, Venice's mayor Paolo Costa says the report is inaccurate, although a study carried out by the city authorities concedes it will sink between 20 and 50 centimetres by 2050." (CNN)

If you saw the program and would like to make your objections on the level of bias known then email via   Here's my comments, for what they're worth. I don't anticipate a positive response as the BBC has invested heavily in this political movement and it is surely too late for them to back out.

"I wish to register my objection to the level of bias, general inaccuracy and lack of objectiveness in the featured documentary "Fear of Flying" aired this evening. I understand that the BBC probably has a state mandate to push the concept of anthropogenic Global Warming (rebadged recently as "Climate Change") but your program reached a new low with respect to standards of balance and objectiveness. Even worse, when I visited the recommended website at this confirms the overall "pro-AGW" agenda the BBC is following. I fail to see how, in any respect this could be classified as debate. I fail to understand how the BBC has a mandate to spend licence-payer's fees running what is essentially a political rather than scientific campaign. You regularly assert or imply that *all* scientists support the concept of AGW, you regularly state it as fact yet this is far from the truth. The only suggestion I could find from the BBC that there may be an alternative and equally valid point of view was found buried in one of your web pages. Can you explain why you are going to such lengths to support a political rather than scientific viewpoint?"

Night owls may have noticed that following the above documentary by an hour or so afterwards, and after most viewers are safely tucked-up in bed, there was a documentary called "The Killer Wave of 1607" which covered the killer tsunami in the Bristol Channel in 1607 (yes, that's A.D. not hours). There were many other documented floods and environmental catastrophes recorded by other nations, some killing tens or hundreds of thousands of people yet none of which could be attributed to Anthropogenic Global Warming in the way implied by the BBC "Flying" documentary. In 1981 high tides and strong winds created a similar storm surge. Had this occurred in 2001 the BBC, on the basis of their current political stance would have almost certainly attributed this to human causes  Remember the furore around the floods in York in 2001?. Built below sea level and being given a constant stream of warnings as to the need to repair sea defences New Orleans suffered a similar fate in 2005 thanks to Hurricane Katrina. Again the cause was stated to be "Global Warming".

Like the "wet droughts" of late, which the attentive may have noticed featuring as part of the propaganda war both in V for Vendetta, and in real life in the UK during New Labour's tenure, Global Warming may now cause Global Cooling so the fearmongers can now eat their cake and still have it. Those older than 40 might also recall the Global Cooling propaganda of the 1960's and 70's - and even before that there was yet another Global Warming psychosis during the 1930s as leftists or modernist rose to power across Europe. There is truly nothing new under the Sun when it comes to using fear and panic to control nations.People of the same political persuasion who would have had us a "Kyoto" designed to cover the poles with soot have been with us for some time.

"In the past 100 years scientists have debated back and forth as to whether the world was cooling or warming. During the 1930's there was a pronounced warming trend which caused great concern. Then, during the 1960's and 1970's there was a pronounced cooling trend. The April 28, 1975 issue of Newsweek predicted the coming of another ice age, and that we were just six degrees away from a "drastic decline in food production... The resulting famines could be catastrophic." Newsweek reporter, Peter Gwynne, went on to state that scientists felt that drastic measures were necessary to stem these "ominous signs" such as "melting the arctic ice cap by covering it with black soot." (The Misunderstood Universe)

"It was five years before the turn of the century and major media were warning of disastrous climate change. Page six of The New York Times was headlined with the serious concerns of “geologists.” Only the president at the time wasn’t Bill Clinton; it was Grover Cleveland. And the Times wasn’t warning about global warming – it was telling readers the looming dangers of a new ice age. The year was 1895, and it was just one of four different time periods in the last 100 years when major print media predicted an impending climate crisis. Each prediction carried its own elements of doom, saying Canada could be “wiped out” or lower crop yields would mean “billions will die.” (Gainor and Anderson)

A Brief History of Climate Scares

Postscript: On W M Connolly's Website there are some excellent critiques of 1970s Global Cooling papers including Lowell Ponte's "The Cooling", apparently to stress the idea that scientists of that era never asserted such theories and that these were the machinations only of the popular press and media. Presumably done to illustrate that contemporary references and quotes to such papers are therefore "invalid" and the Global Warming theory holds and has held sway all along. A mistaken assumption here is a common one made by scientists, who, being immersed in the world of "truth and discovery", have the world-view that truth "controls" the order of the world, when the truth is always relativistic. Politics and the politically powerful have always controlled the truth, controlled science and controlled (most) scientists to produce useful propaganda and manipulate collective behaviour. Whether media articles or genuine science, whatever is useful to the bigger agenda is what is used at any given moment in history. Whilst scientific research is important it needs to be viewed in the correct context. What featured in the media and popular literature, whether backed by scientists or not would have been what was important in shaping public views and a retrospective shows that those in control have backed both the global cooling and global warming "horses". What is of paramount importance is how truth is misrepresented and how popular illusions are created by those who seek to control us all.

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23rd January 2007 - Climate of Fear - Michael Crichton

Interesting to see a prominent novelist make such profound and remarkable observations about the new religion environmental religion being woven around the Global Warming (or Global Cooling) theory. When nihilist/leftist politicians create new religions because they  say quote - "for your own good" - you can be sure no "good" will ever come of it.

  • “Fewer scientific problems are so often discussed, yet so rarely decided by proofs, as whether climatic
    relations have changed over time.” – Joachim von Schouw, 1826.
  • “Nothing is so fervently believed as that which is not known.” – Montaigne.
  • “When men have ceased to believe in Christianity, it is not that they will believe in nothing. They will believe
    in anything.” – G.K. Chesterton.

It should come as scant surprise that whenever one searches hard for the individuals and ideas which lay at the very core of many recent human horrors, be it Nazism, Fabian Socialism, Globalism Communism or other form of mass brainwashing, one always seem to find the usual suspects involved. One invariably finds the same crowd of nihilists/modernists/socialists and neophiliacs who revolve around stellar intellects like Lord Bertrand Russell, H P Blavatsky, Margaret Sanger, Ann Coulter, Beatrice Webb, Karl Marx, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Aliester Crowley, G B Shaw, H G Wells, Alice Bailey, Robert Muller, Aldous Huxley and umpteen distinguished others ...

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15th January 2007 - Tomorrow's God, Yesterday's God, Who's God?

One Christmas present which came from a thoughtful friend was a nice shiny copy of Neale Donald Walsch's Tomorrow's God.

I had already accumulated the Conversations with God books and was part way through them. After many hours of hard reading and much thinking I've finally reached the last page, at which point I sighed and realised that I had found what I had been half-expecting throughout the entire CWG series - that the it was all a pretty good advertisement for the collective works of Barbara Marx Hubbard and her friends in the Globalist movement. These are people who wish to foist both a Global Religion and Global Government on us - possibly out of a psychotic need to fulfil the prophecies of Ezekiel and the Book of Revelation ...

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13th January 2007 - The Berg Beheading Revisited - A US Psi-Op?

Visiting VoxFux I recently came across another article who's outlook on this matched my own instinctive view of events. The view I had on first digesting the full story offered in the UK media.

Everything about the still shots of the murder which were released looked "wrong" somehow - in the same sort of way the obviously faked "Kandahar Cream Cake" - but difficult to pin down to a single point. Likewise, very similar to the Bush "electoral photos" of his favourite asset Osama Bin Laden complete with wristwatch, wedding ring and right-handed wrist action - which was indeed odd for a left-handed man. I firmly believed at the time that this was carried out by the same bunch of motley psychos who, according to the victim-in-the-street in Iraq the CIA are paying to drive into Iraq and bomb the local citizenry (sorry, I keep forgetting, yes - sorry, George, "insurgents") into submitting to Democracy  Maybe the yanks should invent a new word for Democracy which means...

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12th January 2007 - Beliarspeak: Blessed are the War-Makers

Did anyone manage to emerge from a semi-comatose state long enough to pay attention to what Beliar was ranting on about in his televised speech on TV news this evening. The one he made as he gets ready for his exit as worst UK President ever?. This might well be titled his "blessed are the war-makers" speech. It's no longer good enough to "keep the peace".and he made it clear that those who confine themselves to this are rather lacklustre individuals - far better to be a "warmaker" he says, going on to stress that Britain needs to see itself as a Warrior Nation. The Public listens but (apparently) they do not hear, nor do they manage to join the dots and see that the Fabian Socialists are psyching the fuck-witted British public up ready for an endless round of petty wars around the globe. Beliar and his cabinet

Hey, we gotta have more war or The Rothschilds and Rockefellers Big Project might come unglued!. Stroll on 2012.

