Capitalism: The Conservative Illusion

Capitalism: The Conservative Illusion

Jack Trotter

When the Cold War ended, American conservatives rejoiced over the triumph of democratic capitalism, which had struggled for over half a century, first against the rise of fascism, and then against the Soviet bloc and the specter of global communism.

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NR Trumped

NR Trumped

Chilton Williamson, Jr.

NR’s February number carries a leading editorial condemning the Republican presidential candidate as a man who “would trash the broad conservative ideological consensus within the GOP in favor of a free-floating populism with strong-man overtones.”

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Appointing Supreme Court Justices

Appointing Supreme Court Justices

Stephen Presser

Michael McConnell, to use the overworked metaphor, is the “poster boy” for the Senate Democrats’ attempts to frustrate President Bush’s promise to appoint more Supreme Court justices like Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas.

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Left Behind

Left Behind

Wayne Allensworth

The county that became the home of my wife’s family was established in the 1850’s. We’ll call it Parmer County, Texas. The namesake county seat boasts an impressive, lately refurbished, courthouse.

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