
PaaSage Workshop at Cloud Expo

Tom Kirkham (STFC) delivers a workshop on the PaaSage project, at Cloud Expo Europe in London's ExCel Center

PaaSage Workshop at Cloud Expo

PaaSage paper got a best paper award

Best Paper Award

Cloud Forward 2015, from Distributed to Complete Computing - Pisa (Italy), 6_8 October 2015

Beyond Mere Application Structure: Thoughts on the Future of Cloud Orchestration Tools
Jörg Domaschka, Frank Griesinger, Daniel Baur, Alessandro Rossini

best paper award

SINTEF Leads Multi-Project Presentation at ECMFA

Alessandro Rossini of SINTEF, Oslo, presented a multi-project collaborative paper at the 11th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA 2015), which was held in L'Aquila, Italy, from 20-24 July 2015. The ECMFA conference focuses on Model-Based Engineering and was one of the federated conferences held at Software Technologies, Foundations and Applications (STAF 2015), the continuation of the famous TOOLS series of federated conferences. The paper was entitled: "A Comparison of Two-Level and Multi-Level Modelling for Cloud-Based Applications", and studied the consequences of varying the number of representational levels used in model-transformation approaches for the Cloud. A significant number of EU-funded research projects share an interest in Model-Based Engineering and its applications. The collaborating projects involved in this paper were:

This paper was perhaps the most broadly collaborative output of the PaaSage project so far!

Alessandro Rossini presents at ECMFA Alessandro Rossini presents at ECMFA

The EU projects collaborating at ECMFA The EU projects collaborating at ECMFA

PaaSage announces first product release

Brussels, Belgium – 30 September 2015PaaSage, a large scale European research project for developing an open and integrated platform to support model based lifecycle management of Cloud applications for software and service providers is proud to announce the official public release of the first version of the PaaSage product.

PaaSage and OW2 announce platform availability on the AppHub marketplace

OW2 logo paasage logo

Brussels, Belgium – June 5th, 2015PaaSage, a large scale European research initiative for developing an open and integrated platform to support model based lifecycle management of Cloud applications for software and service providers and OW2, the Open Source community for infrastructure software, today announce a strategic partnership.