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11th January 2007 - US Survey on Iraq, Shockers

  • A recent survey conducted by Americans revealed that 100% of Iraqi Presidents appointed by George Bush or sponsored by companies such as the Carlyle Group or Halliburton were in support of sending more US troops to Iraq. No surprise there for the 20,000 thrown into the cauldron of civil-unrest. George Bush said that "in return for the "requested" soldiers the Iraqi leadership he appointed were expected to deliver on their promises" - the nature of these promises was not revealed but a reported noted that the oil storage tank at the White House was running rather low. The $5.6bn cost of these troops added to the £100bn or so already allocated for this year alone was shrugged off by Bush as "chicken feed" and was said to be a "good investment".  Meanwhile experts said that another 50,000 troops were needed just to hold Iraq and the idea of slaughtering the whole population to cut long-term costs had been discounted.

  • Rumours of the US wishing to start a suicidal war on a second front against Iran were strenuously denied by American spokesmen despite a second aircraft carrier being sent into the potential battle zone. It was explained that the captain had purchased a UK-manufactured Sat-Nav device and had simply been misdirected into deep water.

  • When called to account on his use of the word "insurgents" the US President was claimed to have said that his use of the word was accurate since it had been recently redefined to mean "those disloyal to the United States of America" and it was felt that the former definition "one who revolts against legitimate civil authority or Government" didn't accurately or realistically reflect Iraq's new position as the 52nd state of the Union. The president was also keen to point out that the new definition meant that all citizens of the New Global Governance would be viewed using the same definition.

  • Rumours that Canada and states of Southern America were appealing to join the American Union and contribute to the US War Effort were strenuously denied. Opening the southern borders, exempting immigrants from Mexico from attacks by American police when crossing US roads, the construction of new rail and road infrastructure and the stationing of US gunboats and armed forces in Canada were all dismissed as an administrative errors.

  • Another reports highlighted that 100% of former Iraqi dictators formerly sponsored by the United States of America and who had bank accounts with the now-defunct BCCI Bank were known to have suffered accidental death after recklessly playing around with a large piece of rope with a group of friends. Tony Beliar was reported to be considering banning rope but when pushed he refused to comment and blamed the UN in legitimising the sale of rope in the first place.

  • Condoleza Rice said today - "Failure is not an option" regarding the sending 20,000 more troops to Eye Wrack - She was reported to not be taking part in the actual military action for some unknown reason, but the troops must certainly be thankful at least to know what the options are.

  • Like the Native Americans say - white man speaks with forked tongue so let me translate here...
    Bush: The terrorists in Iraq are without conscience and they will make the year bloody etc...

    Translation: The US Forces in Iraq are without conscience and they will make the year bloody etc... (that includes hired mercenaries from across the border as well as the odd psychopathic US grunt)

    Translation: The US Forces in Iraq are without conscience and they will make the year bloody etc... (that includes hired mercenaries from across the border as well as the odd psychopathic US grunt)

  • Insurgent -   Merriam-Webster Dictionary - Hmmm... none of these seem to fit Iraqis, as victims of a foreign occupation....
    "1 : a person who revolts against civil authority or an established government; especially : a rebel not recognized as a belligerent"
    "2 : one who acts contrary to the policies and decisions of one's own political party"

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11th January 2007 - Cops "R" U.S. - Smackdown Tournament US-Style

The shocking photographs which appeared in most major UK newspapers of a British Oxford University professor being beaten up by American police thugs today for the "crime" of crossing a road must surely have provoked absolute outrage, at least this side of the Atlantic. Panic and damage limitation is hinted at in the articles and the local Mayor will probably be scurrying up and down trying to scour the reputation of his police they were caught with their trousers well and truly down. This must be particularly embarrassing since Oxford is the home of Cecil Rhodes' long-running British Global Domination Scholarship Programme which acts as alma mater to the most prominent American political figures. The thug in question couldn't have picked on a more embarrassing victim - this man was a prominent intellectual not someone who made his living from filching wallets... Mirror Article

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7th January 2007 - Here's a Mad Idea - Slackdows 1.00?

Looking at the current state of the WINE project it now has the ability to run a huge range of Windows applications including legacy apps. What's more SAMBA file sharing is now advanced enough for Linux boxes even to run as Windows domain servers. Here's a suggestion which will go right over the to of Linux geeks - how about a release of Linux which, to all intents and purposes can host Windows/DOS apps transparently. Perhaps along the lines of Lindows but not quite ReactOS in that it definitely retains it's underlying Linux form...

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6th January 2007 - The Clever Dumb Balance

According to the voiceover in the UK TV advertisement for the Mint credit card:

"The earth is in a delicate balance"

No, it isn't. This idea comes from a misunderstanding of the "Butterfly Theory". The earth is, in reality, a stable ecosystem driven by forces which provide negative feedback and is able to remain stable in the face of astronomical disturbances. Given the phenomenal disturbances of the past if the earth was bistable or unstable we'd have entered that phase by now. Someone at Mint should have, perhaps paid attention on Geography or physics lessons. What's worrying here is that the Mint content is driven by the same politically-inspired disinformation which is driving the Global Warming propaganda.

Is the clever/dumb balance restored?

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5th January 2007 - Triumph over Dll Hell

Well I finally got at nice selection of "round tuits" given me for Christmas so I finally wrote the wee content merger applet I had been planning to write for the past three years which now means I can cut older articles on this page down to stub entries and automatically link-in content from an offline archive folder as well as providing proper permalinks. Crumbs - it even works!. My regular three visitors may notice the page loads a bit faster now - yep, even with Gzip compression!. I even got around to doing that long, tedious smellcheck session I kept putting off. Amazing what F7 can do to de-Guardianise one's prose. If you use a Win32 personal webserver such as Apache you can download it free here

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3rd January 2007 - What if God Became Open Source?

Now here's a crazy idea. One forged in the sprit of true global collaboration (unlike the enforced and ongoing Global Fascist unification process) - what if... What if... God became open source?.

This is a serious question and one which isn't easy of me to ask as I have lived for years, supposedly, as an athiest. Yet, now I am older and far more able to think for myself and listen to my own inner intuition than being browbeaten by others - I have realised that. despite decades of experience I am still yet to meet a Christian, Mormon, Jehova's Witness or whatever who actually believes in God. I have met many who believe in and worship Christ or Jesus but not God. I would go to Church and search for God there but I'm now aware that God lives there no more than it lives in the local park or my garden or pub. I found that these "religious" individuals bandy the word "God" with casual abandon but have absolutely no concept of the infinite...

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3rd January 2007 - Iraqi Long Term Forecast Remains Cloudy

How much more predictable could the current hiatus about Saddam's execution be?. Having no remaining mandate for the desired long term occupation of Iraq the US needs desperately to ensure civil war escalates out of control. Rumsfeld certainly was not joking when he promised a US presence in "Eye Wrack" and war for the rest of our lifetimes. A recent UK TV documentary on Iraq highlighted comments from residents that car-bombers were not Iraqis but were coming in from across adjacent borders as mercenary attackers with some "unknown" financial backer.

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16th December 2006 - Big, Round Numbers?

As someone shaped rather like a dog said about all the doom and gloom over the Year 2000 (Y2K)

"God uses a base ten counting system and likes, big, round numbers" (well said)

Even so... mere mortals tend to plan their endeavours in 5, 10 and 20 year periods (the Japs even plan over 30 and 50 year cycles) and these tendencies (which arise from financial planners to coincide with funding cycles etc) tend to target round number years like 2010 or 2015. So why does this date 2012 keep popping up everywhere you look?

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30th October 2006 - The BBC Underlining Global Warming Hype

Those of you who were paying attention whilst watching the BBC TV news today would have noticed that during the primary story regarding Labour's proposed raft of "Green" taxes, the scrolling "marquee" was featuring a fairly extended set of comments relating to the unfortunate deaths of two children in Greece from Carbon Monoxide poisoning. This sort of unfortunate "coincidence" seems to happen quite a lot and forms a subliminal which underlines or reinforces the context of the main story.

Postscript: 2007 - The BBC's bias on "environmental and climate issues" is so profound that I wonder if this topic is even worth discussing any more. Together with The (non) Independent and the Manchester Grauniad they make a good team.

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29th October 2006 - Dear BBC - Supporting Labour's Climate of Fear?

