[WR] C09-Race (41'94) by AwS riolu!
My personal best time and current world record on C09-Race.
Former WR: 42'17 (+0.23) by
Rollin Storm
Official WR: 43'09 by riolu
It's 2015, and 7 years after the release of this game, people still find crazy ass shortcuts on the Nadeo campaign tracks.
Even though it's always cool to see new cuts or tricks to open up the possibilities on a track, I can also understand those who don't like seeing such cuts which ruin the mostly really good former WR's.
If I was the WR holder on a track which gets cutted really hard, I'd also be pissed I guess :D
Anyways, let's have a quick look at the new strat for this track. Since the checkpoints are pretty far away from each other on this track and the scenery is mistakenly being placed so well that it opened up the possibility for this crazy cut.
First part of the cut is jumping off the track just after the first jump and landing on the black platform. The major problem here is that landing bugs occur really often after such a huge drop, making the speed outcome always different.
Speed is very important for the next part of the cut, which obviously is the hardest one as well. In order to make the jump to the next CP, you have to hit the pole in a way it pushes you up high enough and far enough to reach the other side of the road. Hitting the perfect spot on the pole with the perfect angle and the perfect amount of speed is super hard to pull off. This means if you get a landing bug at the first drop, chances are usually higher (at least for me) to have a successful pole bump.
Whenever I get a super fast landing, I release gas for a little before hitting the pole, but usually I just end up getting not enough height from the bump.
For me, the cut maybe works once every
100 attempts, which is a crazily low percentage of potential WR runs, making the WR hunt on this track really annoying :p
Even if you manage to land on the road, you also have to get a somehow decent landing on the border or directly on the road.
The upcoming free-wheeling part is rather easy. The left turn before the actual engine killer block is very important though since you need to carry as much speed as possible through the corner. Do not drift that corner!
Then we have the final bit of the shortcut: The jump to the last checkpoint can be pretty scary since you can't actually see where the actual CP and it's bars/poles are. Also judging the speed can be difficult since the speed depends from how much you smash your car into the wall before the jump + how much speed you've taken through the free wheeling part. It's obvious that reaching the CP as early as possible is the fastest thing you can do to get back your engine - watch out for potential landing bugs (
I've had some crazy landing bugs on other 41'xx attempts
The rest is easy. Just follow the road and jump off the platform after the first pole and finish the thing. Also beware for landing bugs! I've had 2 landing bugs at the small jump onto the black platform, ruining low 42 runs. GG.
So after this full length novel let'
s summarize the run. Bad start due to the landing bug, but a good pole bump and landing as well as a solid free wheeling part. Even though the jump into the CP looks really fast (almost shit my pants there), I ended up having pretty low speed because apparently I ate a small landing bug or something like that. Still a lot to be improved here, so I don't expect this WR to last for longer than 24 hours - anything else would surprise me ;p
Low 41'xx is definitely possible with a solid run, perhaps even a 40 if you're crazy enough.
Let's see!
Good luck hunting!
► This is footage from the game
TrackMania United Forever by Nadeo. Buy the game for a couple of bucks here:
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