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Ο χρήστης @GertrudeContemp είναι αποκλεισμένος
Σίγουρα θέλετε να δείτε αυτά τα Tweets; Βλέποντας τα Tweets δε γίνεται άρση αποκλεισμού του χρήστη @GertrudeContemp.
Congrats to Studio Artist
@minnagilligan on the release of the 3rd book 'So Far'signed copies avail here: …
If you missed
#beyondrhetoric you can listen here! Thank you@NAVAvisualarts@monashada@vca_mcm@West_Space … -
We are closed today for the Grand Final Day Public Holiday, but back tomorrow as usual, 11am-4.30pm!
A fantastic opportunity for emerging artists from
@AusAtVenice@auscouncilarts and#Maddocks Check it out! … -
Tonight: 6pm
@astridlorange &@rat_steak lecture#gossipanditsminordiscourses pres. -
Looking forward to catching up on the goss, but
#notasyouknowit w.@rat_steak and@astridlorange@GertrudeContemp w.@discipline_au! -
What a great read on long-time Gertrude friend & prev.staff, Helen Hughes!
@TarraWarraMA@discipline_au@mumamonash … -
It's all about
#gossip, but#notasyouknowit!@GertrudeContemp this Thurs. w@discipline_au part of#TarraWarraBiennial2016EndlessCirculation -
Can't wait
@discipline_au@TarraWarraMA ! Come along to#gertrudecontemporary at 6pm tomorrow, Thurs 29 Sept …
We are thrilled to be hosting 3rd lecture in
@TarraWarraMA series 6pm Thursday at@GertrudeContemp … -
Thrilled to host
#beyondrhetoric a stellar event, w fabulous panel of women thank you Elvis Richardson@NAVAvisualarts@vca_mcm@monashada -
Elvis Richardson: 'For every 1 man that graduated from art school 3 women graduate'
#beyondrhetoric#countessreport@NAVAvisualarts -
#virginiafraser art is life or death espesh where you are being silenced#beyondrhetoric#NAVAtalks -
Thank you
@GertrudeContemp for providing the platform for such an important conversation#beyondrhetoric … -
Patrice Sharkey
#WestSpace 'organisationally we have gender parity. all staff r female, majority vols r women'#NAVAtalks#beyondrhetoric -
As leaders we have to respond to power and must create opportunities for diversity
#beyondrhetoric#NAVAtalks -
Prestige does not come with power
#beyondrhetoric#NAVAtalks -
women in the arts are hard to categorise, they wear many hats
#beyondrhetoric@GertrudeContemp@NAVAvisualarts@monashada@vca_mcm -
'By counting, we are holding power, and those who wield it, accountable.' On art curatorship & gender: BEYOND RHETORIC
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