No surprise that the BBC has come in for criticism and allegations of bias. This is something anyone who has been paying attention will have been aware of for some time now. The BBC's bias is, quite frankly embarrassing. Even the feedback from the public is fairly heavily censored and restricted to tepid objections and profane bootlicking by dim-witted Guardian readers.  I have yet to have even a moderate criticism of the BBC published as an anonymous user who's views can be vetted - and I am especially concerned at the bogus science and blatant propaganda on so-called "Climate Change" being pushed by the BBC on behalf of both the Labour Government and UN.

The Global Warming myth is an induced mass-psychosis predicated on the concept of the Precautionary Principle - that the cost of doing nothing is too high where the Earth is concerned (note this is NOT about the Human Race). That not having evidence is not a reason for not taking action.

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28th October 2006 - The Truth is Out There - But Where?

As the tagline from the Sci Fi series X-Files says "the truth is out there". A more profound statement than most people would usually give credit. One needs to ask , "where is the source of all truth?", or perhaps, "from where do scientific discoveries come?".

Einstein was once asked where his discoveries came from and he replied that it was by "challenging an axiom". The more one looks at this phenomenon it is clear that the truth really does surround us all of the time. It is always staring us right, smack in the face but we choose not to see it. We are all familiar with what I term Red Volkswagen Syndrome - this is where we purchase, say a red Volkswagen car then suddenly notice red Volkswagens everywhere. Our perception has been shifted and we now volunteer to see what we chose not to see before.

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10th October 2006 - ANPR Police Road Blocks - Back to a Thatcher Future in Blair's Britain

Anyone remember those bad old Thatcher years?. Yes, the time when parts of the UK were covered in road blocks and Police would stop people and refuse their right to travel if they fit a certain social profile. Yes I remember being stopped and told I had to go home or be arrested. I also remember as a Trades Unionist at the time just how many fellow socialists and Labour Party members were aghast at this emerging tyranny. Some of those I knew personally, John Heppell (MP), for example was as outspoken against the "tyranny that was Thatcher" as anyone. So (apparently) were most of the current Labour cabinet at the time.

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4th October 2006 - It's Got a Waidget! - An Oujet!

Nope thats no a Scottish accent, Jimmy. One of the most hated inventions for beer-lovers must surely be the dreaded "widget" popularised by the dry sarcasm of Jack Dee in those UK TV adverts. Clearly the marketing gurus are foreign wine drinkers or, perhaps, teetotal? Surely an accurate assessment as all widget beers taste like nauseous, flatulent piss. Hopefully these will go the way of all things marketed in extremely bad taste such as the Bay City Rollers and Spice Girls. Until then there's no sign of the horror of widget tinned beers abating. Friends please note, if you want to thank me in return for any favours or are drawing up that Christmas list now then you should be aware that all widget beer goes down the sink!.

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12th September 2006 - Beware of the Wicked Wikipedia of the West!

Several correspondents have pointed out errors, inaccuracies or outright biases in some Wikipedia entries recently - particularly those relating to politically-controversial issues such as the US War of Terror, Global Power Politics, State-sponsored conspiracy-theories, 9/11, pollution, eugenics, population, Globalisation and crackpot Induced Global Warming theories. The errors are not always in the detail or primary definition but often in terms of broad misrepresentation of the facts by vested interests in indirect areas of the work.

"It is unremarkable that the topics covered at present in Wikipedia reflect the interests of those who contribute to it, and that these contributors represent a relatively narrow, self-selected segment of society. In the absence of planning and some degree of central direction, how else could it have been?" (Robert McHenry)

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11th September 2006 - Final Evidence of Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq

On this day it is worth reflecting on the US War of Terror. Since the start of the US war against the Iraqi people an equivalent of around 200,000 of Hiroshima bombs has been unleashed into the atmosphere over Iraq by means of American depleted Uranium weaponry. The guy responsible for the US government cleanup policy appeared on video to point out that there is, quite simply, no feasible cleanup policy for such a crime against humanity. Although the nuclear material has a half life in terms of many thousands of years, effectively, the land of Iraq is now dangerously radioactive and harmful to human life possibly until the end of human civilisation.  (Yes, the figures vary but we are talking thousands and Hiroshima and Nagasaki were relatively low yield devices)

"The admiral in India calculated the amount of radiation in the Nagasaki bomb and compared it with the number in the 4,000,000 pounds of uranium left in Iraq from the 2003 war. Now, believe me, it is a lot more complex than that; but, that is essentially what the experts in India did.

How many Nagasaki Bombs equal the Radiation in the 2003 Iraq war? Answer: About 250,000 Nagasaki Bombs. How many Nagasaki Bombs equal the Radiation in the last Five American Nuclear Radiation Wars? Answer: About 400,000 Nagasaki Bombs."  (Bob Nichols - The Dissenting Voice)

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5th September 2006 - Daily Mail - The Filth and The Fury - The "911 Pistols"

Today's Daily Mail Online featured a piece by Jaya Narain on the 911 Truth Commission who have worked long and hard analysing the facts on the events of 9/11 2001. Many of these people have done so with extreme bravery in the face of threats by the US government to their lives, families or pensions. I have never read such an unadulterated pile of belittling codswallop as today's article and although there are others who believe the Mail's reporting is poor, this falls well below the standards one might expect of professional journalism in any UK newspaper and is a cheap slur against the 9/11 Truth Movement.

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4th September 2006 - Biased BBC:How The Greenhouse Effect Really Works

I see that the BBC are still relentlessly peddling both the myth of human induced Global Warming via CO2 and totally false explanations of how the greenhouse effect works. Guess they have to keep singing from the same hymn sheet from the Globalists or they're not gonna get their charter renewed and chances of the £150 ($300US) television ownership tax will start to look slim. It's a shame CO2 is heavier than air which effectively prevents it creating the required substantive "layer effect" needed to create an isolated atmospheric subset ...

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26th August 2006 - The World's Shortest Ode

Dedicated either to Tony Beliar or George Dubya Bush....

"O, Fool"

Shall I contact the Guinness Book of Records?


26th August 2006 - Nuclear Energy is the Future, Is it or Isn't It?, Well It Depends Who You Are

The Global Warming propaganda steamrollers on having been sneakily rebadged as the inarguable as "Climate Change" and we even now have "New Climate Change" foisted on us by the propagandist UK media networks as though it were some exciting new series of The New Avengers. Tony Beliar has worked long and hard to "sell" us the idea that we need to give up on both oil and alternative "green" sources of energy and invest in a massive new wave of nuclear (nu-killer for US readers) power stations.

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26th August 2006 - Another Little Bit of History, Repeating?

Many will have been struck between the similarities of British life and politics and those of Germany of the 1930s. The Treaty of Versailles being a means of both crushing and manipulating the German economy following the surrender of WW1. However, we have a far more sophisticated and far more corrupt world than that of the turn of the last century and one which requires less of a bludgeoning tactic to control. However what is clear that core conditions which were engineered three prime conditions which facilitated the rise of German Fascism and they are imminent in Europe today. Today we are already primed ready for...

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25th August 2006 - 4x4 Ways to Say Fuck Greenpeace!

Warped, malevolent and psychotic class hatred, something always present in British society is now engineered and mass-marketed for us by the leftist-dominated organisation, Greenpeace. This has reached a new nadir with their anti 4x4 advert which shows the conspicuously male driver being snubbed socially and even having his coffee spat in by a colleague. Not only is this blatantly sexist (why not pick on a "school-run mum" ?) but it espouses the very worst of blind unthinking Marxist/Leninist ideals - those of hating those of another class simply for the sake of hating them and plays right into the hands of the ignorant and unthinking.

The advert, labelled as "The City Gas Guzzler" the was undoubtedly calculated to kick-start hatred at those who drive "prestige" vehicles and the claims that such hate campaigns are based on concepts such as miles-per-gallon have been long demolished and shown to be inept and misleading. Many 4x4s give better fuel consumption than many saloon cars and certainly better MPG than a badly maintained hatchback or rotting 2CV,

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22nd August 2006 - Just Plane Snakey?

Hmm... I wonder if anyone else has clued into the topical nature of the latest flick to be released - "Snakes on a Plane". Not only is there a powerful subliminal message which expands and expounds on the recent bogus terror alerts but it "twists the knife" on public paranoia over air travel.

I guess the film is worth a million bucks to those who are engineering fear, uncertainty and doubt for a living and intend to profit by the reaction that "something must be done" to protect us all. Are the snakes supposed to be a subliminal metaphor for Moslems just so that we all feel ever-so-slightly ill at ease even when we don't have a copy of the Koran in sight?

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19th August 2006 - Kansas is Going Bye Bye...

"Buckle up Dorothy, ‘cos Kansas is going bye-bye" (Cipher, The Matrix)

Oddly prophetic, and just like real life, nothing in the Matrix is what it seems.

