Order of Perpetual Indulgence - Sydney House
Founded 1981

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A blessing is an invocation of good fortune and/or well being upon a place, an activity, an object/s or people.

The Sisters are more than happy to assist in performing these acts, and to work with the Gathered Faithful (the person/s requesting the blessing) to create the most appropriate form of ritual that is both desired and required.

Please take a moment to go through the following questions and answer as well as you can.
Don't get upset if you cannot answer something – this is not a test and you will not be punished.
We will also be able to fill in a lot of detail later during discussions with you.

Please allow as much forward notice as possible to allow the Sisters to discuss your request and prepare.
A Sister will contact you to confirm the receipt of your request and to arrange discussion.

Remember, you are permitted to have fun with this as well!

Options for Requesting a Blessing

Download and use
this form and return it to Sister Info
Simply submit your request via email to Sister Info, making careful note of the questions below.


1. Why are the Sisters being asked to do the blessing?
Is this the first time the Sisters have been asked, long history, special affinity with the Order, etc

2. What is the exact date of the blessing?
Important if you want the Sisters to be present on the day!

3. What is the exact time of the blessing?
Important if you want the Sisters to be present on the day!

4. Is the blessing being perform "stand alone", or is it part of a larger function?
Important to know how the ritual will be placed,so we can work in with other requirements either before or after.

5. What exactly is being blessed?
The object, the person, the place, the activity

6. Who is requesting the blessing?
Contact details of the person, persons, or organisation making the request.
Please include: Name, Title, Organisation, Street Address, Best phone,
Alternative phone, e-mail address, web address

7. Who will be present (and/or how many others)?
The number if know, or an estimate of the size of the Gathered Faithful present
– this assists with tailoring the words and preparing the type of delivery.

8. Are there any people that need to be mentioned by name?
Sometimes, particular people need to be single out for their achievements,
or a word of thanks, or particular good natured embarrassment.

9. What is the venue like?
Helps with knowing the layout, appropriate movement within the rite, and other choreography

10. What specific wishes are required?
What is actually needed to be invoked during the rite; a peaceful and happy marriage,
success for a specific project, joy and happiness for a new home, people that need to be mentioned, etc.

11. Are there any particular elements that you would like brought into the rite?
Sometimes, people have particular elements from other faiths or philosophies that they would like included.

12. Are there any special needs to be met?
Sometimes, people have special needs such as with hearing, sight ormobility impairment that we need to take into account.

Please forward your request via email to:-
Mother Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation II (CPR II)
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This website is fondly dedicated to the memory of Sister Carmen Get It - (15/4/1959 - 5/5/2006)
and to all those Sisters of the
Sydney House who have passed on.

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© Order of Perpetual Indulgence, Sydney House - Last Modified 27th February 2016