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Archive for the ‘No Borders’ Category

6 February 2015 : Solidarity without limits – Action day against Fortress Europe!

Sunday, January 31st, 2016

On the 6th of February plenty of right-wing populists, neofascist movements and parties will come together in different places around Europe to take to the streets for their reactionary idea of superior “people” and “nations”. On the one hand we don’t want to accept this and therefore we call you to counter them firmly together taking a stand for political solidarity! On the other hand we want to proclaim this day Europe-wide as a day of action against Fortress Europe!

The conditions in many places all over the world become more unstable with capitalism widening the gap between the poor and the rich. The neo-liberal structural changes of the 70’s and 80’s forced many areas of the global south into deep poverty and debts. After the period of colonialism those changes had once again created dependency from the “western world”. These politics bring exploitation and poverty as well as destruction of the basis of existence. Today neo-colonianism shows itself in it’s diverse forms: land grabbing, seizure of natural resources and raw materials, weaponry exports and free trade agreements, wars under the cover of “interventions to protect the human rights”, support of dictators and authoritarian regimes. One of the consequences is the death of many people not just at the European borders, but also in their home countries. (more…)

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Posted in No Borders

Anarchists in Slovenia and the refugee Balkan route (A-Radio)

Tuesday, January 12th, 2016

Dear all,

For refugees heading to Central and Northern Europe, the Balkan route has been of upmost importance. As Anarchist Radio Berlin we talked to two anarchists from Slovenia about the situation in the Balkans, their work with the refugees and the perspectives of this struggle beyond humanitarian actions.

You’ll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes) here:

Length: 8:06 min

You can find other English and Spanish language audios here:

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Posted in No Borders

A-Radio: The occupied refugee center Notara26 in Athens (Greece)

Saturday, January 2nd, 2016

Dear all,

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of making an interview
with two activists of the occupied and self-organized refugee center
Notara26 in Athens, Greece. The comrades tell us about the origins and
ideas of their center as well as of the anarchist influence and
importance of the Exarchia neighbourhood. They also comment on the topic
of governmental (Syriza) policies and the difference of their work to
such policies. And they also mention problems encountered in this project.

You’ll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes)

Length: 12:36 min

You can find other English and Spanish language audios here:

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Posted in No Borders

‘My first experiences in Istanbul’ by Abu Al Braa, Syrian refugee (Turkey)

Saturday, December 12th, 2015




It happens that the conditions inside the refugee camps in Syria are very very bad. Even the simplest needs of life cannot be satisfied since there is no clean water or good food or cloth to protect us from the winter. There is not enough heat inside the nylon tents where 10 or more people live. The situation is worsening every day.

That’s the reason why they decided to seek shelter elsewhere and leave the refugee camps in Syria. So they decided to enter into Turkish territory as refugees, believing that the living conditions in Turkey where better. But unfortunately it was not for the best but for the worst. Because in Turkey they don’t have the most basic human rights, just because they are refugees and not tourists. Turkish factory owners started to exploit them, taking advantage of their situation of extreme need for a piece of bread. This is how the Syrian worker in Turkey can work up to 16 hours a day and most of the days of the week in exchange for a piece of bread and the house rent.

Their wage is less than that of the Turkish worker. They have no health insurance to be covered from accidents. To make things worst the unions don’t organize them.

The factory owners take advantage of this and use the government and the police. The refugees are arbitrary detained.

Here in Turkey, in Istanbul, we saw with our own eyes what happened with 2 young Syrian refugees who were detained under the bogus charge of committing theft. They spent 40 days in prison suffering beatings, tortures, humiliation and starvation. They lived the brutality of the Turkish police.

This is how Turkey receives the Syrian refugees.

Abu Al Braa, co-author of the book “Syria Under Fire”

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Graff against Border Agency after East Street raid (UK)

Tuesday, June 30th, 2015

Also: “This is how we do it”: Neighbourhood Solidarity after East Street raid.

In the wake of the militant resistance to the immigration raid on East Street London on the 21st, this message above was painted …

As one of the East Street Two remains caged at Gatwick Detention Centre we sprayed our message of vengeance at the offices of the United Kingdom Border Agency.

To explain the organised misery of their oppression the agents of this racist state need scapegoats to blame. We dismiss their petty attempts to divide us and will continue to fight together as we did on Sunday until all borders are destroyed, their fences and prisons torn down.
With paint, fists and crowbars we will destroy the rotten infrastructure and poisonous ideology of this racist system. Let this message be a warning – every deportation must be met with furious resistance.

Fuck UKBA- Vegeance on all authority – until every deportation is stopped.

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London: Immigration raid meets fierce resistance at East Street Market (UK)

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015

Home Office immigration enforcement have been targeting the East Street market in Walworth, London SE17, all week, with no less than five raids over previous days. Today they came again at 5PM and snatched one man from a fish shop, presumably accused of working without legal documents.