The Global Brotherhood are continuing in their plan to mirror the creation of the United States of Europe with their own US expansion program intended to create a greater US Federal Union which will swallow-up both Mexico and Canada. Some might say that the reality will be the other way around, and that the former states of the US will be swallowed up as the US economy finally implodes and home industry grinds to a halt. Whatever the case and no matter how constant the denials from the US government the plan still steamrollers ahead. The US-Mexico borders are wide open and now plans are announced for Kansas to openly embrace Mexican expansion with the taxpayers of the City of Kansas to pay for new road and rail infrastructure including a 12 lane highway and abolition of border controls which will permit Mexican trucks to carry cheap imported goods into the former US.

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18th August 2006 - Dark Skies Over America -  Late Autumn 2006

These are the dying days of the West according to long-held beliefs by many religious groups. The global power-brokers, psychotic, and determined to continue the Great Work of Ages which involves firmly ushering a New Aeon, rebuilding Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem and many more interesting but psychologically programmed activities...

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16th August 2006 - Eye Eye! - Big Brother Central?

Anyone watching the East Midlands edition of ITV Central News this evening may have noticed the "Big Brother Eye" (yes, the mind-numbingly boring TV "reality" show) briefly displayed as an over-graphic during a news item. It was only present for about 1 second and moved from bottom left to top left corner of the screen with a date or time superimposed on it. Not quite sure what all this was about, whether it was perhaps a subliminal or "blipvert" intended to make viewers tune into this utterly shite TV show after the recent catastrophic financial announcements for the ITV group or perhaps some dodgy subliminal advertising for the Carphone Warehouse, sponsors of the series. However, big bother is hosted by Channel 4 rather than ITV so even blatant advertising in the middle of a regional/topical news feature is a bit "naff"...

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14th August 2006 - More Trial By Media - More Bogus Terrorism

Without knowing even what to properly refer to it as -  I'm sure that most people have seen the latest "terrorist" scare. This being the scare without a name, the scare without any real details and the scare without evidence other than if we take the word of Home Secretary, Dr John Reid. The scare which, if we pay attention to the TV consists of little more than innuendo and vague claims. The UK media has swamped us with images of the "accused", with scant regard for the concept of innocence until proven guilty...

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2nd August 2006 - The Sun is Falling!

A recent conversation with a fellow global-warming skeptic revealed an interesting flaw in the way we think about the weather which didn't strike me until some time later. We were discussing the claim about July 2006 being the "hottest month on record" with obvious references to the bunkum and mathematical shenanigans used to support such claims. However she did mention that she thought it was certainly hotter than she ever remembered - hotter than my counter claim of 1976 being "hot" and the proof being that she had never felt the sun as hot or suffered sunburn before.

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15th July 2006 - Windows Live Messenger (MSN) - Ooops!

If you're a big user of MSN to keep in touch with friends the whatever you DON'T upgrade to the new Windows Live Messenger!.
I rather stupidly upgraded and found that it had not only resurrected every person I had ever spoken to (and thats a lot) back into my active "friends" list but there was also no longer any ability to block nuisance MSN-ers...

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29th June 2006 - Independence Day - Welcome to the Brave New World of Tony Beliar

In the not too distant future a very large number of people are going to be asking themselves "How the hell did we end up with a fascist government in charge?", followed only by the inevitable quest to blame anyone but themselves. By fascists, I don't mean any surprise victory by the BNB either, but the bunch of sociopathic control freaks we have in control now. A collection of madmen (and mad women) who are taking the nation on an express elevator ride to Armageddon with full co-operation of an army of jobsworths, thugs and "clipboard men" super-heroes...

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28th June 2006 - Hackers 1: Good Guys 0

As a regular contributor to the ApacheFreaks Apache webserver forum and proud to say that I've helped a few people along the way it is with great regret that today marks the passing of the support forum. After a constant series of attacks and defacement the site owners decided to "pull" the site (no, not a controlled demolition Mr Silverstein, put your wallet away). This means that the 1,700 or so posts I've made over the last 18 months have now all gone and Warris, despite his best efforts will never get his site online.

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10th June 2006 - All Quiet On the Western Front?

Foolishly thinking it was "all quiet" here in the West and that the Globalists sat twiddling their collective thumbs on or around the 6th of June (see 6/6/6) we now learn later on that, for at least the tenth time they killed off their former employee Abu Musab Al Zarqawi in a bombing raid. What a collective sigh or relief there must have been, at least in the US that yet another former ally and cohort of the US secret services won't be around to upset the apple cart. Hardly a major coup though. I'd have expected a far bigger celebration by the Satanists on the 6th. The attack is claimed by the BBC to have taken place on the 7th but presumably it would have been launched and put into operation on the 6th.

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4th June 2006 - Romans Go Home: Treble Sixed? - 06/06/06

Keep an eye out for "interesting" things happening courtesy of our "Globalist" friends as the approaching "666" date is quite significant to our industrious, stone-chipping, Globalist friends. The rumour-mill suggests warships now in place and arms at the ready for the US/Globalist attack on Iran. Whether this will happen or not is debatable but interesting, nevertheless.

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23rd May 2006 - Eco-Mischief : More Rubbish of from Tony Beliar

The "Dear Leader" was quoted as making the following typically absurd statement in the foreword to the Strategy Unit's report on domestic waste ...

"At current rates of growth the amount of household rubbish will double by 2020, and cost £3.2bn per year to dispose of. That would mean spending an extra £1.6bn a year on waste management. So we need first to reduce the amount of waste we create."

Hmm... well, not discounting the environmental cost...

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21st May 2006 - Global Warming Myths : Eco Friendly Washing Machines

Dunno if you have to watch the pennies as far as energy bills go, but there are an awful lot of urban myths floating about relating to energy. From the old chestnut about fluorescent lighting to the size of your freezer. It should come as no surprise that some of them have been propagated or sustained by the Government - who appear not to know their rectum from their elbow most of the time.

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20th May 2006 - The Da Vinci Code - Is it Relevant?

As they know I have an interest in "the interesting and mysterious" I've been asked many times now what I think of the upcoming film "The DaVinci Code". Not quite sure why there is so much relevance attached to both the film and the question and its one I've found difficult to answer. It presumes that one accepts the book and film are one, single, holistic theory to be accepted or denied and neglects to focus on the significance of the individual parts.

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19th May 2006 - Fat-Busters: Over Egging the Pudding?

I picked up a stomach bug prior to touring France and sat on the toilet with explosive diarrhoea wondering if it would be a good idea to sit on a motorbike for 1,000+ miles over the next week or so. As it was I was ok but made major use of the toilet. Where am I going with this post you may ask?. Well, not being keen on frog's legs or French cuisine in general I lived the week on a high carb diet, consisting mainly of croissant and pain au chocolat and returned to the UK with serious stomach pains and even an more explosive case of the shits...

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19th May 2006 - Pyramids R Us: Normandy Invasion

Warning: New World Order Ahead Back from a motorcycle tour of La Belle France. Well, Normandy battle sites actually. An excellent ride down the D940 thru Cap Gris Nez over La Pont de Normandie then to Le Harvre, Bayeux and finishing at Omaha Beach for the 8th June D Day Anniversary. What was notable was that VE day is a National public holiday in France yet few people in the UK can recall the date. The media have pretty well downplayed the event yet it's still a "big deal" sur-le-continent.

Anyway we couldn't complete the tour without visiting the British Military cemetery at Bayeux and then the US Cemetery at Omaha Beach where 9,000 young Americans lost their lives. Standing in front of the massive and imposing stone monument I had a curios thought. I wonder.... I walked to the left side of the monument and squinted up the side but didn't spot what I expected to see - just a large and unusually close topiary and a path leading round the back. Something didn't seem quite right so I had a little wander around the side path on the coast side and yep... there IT was!!. The triangular "Toblerone"mark of the Globalist/Masonic Money-Men. Although I had half-expected to see it there I was, none the less, shocked to actually find "it" chiselled into the wall in a seal around 6 feet in diameter. The All-Seeing Eye of Horus - The Eye in the Triangle  - The Great Architect (GAOTU) carefully hidden behind a well-manicured bush!. I kid you not - see the photos below of the coastal side of the monument...

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3rd April 2006 - The Sky is Falling : March of of the Golgafrinchans

The Sky is Falling

"How can you have money when none of you produce anything? It doesn't grow on trees you know!"

