Saturday, January 1 2011 restoration of the cisterns in Um Daraj, solidarity visit to Susya and cleaning the cistern in Bir El Id Today we started with cleaning one of the thirteen cisterns destroyed by the army in December 2010. The cistern is in the area of Um Daraj and we reached it by a roundabout way and went down into the wadi where it used to be. Only the mounds of earth left by the bulldozers hinted that until quite recently there was a cistern here. We set to work on the restoration. We had spades, hoes and a pick-axe. The work proceeded quickly. In a few hours we had uncovered the […]

Wednesday, February 25 2009 Ceremony commemorating the victims of the massacre at Me-arat Hamachpela (Cave of the Patriarchs), on the 15th anniversary of their passing Yesterday, February 25, on the 15th anniversary of the massacre perpetrated by Baruch Goldstein, we held a joint Israeli-Palestinian commemoration ceremony for the victims, in Wadi Hussein, Hebron. Goldstein murdered 29 Palestinians and wounded many more. Some of the families of the deceased and a number of victims who were wounded attended the ceremony. During this moving ceremony a number of speeches were given among the speakers were Issa Amro and Chagit Ofran. Though it was a quiet ceremony and not near the Jewish settlement, the police tried to selectively […]

Saturday, October 20 2001 Kfar Kassem Massacre 45th Memorial events On the 29th of October 1956 the government of Israel imposed a curfew starting from 5 PM on Arab villages which were under military rule. On that evening, 49 inhabitants of Kufr Kassem, on their way home from work, were shot dead by Israeli soldiers. On Saturday, 20th of October, on the occasion of the 45th Memorial of the Kufr Kassem Massacre, Ta’ayush gathered in Kufr Kassem to watch a documentary film, which tells the story of the massacre, to hear live testimonies by some of the survivors and afterwards […]

Monday, October 1 2001 Day of Remembrance and Solidarity with Arab citizens of Israel On October 1, 2001, the day chosen by the Arab community in Israel to commemorate the deaths of 13 of its members and the wounding of over 400 by Israeli police a year ago, Ta’ayush held actions of solidarity and remembrance in the North of Israel. Over 200 Arab and Jewish activists took 60 private cars bearing protest signs and black flags in a convoy through downtown Tel-Aviv, Jaffa, Kfar Saba, Tira, Taybeh, and Baqa el-Gharbiyya, collecting 40 more cars during the journey – on their way to Jat, whose […]