But this time, things were not going to go so easy for the thugs in blue. After call-outs went out through the local grapevine and also on social media, people from the area including the next door Aylesbury Estate rushed down to the scene. The Home Office snatch van was blockaded and penned in on a side street off the market. The bullies retreated inside the van with their prisoner while it was surrounded by people’s bodies and by makeshift barricades, the tires were let down, and it was pelted with rotten fruit and eggs from the market.

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Posted in No Borders

War against ISIS/Daesh: Turkish Army attacks 600 Kurdish refugees with tear gas (Turkey, Kurdistan)

Saturday, June 6th, 2015

NEWS CENTER – Girê Spi Civil Society Forum stated that around 600 Kurdish civilians who fled Girê Spî due to an ISIS massacre threat and arrived at the border to northern Kurdistan have suffered a tear-gas attack by Turkish soldiers. According to a report by ANHA (Hawar News Agency), Girê Spî Civil Society Forum said in a statement on the subject that Rojava Kurds remained stuck at the border to Bakurê (North) Kurdistan amid attacks by ISIS gangs and Turkish soldiers.

The Civil Society Forum remarked that Turkish soldiers attacked the Kurdish civilians and did not allow them to move further in an attempt to keep them away from the border. The statement underlined that hundreds of people, including women and children, who were given 5-days of time by ISIS to leave their villages, remain stuck on the border with North Kurdistan where they were hindered by Turkish soldiers. (more…)

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Posted in No Borders

19-22 May: Anti-Frontex Days, Warsaw (Poland)

Monday, April 27th, 2015

Antifrontex days 19-22 May, 2015

On May, 21st, 2015 the crème de la crème of European racism will gather in Warsaw, Poland, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the creation of one of the most influential meta-organisations that guards assets of the Fortress Europe. The organization, not widely known, until recently standing in the shadows, is a hybrid of border police and intelligence service, as well as aggressive promoter of anti-migrant policy. Frontex (from French Frontieres exterieurs), being discussed here, is the executive body of EU (anti)migration policy – enjoys autonomy in decision-making (for EU foreign policy), and has a yearly growing budget, which is not accounted. Budget, used to finance futuristic projects, straight from distopia, like an automatic system of land drones, known as TALOS project, carried out in cooperation that included Warsaw University of Technology, Israeli Aerospace Industries and a lot of other military corporations.

The trust also allows them to conduct their own foreign policy on migration – dealing with the neighboring dictatorships (Belarus, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria), sponsoring and organizing repression against refugees in a secure buffer zone, which blurs responsibility. As a result, the border of Europe moves farther away from the ‘old continent’, helping to hide the effects of this policy in the eyes of Europeans. Sponsored camps in the countries of the global south and ruthless anti-human migration policy of the EU countries result in real victims – tens of thousands of people drown, starve, are left at sea or desert, or are directly shot – every year more than at the Berlin wall in the entire time of its existence. (more…)

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Posted in No Borders

Yarl’s Wood detainees punished for solidarity action (UK)

Saturday, April 18th, 2015

From Movement for Justice via RabbleLDN:

Anna Rjabova and Lillija Jezdovska are brave fighters for their own freedom and for the rights and freedom of their fellow detainees in the notorious Yarl’s Wood detention centre, near Bedford. On Thursday 9th April they were part of an integrated group of African, Caribbean and East European women who gathered to physically block the deportation of Lucy N, a victim of torture from Kenya. The women gathered together, sitting around Lucy, linking arms and singing.

That afternoon 30+ ‘guards’ employed by Serco (the private company that manages Yarl’s Wood) forced their way into Lucy’s room, wearing full riot gear and armed with batons. You can hear the moment the guards entered the room and dragged the women away here, there were 3 guards for every woman. Anna, Lillija and four other women were handcuffed and taken to Kingfisher wing, the isolation block within Yarl’s Wood.

Anna and Lillija had been brutally beaten on their legs with a baton by one of the guards, Jo Singh, against whom Lillija had previously made official complaints. Anna had to be taken to Bedford hospital for treatment on Saturday. They have made further complaints and have spoken to the Prison Inspectors currently visiting Yarl’s Wood. (more…)

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Screws badly beat detainee in Brook House migration prison (UK)

Saturday, April 4th, 2015

The recent wave of hunger strikes and other protests in UK migration prisons has subsided, as prisoners have been silenced, moved between prisons, and humiliated and beaten. This report from the Anti Raids Network is just one of many cases of how people are treated in detention centres and during deportation attempts.

Tahar Khalifa beaten by guards in an attempted deportation on Tuesday 31st March.

On Tuesday, 31st March, Tahar Khalifa, detained at Brook House detention centre [one of the two migration prisons inside the perimeter of Gatwick Airport], was forcibly removed from the centre in an attempted deportation to Tunisia, on flight TU791 at 1745hrs. As he was going up the stairs to the plane he was physically assaulted and beaten by the guards.

In a statement Tahar says that there were multiple officers trying to get him up the stairs; one was choking him, another was twisting his upper body. Tahar was handcuffed at the front and one officer was holding him by the wrist and pulling very hard. (more…)

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