“Well since we have adopted the leaf as legal tender we have of course all become extremely rich. However, we have run into a slight inflation problem and therefore we've decided to burn down all the forests.” (HHGTTG/RATEOTU)

New scientific evidence suggests that trees and the planet's rainforests contribute CO2 to the Global Warming effect. Any schoolboy who didn't have his hands up Lucy Crochet's knickers or found asleep on the back row before PE lessons would know that all photosynthesising plants have a diurnal cycle - photosynthesis during the day, which emits oxygen and "normal" respiration at night where plants emit CO2. The facts learned in first year biology seldom appear in the lengthy "green" discussions on climate change.

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1st April 2006 - Impending US Attack on Iran - Reign Stops Play?

Well, the 28th has come and gone and (as far as we know) there has been no US air strike on Iranian nuclear installations. But the US has at least wheedled a mandate out of the UN which, if past actions are anything to go by, could be warped and bent into shape sufficiently to use as a mandate for some sort of pre-emptive strike. Since it's clear that there has been a military build up in terms of the purchase and distribution of required weapons - especially the documented cases of weapons being sent to Israel for them to use as part of a strike - one might expect that the PNAC despots intend to use them eventually.

Although the arms companies are counting their dollars all the way to the global banks, one, presumably, doesn't spend a fortune on mini-nukes and other tactical weapons not to use them -

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13th March 2006 - Milosevic Murdered - A Bitter Pill to Swallow?

Okay, hands up all of those who said before today that Slobodan Milosevic would probably not make it to trial. Few of those in positions of real power could have afforded Milosevic to speak out openly in a public trial. In a non-bungled parallel to the accidental murder of DeMeneses in London last year I wasn't even slightly surprised seeing my MSN headlines quote that he was "dead". A slight medical accident? I mused to myself as I read the article. No surprise that later on it was announced that he had uhm... (cough) "accidentally" taken the wrong medication. Whatever. I think most of us fully expected that he would never be able to spill the beans on his masters. As Paul Joseph Watson said in his article today...

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9th March 2006 - World War 3: Some Must Read Articles on The Impending Attack on Iran

In view of the flood of US-supportive information in the UK media you're unlikely to have a clear idea of what's about to unfold in the middle east. If you read no other articles with respect to the current US-Israel-Iran scenario you'd be well advised to read the following.The first article explains pretty well all you need to know about the real motives behind the US War of Terror, their need to plan for a full scale war against their own citizens, 9/11, the Invasion and occupation of Iraq and the long-planned joint Israeli-US attack on Iran. Collapse of the US dollar is inevitable, and when it happens America will descend into anarchy. How soon it comes or how critical the effects will be depends wholly on current US military adventures.

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8th March 2006 - The Peak District: Predicting the Oil Peak

Whilst surfing round researching the subject I am regularly seeing pretty categoric claims about the date for Peak Oil but few of these seem to be based on logic or science. The major oil experts tend to refrain themselves from such claims and for good reason. The absolute and categoric prediction of a "peak date" would depend on extrapolation from an absolutely accurate knowledge of both current oil reserves, new reserves waiting to be discovered and rates of extraction (not to mention losses or unexpected explorative difficulties such as geological problems).

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6th March 2006 - The Peak District: Our Global Economic Future

After watching The End of Suburbia (TEOS/TEOTWAWKI) one more time a few things struck me. I "heard" content which was there yet which I hadn't heard before due to the relentless near-subliminal programming of the UK Media. Oil production has not peaked yet but it will at some point in the future. Possibly around 2020 barring massive de-industrialisation. Like being in love, the actual date can only be judged after the event.

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5th March 2006 - More on Collective Psychosis

Every so often you find that someone has already summed up in more concise terms that which you has struggled to say. It seems that the theory of Collective Psychosis linked to wilful collective extermination is not an entirely new one...

"In spite of everything, we continue to blunder along in a kind of blindfold nightmare, enacted with all the inevitability of a Greek tragedy, extending our empire of sterilized artificiality and specialist methodology ever further, advancing into the computerized or electronic wilderness, devising bigger banking systems, manipulating the reproductive processes of plants, animals and human beings, saturating our soils and crops with high-powered chemicals and poisons, and behaving generally in a manner which, even if we had deliberately programmed it, could not be more propitious to our own annihilation and to that of the world about us. It is as if we are in the grip of some monstrous collective psychosis, as if a huge death-wish hangs over the so-called civilized world"
(Theologian, Dr. Philip Sherrard in his essay, Sacred Cosmology and the Ecological Crisis)


5th March 2006 - The War of Terror: Beware of the Ides of March?

Keep an eye on the 28th of March. You won't see much on the BBC but, in keeping with the Martial spirit of the month, all the votes are for a late March attack on Iran by Israel and the US (possibly from Turkey). This will coincide with the proposal for Iran to do much the same as Saddam Hussein, to set up a global oil market (burse) to trade oil not in US dollars but in Euros.

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2nd March 2006 - "Childhood Obesity" Sponsors the Case for an End to the NHS

One of the "end games" of the deceitful obesity propaganda campaign was revealed in this Times Online article. Here we see the Hegelian Dialectic in action. Create the perception of a problem, wait for the reaction then offer the solution.

"Childhood obesity can only be tackled by phasing out the NHS to be replaced by healthcare based on insurance premiums and lifestyle choices.Only when the parents of these individuals and they themselves are hit in their own pockets will anything change. If the NHS in its present form did not exist then childhood obesity would be of no interest to anyone but those directly involved because the taxpayer would not have to pick up the tab. " (Derek Sinclair, Times Online Discussion)

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1st March 2006 - Skepticism 101: Is a Net Poll Sometimes Weighted? (Discuss)

Warning - The Evil EyeAlert!

Eye eye - something going off here?. Surfing round the net investigating the curious presence of the Eye of Horus as seen in the globalist "Eye in the Triangle" or Eye of Providence format, shown as a "camera" image on the VGT main and children's website, I surfed around for discussions which might have commented on the role of VGT and where people thought its future direction might lie. I happened across an AOL discussion which had a poll relating to the old "Internet - Good XOR Bad" chestnut with respect to freedom of speech. A rhetorical argument usually put forward with the intention of leading the contributors in a given direction.

Their poll showed that its a good idea to pay attention to the small print when voting. Here we have a vote which is engineered to increase the proportion of people voting against the net (i.e. to substantiate a case to claim that net freedom of speech must be substantially bad since we have had so many voters agree).

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1st March 2006 - Is Big Brother Reading Your Blog?

Yes, but probably no one else is!. Looking regularly at my own server logs it's clear that a barrage of miscreants and government scallywags are regularly attempting to snort entire sections of my own blog despite it having few real visitors. Fortunately I run intruder detection software which permanently bans them and logs their access. Things may not be so rosy for those who indulge in the 21st century's first "big thing", - that of blogging - on hosted webspace where there is less control!.

"GETTING DOOCED. Corporate bloggers are also coping with increased vigilance by bosses. Getting fired for blog entries is so common now that it's come to be characterised by the term "dooced.", a blog kept by one of the dooced, has seen its traffic more than double over the past year, according to Web site ranker Alexa. One networker who asked not to be identified says she regularly peppers her entries with fiction so she can avoid being identified by her employer." (

Good job I'm retired then!. But wait, there's more...

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27th February 2006 - Dispatches - Channel 4 - Stealing Our Freedom

"Political commentator Peter Hitchens takes a look at how the recent avalanche of security legislation has affected the civil liberties of ordinary people in Britain. The result, Hitchens explains, is that we are sleepwalking into a Big Brother state. Travelling across Britain, Hitchens meets ordinary people who have suffered needlessly because of new legislation and increased police powers. The programme also contains interviews with the Lord Chancellor Charles Falconer, Lord Carlisle, an independent reviewer of terrorism legislation, and Shami Chakrabarti, Director of Liberty."

Looking at the poll (right) the UK public are clearly not "on message" here and need to be "educated" by the Government and shown the error of their ways. Unless we all accept the need to relinquish our rights and see the light of the New World Order I guess  "ze beatings vill continue".

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20th February 2006 - The Price of (No) Free Speech?

British Citizen David Irving was sentenced to 3 years in jail for denying the official State version of the truth held by the Austrian government. Anyone who has read a single history book rather than relying on the revisionist view of mid-20th century history popularised on UK TV, might well be struck with the utter irony of a post-fascist Austrian (German) government, who's citizenry committed and supported the Jewish Holocaust (and collectively share in it's guilt) -  imprisoning a British citizen for voicing his own opinion.  David, being a citizen of a nation where so many ordinary people gave made the ultimate sacrifice to end this tragic assault both on humanity and freedom. How many of us have relatives who either died in what was supposed to be the ultimate war against Fascism or were crippled by it?.

