
Monday, September 24, 2007

Ghosts of Flatbush 

remember September

For my mother, who never forgot where she came from.

50 years ago today:

The Brooklyn Dodgers played their final game at Ebbets Field on September 24, 1957.

Brooklyn marks 50-year anniversary of singing the Dodger blues


Captain Chaos and the "Perfect" Brainstorm 

Dick Cheney, America's own bandmaster of balagan. Strikes again...:

Cheney eyed Israeli strike on Iranian nuclear reactor
Monday, September 24th 2007, 4:00 AM

Even as Iran's president insists he's not looking for a fight with the United States, a new report claims Vice President Cheney had mulled provoking one with an Israeli missile strike.

Cheney allegedly considered asking Israel to do the dirty work of attacking a central Iranian nuclear facility in hopes of inciting a war, Newsweek magazine reported yesterday.


Newsweek reported that Cheney's former Middle East adviser David Wurmser told a small group several months ago that the vice president had brainstormed ways to quash Iran's nuclear hopes by luring it into war.

"Cheney had been mulling the idea of pushing for limited Israeli missile strikes against the Iranian nuclear site at Natanz - and, perhaps, other sites - in order to provoke Tehran into lashing out," Wurmser, who stepped down from his advisory post last month, reportedly told the group.

Such a strike would give the White House an excuse to launch attacks against military and other nuclear targets in Iran.

Citing two unidentified sources, Newsweek claimed it has corroborated Wurmser's remarks.

Think Progress.org:
UPDATE: The U.K. Sunday Times writes that the U.S. Air Force has set up “a highly confidential strategic planning group” tasked with preparing the perfect plan for Iran.

Clearly, we need another inculpative appall-struck "bipartisan" boo-hoo resolution condemning the scruffy unmannered MoveOn gang!


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