Saturday, December 28 2013 Israeli police tries to block Anarchists on the road to South Hebron Hills Watch the video made by Ta’ayush activists Saturday morning 28th of December 2013, a few kilometers from Zif. Ta’ayush activists on the way to South Hebron hills. Israeli police got an order to prevent Anarchists from reaching South Hebron hills.

Saturday, November 16 2013 Umm el ‘Amad, Umm al-Ara’is and Susya by David Shulman By a miracle of sorts, we had a mostly peaceful day in South Hebron today; such an event is so rare that I thought it might be worth mentioning to you. In lieu of a more substantial report, let me just say that Abu Sharif and Fadil plowed three fields, with an iron plow and a donkey, on one end of the wadi at Umm al-’Amad, just under the settlement of Otniel– lands they were denied access to for some 15 years– and there was a slightly higher-tech plowing, with […]

Tuesday, August 27 2013 SOS Firing Zone 918 On Monday morning, we will go together to the Supreme Court to put pressure on the State to cancel Firing Zone 918 and let 1500 Palestinians living in the South Hebron Hills to stay in their homes. The deportation can be stopped. It is +972, the telephone area code that is shared by Israel and Palestine, vs 918. Come one come all! For the event page:

Wednesday, May 19 2010 Two-for-one in the South Hebron Hills – Agricultural Accompaniment and solidarity with Ezra Nawi Every Saturday we go to the South Hebron Hills to accompany Palestinian shepherds and farmers, in solidarity with their struggle against the harassment of the army and the settlers in the area. But this time our aim is double: as many of you know, human rights activist Ezra Nawi’s appeal was rejected by the District Court and he was “convicted” with helping Palestinians in Umm-al-Kheer, in the South Hebron Hills. Ezra stood in the way of a bulldozer enroute to destroy the tin shacks most residents of the village call […]

Tuesday, February 23 2010 Ezra Nawi’s appeal against his conviction Ezra Nawi’s appeal against his conviction of assaulting a police officer and participation in a riot will be heard by the judges Ben-Ami, Mintz and Rapoport, at the Jerusalem District Court (Salah Adin St.), on Wednesday, March 3, at 12:30. In October 2009, the judge Eilata Ziskind ruled that Ezra Nawi was guilty of attacking police officers and participating in a riot during the demolition of a shack belonging to Palestinian farmers in the West Bank, back in 2007. The whole scene was captured on video. The police officers claimed […]

Tuesday, October 20 2009 Israeli human rights activist Ezra Nawi will most likely be sent to jail Naomi Klein, Neve Gordon, Noam Chomsky and over twenty thousan others people asked Israel not to jail Ezra Nawi, one of Israel’s most courageous human rights activists. His crime? He tried to stop a military bulldozer from destroying the homes of Palestinian Bedouins in the South Hebron region. Nawi, a Jewish Israeli of Iraqi descent, is a threat to the settlers and the Israeli government because he has brought international attention to efforts to illegally remove Palestinians from the Hebron region.

Tuesday, September 1 2009 Support Neve Gordon! On August 20 2009, Neve Gordon, the chair of the Department of Politics and Government at Ben-Gurion University (BGU) and a long-time Ta’ayush activist, published an op-ed piece in the LA Times. In his piece, Gordon has called Israel an Apartheid state and voiced his support for the BDS campaign as the only means of saving Israel from itself. The response was a firestorm. BGU’s president, Prof. Rivka Carmi, personally led the attack against Neve: she threatened to fire him, said he is “welcome to consider another professional and personal […]

Thursday, January 22 2009 Again, activist arrest by the Israeli security forces AIC staff member Mohammad Abu Humus was taken from his home at 3am today by masked members of the Israeli security forces, who stormed and searched his home with drawn weapons. Abu Humus was subsequently brought before a judge, who acquiesced to the police request and extended his detention for 11 days, and then again – till today. He was recently moved to “House Arrest”. All of the material and evidence concerning Abu Humus is classified. Abu Humus is accused of involvement in unruly protests against Israeli military actions in […]