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20th February 2006   - Neo Labour - Spinning Terror (Dispatches, Channel 4)

So we finally see a serious documentary in the UK - Dispatches, Channel 4 - 20:00hrs - a fascinating investigation by Peter Oborne which commits that most absurd act in our curious times - it actually asks some searching questions about the Labour Government's use of media spin, hype and outright lies relating to the War of Terror.

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15th February 2006 - The Sky is Falling : Lets Burn Down The Forests!

An accurate answer to a recent BBC Junk Science Eco-Survey question for which it is possible only to submit the wrong answer (in line with UN/Globalist propaganda). (BBC Climate Challenge)

Q) You take a flight from the UK to India - How many trees would you need to plant to absorb the CO2 the plane puts out into the atmosphere?

A) NONE is the correct answer

CO2 is plant food. Plant life increases proportionally to the availability of CO2 and other environmental factors. As CO2 increases then plant life increases. The exception to this being human deforestation. Recent increases in CO2 are coincidental with increases in plant life.

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Sky is Falling

14th February 2006 Life as We Know It - Tired and Fired!

Sitting in the dentists one can often stumble over the most interesting articles in magazines one would never normally read. Today I found out that there's a whole acronym and emerging demographic for people just like me. TIRED (or FIRED if you're over 40). This standing for Thirtysomething, Independent, Radical, Educated Dropouts!. These are former high-flyers in high-profile, demanding/high-paid jobs or on a post university progression in blue-chip placements. People who wake up one morning who realise its all a crock of shit. That clocking each morning to spend another day taking crap for people to by more shit we don't need is not actually life as we know it.  People who then radically re-evaluate their lives and pack the lot up to find something more rewarding to fill their days.

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14th February 2006 - Is There an Echo In This Dream?

Is there an echo in here?. Clever bloke this here Paul Levy. I've just discovered his website which contains some truly excellent articles on his at and have added some links here. There are a bundle of superb essays broadly based on Buddhist concepts. An even cleverer bloke is Carl G. Jung, one of my long-time heroes who is also much admired by Mr Levy and features in a few of his essays. Here is an extract from his view of what I have already coined (not uniquely I'd guess) as "collective psychosis" which he terms the "psychic epidemic".

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13th February 2006 - ID Cards - Coming Soon to a Passport Near You

Just posted on the BBC website at 20:18 hours it has been announced that by a narrow margin MPs voted to enforce ID cards on anyone applying for a UK passport. Of course us bloggers knew all along that the decision on ID cards had already been taken. Note that you can almost certainly add driving licences to this mandate which would give any potential fascist government absolute control over personal mobility.

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12th February 2006 - Snowball Gets Obese

Ok, tired with the cat calls of "you fat bastard" (or were the shouting at Royston Vasey?) I know that I put on about 1/2 stone over Christmas so I decided to look up the standard calculation for "clinical obesity" and see if I fit yet.  My normal weight would be anything from about 12 stones to 12.5 stones. Ok, so the creaking and groaning scales tell me that I am just under 13 stones (208lb) at the moment however. I sought out and consulted the ever-helpful American diet sites. Well, I guessed that they ought to be pretty expert - who can argue that Americans are a bunch of fat bastards? Not even Chubby Brown I guess.

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11th February 2006 - The Sky is Falling - Independence Day?

"Global warning - the tipping point - A special investigation reveals that critical rises in world temperatures is [sic (are)] now unavoidable" - The (Semi) Independent

Global climate hype is coming thick and fast now with this panic-stricken and hysteria-laden headline from the UK "Independent" newspaper appearing, almost, to maliciously challenge the Express's counter-claim of Global Cooling of not more than 3 days previous. Not only have these guys seriously got a screw loose but their use of the word "investigation" by UK newspapers is somewhat abused. What investigation? Someone ought, perhaps to tell their correspondent (or editor) that in English the word "investigation" tends to imply a little bit more than simply reprinting tripe extracted from press releases from Global politicos or "pet scientists" over the past 5 years. It certainly ought to lead to something more substantial than tiresomely reprinting the same old global warming due to CO2 "pap" and plastering the discredited and now known to be faked IPCC report "Mann Hockeystick" graphs around the page. No surprise that the same graphs were literally scattered all over the actual IPCC report whether in context of the related science or not.

The Sky is Falling

As one scientist who contributed to the IPCC report pointed out, no one really bothered to check out the science in the report, they just read the "summary for policy makers" which was, in reality -quote- a "summary by policymakers" and bore no relation to the inconveniently inconclusive scientific conclusions of the report.

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10th February 2006 - The Sky is Falling - Blowing Hot and Cold

The papers are, once again, full of hype, propaganda and media disinformation with respect to the "Global Warming" fiasco. Those of you who've bothered to check out what the real scientists are saying now will already know the deal. That climate change has always happened, always will and that even the world's best scientists admit they know absolutely nothing about the consequences of global climate changes.

Recorded global warming are a statistical embarrassment due to recording increases in urban rather than global temperatures. Even less being known about the relationship between human activity and any potentially catastrophic climate change. The fraudulent "Mann Hockeystick" graph has long been discredited and shown to produce the same alarming curve even if you throw random data at the algorithm. Every which way you look the so-called "science" behind this is a pig's ear. Those doing research in the field must be cringing with embarrassment or just too scared to speak out.

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10th February 2006 - March of the Morons - Bush for Lifetime US President

Expect to see a few elections cancelled here and there. Although we've seen it in recently the UK, one of the likely and prominent culprits being the next US presidential elections. Most of us know already that Hillary Clinton has been selected by the Globalists as next US president barring any unexpected moves which might upset the apple cart. This new development may represent a slight change in the globalist's plan.

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9th February 2006 - Is There Something Rotten in the State of Denmark?

Of course, being a paranoid conspiracy fanatic my friends thought I was going a little over the top when I said that I thought there was probably a Bilderberg connection to the recent Muslim riots and the timing of the offending cartoon's release. With the defeat of ID cards yet again in the UK Parliament the issue was firmly back on the agenda both here and elsewhere in Europe after the sacking of the Danish embassy by fanatics hell bent on the destruction of Western Civilisation as we know it.

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8th February 2006 - Yves Adele Harlow - The Lone Gunman - 4th March 2001

If you only get the chance to watch one conspiracy movie then make sure you get a copy of "The Lone Gunmen" pilot episode produced by Fox TV and first aired on the 4th of March 2001 a full 6 months before the 9/11 attack on the WTC. Even more surprising given Fox TV's consistent background as a cover up organisation for the global elite.

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7th February 2006 - 4 Into 666 Won't Go!

Surfing around Alex Jones's Infowars site I came across a few comments about Vichyist Fascist Francois Mitterand's Louvre-defacing glass pyramid. How interesting then that the structure is reputed to have 6 hundred, three score and 6 panes of glass. Just coincidence I guess?. The obvious thing to spring to mind (even to someone as crap at maths as me) is to ask "hmmm... 4 sided pyramid, 666 panes.... could 666 panes arise accidentally in the design of a 4 sided equilateral pyramid?. 666 divided by 4 gives 166.5

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5th February 2006 - Join The Dots: Barclaycard Gets "Tough" on Customers

The UK credit-card company, Barclaycard has announced that it intends to penalise card holders who regularly pay off their debts in full each month. The plan outlined is one to have a sliding scale of payment due dates. Those who pay off in full will find their minimum-payment date advanced in an attempt to "trap" cardholders into defaulting. The plan is clearly to recoup additional revenue in the form of penalties (fines) from cardholders who default due to not noticing that their payment date is being constantly adjusted.

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5th February 2006 - Join The Dots: UK Gas Prices to Skyrocket by 25%

In, what is possibly, a final obituary for the ludicrous "Dash for Gas" of the past decade or so there were announcements made today on local radio and in the Mail on Sunday that UK gas prices are to rise by approximately 25%. This is on top of recent double-figure increases in prices.

Postscript: They went up then went down but British Gas managed to maintain sufficient differential in prices to make a tidy profit.

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4th February 2006 - The White Man's Black Blues Band
Cream at the Royal Albert Hall 2005 12:25am - 2:00am BBC2

A sprinkling of magic and a few fellow superstars in the audience including Brian May and what looked like Jude Law savoured this fine performance by the the 60s supergroup up. The line-up consisting of Eric Clapton, Jack Bruce and Ginger Baker were reunited at the scene of their farewell concert 37 years previously. Despite being wrinkly and crinkly the gang had lost absolutely nothing of the magic of their earlier years.

