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Performance Measures

​​​​City of Bellingham performance measures are designed to keep the public informed by providing metrics data related to long term community legacy goals.

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The performance measurement system approved by City Council in 2009 has as its basis a set of twenty- to fifty-year goals or "Legacy" statements that are supported by six- to twenty-year "Strategic Commitments".

The City of Bellingham developed the performance metrics scorecards after researching available data that best illustrate community status and City performance efforts associated with adopted Legacies and Strategic Commitments (PDF).

Typically, metrics programs evolve over time as new information becomes available. We expect to add to and update the data shown we get new or better information.

About the metrics

Many of the metrics will be updated with new data annually as the data becomes available; however some data is updated on a less frequent basis. Each metric has a "Measure at a Glance" report that describes the data, provides high level definition information, and identifies goals or targets for the data if those are available.

It is hoped that the metrics data will help City leaders and the community tell if the City is meeting its commitments and achieving its goals.


Contact Us

Send email to metrics@cob.org if you have questions about this program or would like to provide feedback.
