PaaSage: Model-based Cloud Platform Upperware

illustration 1 illustration 2 illustration 3 illustration 4 illustration 5 illustration 6

left quoteI need to develop an application that needs to run on multiple cloud platforms…right quote

left quoteI want to port my application to a Cloud platform…right quote

left quoteIs there anybody to help for Cloudifying my stuff ?right quote

You want to left quoteDevelop Once and Deploy On Many Clouds?right quote

PaaSage technology is for you !

PaaSage is an open source integrated platform to support both design and deployment of Cloud applications, together with an accompanying methodology that allows model-based development, configuration, optimisation, and deployment of existing and new applications independently of the existing underlying Cloud infrastructures.

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The PaaSage project receives research funding from the European Union's 7th Framework Programme

EC flag 7th Framework Programme