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becoming with by Jahnne Pasco-White opens tomorrow evening at
#GertrudeGlasshouse. Join is from 6-8pm for the celebrations. The exhibition is accompanied with a text by Amelia Wallin, Director, West Space.: Courtesy of the artist.
#becomingwith#JahnnePascoWhitepic.twitter.com/N7g2Jq3kmN謝謝,Twitter 將使用這項資訊來使你的時間軸更完美。 還原還原 -
GERTRUDE STUDIOS 19 FRI 22 NOV 6-8! Kay Abude Andrew Atchison Georgia Banks Georgina Cue Ann Debono Mikala Dwyer Sam George + Lisa Radford Joseph Griffiths Eugenia Lim Albi Liversidge James Nguyens Spiros Panigirakis Jahnne Pasco-White Steaphan Paton Jason Phu Isadora Vaughanpic.twitter.com/V4rbxiqiek
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New un magazine has landed! Pop into Gertrude Contemporary to get your hands on issue 13.2. Un Projects are currently for submissions. Head to their page for more information.
#unmagazine#unprojectspic.twitter.com/xAyluqSwol謝謝,Twitter 將使用這項資訊來使你的時間軸更完美。 還原還原 -
HOPE DIES LAST: art at the end of optimism Exhibition curated by Mark Feary and showing now until November 16 at Margaret Lawrence Gallery
@gertrudecontemp#margaretlawrencegallery#markfeary#hopedieslast… https://www.instagram.com/p/B4rD1bLAKp0/?igshid=vdicssqdeg73 …謝謝,Twitter 將使用這項資訊來使你的時間軸更完美。 還原還原 -
Today is that last day to see 𝘏𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘓𝘢𝘴𝘵 at
#GertrudeContemporary, we'll be open 11am-4:30pm. Next, we look forward to sharing with you 𝘎𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘥𝘦 𝘚𝘵𝘶𝘥𝘪𝘰𝘴 2019 exhibition, opening Friday 22Nov, 6-8pm. More info coming soon! Photo: Christo Crockerpic.twitter.com/fCc4AqK18b謝謝,Twitter 將使用這項資訊來使你的時間軸更完美。 還原還原 -
Stoked to have scored artist @eugeniuslim incisive & playful work ON DEMAND. Last days to catch it at
@gertrudecontemp. Don’t miss it. Euge you’re so clever thank you for having me! . . Also features
skills… https://www.instagram.com/p/B4kHCiJHdhQ/?igshid=10ikuwqdo93xt …
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Eugenia Lim's ON DEMAND closes this Saturday
Made in collab with workers from the gig economy, ON DEMAND is a pedal-powered video work that considers work, labour, solidarity and movement in the neoliberal present. Come take a spin!
Christo Crockerpic.twitter.com/67hS1QnjLV
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Gertrude will be closed today Tuesday 5 Nov. We will be open Wed - Sat this week, so you can catch the last few days Hope Dies Last: Art at the End of Optimism. The exhibition continues at
@vca_mcm Margaret Lawrence Gallery til 16 Nov. Image: Eric Jong+ NellChristo Crockerpic.twitter.com/E9ydp9wu0I
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Applications for the Gertrude Studio Program 2020 are due TOMORROW, Tuesday 5 November at 11:59pm! Head to our website for application guidelines. We look forward to seeing your application
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Join us for the opening of becoming with by Jahnne Pasco-White. Gertrude Glasshouse, Thursday 14 November, 6-8pm. Exhibition Dates: 15 November - 14 December 2019
: Jahnne Pasco-White, studio process, courtesy of the artist.pic.twitter.com/E9LjxAiZjU
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Apps for the Gertrude Studio Program are due 11:59pm, 5 Nov!
Eugenia Lim - photo taken of Eugenia in her studio at Gertrude Contemporary. Check out her interview with Liminal Magazine. You can also see her solo project ON DEMAND at
#GertrudeGlasshouse open TODAY, 12-5PM.pic.twitter.com/MSClAuefiL謝謝,Twitter 將使用這項資訊來使你的時間軸更完美。 還原還原 -
Hope Dies Last continues this week at Gertrude Contemporary + Margaret Lawrence Gallery. Both exhibitions feature paintings by Myuran Sukumaran, painted while awaiting execution by Indonesian authorities. Come experience these powerful and moving works this week.pic.twitter.com/NfPvJCIW5m
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Come take a spin on Eugenia Lim's ON DEMAND.
Gertrude Glasshouse is open Thurs-Sat 12-5pm. Come visit us !
#GertrudeStudioArtist#GertrudeGlasshouse#ONDEMAND#EugeniaLimpic.twitter.com/DPEId7BtCl謝謝,Twitter 將使用這項資訊來使你的時間軸更完美。 還原還原 -
Join us this Saturday for Writing + Concepts lecture with TESSA LAIRD, Rewilding the Alphabestiary: (Un)learning Animal Language. Sat 26 Oct, 3pm at
#GertrudeContemporary. FREE, bookings essential. Go to our events to book.An Early Alphabet, c.1977, courtesy of Tessa Lairdpic.twitter.com/GpqHaA1RGd
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Hope Dies Last: Art at the End of Optimism chapter two is now open at the Margaret Lawrence Gallery. Works by: Mutlu Çerkez, Chicks on Speed, Jake & Dinos Chapman, Tony Garifalakis, Nell, Walid Raad, Araya Rasdjarmrearnsook + Myuran Sukumaran. MLG is open Tue- Sat, 12-5pmpic.twitter.com/NWiCrhNTFm
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Hope Dies Last: Art at the End of Optimism chapter two opens tonight at the Margaret Lawrence Gallery at
@vca_mcm. Join us for opening celebrations 5:30-7:30pm.: Chicks on Speed, Drone Hits Karaoke, 2016, video still.
#MargaretLawrenceGallery#GertrudeContemporary#MelbFestpic.twitter.com/AICC3oWaOn謝謝,Twitter 將使用這項資訊來使你的時間軸更完美。 還原還原 -
This Saturday, 3-6pm head to STATION for the opening of Gertrude Studio Artist Jason Phu's 'I was born under a stone mountain' exhibiting alongside Studio Alumni Sean Peoples 'Cubism Surrealism Tourism'. Exhibitions continue til 16 November.
Jason Phupic.twitter.com/2EAEXTgUFJ
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'Hope Dies Last: Art at the End of Optimism' is on now at
@GertrudeContemp, featuring works by 12 artists including Grant Stevens &@setonalex1. Read@theage review for insight into Stevens' 'The Sun': http://bit.ly/2IEO4ki 'The Sun', 2016, HD video with sound, 6 min 15 secpic.twitter.com/zsPBHOxUXh謝謝,Twitter 將使用這項資訊來使你的時間軸更完美。 還原還原 -
The second chapter of 𝘏𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘓𝘢𝘴𝘵, opens Thurs 5:30-7:30pm at Margaret Lawrence Gallery
@vca_mcm.@chicksonspeed Mutlu Çerkez@JakeandDinos Tony Garifalakis Nell Walid Raad Araya Rasdjarmrearnsook Myuran Sukumaran Curated by Mark Feary#Melbfestpic.twitter.com/xitWAhlIzx謝謝,Twitter 將使用這項資訊來使你的時間軸更完美。 還原還原 -
Read Robert Nelson's review 'At the dark end of the street' of Hope Dies Last.
#MelbFest#GertrudeContemporaryhttps://twitter.com/R0Bsez/status/1182887007699140608 …謝謝,Twitter 將使用這項資訊來使你的時間軸更完美。 還原還原
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