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2nd February 2006 - Italian Fascist Government Runs Amuck with Anti Motorcycle Legislation!

According to information circulated by an Italian motorcycle lobby group (Coordinamento Motociclisti) that the Italian government has taken a significant step forward in supporting the EU Fascist agenda with what has been touted as a "response to urban crime". A more accurate description put forward was "barking mad" and I have to say that I have some sympathy for this viewpoint.

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31st January 2006 - UK Independent Announces Plans for Global Government

Yesterday, I saw the most worrying front cover I've ever seen on a newspaper. Well, for a decade at least. The headline can be found in the Independent for the 30th January, and it was given prime position on the eve of Bush's 2006 "State of the Union" address. The timing is significant and might lead one to question the Independent's "independence" - at least from US Global politics. The front/inside cover featured an announcement of the intention to implement a global government with the most loaded and obvious psychological bribe...

UN Unveils Plan to release untapped wealth of $7 trillion and solve the world's problems at a stroke

You could have taken this headline from the pages of any dystopian sci-fi novel written in the last 40 years. Surely this is only inches apart in terms of propaganda from the likes of "choco rations up to 30 grams". It's only January but we have a contender for the "Crap Journalistic Article of 2006" award. Doesn't everyone knows all about the UN and Globalist plans?. Has no one noticed the phenomenon of anti-Globalist protests throughout the world or does everyone simply hit the TV remote and watch Coronation Street instead?.

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30th January 2006 - DeMenezes Shooting - Our Leaky Police?

Following on from the previous blog entry on the subject information has now been "leaked" that members of the police force altered records to cover up what was, by then, realised as a "mistake". In other words they quite simply shot the wrong man. Even now the major UK media and journalists simply aren't "joining the dots" on this one. The nightmare scenario in any staged execution is that you accidentally execute the wrong man in a highly public space...

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18th January 2006 - Stewie's Perfect Doomsday Plan?

Although the fine-print of genetics is hideously complex, the basic principles are quite simple and common across all evolutionary systems. There are direct parallels with both "living" viruses and those which have been designed to infect certain computer systems. It must be noted here right from the outset that there is no parallel between "everyday" personal computer viruses and "living" ones since the former were purposely engineered on a "one-off" basis for a target and (so far as we know) don't evolve - whereas the latter do evolve and do so by dynamically exploring what's called a "state space". There are, however, evolutionary computer systems which mimic those of live viruses such as those powered by Genetic Algorithms (GAs) which may form the future of evolutionary programming....

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1st January 2006 - Our Cat Smiled

Had one of those annoying SMS texts - can't work it out?. Its decoded with stream based concatenation for "+" but character search and replace for "-". Its claimed to be "simple logic" but it really doesn't follow logically unless you define the operations first. Logically you'd expect "-" to be the logical inverse of "+" but its a completely different operation. It raises the interesting question - is something logical just because a) it has a method and b) because someone claims it is?.


The answer is ...

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24th December 2005 - Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Not something you see mentioned too often on the web. One might have thought that spammers and scammers would give it a rest during the holy seasonal holiday. Alas no. Nevertheless I wish all of you the very best for Christmas and the New Year.


10th December 2005 - The "Iraqi" Kidnappers and a "Little Toilet" Humour

Notwithstanding the simple fact that commercial kidnapping and hostage-taking is a financially rewarding proposition in Iraq given the mess the US has made of the economy there are probably some wider issues here which will be visible to anyone who can take the time and effort to take a look but it may require you suspend your "suspension of disbelief" for a few moments.

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18th November 2005 - An Innocent at Home - A Cautionary Tale

The 22nd September issue of the Guardian featured an article from David Mery, an entirely innocent person who was sucked into a chain of events which may beggar belief, but will, unfortunately become entirely routine if my own MP - Paddy Tipping, has his way. Nice bloke that Mr Tipping is, he still chose to back Tony Beliar on the ACPO proposal for rolling 90 detention without trial.

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29th October 2005 - How a "Greenie" Eco Warrior Shoots Himself in the Foot

Ok, most geeks have seen the 101 ways a programmer shoots himself in the foot using COBOL, SNOBOL or Visual BASIC. Here's an attempt to apply the same (but less humorous) concept to the so-called "green movement". Having canvassed umpteen scenarios what the greenies are doing is probably about as useful as doing nothing at all. The myth is that what they're doing can make a difference....

How a Greenie Shoots Himself in the Foot

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25th October 2005 - Don't Ask Stupid Questions!

I've noticed in recent years the tendency to move away from testing people's abilities through examinations based on memorising large amounts of useless information to some sort of test of their ability to "rationalise". Unfortunately such things as multiple-choice answers seem to be written by educators who to paraphrase an Englishman are "a few sandwiches short of a picnic" and certainly no test of any ability to apply rational thought to a proposition. Indeed they appear to be an exercise in generating conformist thought where the only real ability is to spot the "correct" answer.  An example would go something like...

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24th October 2005 - Shock Announcement - France To Join EU!

A truly surprising, indeed, shocking, announcement  was made in the UK periodical "Private Eye" where a leaked memo revealed the following statement.

France to Join EU - Private Eye
"There were moves last night to allow one of the largest countries in Europe, France to become a full member of the European Union, despite earlier concern over its refusal to accept the EU's constitution and the fact that the country is full of Moslems. Said a Brussels spokesman, 'our problem with France is that it consistently fails to comply with EU regulations, it demands massive subsidies for its backward peasant agriculture and, historically, they have an appalling human rights record. 'Frankly', said the spokesman, 'They are culturally so different from the rest of us that I cannot see negotiations for their admission to the club ever succeeding'." (Private Eye)


23rd October 2005 - Bird Flu Propaganda - A Weapon of Mass Distraction

An interesting comment as posted at: The day I saw the media items and listened to the careful choice of weasel words I knew this was utter hype. It helped knowing a little about genetics and how viruses and vaccinations work. In this case we've heard statements about vaccinations for a non-existent virus. What it actually conceals I have no idea but at the moment THERE IS NO HUMAN VARIANT BIRD FLU VIRUS (unless one has been already engineered in bioweapons labs). This is a bird flu virus which is communicable between birds and can be acquired by humans who are in close contact with infected birds. It is not communicable between humans....

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14th October 2005 - Thoughts from A Fireman

A breadcrumb trail leading from Ray Bradbury's Farehnheit 451 is the hero's task of memorising the Book of Ecclesiastes at the end of the story. Which contains further commentaries relevant to the book itself. Perhaps when George Bush next finds God talking to him he should ask Him to remind him of the following.

The Whole Duty of Man:12
9  ¶ And moreover, because the Preacher was wise, he still taught the people knowledge; yea, he gave good heed, and sought out, and set in order many proverbs.
10  The Preacher sought to find out acceptable words: and that which was written was upright, even words of truth.
11  ¶ The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies, which are given from one shepherd.
12  And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.
13  ¶ Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
14  For God shall bring every work into judgement, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.


5th September 2005 - NBC Shops Crooked Cops While they Shop in New Orleans

A pretty shocking video by NBC News which shows embarrassed and somewhat camera-shy US Police Officers casually looting Wal Mart with a shopping trolley along with the other residents of New Orleans. When they realised they were on News camera they accused the reporter of being a looter but then appeared to realise that discretion was the better part of valour and got on with their "shopping" casually strolling along filling up their trolley.

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20th August 2005 - Bliar Planned War From The Start - Downing Street Memo

The leaked Downing Street Memo, now subject to widespread Freeway Blogging across the United States clearly demonstrates that Bliar planned war from the outset. The document paints a picture of broad intent both for war and to deceive the public over British entry into the war based upon flimsy or non-existent evidence of Weapons of Mass Destruction. Of course both the United States and Britain would have known exactly what WMDs were sold and possibly left unused since we were the very people who sold him those same weapons. This included the US government licensing the sale of "weapons-grade" viruses for use in germ warfare against the Kurds.

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17th August 2005 - Murder, They Wrote

It's no secret, Western media sucks and UK TV news is largely, as they say, a biased, journalistic whore. I've lost count of the number of people I know who either don't watch the news any longer or state that they just can't take it seriously any more. This situation  explains the shift towards net-journalism for challenging and genuine investigative reporting. When exceptions do occur, the fact that their excellence both shocks and surprises us is shocking in itself....

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9th August 2005 - V for Vendetta - The Movie - The Reality - The Ongoing War (™)

"Remember, remember the 11th of September - Gunpowder, Treason and Plot!"

Wondered what happened to "The Matrix 4?" - Well, its a long story...

