Opposition leader Tony Abbott with Queensland Premier Campbell Newman.

Closing in on both sides: Queensland Premier Campbell Newman will be under immense pressure from both Tony Abbott and parents to make a decision on Kevin Rudd's Gonski reforms. Photo: Michelle Smith

The pressure Tony Abbott is putting on Queensland Premier Campbell Newman to keep rejecting Kevin Rudd's Gonski school reforms must be unbearable. It will be nothing, however, compared with the pressure mums and dads will apply to Newman and Abbott if Queensland does not sign up to Gonski this week.

With an election campaign days away, only a political leader worthy of Sir Humphrey Appleby's label "courageous" would knock back an opportunity to pursue fair, funded and productive school reforms. Wise counsel should remind Abbott and Newman that compromises by Rudd and Julia Gillard on the plan can be sold to voters as a victory against Labor's excess.

Victoria is close to signing after the Catholic system joined independent schools, NSW, Tasmania and South Australia in committing. Queensland, Western Australia and the Northern Territory hold out.

Under the plan, extra funds are allocated to students with the most ability to raise their performance: the disadvantaged, the disabled, those in small schools without the necessary teaching resources and those where results have fallen behind.

Granted, the Gonski model being pursued in Rudd's pre-election push is not as pristine as first proposed. While it still ties funding to student need, empowers principals and demands improvements in teacher quality, it is less focused on individual pupils.

The signatories have been given more room to allocate funds where they see fit across their schools according to local need. Victorian Premier Denis Napthine is also insisting on guarantees for local control - something in the original plan but clearly not enough for some.

Rather than seeing the fine-tuning as a reasonable check on federal bureaucrats, Labor's critics say it's a reason to dump the whole scheme. To the contrary, the willingness of Rudd to offer $1 billion-plus in extra cash and compromise on autonomy should ensure Abbott, Newman and WA Premier Colin Barnett can back the plan without losing face.

On philosophical terms, Liberals would welcome Gonski under other circumstances. It fits their worldview that equality of opportunity matters more than equality of outcome. It is in all but name a voucher scheme in which funds travel with individual students rather than bureaucracies. It demands the performance management which the right has always wanted to disarm teacher unions.

One valid concern has been red tape. Negotiations and extra funding have rightly stripped back some of that burden and reduced prescriptive overreach in the original Gillard-Garrett proposals.

Again, it is rich for the Coalition, so long demanding accountability and a focus on results, to complain about reforms that do just that. So why is Abbott baulking? The most uncharitable guess is they want to entrench advantage. A slightly less cruel one is they are playing politics to shore up their "Rudd cannot deliver anything" campaign pitch.

There may well be doubts about Rudd's delivery, although most states and schools seem willing to trust that with close scrutiny Gonski-lite can be a great foundation. But the Coalition's criticisms ring hollow when it presents a confused message.

Will the Coalition accept the new system, as spokesman Christopher Pyne has said, when the overwhelming (how many is that?) number of states have signed up? Or will the Coalition wait, as Abbott has hinted, until every state is on board? Or will it dump the reforms no matter what?

The fear for all students is that Abbott will argue Gonski is all or nothing. He could claim Gonski is an unprecedented intervention by the Commonwealth into state matters - as if that's a bad thing - and/or cannot work without state unity (even though the non-government sector is federally funded anyway). Under that path, he could save the money and hand out billions of extra cash to schools based on the existing model instead. It might work politically but it would not fix the problem.

Time is running out. But as voters wait for Abbott's answers, they may wish to ask themselves three questions: Does every child deserve a chance to fulfil their potential? Is the current system doing that? Is a consistent federal system better than the mishmash state-federal one now?