Some 20 years ago, almost simultaneous with the 1983  TV series "V" which depicted the collapse of modern civilisation due to an alien invasion, I happened across a rare and priceless example of British backstreet comic art called "Warrior" and began to read it avidly until it's untimely demise.

It didn't last long before American scumbag conglomerate,  Marvel Comic (TM - All rights and trademarks acknowledged of course), feeling their way into Airstrip One, snuffed Warrior out with the predictably corrupt rotten, typically bogus but heavyweight American copyright lawsuit leading to the loss of British comic gems such as Alan Moore and David Lloyd's "V for Vendetta" along with Laser Eraser, MarvelMan and Shandor, Demon Stalker. Yes, we British have long memories.


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8th August 2005 - Crazy Frog Perpetrator Faces Justice
No mercy expected at Old Bailey - Scoop by the Rockall Times
by Joop Van Daele by Joop Van Daele

"The inventor of the "Crazy Frog" ringtone, who can't be named for legal reasons, today entered a hushed Old Bailey No 2 court facing approximately twenty two million charges under The Telecommunications Act 1984 section 4(1)(b) "persistent misuse to cause annoyance". If found guilty of all charges he faces up to 1,800 years in prison and a fine of up to £21bn. "

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29th July 2005 - Jeff Edwards' Change of Heart - The Daily Mirror
An expansion on the previous entry. See blog entry #28th July 2005/01

The UK Daily Mirror, the popular paper of the British Left, deviated from the current media stance on the London bombings on the 16th of July when lone journalist Jeff Edwards published a piece which stood out from the usual Mirror content on the bombings by challenging whether the bombers actually were suicide bombers at all. He noted a number of inconsistencies in the official line and was relatively unique amongst the UK "gutter press" by taking this line.

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28th July 2005 - The Mirror's Work of Investigative Genius

Apart from the rare and occasional work of real investigative journalism the Mirror is an embarrassingly bad newspaper, easily outshone by some of the blogs on the internet. Modern Western journalism is a phenomenon known as "journalism by press release" where government leaks and official releases are simply cut-and-pasted into articles with minimal critical analysis or forethought. This effort from the Daily Mirror shows unthinking parrot-reporting at its almost BBC-like worst. Of course my excuse for crap journalism is "being an amateur", but what's their excuse when they collect their pay-cheques at the end of the month?

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Sources and References:

My citations do not endorse any article or suggest that such article is unbiased.

Primary sources I use are Wikipedia and the BBC (amongst others). The BBC is used as this is paid for by UK taxpayers. Wikipedia should not be considered as an authoritative source nor, due to increasing propaganda in recent years should the BBC be considered an unbiased source. The BBC is a broadly left-of-centre institution with occasional tendencies to extreme leftism and is highly biased in favour of state control and against true democracy. Since we are in a declared state of war in both the UK and US the following subjects should be considered carefully and not trusted without extensive cross-checking. Any articles cited here should be checked with these points understood.

  • All areas where UK or US military involvement is concerned
  • All issues relating to Tony Blair
  • Iraq (all issues) relating to the war and occupation
  • Iran (all issues) relating to nuclear power, the planned US attack and any war by the US or it's allies
  • Global Warming/Global Cooling/Climate Change
  • Peak oil, new energy technologies, zero point energy, hybrid engines, alternate fuels
  • All areas of left/right wing politics in particular leftism, leftist theory, Fabian Socialism, German Nazism, Zionism and the Holocaust. Orthodox Jewish (anti-Zionist) coverage is absent from the BBC as far as I can see
  • All electoral issues - particularly UK elections
  • All UK motoring and road issues including, satellite tracking, road tax, "congestion" charging
  • All ID/Biometrics issues and issues of social/socialist control
  • Globalisation, the World Bank/IMF
  • Any issue covered by state-induced conspiracy theories - e.g. Al Qaeda, Osama Bin Lade, 9/11
  • Any issue being steamrollered by the state in opposition to public opinion -e.g. town centre pedestrianisation, cycling
  • Any issue relating to the City of London and/or Ken Livingstone

"People who know a lot more than I do may be right when they claim that [global warming] is the consequence of our own behaviour. I assume that this is why the BBC's coverage of the issue abandoned the pretence of impartiality long ago", Jeremy Paxman, Media Guardian, Jan 31st, 2007.

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Famous Last Words
Telling quotes as found month by month

Suggest a quote

Previous Quotes of The Month

Quote of the Decade
"The car is the last bastion of freedom — this must be overturned."
(Kristine Beuret, Social Research Associates Ltd. & Leicester Pedestrians Association,- SERA conference 1997)

Quotes of the Month - March 2007

"RIP Science- Born circa 1600 - died 2001"

"One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes a revolution in order to establish a dictatorship"
George Orwell

Quotes of the Month - April  2007


Quotes of the Month - January  2007

"All Gods are the creation of men"

“The diet-heart idea (the idea that saturated fats and cholesterol cause heart disease) is the greatest scientific deception of our times.”
George Mann, MD, former Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at Vanderbilt University, Tennessee

"The ice age is coming, the sun’s zooming in
Engines stop running, the wheat is growing thin
A nuclear era, but I have no fear
’Cause London is drowning, and I live by the river"
The Clash “London Calling,” (1979)

Quotes of the Month - February  2007

"Fostering the good-for-nothing at the expense of the good is an extreme cruelty … there is not greater curse to posterity than that of bequeathing them an increasing population of imbeciles."
Margaret Sanger - Globalist, Feminist and Pro-Abortionist Campaigner

"One person does not a conspiracy make"

Quotes of the Month - October 2006

"You cannot hope to bribe or twist thank God! The British journalist. But, seeing what the man will do unbribed, there's no occasion to"
Humbert Wolfe (1886 - 1940) in The Uncelestial City

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves"
Bertrand de Jouvenel

Quotes of the Month - December 2006

"A lot of people don't bother about their friends in the vegetable kingdom"
Frank Zappa

"A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within."
W. Durant

Quotes of the Month - August 2006

"If cleverness was an attribute which helped the human race to survive then, it should be obvious that after 10 million years of evolution, the entire human race would be populated by geniuses. Look at the c**ts around you and see how important being clever is".
C**ts Corner

"The media is not there to do your thinking for you"

"Popular movements are given from the top down for people to follow"
Alan Watt

Quotes of the Month - September 2006

"When the People fear the government, you have tyranny. When the government fears the People, you have Liberty"
Thomas Jefferson, 1789

"Only when people think they are not buying something can the real sales pitch begin"
J.H. Towsen in Clowns

"No lie can be created which does not have anomalies. If the lie had no anomalies it would be the truth."

“To fight the Empire is to be infected by its derangement. This is a paradox; whoever defeats a segment of the Empire becomes the Empire; it proliferates like a virus imposing its form on its enemies. Thereby it becomes its enemies.”
Philip K Dick - VALIS

“I Don`t Care What The American People Think, I Own The Congress”
Ariel Sharon

Quotes of the Month - May 2006

"Tony Blair - the most despised president in British history"

"When they took the fourth amendment,
I was quiet because I didn't deal drugs
When they took the sixth amendment,

I was quiet because I was innocent
When they took the second amendment,

I was quiet because I didn't own a gun
Now they've taken the first amendment,

and I can say nothing about it"

Quotes of the Month - June 2006

"The prestige of authority is lessened if it frequently discovers conspiracies against itself"
Protocol 18

"The most dangerous place on earth is not the fast lane of the M25 it is your local hospital or GPs surgery:
More than 10,000 Britons die each year due to adverse reaction to medications"

Researchers at Liverpool University

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This weblog is Copyright (C) M Shaw - 2003-2006 and represents personal political views and opinions. It is "correct" according to the definition of politics within a non-totalitarian state for it is only within totalitarian states that politics represents the monopoly view of the state rather than the aspirations of the individual. Any definition of "PC" outside of a dictatorship is an oxymoron.

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Why do I write all this boring blog stuff?

I firmly believe that the only genuine way to resolve problems on one's own life is to take a closer look at the world and help diagnose the issues of humanity at large. If society has a fault then you have a fault. Like the Gnostics I am convinced that ignorance is not the true path to salvation nor is entrusting or contracting the soul to an external force. That is a always false or Mephistophilian bargain - to sell what you already own but may not be aware of.  A bargain of such nature even with a church, is, in it's true essence, Satanic. If you seek to put your own life right take a look at what is happening in the world around you, find the truth about what affects your world then look for the Kingdom of God within for the most profound forces for change on Earth are spiritual ones. Remember, you can do your duty to help others but ultimately their path in life is none of your affair.

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Page last updated on 27 July 2010